Schedule of Events
A n h n t u 0 a 7 l 1
Kia ma Show Kiama On Show 26th & 27th January 2018
Call (02) 4275 1000 for more information or visit
Integrated quarrying, concrete & construction industry services. Kiama’s local business for over 100 years. E RA R
Friday 26th and Saturday 27th January, 2018
9.00am to Show closing approx 10.30pm both days All competitors and exhibitors must sign waiver forms or their entry will not be accepted. JUDGING DAYS DAIRY CATTLE Friday, 26th January (9.30 am) BEEF CATTLE Friday, 26th January (9.30 am) HORSES, RING EVENTS Friday 26th (9.30 am) Ring Events (9.00 am) Showjumping Saturday 27th (9.00 am) Ring Events (9.00 am) Showjumping PET SHOW Friday, 26th January (4.00 pm) PAVILION ENTRY FORMS: ALL Sections except those listed below to be submitted by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January Cut Flowers, Roses, Dahlias, and Decorative Flowers need to be submitted by noon Thursday 25th January PAVILION ENTRIES: Thursday 25th (No later than 10.00 am) Spinning, Weaving & Felting, Thursday 25th (No later than 11.00 am) Art & Junior Art, Vegetables/Fruit, Cookery, Needlecrafts, Handcrafts, Sewing & Embroidery, Porcelain Painting, Woodcraft, Home Brew, Photography, Pot Plants and Cacti Friday 26th (No later than 8.30 am) Cut Flowers, Roses, Dahlias and Decorative Flowers PAVILION OPENS downstairs at 9.00 am and upstairs at approx 12.30 pm Friday 26th January
SPECIAL NOTICES SECRETARY’S SHOWGROUND OFFICE is at the Showground Pavilion during Show Week Monday 22nd to Saturday 27th January, 9 am – 5 pm Sunday 28th January, – 9am closing at 11.00 am Phone: 02) 4232 2028 or Mb 0447 587 320 DISCIPLINARY ACTION All Disciplinary issues will be dealt with by the Disciplinary Committee comprising, the President and 2 Vice-Presidents DOGS ON SHOWGROUND
Kiama Show Society will be enforcing local Council regulations regarding the control of all dogs on Showground. All dogs taken onto the Kiama Showground MUST BE ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES. Dogs found unleashed and/or out of control will be referred to the local Council for impounding.
All competitors must sign waiver forms or their entry will not be accepted CLOSING DATE OF ENTRIES Closing date for entries as listed below will be strictly enforced and late entries WILL DEFINITELY NOT BE ACCEPTED. CATTLE: (ALL CLASSES) - Illawarra, Holstein, Jersey & any other Dairy Breed, Beef Cattle, Inter-Breed – Wednesday 24th January 2018. HORSES: ONE (1) HOUR BEFORE EACH EVENT Post entries will apply - except Showjumping, this must be 1 hour before each Showjump event. Entries will not be accepted after commencement of events. Drug Testing may be carried out at this Show. Any Competitor, Exhibitor, Owner found to have breached the ASC Disputes and Disciplinary Regulations will be investigated by the ASC Disciplinary Committee and dealt with accordingly. WOODCHOPPING: Nominations to Julie Reumer, at 81 Aylmerton Road, Aylmerton, NSW 2575 Phone 02 4889 4508 or 0407 480 082, th email: before Friday 19 Jan 2018
STABLE BOOKINGS: With Mr D Chittick, phone 0419 272 368 or Show Secretary (02) 4233 1597. Stables must be paid for IN FULL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF BOOKING BEING MADE. Refer to Horses Section for further information. Camping $15.00 per day, Stable Fees - $ 5.00 per horse, per day Camping on-site is only permitted for horse entrants ADMISSION CHARGES: Per Day
5 YEARS AND UNDER………………………………………...... FREE RING COMPETITORS............................................................$10.00 ADULTS..................................................................................$15.00 PENSIONERS AGED & DISABILITIES-must produce card...$10.00 JUNIORS BETWEEN 6 - 16 YEARS .......................................$5.00 FAMILY (2 Adults & 2 Juniors) ............................................$35.00 All persons entering the ground shall pay the above charges to receive their Entry Wristbands
MEMBERSHIP: Free entry to the ground for 2 Days
5 YEARS AND UNDER………………………………...…………. FREE ADULT......................................................................................$20.00 CONCESSION AGED & DISABILITIES-must produce card ...$10.00 JUNIORS BETWEEN 6 - 16 YEARS ........................................$5.00 FAMILY (2 Adults & 2 Juniors) ..............................................$40.00 No NEW Membership is accepted during the 2 days of the Show Important Notice to All Exhibitors
Any exhibitors intending to bring electrical equipment to the Showground will be required to ensure that such equipment is fitted with earth leakage circuit breakers and that all electrical leads, tools and appliances have been inspected and tagged by a licensed electrical contractor. All electrical leads must be off the ground. This is essential for the safety of yourself, your fellow exhibitors and the general public and is a requirement of the WH&S Act & Regulations 2011. The Act imposes very severe penalties in the event of noncompliance with its provisions. Any exhibitors who do not comply will not be allowed to exhibit at the showground. Please check all your electrical equipment and leads before you come to the Showground to avoid the occurrence of any difficulties. ACCIDENT AND PUBLIC RISK INSURANCE
Any accident occurring during the period of the Show must be reported to the Secretary’s Office, and VERIFIED, during the current dates of the Show; otherwise the Society will accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for the consideration of any claims.
SHOW DATES 2018 BOWRAL (Sat/Sun) 13/14 Jan ALBION PARK (Sat/Sun) 20/21 Jan KIAMA (Fri/Sat) 26/27 Jan BERRY (Fri/Sat) 2/3 Feb NOWRA (Fri/Sat) 9/10 Feb KANGAROO VALLEY (Fri/Sat) 16/17 Feb CANBERRA ROYAL 23-25 Feb MILTON (Fri/Sat) 2/3 Mar ROBERTSON (Fri/Sat) 2/3 Mar MOSS VALE (Fri/Sat/Sun) 9–11 Mar CAMDEN (Fri/Sat) 16/17 Mar SYDNEY ROYAL 23 Mar– 3 Apr BULLI (Sat/Sun) 26/27 May DAPTO (Sat) 1 Sept PICTON (Sat/Sun) 6/ 7 Oct
2019 12/13 Jan 19/20 Jan 25/26 Jan 1/2 Feb 8/9 Feb 15/16 Feb 22-24 Feb 1/2 Mar 8/9 Mar 15/17 Mar 5/6 Apr 12-23 Apr 25/26 May 19 Oct 12/13 Oct
NOTE: Shows in bold are not Group 5 but listed as a guide only
Contents: Page Office Bearers 7 Horses 8 - 23 Cattle 26 - 32 Woodchop 34 - 35 Pet Show 39 Pavilion Exhibition Notice 41 Pavilion Sections 42 - 74 Rules & By-Laws 76 Major Sponsors 77 - 80 Donors 81 Members 82 - 84 South Coast & Tablelands Show Societies 85 – 86 Entertainment 87 Pavilion Entry/Waiver Form Centre
PATRONS Ann Sudmalis MP, Gareth Ward MP, Mayor Mark Honey PRESIDENT: Michael Brennan SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT: David Barnes JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT: Neil McLaren TREASURER: Ron Gregory ASST. TREASURER: Trevor Phillis RINGMASTER: David Chaffey CHIEF CATTLE STEWARD: Greg Chittick CHIEF HORSE STEWARD: David Chittick CHIEF PAVILION STEWARD: Bruce McIntyre CHIEF GROUND STEWARD: David Barnes CHIEF WOODCHOP STEWARD: David Oxley AUDITORS: Waldie & Co HONORARY VETERINARIAN: Kiama Veterinary Hospital HONORARY MEDICAL SERVICE: Kiama Medical Practice PUBLICITY OFFICER: Kerrielyn Clark SECRETARY Sue Granger-Holcombe, PO Box 354, Kiama 2533 Phone (02) 4233 1597 ASST SECRETARY: Annette Young CALLIGRAPHER: Raylene Holz
Phone Show Week only – (02) 4232 2028
E: Web: COMMITTEE MEMBERS: D Barnes, Ms A Beasley, Mrs K Beasley, Miss A. Binkins, G Brain, M Brennan, Mrs C Burge, N Campbell, D Chaffey, A Chittick, Miss B Chittick, D Chittick, G Chittick, S Chittick, Mrs K Clark, Mrs S Cox, Mrs K Bowden, E Cram, H Diener, JF Downes, GV East, R Gregory, D Hall, J McCarthy, D. Maitland, Mrs J McGee, S McGee, B McIntyre, G McIntyre, N McLaren, Miss M Mete, T. Murray, J Milne, Mrs D. Oxley, D Oxley, R Piper, AM Rendel, Ms S Spence, G. Stearn, J Williams, Mrs F Wilkinson, Mrs B Wyles, Mrs A Young, D Young, R Young LIFE MEMBERS, Mrs K Beasley, G Brain, GM Brennan, B Burgess, D Chaffey, Miss B Chittick, D Chittick, Mrs E Chittick, G Chittick, L Chittick, P Chittick, S Chittick, JF Downes, R Fyfe, Mr & Mrs J Fraser, P McGlinchey OAM, B. McIntyre, Mrs M. Murphy, Mrs C Norman, Mrs D Oxley, R Piper, P Quinn, AM Rendel, Mrs U Ward, Ms L Warrington, Mrs N Waters OAM, D Young, Mrs A Young, R Young HONORARY LIFE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: B Burgess, P Chittick, P Clyburn, N. Edgell, I Johnston, AM Mosckos, P Quinn, Mrs N. Waters OAM
Friday 26th & Saturday 27th January 2018 RING MASTER: Mr D. Chaffey CHIEF HORSE STEWARD: Mr D. Chittick ASSISTANT: Mrs D. Oxley RING STEWARDS: P. McGlinchey, N. Campbell, H. Diener, Miss L. Warrington, Mrs L. McGlinchey, B. McGlinchey, Miss G. McGlinchey, T. Brosnan, Mrs S. O’Donnell, Mrs K. McInerney, Mrs K. Brennan, Miss G. Brennan, D. Chittick, Mrs D. Oxley, N. Edgell, R. Steel, W. Carney, P. Quinn, N. Weland, T .Axam, J. Smith, Ms M. Brennan, Ms P. Clark, C. Wheatley ALL COMPETITORS COMPETE AT THEIR OWN RISK. Competitors please note that three rings will be operating and it is your responsibility to make the choice of event in which you wish to compete. The programme will not be held up under any circumstances. PROGRAMME WILL NOT BE ALTERED. HARD HATS Competitors must compete in headwear which complies with AS/NZS 3838 (current Australian Standard) VG1 (interim European Standard) ASTM F1163 (current US Standard) Chin straps must be fastened whilst mounted. ALL HORSES MUST BE UNDER CONTROL AT ALL TIMES A practice showjump will be available at the discretion of the committee. Horses may be exercised during the following times: 7.00am to 9.00am and 5.00pm to 7.00pm, days prior to the show, subject to discretion of the committee and state of grounds etc. IMPROPER BEHAVIOUR Outside assistance to competitors by word, radio or any other method in Horse Ring Events will NOT be permitted. If in breach of this ruling, competitors and their exhibits may be dismissed from the event and from the showground. Competitor names to be submitted to the ASC. STABLE BOOKINGS – Mr D. CHITTICK 0419 272 368 PAYMENT FOR STABLES TO BE RECEIVED BY THE SECRETARY WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DATE OF BOOKING. A fee of $5 per day per horse is applicable to stables. Camping and electricity fees will be payable. All stables must be cleaned out prior to departure; failure to clean stables may compromise future bookings. A $20 bond will be held until departure. No bookings are taken on open yards. NO ROPE OR ELECTRIC FENCES ALLOWED DURING SHOW. NO TEMPORARY YARDS MADE OUT OF ANY MATERIAL. NO EXTENSION OF EXISTING YARDS WILL BE PERMITTED. NO HORSES ARE TO BE ON GROUNDS AFTER 7.30PM ON SATURDAY NIGHT UNLESS IN ALLOCATED STABLES OR YARDS, OR CONFINED IN HORSE FLOAT/TRUCK. Showjumping exhibitors MUST complete an entry form for each Class. Other horse exhibitors will be issued tickets to be produced in the ring. Stallions are not permitted to be ridden in hack or riding class events.
All Competitors MUST SIGN WAIVER FORM and provide PIC Number before competing. Novice – Horse or rider who has not won a 1st prize at any agriculture show. Intermediate – Horse or rider who has not won 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize in a solo event at any State Royal Show. Pony – not exceeding 14 hands Galloway – over 14 hands not exceeding 15 hands Hack – over 15 hands
Friday – Ring 1 – 9.30 am
Stewards: P. Quinn, K. Brennan, J. Smith, G. McGlinchey All breed classes, Exhibits must be registered and the owner financial – papers must be produced if requested by judge, steward or show official Measuring Steward available from 7.30am Judge: Rachel Doyle
10017 10018 10019 10020 10021 10022 10023 10024 10025 10026
10027 10028 10029 10030 10031 10032 10033 10034 10035 10036
AUSTRALIAN MINIATURE PONIES Prize money – 1st $5, 2nd & 3rd ribbon Ponies must be registered. Ponies not to exceed 87cm Colt under 4 years Stallion 4 years and over CHAMPION COLT or STALLION RESERVE CHAMPION Filly under 4 years Mare 4 years and over CHAMPION FILLY or MARE RESERVE CHAMPION Gelding any age SUPREME CHAMPION MINIATURE PONY SHETLANDS Prize money 1st $5; 2nd & 3rd ribbon
Shetland Filly Shetland Mare CHAMPION FILLY/MARE RESERVE CHAMPION Shetland Colt Shetland Stallion CHAMPION COLT/STALLION RESERVE CHAMPION Led Shetland Gelding Shetland to be ridden
10037 10038 10039 10040 10041 10042 10043
COLOURED HORSES Prize money -1st $5, 2nd & 3rd ribbon Best Presented – not eligible for Champion Led Colt or Stallion Led Filly or Mare Led Gelding CHAMPION RESERVE CHAMPION Ridden
PONY CLUB EVENTS – 11.00am All events for Pony Club members will be conducted under the rules of the Pony Club Association of NSW Inc. Specifically noting that a mount must be owned and ridden by an affiliated member of a pony club. One horse one rider etc. in Pony Club Events applies over the whole of the Show period. Membership cards must be presented to the Ring Stewards on entry to ring if required. The only acceptable helmet for use during pony club events is that which carries stamped or embossed standard AS/NZS 3838. Trophies generously donated by Horseland, Wollongong. Ribbons & Trophies for 1st & 2nd Prize, Ribbon 3rd ALL PONY CLUB EVENTS TO BE RIDDEN IN A SNAFFLE BIT 10001 10002
Tiny Tots, member of Kiama District Pony Club only Boy or girl rider, under 12 years, member of Kiama District Pony Club only. Boy or girl rider, 12 years and under 17 years, member of Kiama District Pony Club only Pony Club boy or girl rider under 12 years. Pony Club boy or girl rider 12 years and under 15 years Pony Club boy or girl rider 15 years and under 17 years Associate member rider 17 years - 25 years Pony Club mount not exceeding 14 hands, owned and ridden by a Pony Club member, to be run as stewards direct Pony Club mount over 14 hands, owned and ridden by a Pony Club member, to be run as stewards direct Pair of Pony Club riders under 15 years. Both riders must be from same club Pair Pony Club riders 15 years and under 17 years. Both riders must be from same club Team of 4 riders (all belonging to one club)
10013 10014 10015 10016
OPEN SPORTING EVENTS for any rider under 17years Prize money; 1st $10, 2nd $ 5, 3rd Ribbon Flag Race Bending Race Barrel Race Bounce Pony
10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011
NOTE Changes to the program after time of printing may be necessary due to circumstances beyond our control
Friday – Ring 2 – 9.30am All breed classes, Exhibits must be registered and the owner financial – papers must be produced if requested by judge, steward or show official Measuring Steward available from 7.30am Stewards: M. Brennan Judge: Carlene Nossiter ARABIAN HORSE CLASS ROM-"B" 214.5 Prize money 1st $5, 2nd & 3rd ribbon unless otherwise specified Restricted to Arabians registered with the Arabian Horse Society of Australia. 10046 10047 10054 10057 10058
10062 10068 10073 10074 10075
10077 10079 10080 10084 10085 10086
PURE OR ARABIAN DERIVATIVE SADDLE CLASSES Novice ridden Arabian Ridden Stallion, Mare or Gelding not exceeding 14.2 hands Ridden Stallion, Mare or Gelding over 14.2 hands CHAMPION PURE OR DERIVATIVE BRED UNDER SADDLE RESERVE CHAMPION Arabian Costume, any sex. 1st $20.00 2nd $5.00
10087 10089 10091 10092 10093 10094 10095
WARMBLOOD HORSES Prize money 1st $5, 2nd & 3rd ribbon Led Colt or Stallion Led Filly or Mare Led Gelding CHAMPION LED WARMBLOOD EXHIBIT; Sash & Rug (Rug kindly donated by Mrs C. Norman) RESERVE CHAMPION LED WARMBLOOD EXHIBIT; Sash Ridden Warmblood Ridden All Breeds – Special Sash (classes 10036-10165)
AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SADDLEHORSES Only horses registered with the Australian National Saddlehorse Association Inc. are eligible for entry in these classes. Papers to be produced on demand Prize money 1st $5, 2nd & 3rd Ribbon 10096 Led ANSA Saddlehorse Colt or Stallion 10097 Led ANSA Saddlehorse Filly or Mare 10098 Led ANSA Saddlehorse Gelding 10099 CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SADDLEHORSE 10100 RESERVE CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SADDLEHORSE 10101 Ridden ANSA Saddlehorse Stallion, Mare or Gelding over 14hh & not exceeding 15hh.
