kicheko su | fa 2013
About This Lookbook
Kicheko presents its late summer & fall (su | fa) earring collection. Whisked away to a place caught between two times, it is easy to get lost in the magic of this glen. Kicheko takes you to an estate steeped in elegance, wild beauty, mystery and ruin. This place has a tendency to reveal truth and inspire clarity. As our models explore these wooded paths and fields, they discover their inner royalty.
shop the su | fa collection
unknown to them yet, this is a place locked in time. full of history and memory, it coaxes discovery.
stumbling upon the grounds, they feel quite lost.
fretful and skeptical, what will this rabbit hole cost?
do you see what’s around? do you see what’s inside? do you know that sometimes you have to lose to find?
shop the su | fa collection gold glam earrings (large) hermes-inspired floral crown (exclusive)
so much beauty around you, open your young eyes. through this ancient optic, you’ll soon realize.
shop the su|fa collection at congo infinity earrings (pink medium) right
shop the su | fa collection at
suede & metal earrings (large) black antler floral crown (exclusive)
black glam earrings (medium) | b&w chevron earrings (medium) | blue leather (large) beginning to see. jadedness unwinds. daybreak begins, hearts turns to rise.
Embrace the Reign you were always meant for more than where you settled. the light may flicker but it still flicker bright.
ladybug in the grass. even the smallest and delicate can melt a stare. smiles and sun cast rays on the wild grass.
strong. enough.
remember. reclaim your freedom. you are a being.
Into the Woods transformation takes root. exploring the grounds, imagination kicks on. adventure knows no bounds.
shop the su | fa collection
red leather earrings (small) picnic polka dot earrings (medium) passion floral crown (exclusive)
golden nautical earrings (large) green leather earrings (medium) yellow forsythia floral crown (exclusive)
what you need can’t be found on a shelf. below the surface courage lies in wait. you were designed for eternity.
you were designed to make things great.
let joy break through. emerge from anonymity. green leather earrings (medium)
yellow leather earrings (large)
shop su | fa collection jade satin earrings (large) jungle earrings (medium) ivy feather floral crown (exclusive) garden pheasant floral crown (exclusive)
shop su | fa collection
teal leather earrings (large) coral floral crown (exclusive)
blue night earrings (medium) left turkish gold & aqua earrings (medium) left moroccan blue tile earrings (medium) left blue italian earrings (small) right turkish gold & violet earrings (medium) right
live life with wonder. tough skin. soft heart. an inner royal beats within. shop su | fa collection