South Shuswap Scoop March 2022

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72nd Edition

March 2022

Incorporation Committee Recommends Referendum

By Barbra Fairclough new municipality would be formed and In the Sorrento/Blind Bay Incorpora- a vote to elect a new municipal council tion committee meeting March 2, the com- would likely take place as part of the local mittee voted 7-1 in favor of recommendgovernment general election scheduled for ing a referendum be held so voters can October 15, 2022. decide on whether to incorporate. In the referendum if voters decide The committee is responsible to deter- against incorporation, electoral Area C mine whethwill be divider sufficient ed into two interest exists smaller arin the commueas. This is nity to hold because the a referendum population of as well as for the area has ensuring that grown sigvoters have nificantly and the informaeach area will tion they need have its own to assess the elected dioptions and rector at the if a vote is CSRD board called, make table. This CSRD to decide March 17 whether to go to referendum an informed will create a Photo credit: Sarah Tokarek @Shuswap Adventure Girl choice. more even disAt the March 17 CSRD board meettribution of elected representation across ing, should directors vote in support of the the region. MUNRO’S recommendation from the incorporation In January the Incorporation CommitSORRENTO PRESCRIPTIONS committee, the CSRD will work with the tee Public Engagement Phase took place. •Giftware Ministry of Municipal Affairs to finalize a Open Houses here held on January 17 and date for assent voting, tentatively planned 20. At the open houses, consultants Al•Flower Shop for this spring. All eligible voters living lan Nielson and Sherri Hurst presented the •Health & Beauty inside the proposed new municipal bound- two options, Incorporation or two elector•Home Healthcare aries will be able to go to the polls to deal areas, particularly with respect to the Mon to Sat 9-6 • Sun & Holidays 10-4 termine whether the area should be incor- incorporation option as it was the focus of porated or not. the study. 1250 TC Hwy, Sorrento If the vote supports incorporation, the (Continued on page 3) 250.675.4411 Toll Free 1.888.675.4411

Munro’s sorrento PrescriPtions

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