10102 10103 10104 10105
Ridden ANSA Saddlehorse Stallion, Mare or Gelding over 15hh & not exceeding 16hh. Ridden ANSA Saddlehorse Stallion, Mare or Gelding over 16hh. CHAMPION RIDDEN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SADDLEHORSE RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SADDLEHORSE
AUSTRALIAN STOCK HORSE – COMMENCING AT APPROXIMATELY 1.00 PM All horses must be foal recorded or registered with the ASH Society current financial membership and papers to be produced on demand. Prize Money 1st $5, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10106 10107 10108 10109 10110 10111 10112 10113 10114 10115 10116 10117 10118 10119 10120 10121 10122
10123 10124 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 10130 10131 10132 10133 10134 10135
Colt under 4 years Stallion 4 years and over CHAMPION LED COLT OR STALLION RESERVE CHAMPION LED COLT OR STALLION Filly under 2 years Filly 2 years and under 4 years CHAMPION LED FILLY RESERVE CHAMPION LED FILLY Mare 4 years and over, not exceeding 15 hands Mare 4 years and over, over 15 hands CHAMPION LED MARE RESERVE CHAMPION LED MARE Gelding not exceeding 15 hands Gelding over 15 hands CHAMPION LED GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION LED GELDING SUPREME CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN STOCK HORSE – $40.00 (Eligible Champion Colt/Stallion, Filly, Mare and Gelding) Ridden Classes Ridden Stallion, snaffle bit Ridden Mare, snaffle bit Ridden Gelding, snaffle bit CHAMPION A.S.H RIDDEN HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION A.S.H.RIDDEN HORSE A.S.H. working stallion A.S.H. working mare A.S.H. working gelding A.S.H. working horse mare or gelding to be ridden by a youth under 17 years CHAMPION WORKING HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION WORKING HORSE A.S.H. Utility Trial SUPREME CHAMPION RIDDEN AUSTRALIAN STOCK HORSE Jack Chittick Memorial Sash $70.00 kindly donated by Rotary Club of Kiama (Eligible Champion Ridden Horse and Champion Working Horse)
Friday – Ring 3
COMMENCING AT APPROXIAMATELY 2 pm (after lunch break) Stewards: W. Carney CLYDESDALES Prize money 1st $5, 2nd & 3rd ribbon (unless otherwise specified) $150 kindly donated by Mrs Fraser $50 kindly donated by Mrs Judith East 10136 10137 10138 10139 10140 10141 10142 10143 10144 10145 10146 10147 10148 10149 10150
Colt/Filly under 2 years Colt/Filly 2 years and under 3 years JUNIOR CHAMPION COLT OR FILLY, under 3 years (classes 10136 & 10137) RESERVE CHAMPION COLT OR FILLY; Sash Stallion, 3 years and over 1st $15 2nd $10 CHAMPION STALLION; Sash RESERVE CHAMPION STALLION; Sash Mare 3 years and under 4 years Mare 4 years and over 1st $15 2nd $10 CHAMPION MARE, 3 years and over, Sash RESERVE CHAMPION MARE, 3 years and over, Sash Led Gelding CHAMPION LED GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION LED GELDING SUPREME CHAMPION CLYDESDALE; Class winners – Junior Champion Colt or Filly, Champion Stallion, Champion Mare, Champion Gelding. SUPREME CHAMPION sash & $30.00 Special point score competition; Competitors will be awarded one point for each Clydesdale entered at Kiama, Berry and Nowra Shows. Winner is the competitor with the most points obtained from the three shows. SPECIAL PRIZE OF $100 OPEN ORDER DONATED BY BISHOPS FEED & PRODUCE, NOWRA SHIRES
10151 10152 10153 10154 10155
Colt/Stallion Filly/Mare Gelding CHAMPION SHIRE $15.00 RESERVE CHAMPION
10156 10157 10158 10159
10160 10161 10162 10163 10164 10165
HORSE DRAWN VEHICLE Single Horse Pulling Slide Pair of Horses Pulling Slide Long Rein Driven Best Horse-drawn road vehicle, with rubber tyres, drawn by one Horse or a team of Heavy Horses, suitably harnessed for driving. 1st $40 2nd $20 Best Horse-drawn Vehicle or Farm Implement. Competitors in class 10163 not eligible in 10164 Novelty Heavy Horse Derby (Ridden) - $20.00
Saturday Ring 1 – 9.00am
Stewards: P. Quinn, K. Brennan, J. Smith, G. McGlinchey All Horses to be measured or to produce an Official Show Horse Council or EA Measuring Card (Life or Annual) ANY HORSE WINNING A 1ST IN AN OPEN CLASS, A CHAMPION OR RESERVE CHAMPION IN THIS RING IS INELIGIBLE TO COMPETE IN RING 2 Judge: Rachel Doyle
10166 10167 10168 10169 10170 10171 10172 10173 10174 10177
LED PONY CLASSES Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon Pony Stallion not exceeding 12.2 hands Pony Stallion over 12.2 hands not exceeding 14 hands CHAMPION LED RESERVE CHAMPION Pony Mare or Gelding not exceeding 12 hands Pony Mare or Gelding over 12 hands and not exceeding 13 hands Pony Mare or Gelding over 13 hands and not exceeding 14 hands CHAMPION LED RESERVE CHAMPION LED Ridden Pony Stallion not exceeding 14 hands
RIDING CLASSES Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon, unless otherwise specified 10178 Tiny tot boy or girl under 6 years (pony must be led) not eligible for Champion 10179 Rider 6 years and under 9 years 10180 Rider 9 years and under 12 years 10181 CHAMPION JUNIOR RIDER UNDER 12 YEARS; Sash & $35 Kindly Donated by Des Bryne Equine Service 10182 RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR RIDER UNDER 12 YEARS; Sash & $15 Kindly Donated by Des Bryne Equine Service
10183 10184 10185 10186 10187
PONY HACKS (TO BE RIDDEN) Ponies may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10188 10189 10190 10191 10192 10193 10194 10195 10196 10197 10198 10199 10200 10201 10202
Novice Pony Hack over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands Open Pony Hack over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands Open Pony Hack over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands Open Pony Hack over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands Childs Pony Hack over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands to be ridden by a child under 17 years Adults Pony Hack over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands to be ridden by an adult 17 years and over CHAMPION PONY HACK OVER 12.2 HANDS AND NOT EXCEEDING 14 HANDS; Sash and $25 – Eligible for Supreme Show Hack RESERVE CHAMPION PONY HACK OVER 12.2 HANDS AND NOT EXCEEDING 14 HANDS; Sash Novice Pony Hack not exceeding 12.2 hands Open Pony Hack not exceeding 11.2 hands Open Pony Hack over 11.2 hands and not exceeding 12 hands Open Pony Hack over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands Childs Pony Hack not exceeding 12.2 hands CHAMPION PONY HACK NOT EXCEEDING 12.2 HANDS; Sash and $25– Eligible for Supreme Show Hack RESERVE CHAMPION PONY HACK NOT EXCEEDING 12.2 HANDS; Sash SHOW HUNTER PONIES Ponies may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon
10203 10204 10205 10206 10207 10208 10209 10210 10211 10212
Novice Show Hunter Pony not exceeding 14 hands Show Hunter Pony not exceeding 12 hands Show Hunter Pony over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2hands Show Hunter Pony over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands Show Hunter Pony over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands Show Hunter Pony over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands Childs Show Hunter Pony to be ridden by a child under 17 years Adults Show Hunter Pony to be ridden by an adult 17 years and over CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER PONY - Eligible for Supreme Show Hunter Pony RESERVE CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER PONY
HACKS OVER 15 HANDS Hacks may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Second Chance Hacks – not won 1st, Champion or Reserve in Ring 2 10213 10214 10215 10216 10217 10218
Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon Open Hack over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands Open Hack over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands Open Hack over 16 hands and not exceeding 16.2 hands Open Hack over 16.2 hands CHAMPION HACK; Sash RESERVE CHAMPION HACK; Sash
GALLOWAYS HACKS (RIDDEN) Galloways may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Second Chance Galloways – not won 1st, Champion or Reserve in Ring 2 st Prize money 1 $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10219 10220 10221 10222 10223 10224
Open Lightweight Galloway Hack over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands Open Heavyweight Galloway Hack over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands Open Lightweight Galloway Hack over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands Open Heavyweight Galloway Hack over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands CHAMPION GALLOWAY HACK over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands; Sash RESERVE CHAMPION GALLOWAY HACK over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands; Sash
SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAYS Galloways may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Second Chance Show Hunter Galloways – not won 1st, Champion or Reserve in Ring 2 Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10225 10226 10227 10228
Show Hunter Galloway over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY; Sash RESERVE CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY; Sash
SHOW HUNTER HACKS Hacks may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Second Chance Show Hunter Hacks – not won 1st, Champion or Reserve in Ring 2 Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10229 10230 10231 10232 10233 10234
Show Hunter Hack over 15 hands & not exceeding 15.2 hands Show Hunter Hack over 15.2 hands & not exceeding 16 hands Show Hunter Hack over 16 hands & not exceeding 16.2 hands Show Hunter Hack over 16.2 hands CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER HACK; Sash RESERVE CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER HACK; Sash
EMMAS SHOW HORSES for all the latest show events and products
Saturday Ring 2 – 9.00am
Stewards, M. Brennan Judge: Carlene Nossiter ANY HORSE WINNING A 1ST IN AN OPEN CLASS, A CHAMPION OR RESERVE CHAMPION IN THIS RING IS INELIGIBLE TO COMPETE IN RING 1 HACKS OVER 15 HANDS Hacks may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH All Saddle Horses to be measured or to produce an Official Show Horse Council or EA Measuring Card (Life or Annual) Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10235 Led Mare Hack over 15 hands 10236 Led Gelding Hack over 15 hands 10237 CHAMPION LED 10238 RESERVE CHAMPION 10239 Novice Hack over 15 hands 10240 Off the Track Thoroughbred ACT/NSW Series – Horses must have competed in an official trial or started in a race. The winner and runner up will be eligible to compete at the NSW State Final. Winner NOT eligible for Champion Hack. 10241 Open Hack over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands 10242 Open Hack over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands 10243 Open Hack over 16 hands and not exceeding 16.2 hands Arthur Grey Memorial Sash & $50 10244 Open Hack over 16.2 hands 10245 Child’s Hack over 15 hands to be ridden by a child under 17 years 10246 Adult’s Hack over 15 hands to be ridden by an adult 17 years and over 10247 CHAMPION HACK; Sash, $50 & rug kindly donated by Bellemy Showhorses - Eligible for Supreme Show Hack 10248 RESERVE CHAMPION HACK; Sash GALLOWAYS (LED) All Galloways to be measured or to produce an Official Show Horse Council or EA measuring card (Annual or Life) Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10249 Led Galloway Mare over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands 10250 Led Galloway Gelding over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands 10251 CHAMPION LED GALLOWAY 10252 RESERVE CHAMPION LED GALLOWAY GALLOWAYS HACKS (RIDDEN) Galloways may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10253 Novice Galloway Hack over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands 10254 Open Lightweight Galloway Hack over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands 10255 Open Heavyweight Galloway Hack over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands 10256 Open Lightweight Galloway Hack over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands 10257 Open Heavyweight Galloway Hack over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands 10258 Child’s Galloway Hack over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands to be ridden by a child under 17 years 10259 Adult’s Galloway Hack over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands to be ridden by an adult 17 years and over
10260 10261 10262
10263 10264 10265 10266 10267 10268 10269
CHAMPION GALLOWAY HACK over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands. Sash and $50– Eligible for Supreme Show Hack RESERVE CHAMPION GALLOWAY HACK over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands. Sash SUPREME HACK OF THE SHOW; $100 Jenny Spinks Memorial Sash – Rug donated by Ms Jo Maunder. Eligible Champion Pony from Ring 1, Galloway and Hack from Ring 2 SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAYS Galloways may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon Novice Show Hunter Galloway over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands Show Hunter Galloway over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands Childs Show Hunter Galloway to be ridden by a child under 17 years Adults Show Hunter Galloway to be ridden by an adult 17 years and over CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY – Eligible for Supreme Show Hunter Hack RESERVE CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY
SHOW HUNTER HACKS Hacks may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10270 Novice Show Hunter Hack over 15 hands 10271 Show Hunter Hack over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands 10272 Show Hunter Hack over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands 10273 Show Hunter Hack over 16 hands and not exceeding 16.2 hands 10274 Show Hunter Hack over 16.2 hands 10275 Childs Show Hunter Hack to be ridden by a child under 17 years 10276 Adults Show Hunter Hack to be ridden by an adult 17 years and over 10277 CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER HACK – Eligible for Supreme Show Hunter Hack 10278 RESERVE CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER HACK 10279 SUPREME SHOW HUNTER HACK OF THE SHOW; $100.00 kindly donated by Jane Baxter and Clair Guiver In Memory of John and Mary Baxter. Eligible Champion Show Hunter Pony from Ring 1, Show Hunter Galloway and Hack from Ring 2
10280 10281 10282 10283 10284 10285 10286 10287
ADULT RIDING CLASSES Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon Junior Lady Rider 17 years and under 21 years Open Lady Rider 21 years and over CHAMPION LADY RIDER; Sash - Bill Spinks Memorial Perpetual Trophy RESERVE CHAMPION LADY RIDER; Sash – Jenny Spinks Memorial Perpetual Trophy Junior Gentleman Rider 17 years and under 21 years Open Gentlemen Rider over 21 years CHAMPION GENTLEMAN RIDER; Sash $100 Wal Anderson Memorial, kindly donated by the family of the late Wal Anderson RESERVE CHAMPION GENTLEMAN RIDER; Sash
10288 10289 10290 10291
RIDING CLASSES Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon, unless otherwise specified Rider 12 years and under 15 years Rider 15 years and under 17 years CHAMPION SENIOR RIDER; Sash and $35.00 Kindly donated by Des Bryne Equine Service RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR RIDER; Sash and $15.00 Kindly donated by RMB Lawyers Kiama
SHOW HUNTER PONIES Ponies may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Second chance Show Hunter Pony – not won 1st, Champion or Reserve in Ring 1 Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10292 Show Hunter Pony not exceeding 12 hands 10293 Show Hunter Pony over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2hands 10294 Show Hunter Pony over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands 10295 Show Hunter Pony over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands 10296 Show Hunter Pony over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands 10297 CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER PONY 10298 RESERVE CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER PONY PONY HACKS (TO BE RIDDEN) Ponies may compete in Hack Classes or Show Hunter Classes NOT BOTH Second chance Show Pony – not won 1st, Champion or Reserve in Ring 1 Prize money 1st $10, 2nd & 3rd ribbon 10299 Open Pony Hack not exceeding 11.2 hands 10300 Open Pony Hack over 11.2 hands and not exceeding 12 hands 10301 Open Pony Hack over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands 10302 CHAMPION PONY HACK NOT EXCEEDING 12.2 HANDS; Sash 10303 RESERVE CHAMPION PONY HACK NOT EXCEEDING 12.2 HANDS; Sash 10304 Open Pony Hack over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands 10305 Open Pony Hack over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands 10306 Open Pony Hack over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands 10307 CHAMPION PONY HACK OVER 12.2 HANDS AND NOT EXCEEDING 14 HANDS; Sash 10308 RESERVE CHAMPION PONY HACK OVER 12.2 HANDS AND NOT EXCEEDING 14 HANDS; Sash
BIG4 EASTS BEACH KIAMA 30 Ocean Street Kiama NSW 2533 Ph: (02) 4232 2124
BIG4 WAGGA WAGGA 93 Hammond Avenue Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Absolute Beach Frontage Waterfront Retreat & Villas Norfolk Cabins Ensuite powered sites Powered Sites Resort pool, heated spa & toddlers wading pool Waterpark Fully equipped camp kitchen Café & Minimart Children’s Playgrounds Indoor Games Room Little Monkeys Play Corner Jumping Pillow Massage Studio
Ensuite cabins Ensuite sites Powered & unpowered sites Drive-through sites Pool Playground Camp kitchen
Ph: (02) 6921 4287
Friday 26th & Saturday 27th 2018 – 9.00am
Secretary: Mrs Susan Granger-Holcombe, P.O. Box 354, Kiama 2533 Phone (02) 4233 1597 Judge: Course Designer: Timer: Chief Steward: Assistant Stewards: All events run under FEI rules.
C. Backhouse M. Atkins G. Backhouse D. Chittick P. McGlinchey, B. McGlinchey, T. Axam, R. Steel, W. Carney, C. Wheatley. P. Hanbury, B. Bennett
All horses must be under control at all times. A practice showjump will be available at the discretion of the committee. Exercise of horses on days prior to show days will be between the hours of 7.00am to 9.00am and 5.00pm to 7.00pm. Subject to discretion of the committee and the state of the grounds Entry fee for showjumping events as stated for each event must be made at least one (1) hour before commencement of event. No entries taken after the event has commenced. All riders in showjumping events must be financial members of the EA and be correctly attired. All horses competing must be currently registered with the EA and registration cards produced when making entries. Junior riders may compete unless otherwise specified. Riders may not ride more than (3) three horses in any one event. A rider is junior until the end of the calendar year in which he/she reaches the age of 18 years. Competitors may take part in competitions for young riders from the beginning of the calendar year in which they reach the age of 16 years until the end of the calendar year in which they reach the age of 21years. Amateur rider is one who has not ridden in NSW Senior State Titles, Australian Championship or started in a World Cup Qualifier and must be 18 years or over. SPECIAL COMPETITIONS IN SHOWJUMPING SECTION Kiama Show showjumping riders point score championship. A showjumping riders point score championship will be conducted on all showjumping events throughout the show. Points will be awarded on the basis of 1st 6 points, 2nd 5, 3rd 4, 4th 3, 5th 2, and 6th 1. An armband will be worn to indicate the leading rider throughout the programme. Each year the winner’s name will be inscribed on the trophy, which will be retained by the Society. Most Successful Warmblood Jumping Horse of the 2018 Show Kindly Sponsored by Mr T Norman $100 Warmblood horses must be nominated at time of entry. Points will be awarded on the basis of 1st 10 points, 2nd 8, 3rd 6, 4th 4 and 5th 2 2018 South Coast and Tablelands Showjumping Point score (Prize money donated by participating Societies) – 1st $600; 2nd $250; 3rd $150; Participating shows include Albion Park, Berry, Bowral, Camden, Kangaroo Valley, Kiama, Milton, Moss Vale, Nowra, and Robertson
Points will be awarded on the basis of: 1 10 points; 2 8, 3 th th 6, 4 4 and 5 2. 2. Points will be awarded in all showjumping classes conducted by participating shows except for classes for juniors and novelty events. 3. Horses are eligible for points from one class only on each day. In the event that a horse places in more than one class, the highest points earned that day will be added to its score. 4. Only horses registered with the EA are eligible to compete. 5. Each event will be conducted until a first placing is reached. 6. Points for minor placings will be equally divided by the minor place winners. 7. Horses which are ungraded during the competition retain the points earned. 8. Points awarded by each society must be supplied immediately after the show to the Group 5 secretary, Ms Sue Sharpe, 62 Sirius Circuit Narellan NSW 2567. 9. Any dispute concerning the competition must be referred to the Group 5 secretary in writing for reference to the committee. 10. The competition will conclude on the date of the last scheduled participating show in Group 5.
