69th Edition
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December 2021
What’s the
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Munro’s sorrento PrescriPtions
Community Comes to The Table for Food Bank
Recognizing Supporters of South Shuswap Scoop
By Barbra Fairclough ters and Crocheters often donate handmade The Sorrento Food Bank volunteers toques and lap shawls. have kept a steady hand in continuous serBring your Christmas Hamper donavice to the community throughout the pan- tions in no later than the third Wednesday demic. Tina Hysop, Food Bank Manager is in December during food bank open hours grateful, “Support for the food bank from of 9am to 3pm. Hampers will be assemall corners of the community has been un- bled and then delivered on the following wavering since the start of the pandemic.” Wednesday, Dec 22. “This year the thanksgiving food drive Also welcome are refundable drink conducted in containers. In the months mid-Septembetween January 1 and ber has been so November 11, refundable above and bedonations amounted to yond. People $3049.50. donated 6,800 This Christmas the pounds of food.” CPR Holiday Train conTina confirms cert will be virtual in “We are in good lieu of the live concert at shape.” Notch Hill. Tina says that Tina also even though the CPR consays things that cert will be virtual this are especially year they will receive a welcome during financial donation from the ChristCPR early December. mas season are The food bank is supgifts for seniors Thanksgiving Food Drive, September 2021 ported by local businesses, and teens. Items such as puzzles, decks of churches and other organizations and indicards, crib boards, sudoku, word searches, viduals throughout the area. It is located at novels, or anything they can do by them- 2804 Arnheim Road in Sorrento. It is open self or with one other person. Restrictions Wednesdays 9-3pm. Tina says folks who of last year brought a focus on what you would like to donate food items can come can do without a lot of people. Gloves and (Continued on page 3) socks are always welcome as well. Knit-