Participating shows: Bowral 13/14 Jan, Albion Park 20 Jan, Kiama 26/27 Jan, Berry 2/3 Feb, Nowra 9/10 Feb, Kangaroo Valley 16/17 Feb, Robertson 2/3 Mar, Milton 2/3 Mar, Moss Vale 9–11 Mar, Camden 16/17 Mar,
Friday, 26th January, 2018 – 9.00am
THE ROOST EXPRESSO & EATERY JUNIOR SHOWJUMP; AM5 Riders under 17 years. Entry fee $5.00 per horse. 75cm $250 Total Prize money kindly donated by The Roost Espresso & Eatery 1st $80, 2nd $60, 3rd $50, 4th $35, 5th $25 JOHN AND MARGARET HINTON SHOWJUMP; AM5 For Horses under 16 points. Entry fee $10 per horse. 1.10m Total Prize money $400 1st $140, 2nd $100, 3rd $80, 4th $50, 5th $30 $100 Prize money kindly donated by Margaret Hinton and the late John Hinton JILL OVENS MEMORIAL SHOWJUMP; AM5 For Horses 16 points - 40 points. Entry fee $15 per horse. 1.20m Total Prize money $530 1st $150, 2nd $120, 3rd $110, 4th $90, 5th $60 $300 Prize money kindly donated by Cleary Bros, $50 Prize money kindly donated by Kiama Veterinary Hospital GORDON NOBLE MEMORIAL SHOWJUMP; AM5 For Horses over 40 points. Entry fee $15 per horse. 1.45m Total Prize money $1000 1st $300, 2nd $250, 3rd $200, 4th $150, 5th $100 ALLAN NORMAN MEMORIAL FOR YOUNG RIDERS Riders 17 years and under 21 years. Entry fee $10 per horse. 1.25m Total Prize money $400 1st $120, 2nd $100, 3rd $80, 4th $60, 5th $40
Saturday, 27th January 2018 – 9.00am
ALF JONES MEMORIAL SHOWJUMP; AM5 For Horses under 16 points. Entry fee $10 per horse. 1.10m Total Prize Money $400 1st $140, 2nd $100, 3rd $80, 4th $50, 5th $30 $400 Total Prize money kindly donated by Big 4 East Beach Holiday Park PHILIP PARBURY MEMORIAL SHOWJUMP; AM5 For Horses 16 – 40 points. Entry fee $10 per horse. 1.20m Total Prize Money $400 1st $140, 2nd $100, 3rd $80, 4th $50, 5th $30 $300 Prize money kindly donated by The Parbury Family CHARLIE MCGLINCHEY MEMORIAL GRAND PRIX For Horses over 40 points. Grand Prix Entry fee $15 per horse. 1.45m Total Prize Money $1000 1st $300, 2nd $250, 3rd $200, 4th $150, 5th $100 $500 Prize money kindly donated by Mr P McGlinchey $50 Prize money kindly donated by Patricia Lenton-Halsall OPEN TOP SCORE Entry fee $10 per horse. 1.25m Total Prize money $515 1st $160, 2nd $125, 3rd $100, 4th $80, 5th $50 OPEN SIX BAR Entry fee $10 per horse Total Prize money $600 1st $200, 2nd $150, 3rd $100, 4th $90, 5th $60 $500 Prize money kindly donated by Stan Crapp Funerals
Neil Campbell 0413 757 899
Proud Sponsors of Kiama Show “Nowra Truck And Tractor - For over 36 years supporting the Agricultural, Forestry and now the Construction Industries” New and used machinery sales backed by a repairs / service and parts team in Bomaderry – Bega and Southern Highlands When you buy from NTTR you also buy 36 years’ experience and 50 highly trained personnel. CASE IH – New Holland Ag / CE – Deutz Fahr – Lely - Iveco - Scag – Kuhn – Taarup – Sillvan – Daken
Contact: Nowra 0244217188 Southern Highlands 02 48721771 & Bega 0264925335 24
CATTLE CHIEF CATTLE STEWARD: Mr Greg Chittick ASSISTANT CHIEF STEWARD: Mr S Chittick ANNOUNCER: Mr Graeme Barker ASSISTANT ANNOUNCER: Bill McParland STEWARDS: Messrs W Carney, D. Chaffey, G. Chittick, P. Chittick, S. Chittick, Mrs K. Bowden, Mrs J Chittick, A. Chittick, C. Downes, S. Downes, J. Downes, G. Grey, T Murray, R. Piper, Mrs J. McGee, Ms S. Spence
CONDITIONS: It Is Recommended that Exhibits be Tested PESTIVIRUS NEGATIVE & that exhibitor sign a Waiver form All cattle shall be on the ground before 8.30am Appropriate footwear must be worn The age of all registered cattle as under one, two, three, four, or five st years respectively, shall be computed from (Dairy 1 December) & st (Beef 1 January) and their ages are to be stated correctly on the entry form. Tattoos of registered cattle may be examined by the Steward. The definition of the word “heifer” is a female beast that has never had a calf, and must be under 3 years of age. Pen shall mean 3 head. Pair shall mean 2 head. Bulls under 2 years and the females under 3 years shall be eligible to compete for Junior Championship honours only. All Cows or Heifers competing in pens or groups must be entered in single classes and to be the property of the owner except in all progeny classes. The names of the Sires of all the progeny classes must be stated on entry forms. Cattle entered as “dry” will be allowed to compete in milking classes or vice versa, if calved before judging hour. All cattle must be led into the cattle judging ring. All Bulls from two years old and upwards must be led with nose ring. The Prize Stock will be distinguished by a blue ribbon for first place, red for second, white for third, yellow for fourth, green for fifth, brown for sixth, pink for seventh and grey for eighth.
All Cattle must be identified with approved NLIS tags before they leave the property of consignment. On arrival cattle owner/exhibitors must provide:
A National Health Declaration A National Vendor Declaration (NVD) or Transported Stock Statement (TSS) Serial number A RFID or NLIS ID number of each animal arrived to the show (for large number of cattle when scanning or reading numbers is not possible, provide total number of cattle arrived to the show).
Points score system for the most successful exhibit: 1st 5, 2nd 4, 3rd 3, 4th 2, 5th 1, excluding pen, group, progeny and best uddered classes 4 points – champion, 2 points – reserve champion.
S.W. & G. CHITTICK Tongarra via Albion Park
COVERING THE ILLAWARRA & NORTHERN SHOALHAVEN - Weekly servicing Moss Vale and Nowra sales. Camden and other sales by appointment. ANY LONG DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS Phone Steve or Gail on 0412 043465or 0412 425 912 Email: 27
A Family-owned and operated business, established for over 35 years.
$1500 special prizemoney kindly donated by Michael Cole
HEIFER, under 12 months: 1st $25, 2nd $15, 3rd $10. $50 Vouchers kindly donated by Bishops, South Nowra HEIFER, 12 months and under 18 months: 1st $25, 2nd $15, 3rd $10 $25 kindly donated by Sue Spence & Andy Wharton HEIFER, 18 months and under 2 yrs: 1st $25, 2nd $15, 3rd $10. $50 Vouchers kindly donated by Bishops, South Nowra COW OR HEIFER, 2 yrs and under 3 yrs. Dry: 1st $25, 2nd $15, 3rd $10, 4th ribbon - $50 kindly donated by Kiama Veterinary Hospital COW IN MILK, 2yrs and under 3 yrs: Gordon Downes Memorial Sash 1st $75, 2nd $15, 3rd $10 - $100 kindly donated by Marjorie, Ellen & Steven Downes CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE: Ted Walsh Memorial Champion Sash. $80 kindly donated by E.T. & E.C. Walsh. RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE: John East Memorial Sash 1st $25, 2nd $15, 3rd $10 - $50 kindly donated by Jill East COW, DRY, over 3yrs.: The Arthur Downes Memorial, 1st $35, 2nd $20, 3th $10, 4th $8, 5th $6 - Sash and $75 kindly donated by the Downes family, Jamberoo COW, IN MILK, 3 yrs. and under 4 yrs.: The N.D. and John Richardson Memorial, Sash 1st $30, 2nd $10, 3rd $6, 4th $3, 5th $2 COW IN MILK, 4 years and under 5 years: The Gus Chittick Memorial, Sash, 1st $30, 2nd $10, 3rd $6, 4th $4, 5th $2 - $52 kindly donated by G.E. Chittick & Sons COW IN MILK, 5 yrs and over: The Alan Richardson Memorial, Sash 1st $50, 2nd $20, 3rd $15, 4th $10, 5th $8 – $50 kindly donated by the Illawarra Cattle Soc. BEST UDDERED COW: The Doug King Memorial Sash, 1st $35, 2nd $25, 3rd $10, 4th $5 - $75 kindly donated by the King family CHAMPION SENIOR FEMALE: The Bob Wilson & Sons Memorial Sash $1000 Prizemoney kindly donated by Michael Cole $100 kindly donated by Mrs Pearl Wilson, RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR FEMALE: $500 prizemoney kindly donated by Michael Cole PEN OF 3 FEMALES: E.J. Swan Memorial, 1st $100, 2nd $10, 3rd $7, 4th $4 - $100 and Sash kindly donated by Ray Swan PAIR OF FEMALES progeny of one sire, not necessarily owned by owner of bull, BUT female MUST BE OWNED BY EXHIBITOR Jack Chittick Memorial Sash, 1st $25, 2nd $10, 3rd $8, 4th $5 - $50 kindly donated by G.E. Chittick & Sons * MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR: Sash, $75 kindly donated by Sue Spence & Andy Wharton
Friday 26th JANUARY 2018 COMMENCING – 9.30am JUDGE: CHIEF STEWARD: Mr R Piper STEWARDS: Messrs A. Hunter, G. Grey, P. Wilson, T Murray, Mrs J. McGee, Mrs K Bowden ENTRIES CLOSE WITH THE SECRETARY 24th JANUARY 2018 $250 kindly donated by Mrs N. Waters & Mr and Mrs R & D Piper $200 kindly donated by Mr Ollie Wilson, $200 kindly donated by Omya Australia $150 kindly donated by NSW Farmers’ Assoc. S. Highlands & Illawarra Branch $150 kindly donated by Sue Spence & Andy Wharton $100 kindly donated by NAB, $100 kindly donated by Nowra Truck & Tractor, $100 kindly donated by Fredericks IGA General Store, Jamberoo $100 kindly donated by Jim Hindmarsh & Co, $50 kindly donated by Elders Real Estate Jamberoo, $50 Semen Voucher kindly donated by Premier Genetics 301 302 303 304 305 306
307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316
HEIFER, under 12 months: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10 HEIFER, 12 months and under 18 months: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10. HEIFER, 18 months and under 2 years: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10 FEMALE, 2 years and under 3 years, in calf, dry: 1st $20, 2nd $15 COW, IN MILK, under 3 years – 1st $30, 2nd $20, 3rd $10. CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE: (PERPETUAL TROPHY and SASH kindly donated by Mrs Margaret Arnott) in memory of her late father, Mr M Lamond. Winner’s name will be inscribed on the trophy and the winner will receive a replica. $25 kindly donated by Sue Spence & Andy Wharton RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE: Reserve Champion Sash, $25 kindly donated by Sue Spence & Andy Wharton COW, dry, 3 years and under 4 years: 1st $30, 2nd $20 COW, dry, 4 years and over: 1st $15, 2nd $10. COW, IN MILK, 3 years and under 4 years. 1st $30, 2nd $20, 3rd $15 $50 kindly donated by Sue Spence & Andy Wharton COW, IN MILK, 4 years and over: 1st $45, 2nd $30, 3rd $15, 4th $10 $50 kindly donated by Sue Spence & Andy Wharton BEST UDDERED COW - $30 TWO FEMALES, any age, progeny of one sire: 1st $45, 2nd $25, 3rd $10 PEN OF 3 FEMALES – THE AL BURGESS MEMORIAL: Memorial Sash, 1st $40, 2nd $25, 3rd $10 - $25 kindly donated by Mr B. Burgess CHAMPION SENIOR FEMALE – JACK WARD MEMORIAL Sash, $250 Prizemoney - $150 kindly donated by Mrs N. Waters and Mr & Mrs R. & D. Piper RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE: (Reserve Champion Sash & $50) *MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR: $50 Prizemoney + $50 Semen Voucher kindly donated by Premier Genetics and Sash.
CHIEF STEWARD: G. Chittick STEWARDS: Messrs D. Chaffey, R. Piper, S. Chittick, G Grey, T. Murray, Ms S. Spence 401 402 403 404
405 406
Highest placed animal of their Breed is Eligible for 401-404 PEN OF THREE COWS. Pen eligible to compete are winners of Class 215 & 313 Total Prizemoney $300 & Sash - $150 kindly donated by RMB Lawyers, Kiama BEST UDDERED COW. Winner of Class 212 & 312, GEORGE & RON ALEXANDER MEMORIAL Sash, $150 kindly donated by T. Alexander GRAND CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE. Champion and Reserve winners from all sections are expected to participate. (Products to the value of $200 kindly donated by Zoetis Animal Health) GRAND CHAMPION COW Senior Champion and Reserve, Sash Winners from all sections are expected to participate – $300 kindly donated by Omya Australia Pty Ltd, $100 kindly donated by Weston Animal Nutrition $100 kindly donated by Greg Walsh and Associates JUNIOR DAIRY PARADERS SECTION DAIRY ANIMAL UNDER 3 YEARS Under 14 years: 1st $50 & Bill Mitchell Memorial Trophy, $50 kindly donated by Mrs C Mitchell, 2nd $30, 3rd $20. 14 years and under 18 years: 1st $50, 2nd $30, 3rd $20 $50 kindly donated by Pat Walsh.
Fredericks IGA Jamberoo
Fredericks IGA provides groceries to your local community. Enjoy your shopping experience when you visit our supermarket. Proud sponsors of the Cattle Section at the 170th Kiama Show 3 Allowrie St, Jamberoo NSW 2533 (02) 4236 0185 30
PRIZEMONEY FOR ALL BREEDS: 1st $25, 2nd $15, 3rd $10 A $150 Cartage subsidy will be given to Agriculture Schools that support the Kiama Show CONDITIONS: All details must be included on entry form. Age of cattle to be calculated as at 1st January. All bulls must have ring attached to the nose. All bulls under 12 months and Junior females must have nose grips at all times. All animals must be under control and led for judging. All cattle shown in pairs must compete singularly. $150 kindly donated by Greg Walsh and Associates, $150 kindly donated by N.S.W. Farmers’ Association Southern Highlands & Illawarra Branch $100 kindly donated by Omya Australia P/L, $100 kindly donated by BIG4 Easts Beach Holiday Park $100 kindly donated by Raine & Horne, Kiama $100 kindly donated by Perc & Edna Chittick $200 kindly donated by Greg & Julie Chittick 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516
BULL, under 12 months BULL, 12 months to 20 months JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL. Sash and $50 JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION BULL. Sash and $25 BULL, over 20 months and under 30 months BULL, over 30 months SENIOR CHAMPION BULL. Sash and $50 SENIOR RESERVE CHAMPION BULL. Sash and $25 GRAND CHAMPION BULL FEMALE, 12 months and under. 1st $25, 2nd $15, 3rd $10 FEMALE, 12 to 20 months. JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE. Sash and $50 JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE. Sash and $25 FEMALE, over 20 months and under 30 months. FEMALE, over 30 months. SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE. Sash and $50
517 518 519
SENIOR RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE. Sash and $25 GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE SUPREME EXHIBIT $250 & Sash - $200 kindly sponsored by Greg & Julie Chittick
Prizemoney: 1 $150, 2 $100 and 3 $50 awarded at the conclusion of the Group 5 Show season The class is for a Steer showing NO permanent teeth, to be prepared and exhibited by a fulltime school student or exhibitor under 18 years of age as at 30/6/18. The steer and handler must be the same for each Show in this class. To be judged taking into consideration student handling and knowledge. The beef sub-committee recommends that the competition be judged the first steer class on the day. Results to be withheld and announced at the completion of the steer judging. Points to be awarded to a maximum of 10 placings and each competitor to receive 10 points for attendance. Competitors in the Junior Steer Competition are encouraged to exhibit in other open steer classes that may be scheduled on the day. Where schools are exhibiting other students may parade the steer competing in the Junior Steer Competition in an open class. 521
STEER, under 24 months.
Under 14 years: 1st $50, 2nd $30, 3rd $20. $100 Prizemoney kindly donated by Mr. P. and Mrs. E. Chittick 14 years and under 18 years: 1st $50, 2nd $30, 3rd $20 $100 Prizemoney kindly donated by Raine and Horne, Kiama
Burnetts On Barney… as local as the Kiama Show • Tree care and arborist services through Burnett Trees • Landscape, building, garden supplies for tradies and home-owners • Bulk and bagged soils, sands, blue metals, cements, mulches, pebbles • Building materials and hardware • Plant nursery, pots, horticulture and gardening supplies • Key cutting, gas supplies and bottle exchange • Pool salt, chlorine, key cutting • Easy parking for pick up, home delivery, friendly service, advice... and so much more. Burnetts On Barney and Kiama Show… both proudly part of our local community and with something for everyone.
The Professional Approach to Tree Care
Burnett Trees Open 6 days a week 80 Barney Street, Kiama Phone 42 331 311 Burnett Trees 42 331 322 Burnetts On Barney 33
FRANK HERBERT MEMORIAL 300mm UNDERHAND HANDICAP 1st $400, 2nd $150, 3rd $100, 4th $50
602 603
JACK CLEARY MEMORIALUNDERHAND HANDICAP Div.1: 325mm 1st $700, 2nd $300, 3rd $200, 4th $100 Div.2: 300mm 1st $700, 2nd $300, 3rd $200, 4th $100
604 605
PAT GALLAGHER MEMORIAL STANDING BLOCK Div. 1: 300mm 1st $400, 2nd $250, 3rd $125, 4th $75 Div. 2: 275mm 1st $350, 2nd $150, 3rd $100, 4th $50
N.S.W. 325mm STANDING BLOCK CHAMPIONSHIP 1st $400, 2nd $200, 3rd $120, 4th $80 $300 Prizemoney kindly donated by Hollymount Farm
JIM HARRIS MEMORIAL 325mm UNDERHAND CHAMPIONSHIP 1st $400, 2nd $150, 3rd $100, 4th $50 $200 Prizemoney kindly donated by Hollymount Farm
KIAMA DIVISIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS 2nd Division 275mm Standing Block 1st $180, 2nd $70, 3rd $30, 4th $20 $200 Prizemoney kindly donated by Burnett Trees 3rd Division 250mm Standing Block 1st $180, 2nd $70, 3rd $30, 4th $20 $300 Prizemoney kindly donated by Southern Farmworx
CLEARY BROS. TREE FELLING CONTEST 300mm (12”) LOGS 1st $1000, 2nd $400, 3rd $200, 4th $100
N.S.W DOUBLE-HANDED SAWING CHAMPIONSHIP 500mm (20”) LOGS 1st $400, 2nd $200, 3rd $120, 4th $80 – $350 Prizemoney kindly donated by Big River (Cukuna Sales)
JUNIOR 250mm UNDERHAND HANDICAP, NO ENTRY FEE Under 17 Years 1st $275, 2nd $200, 3rd $150, 4th $100, 5th $75, 6th $75, 7th $50, 8th $25, 9th $25, 10th $25 $1000 Prizemoney kindly donated by T. Gallagher
All events to be conducted under the Rules and Regulations of the RAS Axemen’s Association of NSW and Axemen compete at their own risk. Nominations to Julie Reumer, before Friday 19th January 2018 81 Aylmerton Road, Aylmerton, NSW 2575 Phone 02 4889 4508 or 0407 480082 email: IT IS MOST IMPORTANT please that Axemen observe the above closing date, to assist stewards in placing orders for logs.
Cukuna Sales
Formwork Supplies*Flooring*Plywood*Building Supplies
Big River / Cukuna Sales 113 Shoalhaven Street, NWS 2533 Phone: (02) 4232 6600 Fax:
(02) 4232 6605
Email: Web:
18 Hole, Par 66 Course Pro Shop & Modern Clubhouse
Congratulations Kiama Show Society on 170 Years Social Golf 7 Days
Fully Equipped Pro Shop open 7 Days
Value Meal Deal Nights
Mystics Dining – Open 7 days for lunch and dinner – kids welcome
Alfresco area with great view of the course
Entertainment Friday nights
Raffle Nights – Thursday, Friday & Sunday, tickets on sale from 6pm
Bingo Tuesday
Courtesy Bus – Thursday to Sunday from 5.30pm
Off street parking
Major Sponsors of the Kiama Show for over 21 years Contact us 02 4237 7300 Oxley Avenue, KIAMA DOWNS, NSW 2533
Proud sponsors of the
For the latest local news and all the fun of the show visit VR4252114
PET SHOW FRIDAY, 26th JANUARY 2018 – 4.00 p.m. In Main Arena Stewards: R. Young, Mrs A. Young, Ms S. Young, Ms E. Brain Judges: Liam & Michelle Sheridan, Jumbo Pets All exhibitors must be under 16 years of age. PUPPIES MUST BE UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD KITTENS MUST BE UNDER 9 MONTHS OLD DOGS MUST BE OVER 6 MONTHS OLD CATS MUST BE OVER 9 MONTHS OLD 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909
Pet Guinea Pig Most Unusual Pet Pet Rabbit Best Groomed Cat Cutest Puppy Best Groomed Dog Pet in Best Heritage Costume Most Obedient Dog/Puppy Pet Most Like Its Owner *BEST IN SHOW
The Joske Family For Sponsorship of the PET SHOW
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - FRIDAY 26th JANUARY Downstairs from 9.00am / Upstairs from 12.30pm
ALL Pavilion Entries are Free of Charge for Kiama Show Society Members & Juniors Pavilion Entries for Non Members are $1 per item Vegetables, Cookery, Needlecraft, Handcraft, Sewing and Embroidery, Spinning, Weaving & Felting, Porcelain Painting, Ceramics and Pottery, Art, Woodcraft, Pot Plants and Cacti, Homebrew & Photography Entry Forms MUST be submitted by 5pm on TUESDAY 23rd January Cut Flowers, Roses, Dahlias & Decorative Exhibits th MUST be submitted by NOON on THURSDAY 25 January A signed Entry Form must be provided Exhibits must be: the work of the exhibitor, completed in the previous 12 months and shown in a clean condition otherwise disqualification will occur. A NOVICE is defined as one who has never won a prize at an agricultural show Exhibitors from outside Kiama are invited to enter
Exhibitors must leave pavilion after delivery of exhibits. Spinning, Weaving & Felting by 10.00am on th THURSDAY 25 January Vegetables, Cookery, Needlecraft, Handcraft, Sewing and Embroidery, Porcelain Painting, Ceramics and Pottery, Art, Woodcraft, Pot Plants and Cacti, Homebrew and Photography Exhibits are to be in the th Pavilion by 11.00am on THURSDAY 25 January Cut Flowers, Roses, Dahlias and Decorative Exhibits th are to be in the Pavilion by 8.30am on FRIDAY 26 January
All Exhibits will remain on display until dismantling on th Sunday 28 January. ALL EXHIBITS AND PRIZEMONEY MUST BE th PICKED UP ON SUNDAY 28 JANUARY BETWEEN 9AM - 10AM. The Show Society does not accept responsibility for Exhibits or Prizemoney not collected after that time.
VEGETABLES & FRUIT Chief Pavilion Steward: B. McIntyre Assistant Chief Steward: Robert Young Stewards: J. Milne ENTRY FORMS in by 5pm on Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS in by 11am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be picked up Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am The Kiama Show Society reserves the right for Judges to cut vegetables except pumpkins JUDGING commences 1pm ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE CURRENT SEASON’S GROWTH. 1 ITEM ONLY UNLESS SPECIFIED Prizemoney- 1st $5; 2nd $3 unless otherwise specified.
1001 BEST COLLECTION OF VEGETABLES; To include not more than 6 table and not more than 4 salad vegetables The G.W. McIntyre Memorial Sash. Prize 1st $14; 2nd $7 Prizemoney kindly donated by the McIntyre family 1002 BEETROOT, turnip rooted (3) with tops 1003 BEETROOT, any other variety (3) with tops 1004 BEANS, French, (10) Beans 1005 BEANS, runner, (10) Beans 1006 BEANS, butter, (10) Beans 1007 BEANS, stringless, (10) Beans 1008 CARROTS, short (4) with tops 1009 CARROTS, long. (4) with tops 1010 CUCUMBERS, apple (3) with stems 1011 CUCUMBERS, any other variety (3) with stems 1012 LETTUCE, with roots 1013 HEARTLESS LETTUCE 1014 MARROW, vegetable, with stem 1015 CUSTARD SQUASH, with stem 1016 MELON, preserving, season’s growth, with stem 1017 ONIONS, brown, (3) with roots 1018 ONIONS, white (3) with roots 1019 ONIONS, largest (3), any variety, with roots 1020 ONIONS (3), AOV with roots 1021 POTATOES, any white skinned variety (3) tubers 1022 POTATOES, red or dark skinned, (3) tubers 1023 PARSNIPS, (3) with roots and leaves 1024 PUMPKIN, Crown with stem 1025 PUMPKIN, Queensland Blue, with stem 1026 PUMPKIN, Triamble with stem 1027 HEAVIEST PUMPKIN, any variety with stem 1028 PUMPKIN, AOV (3) small, medium, large 1029 HUBBARD SQUASH, with stem 1030 SQUASH, any other variety 1031 SWEET CORN (3) pieces 1032 PIE PUMPKIN, RIO, OR GRAMMA, with stem 1033 BUTTERNUT PUMPKIN, with stem 1034 RHUBARB, (3) stalks with all leaves 1035 SILVER BEET, (3) leaves 1036 Any one type variety of ORGANICALLY GROWN VEGETABLE 1037 ANY VEGETABLE NOT MENTIONED
1038 BANANA SQUASH, with stem 1039 COLLECTION OF CULINARY HERBS, bundle of 6 varieties 1040 NOVICE EXHIBITOR, any person, never won 1st prize at an Agricultural Show 1041 COLLECTION OF HEIRLOOM VEGETABLES *MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN VEGETABLES: $10 Prizemoney kindly donated by Mr R Young *BEST EXHIBIT: Ribbon & $10 kindly donated by Kevin & Phyllis Blissett
1042 LISBON LEMONS (4) 1043 COMMON LEMONS (4) 1044 LEMONS, any other variety (4) 1045 PEACHES, Clingstones (4) 1046 NECTARINES (4) 1047 PASSIONFRUIT (4) 1048 PLUMS (4) any variety 1049 BEST COLLECTION OF FRUIT, not less than 5 species 1050 RED TOMATOES (4) with stems 1051 CHERRY TOMATOES (4) with stems 1052 HEAVIEST TOMATOES (3), with stems 1053 COLLECTION OF TOMATOES, with stems at least 4 named varieties. 1054 CAPSICUM (4) of same variety 1055 CAPSICUM (4) of mixed variety 1056 CHILLIES (4) of mixed variety 1057 Watermelon 1058 ANY OTHER VARIETY OF FRUITS NOT MENTIONED *MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN FRUIT: $10 Prizemoney kindly donated by Mr R Young 1059 EGGS 1 dozen brown 1060 EGGS, 1 dozen, white
*MOST SUCCESSFUL OVERALL EXHIBITOR (Classes 1001- 1060); $10 plus Sash
Novelty for Junior Exhibitors under 16 years
1st $5, 2nd $3 Prizemoney for classes 1061-1066 Kindly donated by the family of the late A. Campbell 1061 Vegetable Person (made from vegetable products) 1062 Vegetable Animal (made from vegetable products) 1063 Best Scarecrow 1064 Mini Farm made from Fruit & Vegetables (30cms x 30cms) 1065 Tractor made from Fruit & Vegetables 1066 Farm Animal made from Fruit & Vegetables * BEST OVERALL JUNIOR EXHIBIT $10 Prizemoney kindly donated by Mr Robin & Neil Harvey
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STEWARDS: Mesdames A Honey, C Martin, T. Doran, H. Hunter, C. Collinson-Smith, S Pryor, S Dux, M Malone ENTRY FORMS in by 5pm on Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS in by 11am Thursday 25th January 2018 Judging to commence at 1.00pm ENTRIES to be collected Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am Exhibitors to supply own white cardboard plates or thick cardboard covered with foil NO RING-TIN OR PACKET CAKE COOKING ALLOWED HINTS ON EXHIBITION COOKING • It is important you read the schedule carefully. • Read your recipe – it could mean a difference between success or failure. • Always weigh your ingredients. • Never turn your cake onto cake rack. The marks are regarded as a decoration. Place on board covered with tea towels. • Do not use package cake – unless stated. • Use castor sugar for finer cakes. • Most important to use fresh ingredients, especially shortening. • Do not use cornflour in sponge unless on schedule. • Do not use ring tin unless stated. • Do not put your cakes in plastic containers or bags before judging as this can draw moisture • Biscuits and pikelets should be dainty. • Lamingtons should be butter mixture. Approximately 4cm (not round) • Ice cake on top only, unless otherwise specified. • No cream cheese/soft icing on any cakes unless specified in Schedule • Weigh sponge mixture for even heights. • Do not over flavour especially soda. • Do not trim a cake. • You have taken care with your cake, so take care with your presentation. • Take pride in your exhibit. The Judge can tell when care is taken. GOOD LUCK – GOOD COOKING!
Prizemoney; 1st $5, 2nd $3 unless otherwise stated NOVICE CLASSES – 1101 & 1102
Exhibitor who has never won a 1st Prize in the specified class 1101 Chocolate Cake, Iced 1102 Cake A.O.V. State variety
1105 170th Anniversary Agricultural Theme Decorated Cake (not to be cut) 1st $50, 2nd $20 1106 Marble Cake (iced). 1st $10, 2nd $5 and Sash Joan Hardman Memorial kindly donated by Mr V Hardman & Mrs A Sigmund 1107 Best Chocolate Cake, iced; 1st $6, 2nd $4 1108 Orange Cake, orange icing 1109 Sultana Cake, 1st $10, 2nd $6, 3rd $4. $20 Prizemoney kindly donated by Jamberoo C.W.A. 1110 Banana Cake, lemon icing. Prizemoney kindly donated by Mrs A Honey 1111 Muffins (6) (no papers) 1112 Coconut Cake, white icing 1113 Mud Cake, chocolate icing 1114 ANZAC Biscuits (6)
1115 Sponge Sandwich (jam filling) not cornflour (top plain) 1st $10 and Sash, 2nd $5 Mrs. Isabel Rutledge Memorial. kindly donated by Mrs D Rendel 1116 Boiled Fruit Cake 1117 Gluten Free Cake (any variety) 1118 Brownies (6) 1119 Tea Cake 1120 Buttercake, A.O.V. Iced 1121 Plate Shortbread (20cm) not to be cut 1122 Date & Walnut Loaf (not roll) 1123 Plate of Scones (6) plain, 1st $25, 2nd $10 1124 Novelty Child’s Birthday Cake (not fruit cake), 1st $6, 2nd $4. To be shown on Masonite, total area 30cm x 30cm 1125 The Great Australian Rustic Lamingtons, ( 6) 1st $60, 2nd $40 $100 kindly donated by Terry Gallagher 1126 Carrot Cake - Iced 1127 Decorated Cup Cakes (6) Will not be cut 1128 Steamed Christmas Pudding, 1st $20, 2nd $5 1129 Bread, home-made, any variety (bread making machine not acceptable HINTS ON JAMS & PRESERVES AND PICKLES & CONDIMENTS • All bottled entries, please place label on jar not lid • Fill to neck of Jar • All Jars 300g min to 500g max Jams & Preserves 1130 Marmalade 1131 Plum Jam 1132 Berry Jam A.O.V. to be named 1133 Jam A.O.V. not previously mentioned 1134 Lemon Butter 1135 Preserved Lemons 1136 Tipsy fruit or brandied fruit to be named Pickles & Condiments 1137 Tomato Relish 1138 Chutney A.O.V. to be named 1139 Pickles A.O.V. to be named 1140 Marinated Olives 1141 Marinated Fetta 1142 Pesto 1143 Mixed clear pickled vegetables 1144 Green tomato pickles 1145 Salad Dressing (not creamy) *BEST EXHIBIT: Champion Sash & $25 *MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR: Sash & $10
AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES COUNCIL OF NSW SPECIAL SECTION 1148 Rich Fruit Cake Competition: 1st $15, 2nd $5 Sponsored by the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW All Contestants must bake the following compulsory recipe. The Winner may enter The Rich Fruit Cake Group Final which th will be held on Saturday 4 November 2018 at Bulli with judging commencing at 10.00am . MUST BE UNCUT CAKE - ONLY WHOLE CAKES will be judged. CUT CAKES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED The winner will compete at the 2019 Sydney Royal Easter Show, dates to be confirmed NOTE- the Winner of Kiama’s Rich Fruit Cake competition is not eligible to compete at other shows in Group Five RECIPE: 250g sultana’s 250g currants 90g chopped red glazed cherries
250g chopped raisins 125g chopped mixed peel 90g chopped blanched almonds 1/3 cup sherry/brandy 60g self-raising flour 250g plain flour 1/4 tsp grated nutmeg 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp ground cloves 250g butter 250g soft brown sugar 1/2 tsp lemon essence OR finely grated lemon rind 1/2 tsp almond essence 1/2 tsp vanilla essence 4 large eggs
Mix together all the fruit and nuts and sprinkle with the sherry or brandy. Cover and leave for at least 1 hour, but preferably overnight. Sift together the flours and spices. Cream together the butter and sugar with the essence. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition, then alternately add the fruit and flour mixtures. Mix thoroughly. The mixture should be stiff enough to support a wooden spoon. Place the mixture into a prepared tin no larger than 20cms (8”) and bake in a slow oven for approximately 3½-4 hours. Allow the cake to cool in the tin. NOTE: To ensure uniformity and depending upon the size it is suggested that the raisins be snipped into 2 or 3 pieces; cherries into 4 or 6 pieces and almonds crosswise into 3 or 4 pieces
No Ring Tin or Packet Cakes Allowed unless specified Exhibitors to supply own white cardboard plates or thick cardboard covered with foil Entries are restricted to 2 per junior per class $100 kindly donated by Therese Doran, $50 kindly donated by Kiama CWA, $50 kindly donated by Terry Gallagher $42 kindly donated by Ann Honey $30 kindly donated by Jamberoo CWA Prizemoney - 1st $5, 2nd $3 unless otherwise stated 8 YEARS AND UNDER 1201 Decorated Farm Animal Arrowroot Biscuits (4) 1202 Decorated Farm Cup Cakes (4) 1203 Chocolate Packet Cake – iced not decorated *BEST EXHIBIT $15 *ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD $4 12 YEARS AND UNDER st 1206 Plate of Scones (6) plain 1 $10 1207 Plate of Pikelets st 1208 Decorated Farm Animal Arrowroot Biscuits (4) 1 $10 st 1209 Plain Butter Cake (un-iced) 1 $10 1210 Decorated Farm Cup Cakes (4) 1211 Gingerbread Farmers, decorated (2) *MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR $15 *ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD $4 16 YEARS AND UNDER st 1214 Plate of Scones (6) Plain 1 $10 st 1215 Plain Butter Cake – Un-iced 1 $10 1216 Cake not mentioned state variety 1217 Slice any variety (6) pieces st 1218 Best Heritage Mother’s Day Breakfast Tray, 1 Prize $10 1219 Plate of (4) Decorated Farm Cup Cakes 1220 Novelty Cake with Agricultural theme – soft icing, suitable for child’s party - no larger than 40cm x 30cm st 1 Prize $25 kindly donated by Therese Doran 1221 The Great Australian Rustic Lamingtons, (6) 1st $30, 2nd $20 $50 kindly donated by Terry Gallagher *MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR $15 *ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD $4
“Good Luck” to all Exhibitors at the 170th Kiama Show If you are looking to buy or sell Residential or Rural property – Local knowledge counts! Call into our Jamberoo Office or visit our website. JAMBEROO
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The Kiama Show Society is pleased to invite you to the Official Opening of the 2018 Kiama Show on Thursday 25th January A Finger Buffet and Wine Reception will commence at 6.30pm in the Pavilion Foyer Tickets $10 each for Members RSVP: Sue Granger-Holcombe 4233 1597 Or email
WOOL ARTICLE/GARMENT STATE COMPETITION Competition to be conducted at Society, Group & State Level Steward: Christine Sloan KIAMA Prizemoney: 1st $35; 2nd $10; 3rd $5 unless specified $25 Prizemoney & Sash kindly donated by Kiama Spinners, Weavers & Embroiderers Inc
1301: Three Different Types of Wool Articles and/or Garments CONDITIONS:
1. For the purpose of this competition the following definitions apply: a) Garment: an item that can be worn e.g. dress, jacket, scarf, hat b) Article: a utility item that is not worn but can be used in the home e.g. blanket; with an outfit e.g. bag; for amusement e.g. toy; as a decoration e.g. picture etc. c) Three Different Types: the 3 items in an entry must differ from each other in terms of their construction technique and/or their purpose e.g. 1 a knitted jumper, blanket and tea cosy OR e.g. 2 a knitted tea cosy, a crocheted tea cosy or a felted tea cosy OR e.g. a knitted jumper, a knitted blanket and a crocheted blanket 2. The whole article and/or garment must be constructed of and contain a minimum of 80% wool 3. Exhibits (articles/garments) may be knitted, crocheted, sewn, felted etc and must be hand crafted (use of sewing machine is permitted). 4. A sample of the yarn, fabric or fibre with label must be attached to each item making up the exhibit. If a label is not available as handspun/felted, a handwritten label with relevant details and sample will suffice. 5. An exhibit in this competition may consist of the work of one individual or a group of Individuals or an organization. 6. All three article/garments must have been completed within the 12 months prior to the local show and made by the exhibitor/s. 7. An exhibit having won at a local show may be exhibited (the same 3 article/garments) at the Group Final. The winning exhibit at the Group Final is then eligible to compete in the State Final. 8. An exhibit is only eligible to represent one Society at Group level and one Group at State level. 9. An exhibit (article/garment) that has previously competed at Group level is not eligible to compete again. 10. If this class is not scheduled or attracts no entries at a local show, the Chief Pavilion Steward in consultation with the appropriate Pavilion. Section Judges, may select three suitable individual exhibits and, with the exhibitors permission, enter them in the Group judging as an exhibit representing the particular Society concerned. 11. It is the responsibility of the Group Secretary and winner to co-ordinate the transfer of the winning entry to the ASC Office in Sydney for the State judging Rules as at 22 February 2017 With regard to 3 different types of articles/garments, it is advised that this is at the discretion of the judge on the best example of the use of wool. Judging Day: Monday 5th March 2018 at Albion Park Prizemoney at Group 1st Prize $125, 2nd Prize $50, 3rd Prize $25 Ron & Dorothy Brewer Memorial Sponsored by the Brewer Family
Stewards: Mesdames A Young, J East, K Beasley, R Lawson, G O’Toole, Ms A Beasley ENTRY FORMS to be submitted by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS to be delivered to pavilion by 11.00am on Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am All work must be made by exhibitor and completed in the previous 12 months. All work must be shown in a clean condition otherwise it will be disqualified. Baby garments should be finished with a flat seam. All Exhibitors exhibit at their own risk. Prizemoney: 1st $5, 2nd $3 unless otherwise specified. KNITTING - All items to be hand knitted st 1401 Knitted 3-Piece Infant’s Set. 1 $10 & Sash, 2nd $5 Mrs Isabel Rutledge Memorial $15 Prizemoney kindly donated by Mrs D Rendel. 1402 Knitted Baby’s Matinee Jacket 1403 Knitted Baby’s Dress 1404 Knitted Child’s Jumper or Cardigan 1405 Knitted Adult’s Jumper or Cardigan (fine yarn 5 ply) 1406 Knitted Adult’s Jumper or Cardigan (thick yarn) 1st $6, 2nd $4, $10 Prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Knitters Circle 1407 Knitted Garment or Article in Fairisle. 1408 Knitted Garment or Article in Picture Knitting 1409 Knitted Garment or Article featuring beading and/or wool Embroidery embellishment 1st $6, 2nd $4. $10 Prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Knitting Circle 1410 Knitted Garment or Article not wool 1411 Knitted Vest 1412 Knitted Coat hanger 1413 Knitted Garment or Article not previously mentioned (not toy) 1414 Creative Knitting – Garment or Article where knitting features either creative design, stitches, use of yarn, embroidery, beading etc 1415 Knitted item by a Senior Citizen. 1st $10 & Sash, 2nd $5 Joan Hardman Memorial. $15 Prizemoney kindly donated by Mr V Hardman & Mrs Ann Sigmund 1416 Knitted Toy(s) 1417 Knitted Retro Tea Cosy (heritage pattern or decoration) 1st $6, 2nd $4 Prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Knitters Guild 1418 Knitted Garment or Article by Resident from a Retirement Village 1419 Novice Knitted Garment or Article (Definition Pavilion Exhibition page) 1420 Knitted Garment or Item using a Heritage Pattern (include copy of pattern) *BEST EXHIBIT IN KNITTING. $20 & Sash
CROCHET - Display on Black Cardboard 1421 Crocheted Two D’oyleys – different designs 1422 Crocheted Table Runner 1423 Crocheted Coffee Table Centre 1424 Crocheted Set Table Mats (any number) 1425 Crocheted Two Handkerchiefs – edges and corner 1426 Piece Fine Crochet by Senior Citizen 1427 Crocheted Infant’s Jacket 1428 Article with Crochet Edge, e.g. Hand towel or washer 1429 Crocheted Coat hanger 1430 Article in Crochet – fine (not toy) 1431 Article in Crochet – bulky (not toy) 1432 Crocheted Item by a Senior Citizen 1433 Crocheted Toy(s) st 1434 Crocheted Retro Tea Cosy (heritage pattern or decoration) 1 $10 Prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group 1435 Crocheted Garment or Article by Resident from a Retirement Village 1436 Crocheted Garment or Item using a Heritage Pattern (include st copy of pattern) 1 $10 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group 1437 Novice Crocheted Garment or Article (Definition Pavilion Exhibition Page) *BEST EXHIBIT IN CROCHET Sash & $20 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group CANVAS WORK /TAPESTRY 1438 Picture in Long Stitch 1439 Wool Picture 1440 Tapestry other than wool 1441 Piece of Tapestry – unmounted 1442 Article in Tapestry, not previously mentioned 1443 Creative Tapestry using mixed thread and stitches. The Esme Chittick Memorial. 1st $20 & Sash, 2nd $5 kindly donated by Bev McGoldrick. 1444 Tapestry by resident of the Kiama Municipality 1st $25, 2nd $10 kindly donated by Mrs L Langstaff JUNIOR WORK – 16 years and under unless otherwise specified $30 Prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama C.W.A. 1445 Most Colourful Pompom (12 years and under only) 1446 Longest piece of French Knitting, picture or item (12 years and under only) 1447 Knitted Square (minimum of 10cm x 10cm) 1448 Crocheted square (minimum of 10cm x 10cm) 1449 Best piece of Tapestry (minimum 15cm x 15cm) 1450 Best piece of Long Stitch (minimum 15cm x 15cm)
STEWARDS: Mesdames S Cox, J McIntyre, J Lambert, O Gates, N Gates, A Miller, C Worstencroft ENTRY FORMS in by 5pm Tuesday 23rdJanuary 2018 EXHIBITS by 11am Thursday 25th January 2018 Please provide tabs or loops for hanging All work to be made by the exhibitor and completed in the previous 12 months All work to be in a clean condition or will be disqualified Preference for hanging given to quilts that have won awards and that have tabs or loops provided EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am Prizemoney; 1st $5, 2nd $3, unless otherwise specified
PATCHWORK 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506
Patchwork Bed Quilt – double/queen size Patchwork Bed Quilt – single/comforter size Patchwork Cot Quilt, Lap or Throw Rug Patchwork Quilt in any of above sizes – handpieced & hand quilted Miniature Quilt Any Article (not quilt) in Patchwork *BEST EXHIBIT IN PATCHWORK Sash & $10 kindly donated by Mrs A Young
1508 Creative Sewing and/or Applique Bed Quilt – double/queen size 1509 Creative Sewing and/or Applique Bed Quilt – single/comforter size 1510 Creative Sewing and/or Applique Bed Quilt - Cot Quilt, Lap or Throw Rug 1511 Any article (not quilt) in Creative Sewing and/or Applique 1512 Best Dressed Doll – Clothes to be made by Entrant 1513 Best Dress Kewpie Doll, 1st $10 & Sash, 2nd $5 Joy Miller Memorial Prize, 1st$15, 2nd $5 prizemoney kindly donated by Angela Miller 1514 Wall Hanging in Patchwork, Creative Sewing or Appliqué 1515 Garment in Patchwork, Creative Sewing or Appliqué 1516 An item of Patchwork, Creative Sewing or Appliqué by Novice *BEST EXHIBIT IN CREATIVE SEWING - Sash & $10 kindly donated by Mrs A Young *MOST OUTSTANDING IN PATCHWORK OR CREATIVE SEWING (1501-1516) - Sash & $20 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group
Soft Craft – any article made by a craft using soft material Fabric Doll, Bear or Toy Hard Craft – crafted with hard materials e.g. mosaic, leadlight Beading Work Handmade Jewellery Parchment Craft – (Limit of 3 entries per person) Handmade Card – (Limit of 3 entries per person) Scrapbooking – (Limit of 3 entries per person) creative using photos and embellishment 1526 Paper Toile 1527 Novelty Item 1528 Folk Art 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525
1529 Article using recycled material 1530 Necessity is the Mother of All Invention – Most Ingenious Example of Recycling – no more than 1 Cubic Metre, 1st $10 prizemoney kindly donated by the Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group *BEST EXHIBIT IN CRAFTWORK Sash & $30 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group
JUNIOR HANDCRAFT 8 YEARS AND UNDER 1532 Article in Soft Craft, leather, fabric, wool, paper 1533 Article in Hard Craft, stones, beads, clay 1534 Handmade Card (Limit of 3 entries per person) *BEST EXHIBIT 8 YEARS AND UNDER, Sash + $10 kindly donated by Mrs S Cox 12 YEARS AND UNDER 1536 Article in Patchwork or Creative Sewing 1537 Article in Soft Craft, leather, fabric, wool, paper 1538 Article in Hard Craft, stones, beads, clay 1539 Wall Hanging any medium 1540 Handmade Card (Limit of 3 entries per person) *BEST EXHIBIT 12 YEARS AND UNDER, Sash + $10 kindly donated by Mrs S. Cox 16 YEARS AND UNDER 1542 Article in Patchwork or Creative Sewing 1543 Article in Soft Craft, leather, fabric, wool, paper 1544 Article in Hard Craft, stones, beads, clay 1545 Article made using Recycled Materials 1546 Best Cushion 1547 Wall Hanging 1548 Handmade Card (Limit of 3 entries per person) 1549 Fabric Doll, bear or toy *BEST EXHIBIT 16 YEARS AND UNDER, Sash + $10 kindly donated by Mrs S. Cox *MOST OUTSTANDING JUNIOR EXHIBIT IN HANDCRAFT (Classes 1532 - 1549) Sash + $10 kindly donated by Mrs L Langstaff
All displayed on flat bottom trays no larger than A3 size One entry per person per class 8 YEARS AND UNDER 1552 Lego construction or model 1553 Lego Farm Animal *BEST EXHIBIT $10 Prizemoney + Lego Showbag kindly donated by Toyworld 12 YEARS AND UNDER 1555 Kit Lego construction or model 1556 Creative Lego construction or model 1557 Lego Farm Animal *BEST EXHIBIT $10 Prizemoney + Lego Showbag kindly donated by Toyworld 16 YEARS AND UNDER 1559 Creative Lego construction or model not a kit 1560 Lego Farm Animal *BEST EXHIBIT $10 Prizemoney + Lego Showbag kindly donated by Toyworld
SEWING & EMBROIDERY & LACEMAKING Stewardesses: Mesdames G. Keast, F. Gregory, C. Williams
ENTRY FORMS to be in by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS in by 11.00am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am Prizemoney: 1st $5, 2nd $3 unless otherwise specified SEWING 1601 Best Sewn Garment for Adult 1602 Best Sewn Garment for Child. 1603 Garment in Stretch Material 1604 Best piece of Lingerie 1605 Best Baby Frock to 12 months 1606 Garment featuring Appliqué 1607 Smocked Article 1608 Piece of Heirloom Sewing: 1st $10 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group 1609 Fabric Bag *BEST EXHIBIT: Sash & $20 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group EMBROIDERY 1611 Article in Counted Thread (not cross stitch) 1612 Quilt – Embroidery and/or Candlewicking 1613 Article featuring Hardanger work 1614 Article featuring Ribbon Embroidery 1615 Creative Embroidery (piece) 1616 Creative Embroidery (framed). 1st $7, 2nd $3 1617 Piece of Embroidery 1618 Piece of Hand Embroidery by a Novice. One who has never won a prize at an Agricultural Show 1619 Piece of Embroidery by a Senior Citizen any medium under 35cm x 40cm 1620 Piece of Embroidery by a Senior Citizen, any medium over 35cm x 40cm 1621 Piece of Machine Embroidery 1622 Embroidered Cushion 1623 Article featuring Candlewicking (not quilt) 1624 Article featuring Wool Embroidery 1625 Article in Stumpwork 1626 Article of Fancywork 1627 Tiny Treasures – any technique less than a postcard size *BEST EXHIBIT – Sash & $20 kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group CROSS STITCH 1629 Picture in Cross Stitch – Scene, framed. 1630 Portrait or Animal, framed 1631 Picture in Cross Stitch, by a Novice exhibitor – one who has not won a prize at an Agricultural Show 1632 Article in Colour-Art counted Cross Stitch 1633 Cross Stitch, not previously mentioned, not framed. 1634 Picture in Cross Stitch, size under 30cm, Shirley Wilson Memorial 1st $15, 2nd $5 kindly donated by Colin & Denise Wilson 1635 Picture in Cross Stitch, size over 30cm 1636 Cross Stitch by a resident of Kiama Municipality under 35 cm x 40 cm $10 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group 1637 Cross Stitch by a resident of Kiama Municipality over 35cm x 40cm $10 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group *BEST EXHIBIT: Sash and $20 Prizemoney and kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group
$20 Prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama C.W.A. 12 YEARS AND UNDER 1639 Piece of embroidery 1640 Hand sewn article 16 YEARS AND UNDER 1641 Machine-made article 1642 Piece of embroidery 1643 Cross stitch – any article 1644 Article of Appliqué 18 YEARS AND UNDER 1645 Machine-made article 1646 Piece of embroidery 1647 Cross stitch – any article 1648 Article of Appliqué *BEST JUNIOR EXHIBIT: $10 & Sash kindly donated by Mrs L Langstaff LACEMAKING, TATTING & NEEDLE LACE – Display on Black Cardboard Limit of 2 entries per class, per exhibitor Bobbin Lace 1650 Article by Beginner (up to 2 years’ experience) 1651 Article by Novice (Definition Pavilion Exhibition Page) 1652 Article by an Intermediate (up to 5 years’ experience) 1653 Small Mat, circular, oval or square (all lace up to 30cm) 1654 Small Mat, circular, oval or square, joined to fabric centre (up to 30cm) 1655 Handkerchief edged with Bobbin Lace (at least 27cm square) 1656 Handkerchief corner and edged with Bobbin Lace (at least 27cm square) 1657 Any other article not mentioned above Tatting 1658 Beginner’s Tatting (up to 2 years’ experience) 1659 Novice Tatting (Definition Pavilion Exhibition Page) 1660 Intermediate Tatting (up to 5 years’ experience) 1661 Doyley, Centrepiece or Runner 1662 Small Mat, circular, oval or square, (all tatting up to 30cm diameter) 1663 Handkerchief edged in Tatting (at least 27cm square) 1664 Any other article not mentioned above Needle Lace 1665 Article in Needle Lace *BEST EXHIBIT IN LACEMAKING, BOBBIN LACE, TATTING & NEEDLE LACE From Classes 1650 – 1665 $20 & Sash JUNIOR WORK – Bobbin Lace 10 Years and under 1666 Piece of Bobbin Lace 1st $10, 2nd $5 Prizemoney kindly donated by Illawarra Lace Group 18 Years and under 1667 Piece of Bobbin Lace 1st $10, 2nd $5 Prizemoney kindly donated by Illawarra Lace Group
STEWARDS: Mesdames C Sloan, E. Brash, M. Binkins. ENTRY FORMS to be in by 5pm Tuesday 23rd, January, 2018 EXHIBITS in by 10.00am, Thursday, 25th January, 2018 ENTRIES to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am Prizemoney: 1st $10, 2nd $5 unless otherwise specified 1701 Handwoven Article 1702 Handwoven Garment st 1 $20 kindly donated by the Hand Weavers & Spinners Guild of NSW Inc. 1703 Handwoven Wrap 1704 Handwoven Scarf 1705 Handwoven Accessories 1706 Handspun Article or Accessories 1707 Handspun Garment st 1 $20 kindly donated by the Hand Weavers & Spinners Guild of NSW Inc. 1708 Handspun Wrap or Scarf 1709 Handspun yarn in wool - one skein – min 50g Attach fibre sample and state end use 1710 Handspun yarn in any other fibre - one skein – min 50g Attach fibre sample and state end use 1711 Handcrafted Felt Article 1712 Handcrafted Felt Garment st 1 $20 kindly donated by the Hand Weavers & Spinners Guild of NSW 1713 Handcrafted Felt Scarf 1714 Handcrafted Felt Wrap 1715 Handcrafted Felt Accessories 1716 Wallhanging - Handspun, handwoven or felted. Must be 70% natural fibre 1717 Rug – handspun, handwoven or felted. Must be 70% natural fibre 1718 Novice - any Article or Garment -Handspun, handwoven or Felted (Entrant must have commenced the craft within the last two years) Membership Voucher donated by the Hand Weavers & Spinners Guild of NSW Inc. MOST SUCCESSFUL WEAVING EXHIBITOR - Classes 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705 $25 gift certificate and sash donated by Glenora Weaving & Wool THE INGRID WASS MEMORIAL AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN WEAVING - $100 plus sash to be awarded at the Judge’s discretion. (Kindly donated by the family of Ingrid Wass) MOST SUCCESSFUL SPINNING EXHIBITOR - Classes 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710 $25 gift certificate and sash donated by Glenora Weaving & Wool MOST SUCCESSFUL FELTING EXHIBITOR - Classes 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715 $25 gift certificate and sash donated by The Illawarra Feltmakers Inc.
PORCELAIN PAINTING STEWARDS: Mesdames R Ziems, J. Ziems ENTRY FORMS to be in by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS by 11.00am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am All work must be the work of the exhibitor unless specified. Competitors to supply own stand The Society will deduct 10% commission sales made during Show. Prizemoney; 1st $5, 2nd $3 unless otherwise specified 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810
Article of Porcelain Painting, portrait Article of Porcelain Painting, penwork Article of Porcelain Painting, scene Vase, Jug or Urn Bird or Animal Article of Porcelain Painting, original design Article of Porcelain Painting, Australian Flora and/or Fauna Article of Porcelain Painting, 15cm Article of Porcelain Painting with Fruit Article of Porcelain Painting, Floral. 1st $12, 2nd $8 kindly sponsored by Illawarra Porcelain Artists. 1811 Any other work *BEST EXHIBIT; $20 kindly donated by Kiama Art Society and Sash *ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD: $25 kindly donated by The Teaching Institute of Porcelain Art (NSW) Inc. OPEN SECTION 1813 Baby Doll 1814 Doll – by a Novice 1815 Modern Doll 1816 Doll by Senior Citizen, 60 years and over *BEST DOLL EXHIBIT in open section – $25 kindly donated by Sue Crooks & Sash
Prizemoney; 1st $5, 2nd $3 unless otherwise specified 1818 Ceramic Article in Stain 1819 Ceramic Article in Glaze 1820 Ceramic Article in Airbrush 1821 Ceramic Article inspired by the Local Area 1822 Ceramic Article not otherwise specified 1823 Ceramic Article by child 16 years and under 1824 Piece of Pottery - wheel thrown 1825 Piece of Pottery - hand built, not slip cast 1826 Piece of Pottery - inspired by the Local Area 1827 Piece of Pottery - not otherwise specified 1828 Piece of Pottery - by child 16 years and under BEST EXHIBIT OVERALL - Moyra Regan Memorial Shield $10 and Sash kindly donated by the Regan family
STEWARDS: Mr B Keast, Mrs H Netherclift ENTRY FORMS to be in by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS to be in by 11.00am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am
CONDITIONS * All work in classes 1901-1912 MUST be prepared for hanging with Strong cord 1/3 from the top of the picture frame. Taped cord will not be accepted. * Maximum size (including frame) 100cm x 80cm * No copy work allowed * Limit of one painting in each class. Multiples as one exhibit will not be accepted. * All work must be signed and the original work of the exhibitor having been completed within the last 12 months. Exhibitors may offer exhibits for sale. Note Price on entry form Society’s commission 10%. * ALL WORK MUST HAVE CLASS, CONTACT NAME, TEL NUMBER & PRICE SHOWN ON THE BACK OF THE PAINTING * The committee will review and consider all exhibits, but will reserve the right to hang. * The Society will exercise all reasonable care but will not be responsible for damage or loss of any Exhibit. * All Exhibits remain on display until Sunday 9am * No responsibility will be taken for goods left after that time Prizemoney; 1st $10; 2nd $5; unless otherwise specified 1901 Landscape Rural (any medium) RUTH JENKINSON MEMORIAL. Prizemoney: 1st $50 & Memorial Sash, 2nd $25 Sash & prizemoney kindly donated by Colin & Denise Wilson 1902 Seascape (any medium). 1st $25, 2nd $10 kindly donated by Kiama Art Society. 1903 Painting in Watercolour (any subject). 1st $15, 2nd $10, kindly donated by Kiama TV and Video Service 1904 Painting of Local Interest pertaining to Kiama Municipality. 1st $25, 2nd $10, Prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Art Society 1905 Still Life (any medium) 1st $20, 2nd $10 prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group 1906 Painting Modern (any medium) 1st $50, 2nd $25 prizemoney kindly donated by the Little Blowhole Art Bar 1907 Painting of Kiama Area – PADDY MARTIN MEMORIAL (any medium): 1st $50, 2nd $25 1908 Portrait (any medium) ) 1st $50, 2nd $25 prizemoney kindly donated by the Little Blowhole Art Bar 1909 Black & White Sketch (any medium – no paintings) 1910 Miniature Painting – Limit of 2 Entries per person JEAN HANSON MEMORIAL (any medium): not exceeding 12cm x 10cm on painted surface, can be smaller, use any size frame 1st $15 and Sash; 2nd $10. 1911 Australian Native Wildlife (any medium) WALTER HANSON MEMORIAL - Animals /Birds/ Reptiles/ Amphibians/ Insects. 1st Prize $15 & Sash; 2nd $10 1912 Celebrating 170 years of the Kiama Show, any medium 1stPrize $25, 2nd $10 kindly donated by Kiama Art Society *BEST OVERALL EXHIBIT (Classes 1901 – 1912) $50, kindly donated by Kiama Art Society and Sash
PRINT MAKING, All Prints must be hand pulled.
Limit 2 entries per class. Prizemoney; 1st $25; 2nd $10, kindly donated by S Lynne & K Methold 1913 Print Making on Paper – Framed. Any technique Must be monoprint, monotype, proof or edition Maximum size (including frame) 100cm x 80cm 1914 Miniature Art, Framed - Max dimensions of framed exhibit not to exceed 30cm x 30cm, Original print on any surface
STEWARDS: Mrs M. Murray, Mrs J Weaver, Mr E. Egan ENTRY FORMS to be in by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS in by 11.00am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 from 9am -10am
CONDITIONS * Prepare for hanging with a single cord 1/3 from the top of the frame material to hold its own weight. Taped cord will not be accepted. * Exhibitor’s age, name, address, phone number on the back of the work. * Limit of one (1) entry per class * No late entries accepted * All work to be completed in the last 12 months * Original work only by Exhibitors * All reasonable care will be taken but no responsibility for damage or loss. * HSC Major Artwork accepted 1.23m x 84cm. * Age only on front of work. $40 kindly donated by Kiama Art Society. 4 Free Entry Vouchers kindly donated by Jamberoo Action Park to each BEST EXHIBIT, Prizemoney: 1st $5; 2nd $3 unless otherwise specified 8 YEARS AND UNDER
2001 Painting of Local Interest (any medium). 2002 Painting any subject (any medium), not previously mentioned 2003 Australian Native Wildlife – Animals/ Birds/ Reptiles/ Amphibians/ Insects (any medium) 1st & 2nd kindly donated by Miss R. Hanson 2004 Black & White Sketch (any medium). 2005 Farm Animal, (any medium) *BEST EXHIBIT $10 and Sash kindly donated by the Kiama Art Society
12 YEARS AND UNDER 2006 Painting of Local Interest (any medium). 2007 Painting any subject (any medium), not previously mentioned 2008 Australian Native Wildlife – Animals/Birds/Reptiles/ nd Amphibians /Insects (any medium) 1st & 2 kindly donated by Miss R. Hanson 2009 Black & White Sketch (any medium). 2010 Farm Animal, (any medium) *BEST EXHIBIT: $10 and Sash kindly donated by the Kiama Art Society 62
16 YEARS AND UNDER 2011 Painting of Local Interest (any medium) 2012 Painting, not previously mentioned, 1st prize kindly donated by Mrs M. Nolan. 2013 Australian Native Wildlife - Animals/Birds/reptiles/Amphibians/ Insects (any medium). 1st & 2nd kindly donated by Miss R. Hanson 2014 Black & White Sketch (any medium) 2015 Farm Animal, (any medium) *BEST EXHIBIT: $10 and Sash kindly donated by the Kiama Art Society 18 YEARS AND UNDER Prizemoney: 1st $5; 2nd $3 unless otherwise specified 2016 Landscape or Seascape in Oils or Acrylics. 2017 Modern Painting (any medium) 1st prize kindly donated by Mrs E Harris. 2018 Black & White Sketch 1st prize kindly donated by Mrs S. Wall 2019 Water Colour, any subject. 2020 Australian Native Wildlife – Animals/Birds/Reptiles/ Amphibians/Insects (any medium) 1st & 2nd kindly donated by Miss R. Hanson 2021 Portrait (any medium) 2022 Australian Farm Scene / Animals any medium 2023 Kiama Farm Scene, (any medium) *BEST EXHIBIT: $10 and Sash kindly donated by the Kiama Art Society *BEST OVERALL EXHIBIT, $20 kindly donated by Robin & Neil Harvey
Kiama Art Society Supporting and connecting artists in and around Kiama Proud supporters of the Kiama Show President Judy White - 02 4237 7867 Vice President Helen Pain - 02 4232 2533 Treasurer: Ray Teasdale – 0416 275 855 Secretary, Robyn McMillan - 0407 939 528 63
Stewards: R. Gregory, N. Dick, D Hall ENTRY FORMS in by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS in by 11.00am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected Sunday 28th January 2018 from 9am-10am EXHIBITS MUST HAVE BEEN MADE DURING PAST 12 MONTHS Prizemoney; 1st $6; 2nd $4, unless otherwise specified $100 kindly donated by Kiama Woodcraft Group OPEN SECTION 2101 Spindle Turning 2102 Faceplate Turning 2103 Intarsia or Marquetry or Fretwork 2104 Whittling or Carving 2105 Any Article made by person with a disability 2106 Miniature Article 2107 Article of Woodcraft made from Recycled Wood, accompanied by a short statement of origin 2108 Wooden Toy 2109 Sculpture 2110 Any article of Woodcraft not mentioned above 2111 Cabinet or Joinery Work. (90cm x 90cm maximum base) 2112 Piece of Woodcraft celebrating 170 years of Kiama Show 2113 Novice – any person who has not won a prize at an agricultural show STUDENTS’ SECTION – OPEN TO SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY $30 kindly donated by the Kiama Men’s Shed 2114 Any Article of Woodcraft – Years 7-8 2115 Any Article of Woodcraft – Years 9-10 2116 Any Article of Woodcraft – Years 11-12 2117 Novice who has not won a prize at an Agricultural Show. *MOST UNIQUE ITEM OF WOODCRAFT (Classes 2101-2117) JOAN ADDISON MEMORIAL Sash $25 Special prizemoney kindly donated by the Kiama Woodcraft Group *BEST OVERALL EXHIBIT: Sash $25 Special prizemoney kindly donated by the Kiama Woodcraft Group
5-star ANCAP safety rating on all MU-X models and 4x4 D-MAX Crew Cab models built from November 2013 onwards and 4x2 D-MAX Crew Cab High Ride models built from November 2014 onwards. ^5 years/130,000km whichever occurs first, for eligible customers. Excludes trays and accessories. >The Capped Price Servicing Program ("CPS Program") applies to Eligible Vehicles with a Warranty Start Date on or after 1/1/15 at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers only. The 5 years Capped Price Servicing covers the first 5 Scheduled Services for 16.5MY and later vehicle models for up to 5 years/50,000km (whichever occurs first). CPS Program is subject to change. For full terms & conditions and current pricing visit +3.5 tonne braked towing capacity on D-MAX 4x4 and 4x2 High Ride models and 3.0 tonne braked towing capacity on all MU-X models when fitted with an optional genuine Isuzu UTE tow bar kit. ~Includes economy alloy tray fitted at motorpool. #Fuel consumption and emissions figures based on ADR 81/02 (combined cycle test) and are to be used for vehicle comparison purposes only. Actual fuel consumption and emissions will vary depending on many factors including, but not limited to, traffic conditions, individual driving style and vehicle condition. §Seats have leather touches or accents (excluding third row), but are not wholly leather. *Private and ABN holders only. Excludes government, fleet, rental & non-profit buyers. Includes one year business vehicle registration, CTP insurance, dealer delivery and statutory charges. Metallic/mica/pearl paint $450 extra. Only at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers from 1/7/17 until 30/9/17 unless extended, varied or while stocks last. Excludes demonstrators. †Offer is limited to 17MY 4x4 D-MAX & 4x4 MU-X models sold & delivered between 1/7/17 and 30/9/17 to private & ABN holders only. Excludes demonstrators. The Scheduled Servicing offer covers standard items (normal operating conditions) as listed in IUA Warranty and Service Booklet for the first 2 years Scheduled Servicing (covering the first 2 Scheduled Services up to 24 months/20,000km – whichever occurs first). The free Driving Report must be requested and conducted at the same time as the first 2 Scheduled Services. For full Terms and Conditions of the Service Plus Driving Report Program, visit Offer does not cover any other Scheduled Service, Make-up Scheduled Service or any additional service items or requirements, which are at the owner’s expense. Only at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers. Not available with any other offer.
STEWARDS; Mesdames M Chaffey, S Eggins, J. Smith, J. Newberry, B. Barnes, D van Oudtshoorn, P Stearn ENTRY FORM in by noon on Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS by 8.30am Friday 26thJanuary 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am NND = Not necessarily distinct. Collection = Greatest number of varieties possible. Bloom quality is more important than visual arrangement All Exhibitors exhibit at their own risk. Prizemoney; 1st $5, 2nd $3, unless otherwise specified $100 Prizemoney kindly donated by Stan Crapp Funerals 2201 Collection of Flowering Shrubs or Trees. $10 kindly donated by Mr R Young 2202 Collection of Salvias 2203 Collection of Zinnias 2204 Collection of Pentas 2205 Collection of Gerbera 2206 Collection of Geraniums and/or Pelargonium with some foliage 2207 Collection of Marigolds 2208 Collection of Phlox 2209 Collection of Petunias 2210 Collection of Hydrangea 2211 Specimen Hydrangea 2212 Collection of Daisies 2213 Collection of hot colour flowers e.g. red, orange etc 2214 Collection of cool colour flowers e.g. blue, mauve etc 2215 Collection of Coloured Garden Foliage 2216 Vase or bowl of flowers not previously mentioned 2217 Collection of Native Flowers which may include Proteas; st nd 1 $10, 2 $5 2218 Vase or bowl of Cottage Garden flowers JUNIOR CLASS – 17 Years and Under 2219 Container of mixed flowers *MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR: Special Memorial Sash $20 Ziems Family Memorial *BEST EXHIBIT: The Arthur Campbell Memorial $10 kindly donated by the family of the late A. & L. Campbell
STEWARDS; Mesdames M Chaffey, S Eggins, J. Smith, B. Barnes, J. Newberry, D van Oudtshoorn ENTRY FORMS in by noon on Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS by 8.30am Friday 26th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am -10am NND = Not necessarily distinct. Collection = Greatest number of varieties possible. Containers are provided for rose exhibits All Exhibitors exhibit at their own risk. Prizemoney; 1st $5, 2nd $3, unless otherwise specified $200 Prizemoney kindly donated by Stan Crapp Funerals All Roses judged in accordance with the rules of the Rose Society of NSW 2301 ROSE CHAMPIONSHIP- sponsored by Illawarra Rose Society 2 Exhibition Roses, NND PLUS any two of the following: 1 Vase bunch Roses, 3 stems same cultivar 1 Vase Floribunda Roses, 1-6 stems and/or cuts same cultivar Minimum 10 blooms 1 Vase Floribunda Roses, up to 25 blooms, same cultivar 1 Vase Decorative Roses, 3 stems and/or cuts, same cultivar 1 Vase Bud to Full Bloom, 4 stages, same cultivar 1st $30 plus sash and trophy, 2nd $20 2302 Three Roses distinct (3 different colours, 3 separate vases) 2303 Three Roses, not necessarily distinct, 3 separate vases. 2304 One Red Rose 2305 One White Rose 2306 One Yellow Rose 2307 One Pink Rose 2308 One Rose any other colour 2309 Collection Old Fashioned and/or David Austin Roses 2310 Collection of Roses, not less than 4 varieties: 1st. $10 2nd $6 2311 Roses in four stages, bud to full bloom, in one vase 2312 1 vase Floribunda Roses, 1-6 stems and/or cuts, same cultivar Minimum of 10 blooms 2313 I vase bunch Roses, 3 stems, same cultivar 2314 One vase Decorative Roses, 3 stems and/or cuts, same cultivar 2315 Novice Rose (Exhibitor has not won a prize before) 2316 Floribunda Rose, one cut 2317 One vase Mini- Flora Roses 1 to 6 stems or cuts min 10 blooms, same cultivar 2318 Collection of miniature Roses, not less than three varieties 1st $10 2nd $5 kindly donated by Illawarra Rose Society 2319 Miniature Roses, three stems/cuts NND 2320 One Miniature Rose showing Exhibition Form 2321 One vase Full Bloom Roses, 3 Stems NND 2322 One vase Floribunda Roses, up to 25 blooms, same cultivar. 2323 Bowl of shrub or climber Rose, can include David Austin, buds, foliage and hips, NND, in standard 15cm Florist Bowl (Bowl not supplied) 1st $10, 2nd $5 kindly donated by Illawarra Rose Society 2324 Bowl of Garden Roses, mixed cultivars, in standard 15cm Florist Bowl. (Bowl not supplied) 1st $10, 2nd $5 kindly donated by Illawarra Rose Society * CHAMPION ROSE EXHIBIT: (From Class 2301 to 2325) Sash * CHAMPION EXHIBITION ROSE: (From Class 2301 to 2308) Sash * MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR: Sash
STEWARDS: Mrs B Donald, Mr C. Hollis ENTRY FORMS in by noon on Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS by 8.30am Friday 26thJanuary 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am Two entries per class per Exhibitor Prizemoney: 1st $5, 2nd $3, unless otherwise specified ALL DAHLIAS TO BE JUDGED ON DAHLIA SOCIETY OF NSW AND ACT STANDARDS 2401 THE KIAMA SHOW SOCIETY INC. DAHLIA CHAMPIONSHIP. 3 vases distinct types, same variety to a vase. 1st $30, 2nd $10, 3rd $5 2402 Three Large Decorative ND 2403 One Large Decorative 2404 Three Medium Decorative ND 2405 One Medium Decorative 2406 One vase Small Decorative (one variety) 2407 One vase Small Decorative (three varieties) 2408 One vase Miniature Decorative (one variety) 2409 One Vase Miniature Decorative (three varieties) 2410 Three Large Cactus ND 2411 One Large Cactus 2412 Three Medium Cactus ND 2413 One Medium Cactus 2414 One vase Small Cactus (one variety) 2415 One vase Small Cactus (three varieties) 2416 One vase Miniature Cactus (one variety) 2417 One vase Miniature Cactus (three varieties) 2418 One vase Anemone (one variety) 2419 One Incurved Cactus Dahlia 2420 One vase Waterlily (one variety) 2421 One vase Waterlilies (three varieties) 2422 Three vases Pompom Dahlias ND 2423 One vase Pompom Dahlia (one variety) 2424 One vase Pompom Dahlia (different) 2425 One vase of Ball Dahlias (one standard unit) 2426 One vase of Ball Dahlia (three varieties) 2427 One Vase Fimbriate Cactus Dahlia (over 160mm) 2428 One Vase Fimbriate Cactus Dahlia (under 160mm) 2429 Dahlia AOV (one standard unit) 2430 One vase Collarette Dahlia (one variety) 2431 One Vase Collarette Dahlia (three varieties) 2432 One Seedling Dahlia 2433 One unit of Dahlia grown by competitor living in Kiama Municipality. 2434 6 vases of Dahlias, 6 distinct types, 1 bloom per vase 2435 Flower of the Year. *GRAND CHAMPION DAHLIA: $10 *BEST EXHIBIT OUTSIDE CHAMPIONSHIP AND GRAND CHAMPION: $20 plus Sash, Col and Joan Raison Memorial, kindly donated by the Raison Family *MOST SUCCESSFUL DAHLIA EXHIBITOR: $10 and Sash Sashes for: Champion Decorative Dahlia Champion Cactus Dahlia Champion Dahlia, Any other type The Mabel Dalton Memorial – Best Pompom Dahlia
STEWARDS: Mesdames Marea Gardner, Terri Downes, Marjorie Downes, Cathy Saunders ENTRY FORMS in by noon on Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS by 8.30am Friday 26th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am Any embellishment may be used Prizemoney 1st $5, 2nd $3 unless otherwise specified $200 Prizemoney kindly donated by Stan Crapp Funerals 2501 Celebrating 170 Years “Our Land abounds in nature’s gifts of beauty rich and rare”. Flowers must dominate (max space allowed 50cm x 40cm) 1st $20, 2nd $10 2502 Arrangement in a Jug. Jug not to exceed 25cm in height 2503 Arrangement in a clear or coloured Wine Glass (water allowed) 2504 Green and White Arrangement (coloured centres allowed) 2505 Arrangement in a Teacup, with saucer and plate 2506 Blending of Foliage (max space allowed 40cm x 30cm) 2507 Arrangement in a Lady’s Shoe (shoe may be painted) 2508 Arrangement using Succulents (succulents must dominate) 2509 Charm of Yesteryear (featuring appropriate vase or container) 2510 As you Like it – free expression (max space allowed 40cm x 30cm) 1st $15, 2nd $7 kindly donated by Marea Gardner 2511 Floral arrangement in a Teapot 2512 Arrangement suitable for the kitchen using herbs (flowers allowed) 2513 “Wow – Crowd Stopper” (max space allowed 40cm x 30cm) 2514 Table Centrepiece using one or more candles 2515 Arrangement depicting summer (may include flowers, berries and/or fruit) *BEST EXHIBIT IN DECORATIVE: Sash & $10 *MOST SUCCESSFUL DECORATIVE EXHIBITOR: Arthur Campbell Memorial Sash & $10 kindly donated by the family of the late A. & L. Campbell JUNIOR – 8 years and under 2518 Egg Cup arrangement 2519 Floral Saucer (wet sand allowed) 2520 Small Posy showing natural stems *BEST EXHIBIT $5 kindly donated by Robin & Neil Harvey JUNIOR – 12 years and under 2522 Floral Saucer (wet sand allowed) 2523 Arrangement of flowers in a Toy (max space allowed 25cm x 25cm) 2524 Floral arrangement in a Tea Cup *BEST EXHIBIT $5 kind donated by Robin & Neil Harvey JUNIOR – 16 years and under 2526 Arrangement using material gathered from the roadside – e.g. wild flowers, bark, nuts, stones, wood etc (max space allowed 30cm x 30cm) 2527 Arrangement in a Novelty Container (max space allowed 25cm x 25cm) 2528 Party Time Flowers must dominate (max space allowed 25cm x 25cm) *BEST EXHIBIT $5 kindly donated by Robin & Neil Harvey JUNIOR DECORATIVE CHAMPIONSHIP 2530 Floral Carpet Celebrating 170 Years of the Kiama Show. Flowers must Dominate (max space allowed 25cm x 25cm) 1st $15, 2nd $5 kindly donated by Marj & Terri Downes *BEST EXHIBIT IN JUNIOR DECORATIVE: (2518 – 2530) Sash + $10 kindly donated by Robin & Neil Harvey
STEWARDS: Mr R Young, Mr N Douglas ENTRY FORMS by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS by 11.00am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am Household containers not allowed Prizemoney; 1st $5; 2nd $3, unless otherwise specified $50 Prizemoney kindly donated by Kiama Garden Club 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620
Pot of Begonia, flowering Pot of Begonia, foliage Pot of Cane Begonia Pot of Bleeding Heart Pot of Coleus Pot of African violets Specimen Cacti Specimen Succulent Indoor Plant Climbing Indoor Plant Pot or Basket of Maiden Hair Fern, fine Pot or Basket of Maiden Hair Fern, large Hanging Basket or Pot Fern, AOV Hanging Basket or Pot Foliage Plant Hanging Flowering Basket or Pot Pot of bromeliad Collection of 4 Succulents or Cacti distinct; 1st $6, 2nd $3 Pot Plant in a Work Boot Bonsai Specimen, 1st 1 year Membership with Shoalhaven Bonsai Club 2nd $5 kindly donated by the Shoalhaven Bonsai Club. Exhibit not previously mentioned *BEST POT PLANT & CACTI EXHIBIT: Arthur Campbell Memorial Sash & $10 kindly donated by the family of the late A. & L. Campbell *BEST BONSAI EXHIBIT: Sash & $10 kindly donated by Mr R Young
STEWARDS: D Young, G Brain, R Dunn ENTRY FORMS in by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS by 11.00am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected on Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am Home Brew total prizemoney kindly sponsored by Kiama Bowling & Recreation Club Prizemoney: 1st Prize $8; 2nd Prize $5 unless otherwise specified 2701 Lager & Pilsener 2702 Stout 2703 Bitter and Pale Ale 2704 Brown Ale or Old 2705 Low and Light Alcohol 2706 Cider 2707 Ginger Beer *BEST EXHIBIT: Sash & $10 kindly donated by Kiama Bowling and Recreation Club
Proud Supporters Of The Kiama Show Seaview Restaurant open Tues-Sun Lunch and Dinner Trivia Thursday Nights from 6pm Barefoot Bowls Friday Nights from 530pm Meat and Seafood raffles Thurs/Fri/Sun from 6pm Free Courtesy bus Thurs-Sun from 5pm Phone (02) 4232 1176 100 Shoalhaven St Kiama 72
STEWARDS: J. Piper, J. E. & S. Carney, C Barrott, C Murray ENTRY FORMS in by 5pm Tuesday 23rd January 2018 EXHIBITS by 11.00am Thursday 25th January 2018 EXHIBITS to be collected by Sunday 28th January 2018 between 9am-10am CONDITIONS • Prints to be mounted on RIGID cardboard with a border no wider than 5cm around the photo • Maximum Size 30cm x 40cm including mounting board • Junior: Maximum size 20cm x 25cm including the mounting board • Exhibitor’s Name & Phone Number to be on back • All Photos to be taken in the past 12 months. • Limit of 3 entries per class only • No Caption on front of entry Senior Photography Section kindly sponsored by KIAMA PHARMACY, Prizemoney – 1st $10, 2nd $5 and BEST EXHIBIT $25 and Sash BLACK AND WHITE 2801 Human Study 2802 Landscape or Seascape 2803 Flora and Fauna 2804 Any other Subject, not mentioned *BEST EXHIBIT: $25 AND SASH COLOUR PRINT 2806 Human Study 2807 Landscape or Seascape 2808 Flora and Fauna 2809 Any other Subject not mentioned *BEST EXHIBIT: $25 AND SASH JUNIOR SECTION – 16 YEARS AND UNDER st nd (Classes 2811 – 2815) Shirley Wilson Memorial 1 $10, 2 $5 prizemoney kindly donated by Colin & Denise Wilson 2811 Human Study 2812 Landscape or Seascape 2813 Flora (Plant) 2814 Fauna (Animal) 2815 Any other Subject not mentioned *BEST EXHIBIT: $25 AND SASH LOCAL SCENE OF KIAMA MUNICIPALITY- (Open to all ages) The Arthur Campbell Memorial is proudly sponsored by the Campbell Family 2817 ANYTHING LOCAL - Prizemoney $25 2818 ANYONE LOCAL - Prizemoney $25
CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS PHOTOGRAPHS COMPETITION Conducted by South Coast and Tablelands Show Societies Inc CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS COLOUR OR PRINT PHOTOGRAPH The Champion Colour and Champion Black & White photographs will be eligible for entry into a CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS Competition. The Champions of Champions Photography Competition will be th judged on Thursday 15 March, 2018 and all photos will be displayed at Camden Show on 16/17 March A photo which has won Champion may not be entered in other Shows. Prizemoney for “Champion of Champions” photograph at Group 5 judging. 1st $50, 2nd $30 and 3rd $20 donated by South Coast and Tablelands Show Societies.
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The “Articles” of Kiama Show Society Inc are not printed in the schedule but may be inspected by any exhibitor or member of the Society at Secretary’s office during the period of the Show.
The attention of exhibitors is drawn to the following extract from the Rules of the South Coast and Tablelands Show Societies Inc: 1. Any person or exhibit may be disqualified by an Affiliated Association for any act or offence contravening the rules of such Association. 2. Any inquiry to be conducted by an Association shall, where possible be held during the currency of the Show, or 14 days thereafter as can be conveniently arranged. 3. Before imposing any penalty it is necessary that an opportunity be offered the accused person or persons of hearing the evidence, and cross examining the witnesses, also of being heard and of adducing evidence. 4. Full and complete notes of such evidence shall be taken in writing and be signed by the person or persons adducing same. 5. Immediately after any such inquiry has been held the Secretary of the Association conducting the inquiry shall give notice to the person or persons, or exhibitor, against whom or in respect of whose exhibit the complaint has been made of the determination of the Association, and if any such exhibitor or persons give notice that he may appeal to the Board of Appeal, such notice shall be given in the following form, delivered personally or sent by registered post to the last known address.
To................................................ of................................................... At the duly convened meeting held on .............................................. NOTICE WHERE OF was given you, the following disqualification was imposed:OFFENCE You are hereby notified that you may lodge with me within seven (7) days of this notice an appeal against the decision of the Committee of this Association. A fee of $30.00 must accompany the appeal and both will be forwarded to the Appeal Board of the Council, together with the notes of evidence and grounds of disqualification. The decision of the Board of Appeal shall be final, and shall be communicated to you in due course. .................................................................. Secretary of Association ACCIDENTS DURING SHOW Any accident occurring during the Annual Show must be reported to the Secretary’s office and verified during the current dates of the Show, otherwise the Association will accept NO responsibility for the consideration of any claim ........................................................... MRS SUE GRANGER-HOLCOMBE (Secretary)
2018 SHOW - MAJOR SPONSORS BLUE RIBBON Cleary Bros Illawarra Toyota Kiama Municipal Council WesTrac RED RIBBON Carter & Ferguson, Solicitors & Attorneys Fergus Doyle Terry Gallagher Harrigan Motor Cars Kiama Independent The Bugle Waldie & Co Accountants WHITE RIBBON Burnetts on Barney Michael Cole Kiama Leagues Club SW & G Chittick Livestock Transport Stan Crapp Funerals Gareth Ward MP for Kiama Westpac Bank
Ann Sudmalis Federal MP for Gilmore Bellemy Showhorses BIG4 Easts Beach Holiday Park Big River / Cukuna Sales BlueScope Steel WIN Network Comm Partners El Corazon Cocina De Mexico Forty Winks, Warrawong Hollymount Farm Horseland, Wollongong Jamberoo Pub Kiama Adult Creative Craft Group Kiama Art Society Kiama & District Business Chamber Kiama Golf Club Kiama Health Destination Pharmacy Kiama Inn Hotel Kiama Medical Practice Kiama Mower Centre Kiama Pharmacy Mr P McGlinchey OAM NSW Farmers Association Omya Australia P/L Raine & Horne Red Rooster Roost Espresso & Eatery Rotary Club of Kiama Southern Farmworx Mr & Mrs C & D Wilson Sue Spence & Andy Wharton
2018 SHOWGIRL SPONSORS Aqua Hair & Body Blooms the Chemist Bombo Clothing Co Curves Ladies Fitness Kiama Flight Centre, Kiama Framed By Us Kiama Independent Kiama Leagues Club Making Faces Makeup Studio Resume's for Results South Coast Vintage Car Club The Bugle Tussta
Kiama Showgirl and “The Land” Sydney Royal Agricultural Society Showgirl Competition The winner of the local competition will be awarded the title of Kiama Showgirl 2018. During that time the winner will represent Kiama Show Society at Zone Final in February and if successful will be a guest of the R.A.S. at the Sydney Royal Easter Show for 5 days. Entrants will be presented at the ANNUAL KIAMA SHOW BALL on the third Saturday in November Kiama Show Society welcomes enquiries from prospective entrants. Entrant Forms & Enquiries – Show Secretary – Tel 4233 1597
2018 SHOW - TROPHY DONORS Kiama Veterinary Hospital Miss Colleen Mitchell Mrs Colleen Norman The NSW Rose Society Illawarra Region Horseland, Wollongong Paul Spinks SOUTH COAST AND TABLELANDS SHOW SOCIETIES INC Group 5 sincerely thank our sponsors: The Brewer Family ECM Livestock, Moss Vale
Beef Cattle Young Judges and F002 Paraders th 9am Friday 16 February 2018 at Kangaroo Valley Fruit/Vegetable and Grain Young Judges nd 10am Friday 2 March 2018 at Robertson Show Wool Article Garment Group final th 10am Monday 5 March 2018 at Albion Park
2018 Cover photo titles and credits: 1. 1958 Tom Edwards - Heather Wilford 2. Dahlia pavilion display - Alice Beasley 3. 1965 AIS cattle line up - Chittick family. 4. Show jumping/ pavilion - Alice Beasley 5. 1890s KSS pavilion at Long Brush - Weston's Collection 6. 1996 Illawarra line up - Barry Booth 7. 1955 Section 4s - supplied by Ann Turner 8. Carnival - Alice Beasley 9. Roy Bell's boxing tent - source unknown.
LIST OF DONORS FOR THE 2018 SHOW Attunga Brakes Baxter J A Bellemy Showhorses Bishops Feeds S. Nowra Booth J & P Burgess, Mr B Burke Mary-Jane Byrne, GJ & PM Calhau, Lesley Family of the late Mr A Campbell Chittick G. E. & Sons Pty. Ltd. Chittick Greg & Julie Chittick P & E Cox S, Mrs CWA Jamberoo CWA Kiama Davis, T & L Doran, T Downes, B Downes, M Downes, J & T East, Mrs J Elders Real Estate, Jamberoo Fraser, Mrs J Fredericks, Mr R & Mrs C Fredericks IGA General Store Gerringong Chiropractic Glencoe Estates Glenora Weaving & Wool Graham M Grey, Mr & Mrs G Hanson, R Hardman Family Harvey N & R Hindmarsh & Co. P/L, Jim Hinton, Mrs M Holloway J Hollis, C Holmes, Y Honey Mayor M & Mrs A Horseland, Wollongong Hosking Family Illawarra Cattle Society Illawarra Feltmakers Illawarra Lace Group Illawarra Porcelain Artists Soc Illawarra Rose Society
Kiama Bowling Club Kiama Garden Club Kiama Knitters Guild Kiama Quilters Guild Kiama Spinners, Weavers & Embroiders Kiama Sports & Toyworld Kiama TV & Video Kiama Vetinary Hospital Kiama Woodcraft Group King Family Langstaff, L Lentall-Halsall, Patricia Little Blowhole Art Bar Lyne S & Methold K Maunder, Jo Mitchell, Miss Colleen McGlinchey, P McIntyre, Mr B Morris, Mr B & Mrs D My Room, Kiama NAB, Nowra Norman, Mrs C Norman, Mr T Nowra Truck & Tractor NSW Hand Weavers/Spinners Guild Numbers Count Piper, R & D Premier Genetics & Livestock Rendel Mrs D Relish on Addison Rosebank Meats RMB Lawyers South Coast Auctions Spinks, Paul Toyworld, Kiama Walsh, BT & EC Walsh, Mr P Vella Stock Feeds Greg Walsh & Associates Waters, Nancy OAM Wiley G.A.E Wilson C & D Wilson, Mr O Wilson, Mrs P Young Mr R and Mrs A Zoetis Animal Health
The Kiama Show Society wishes to thank all Patrons, Sponsors and Donors for their continued support and Members of the Public for patronage of the Kiama Show
LIST OF MEMBERS 2018 Bryant M Buckley J & Family Bugden, P Burge, C Burge, D Burke, D Burke, M & D Burgess, Mr & Mrs B Butler, Mr & Mrs W Buurman, Mr C & Mrs C Byrne, D Byrne, Mr G & P Calhau Lesley Cameron, Elizabeth Campbell, Annmaree Campbell Bronwyn Campbell, Mr & Mrs N Carmichael, Mrs M Carney, Mr & Mrs J & S, & Family Carney, William Casey, C Chaffey, Mr & Mrs D Chittick, Adam Chittick, Miss B Chittick, Mr & Mrs D & M, Rachel, Daniel Chittick Mr & Mrs G & J Chittick, Mrs H Chittick, Mr & Mrs M & G Chittick, Mr & Mrs S, Ben, Jarrod, Chittick , Mr & Mrs T. & M. Chittick, Mr N Chown, Margie Clark, Mrs D Clark, Mrs K Cleal-Cook, Sarah & family Clements, Mrs D Clenton, K Clissold, D Clyburn, Mr & Mrs P & D Cole, Mr G & Mrs L Cole, Mrs R Coleman, Janeen Collinge, J Colmer, Mr & Mrs J & B Collinson-Smith, Mr & Mrs G Conder, Mrs L Condon, R Cooper Jane Corradini, Mr & Mrs & Family Coughlan, Mr D Coupland, W Cowan, J Cox, Dr & Mrs S Cram, Mr & Mrs E Creagan, Ms Billie Critoph Jason & Family Crooks, Mrs S Croxford, M
Adams, K & B Adams Judy Adam, Mrs M Alexander, Mr & Mrs B Alexander, S Allan, M Allen, P & K Andrews, L Arnet, D Arthur, Mr A Arthur, Mrs & Mrs D Athelglow Dairies Atkins, G & R Attunga Brakes, Mr D Stott Axam, Mr T Ayton, P Bailey Kerrilyn Barker Mrs Winsome Barnes, D & B Bartczak, Mrs B Bartrim, Ashley Battersby, Mr & Mrs P Bartolotta, T & Family Baxter, Mr G & Mrs K Beasley, Mr & Mrs K Beasley, Patrick & Alice Beaven T Behl, Mr & Mrs C & N Bell Mr G & Mrs H Bell, G Berriman, Mr P Best, Mrs V Best, D Bioletti, P Binkins, Andria & Melinda Binkins, Elliott Black, Denise Blanch, Mr K Blanch, Thea Bloomfield. Mr H & Mrs J Booth, Mr John Booth, Mr Gavin Bourke, D & Carr, J Bowden, K Bradbury K Brash, Mrs E Brain, Mr & Mrs G, Kirsten, Emily Breen, Mr & Mrs & Family Brennan, Mr & Mrs J & M Brennan, David Brennan, P Brennan, Mr & Mrs M & K Brennan, Michelle & Thomas Brennan, Mr R & Mrs L Brett, Mr & Mrs R Brooks, D Mr & Mrs A & B Brown AE Brown Mrs F
Gallagher, Mr & Mrs T & Family Garard, Mrs A Gardner, Mrs M Gibson, Mr B Gibson, Judy Gifford Michelle & Family Gilbert, Mr & Mrs W & J Gilchrist, E Gilchrist, G Gilmore, Mrs S Gizyiki, Stephan & Perich, Janet Glenburn Pastoral, Brett Whitfield Goldhawk, K Goodfellow, M Gould, L & V Gotz, Mr D Graham, M Granger-Holcombe Mr J & Mrs S Gray, E Greaves, K Gregory, R & F Grey, Mr & Mrs G Grey, Mr K & Mrs M Griffiths, S Grima, Mr & Mrs S & T Gudgeon, Mr & Mrs J Hainsworth, Mrs I Hale, Melinda Hall, D Hanson, R Hanbury, P Hanson, R Hardman, Mr V Harris, Mr & Mrs G & C & family Harvey Robin & Neil Hart Mr & Mrs R & M Hart’s Garage, Mr W & family Hawkins, Mr E Hay, M.J Hely, Elizabeth Herbert, Mr & Mrs B Heslop, R Hewson, L Heyblok, R Hickey, Mr & Mrs D & B Hindmarsh Mr J Hinton, Mrs M Holder-Keeping, Lisa Hollands, N & Family Hollis, Mr C Holmes, Mrs Y Honey, Mr M & Mrs A Hoskins, Mr R & Mrs A Hoskins, Val Howard, R & R Humphreys, Mr & Mrs W Hunter, Mr & Mrs A Ingold, Sue & Sam
Cullen, Mr & Mrs P & W Cunningham, Dianne Curll, Mr R Czulowski, A Dale, M Daley, Mr & Mrs M & S Davies, Mr & Mrs G & A Dawes, A & I Dawes, V Dawson, K Deen, J & S Deen R Delhass, Mrs C DeVere, Mrs Nerida Digham, C Diener, Mr H Dillon, Nicole Dixon Jen Donald, I & B Donoghue, M&M & Family Doran, Mr & Mrs P & T Dougal, A Douglas, N & K & Family Downes, Mrs M & Family Downes, Mrs Beth Downes, Mr J & Mrs T & Family Downes, Mr M & Mrs K Downes Michael Downes, Sue Downton, Mrs S & R Doyle, Mr & Mrs G Drake, K Dudgeon, Mr D Dudgeon, Mrs J Duff, Alison & Family Duff, Mr J Duff, Kerry Dux, R & S, Bed & Views Dzelde, Mr J & Mrs V East, Mrs J East, Mr & Mrs V East, Mrs Judith Edgell, Mr N & Mrs R Eggins, Sue Evans, Mr & Mrs D & C Evans W & R Feeney, Samantha Fenech Marie Fleming, Ms G & Family Fookes, Mrs S Fowler-Johnson, Janelle Fraser, Mr & Mrs J Fredericks, Mr A & Mrs M Fredericks, Mr & Mrs T & Family Fredericks, Mr R & Mrs C Fretwell, Marj Friedman, Mr & Mrs A & Familyl Friend, Mr & Mrs S Fuller, Mr B & Mrs M
Martin, Robert Maul, J Mawbey, Mr O & Mrs K Mayo, Mr G & Mrs C Maywald, B McBeath, Mr & Mrs T & J McCarthy, Mr J & Mrs S McConachie, Liama McGee, Mr & Mrs Sean & Jessica McGlinchey, Mr & Mrs B McGlinchey, Mr P McGlinchey, Mr J McGuinnes, Mr S McGraw, Kerry McInerney, C & K McInerney, Mr & Mrs G McIntyre, Mr & Mrs B McIntyre, Mr G McKinnon, Mr & Mrs R McLaren, N & M & Family McLaren, Nancy McLeish, B & L & Family McMahon, Owen & family McMahon, Austin Tess McNair Mr B & Mrs M McParland, Mr & Mrs S, Ryan McParland, Mr G McParland, W & Family Mete, Marie Methold Mr K & Mrs S Micallef, Mr M & Mrs N &Family Middleton, M Millburn, Jill Miller, Angela Miller, Mrs J Miller, R & J Milne, Mr J & Mrs M Mion, Mr J & Mrs K Mitchell, Miss C Mitchell, Mr & Mrs A Mitchell, Mr & Mrs R & Family Moore, Mr & Mrs R & H Morris, Mr W & Mrs D Moskos, AM Muller, Mrs B Murphy, Mrs M Murray, C & Family Murray, Mr & Mrs Nenke, Mrs M Netherclift, Heather Nicholl, Kellie Nolan, Mrs RM Norman, Mr Tony Norman, Mrs C Norval, Mr R & Family Numbers Count O’Connor, A O’Donaghue, Mr & Mrs M & C O’Dwyer OAM, Mr J O’Keefe, Kerrielyn O'Keefe, Father Mark O’Shea, Rachel & Family
Jackson, Jean Jaggar, M James, Mrs Therese & Family Jarrett, Derinda Jenkins, L Johanson Sharon Johnson, Mrs J Johnston, I & C Johnston Mr J & Mrs S Jones Mr & Mrs D & K Judd, Mr & Mrs P & Family Kable Peter Kiama Haircutting, Cliff Baker Keast, Mr B & Mrs G Keast J & G Wilson Keenan Julie Kehlett, Mrs S Kelly, Mr & Mrs M & B Kerr-Ruston, Mr S & Mrs C King, Gail King-Gee Lyn King Mr & Mrs N & M King, Mr R & Mrs M Kirk, P & L & Family Kirk Mr M & Mrs M Knightly, Mr R Koford, T Koks Mr & Mrs Krkouski, Leanne Laidler, M Laird, K Lambert, Mr P & Mrs J Langstaff, Mrs L Law, C Lawson, Ms R Lawrence, Juliet Lawton, Julianne Maree Lee, Alison Lenton-Halsall, Patricia Lewis Aaron Linhart, M & M Loader, Tony Long, A Lyall Megan Lymbery, Mr J Lyons, Mrs J Mackenzie, C MacDonald, Mrs V Macpherson, A Maguire Sarah & Family Maguire Colleen Maitland, David & Ashley Maitland, Hilary Malone, M & M Mammatt, Caroline & Rachel Mammatt, Mr R & Mrs L Mantle, Alan & Georgia Marczan, Mr R & J Marks, Mr G Marsden, Lucy Marsh, Mr S & Mrs J Marshall Leah 84
O’Sullivan, Mr & Mrs B & L Oslear, W. Oxley, Mr & Mrs D Pearce, John Pearce, Mr & Mrs R, & Family Peck, N & S Perry, Caroline Phipps, Dr & Mrs J Phillis, Mr T and Mrs R Piper, Mr & Mrs N, Ben & Steven Piper, Mr & Mrs R Powell, Anne-Marie Powter Barbara & family Pratt, Mrs E Price, Amanda & Family Pridham, Angela Pringle, Leanne Pryor Stephanie & Travice Puris, Dr & Mrs H Quinn, Mr & Mrs P Raison, Mr D & Mrs K Raison, Mr & Mrs P & M Raison, Mr & Mrs S & J Rattray, Mr & Mrs R Rebbeck, Sarah Regan, Mr & Mrs C Rendel, Mr A & Mrs D Rendel, Mr J Renee, M Rhodes, S & D Richardson, M.C Richardson, Mrs R Richardson, Mrs R, M & T Richmond, Mr & Mrs A RMB Lawyers Robertson, Daniela Robinson, Emily & Naomi Roddy, Beth Rolls, Cathy Ross, Mr & Mrs K Roulstone, Leah Ruff, Natalie Russell, Elaine & Family Rutledge, Mr B Rutter, Anthony & Family Ryan, Mrs Carol Ryan, Mrs P W Ryder, Mrs J & Family Saunders, Mr E & Mrs C Scarlet , Mr G & Mrs L Schweitzer, Mr I & Mrs F Schofield, Kelly Scott, Martine Shanahan, Courtney Sharpe, Mr & Mrs CS & M Shaw, D Shaw, T & L
Sheehan, Judy Shelley, Mr & Mrs J Shepherd, Miss E Shepherd, Maree Sherlock, Mr D & Mrs V Shiaxiates, Roslyn Shoard R & G Sigmund Mrs A Simpson Freda & Family Simpson, H & Family Sinclair, Mr D Slater, H & L Sloan, Mr A Sloan, Mr & Mrs R & C Smark Mr D & Mrs M Smee, Murray & Jacqui Smith Family, C J Smith, Mr D & S Smith, Julieanne Smith, Marie Smith, Mr Max Smith, Mrs Robyn Smith, Mrs R & S Smith, RL & MC Smylie, Patricia Sophokleous, Mrs South Coast Auctions Southgate, V Spence, Sue Spry, Mr R B Stead, Mr & Mrs J Stead, Mrs N Stead, Mr R Steeb, Mr K Steel, Mr R Stewart Mr G Stirling, Helen Stratten, Cathy Strickland, Jessica Suckling, Michael & family Supierz, Kristine Swan, Braiden Swan, Mr Colin Swan, Mr R & Mrs P Symonds, Tracey Szulerowski, Jessica Tarbert, Mrs J Tate, Mrs Gwen Thomas, Mr S & Mrs D Thomas, Mr R Thomas, June Tidswell, P & N Tieck, Mrs C Timbs, Mr P Toutai, Leah Tubman, Mr R & Mrs C Turner, Mr G
Williams, Mr S & Mrs C Williams, Wendy Wilson, Mr C & Mrs D Wilson, Daphne Wilson, Mr D Mrs N Wilson, Mr G & Mrs S Wilson, GK & DC Wilson, Kerry Wilson, Mr P & Mrs L Wilson, Patricia Wilson, Jodie & Martin Wilson Mr & Mrs J R Wilson, John & Scott Wilson, Kerry Wilson, Mr M & Mrs M & Family Wilson, Mr O Wilson, Mrs PD Wilson, Mrs Pearl Wilson, Mrs Pat & Family Wilson, Mr P & Mrs E Wooders, Gail Woollett, Terese Worstencroft, Mr J & Mrs C Wright, Mr D & Mrs M Wyatt, Marilyn Wyler, Mr D Wyles, Mr M & J Wyles, Mrs Barbara Yabsley, Mr I & Mrs M Young, Mr & Mrs D & M Young, Mr & Mrs R & A Zanetic, Mr & Mrs S & P Ziems, Ruth Ziems, Joan Zivkovic, Elizabeth
Unwin, Mr J & Mrs N Vale, Mr G Van Essen, Kezia Vidilini, Adam Vuleta S Waldie, Michael Walker, Amanda Walker, Kieley Walker, Shane Wall, J & J & Family Wall, Mrs S Wallace, Beverley Walsh, Mr B, Mrs S Walsh, Mr A J Walsh Mr P Ward, Mr G Warren, Mr & Mrs C & Family Warrington, L Waters, Mrs Nancy E & Brenda Waters, Mrs R Watson, Allan Watson, Mr K & Mrs L Watson, Sarah Weaver, Mrs J Weir, P Weir, S Weller, A Welsh, Mr C & Mrs K Whalan, Mrs S Wheeldon, Grace & Family White, A & N Wieland, N Wilkinson, Mr R & Mrs P Wilkinson Fiona & Family Williams, Mr K Williams Mr A & Mrs L
Membership entitles the member to:
* Free entry to the ground for the period of the Show. * Show Schedule & Membership tickets delivered prior to the Show * Members and their families are entitled to enter their own bona fide exhibits in the Pavilion Section free of charge. JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP is open to all boys and girls under 16 years of age at a junior fee of $5.00 per person, and entitles the junior member to: * Free entry to the ground for the period of the Show * Free entry for their own bona fide exhibits in the Pavilion Section. 86
PHILLIP BURGESS Doctor of Chiropractic/Physiotherapist 3/1 NOBLE STREET GERRINGONG PHONE 4234 0066
A Mitchell’s Removals & Storage Supporting the Kiama Show Society & Serving the South Coast Since 1949 √ Free Quotations √ Local & Long Distance Removals √ Sydney & Nowra Regularly √ Regular Melbourne & Queensland Service √ Storage Available √ Packing √ Piano Relocations √ Office Relocations √ Backloading Rates Available
Phone 4232 1146
Unit 1/28 Farmer St, Kiama
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SOUTH COAST AND TABLELANDS SHOW SOCIETIES INC. President: Mr Michael Brennan, Druewalla, 422 Jamberoo Mt Rd, JAMBEROO 2533, Phone 02 42360102 Mobile 0408 360105 Secretary: Ms Sue Sharpe, 62 Sirius Circuit, NARELLAN 2567. Phone 02 46580897 Mobile 0410 545463 Email Vice Presidents Mr Jim Bieler, PO Box 173, BERRY 2535 Phone 02 4464 1567 Email Mrs Wendy Woodward, OAM 70 Illaroo Road, NORTH NOWRA 2541 MB 0417 061316 Email ASC Directors Mr Michael Brennan Ms Sue Sharpe Patrons Miss Judith Green, MBE, OAM, PO Box 130, BOWRAL 2576, 02 4861 1926 / 0409 786043 Mrs Nancy Waters, OAM, 22 Hothersal Street, KIAMA 2533 Mrs Lexie Mayo, 20 Dudgeon Street, ALBION PARK 2527. 02 4256 2112 Email Mrs Betty Allan, 82 Wolli Avenue, EARLWOOD 2206 PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY CONTACTS Albion Park AH & I Assoc. Inc. President Mr Ray Connelly, 34 Wentworth Street, OAK FLATS 2529. Mobile 0447 748443 Email Secretary Mrs Marilyn Connelly, PO Box 5, ALBION PARK 2527. Phone 02 42575303 Show office 02 42562094 Fax 02 42560879 Email Berry Show Society Inc. President Mr Peter Harris, 105 Jaspers Brush Rd, JASPERS BRUSH 2535 Phone 4448 6140 Email Secretary Mr Jim Bieler, PO Box 173, BERRY 2535 Show office phone/fax 02 44641567 Email Bowral Show Society Inc. President Mr David Goulder, PO Box 37, MITTAGONG 2575 Phone 02 4861 1503 Secretary Ms Edwina Grant, PO Box 2179, BOWRAL 2576 Mobile 0416 032086 Email Bulli Show Society Inc. President Mr John Andrews, 4 McKinnon St, WOONONA 2517. Phone 02 42833043 Email Secretary Ms Kathy Waldron, PO Box 17, BULLI 2516 Phone 02 42833043 Email 88
Camden Show Society Inc. President Mr Hugh Southwell, PO Box 162, CAMDEN 2570 Mobile 0412 409216 Email Secretary Mrs Jo Martin, PO Box 43, CAMDEN 2570 Show office phone 02 4655 8338 Fax 02 46559847 Email Dapto A & H Society Inc. President Mr Noel Leslie, PO Box 18, DAPTO 2530 Mobile 0400 435314 Secretary Katrina Novak, PO Box 18, DAPTO 2530 Phone 02 4261 1080 Email Kangaroo Valley A & H Assoc. Inc. President Mr Harold Sharman, PO BOX 6049, KANGAROO VALLEY 2577 Phone 02 44651140 Mobile 0427 651140 Email Secretary Mari Langton, PO Box 6234, KANGAROO VALLEY 2577. Mobile 0412 180778 Email Kiama Show Society Inc. President Mr Michael Brennan, Druewalla, 422 Jamberoo Mt Road, JAMBEROO 2533 Phone 02 42360102 Mobile 0408 360105 Secretary Mrs Sue Granger-Holcombe, PO Box 354, KIAMA 2533. Phone 02 42331597 Email Milton Show Society Inc. President Mr Roy Johnston, PO BOX 203, MILTON 2538 Phone 02 4456 4284 Mobile 0450 338619 Email Secretary Judith Sloan, PO Box 100, MILTON 2538 Show office phone 02 4455 2845 Mobile 0415 686892 Email Moss Vale & Dist. AH & I Society Inc. President Mr Brian Spence, PO Box 582, MOSS VALE 2577 Mobile 0408 023149 Email Secretary Hayley Rennie, PO Box 151, MOSS VALE 2577 Show office phone 02 4868 1869 Email Nowra Show Society Inc. President Mrs Wendy Woodward, OAM, 70 Illaroo Road, NORTH NOWRA 2541, Mobile 0417 0613316 Email Secretary Mrs Robyn Nelson, PO Box 494, NOWRA 2541 Phone 02 4423 1081 Mobile 0491 128900 Email Picton AH & I Society Inc. President Mr Mick Secull, 40 South St, COURIDJAH 2571 Phone 02 4681 8060 Email Secretary Mrs Susan Hill, PO Box 34, PICTON 2571 Show office phone 02 4677 2485 Email Robertson A & H Society Inc. President Mrs Leesa Stratford, PO Box 44, ROBERTSON 2577. Mobile 0411 537600 Email Secretary Sharon Makin, PO Box 44, ROBERTSON 2577 Mobile 0488 428776 Email 89
Over 500 New & Used Vehicles in stock! Australia’s best priced Toyotas! Simply the Best!
Proud sponsors of the Kiama Show
2018 Main Attractions include: Rooftop Express Wild West Show FMX 3-Motorbike Stunt Team Circus Acts Ron McKinnon Bullock Team Hay Baling Mini Trots Flyball Fireworks Finale
Butterfly House, Matilda’s Farmyard, Face Painting, La Grande Circus, Kids Circus Skills Drop Zone, Community Stage Acts and Carnival Rides And much more …………….. For the full Entertainment Program, contact or 4233 1597 91
t t a he Sho u o y ee w S
Secretary: (02) 4233 1597 Show Week: (02) 4232 2028 Email: www.