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it’s just about kids
2. Write a letter to Jesus.
This is a tradition started by a friend’s family. Kids are used to writing a letter to Santa and asking for the things they want. What if, instead, they wrote a letter to Jesus listing what they want to give? Is there something they need to give up? Something they can give away? It’s a great way to turn the focus from self to God and others.
3. Set up a child-friendly nativity.
Because several of my nativity sets are special and breakable, I like to let my kids set up one manger scene for little hands at their play level. My children will often rearrange the pieces and reenact the story through the season.
4. Host an old-fashioned carol sing.
One of my favorite Christmas memories is a party my family attended each year. After hors d’oeuvres and conversation, families gathered around the piano to sing all the old Christmas songs. The lighthearted songs were included (I remember singing jingle bells while everyone shook their keyrings) along with the traditional carols.
5. Plan a movie night.

In the bustle of December, a movie night at home with popcorn and hot chocolate is a family favorite. Try one of these movies to celebrate the reason for the season: A Charlie Brown Christmas, the Nativity Story, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Christmas Candle, or The Little Drummer Boy.

6. Tour a Living Nativity.
What a treat to be transported back in time with costumed actors, a stable, live animals and depiction of life in Bethlehem at Jesus’ birth. If a church in your town is not hosting a living nativity, gather some friends together with simple costumes and props for your own neighborhood version one evening.
7. Read the real Christmas story.
My kids wake up with a month’s worth of bottled anticipation ready to dive into the Christmas presents. Several years ago, we decided to start with the real reason for Christmas. So before the chaos of wrapping paper and bows, we first read about the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:1-20.
Some families enjoy reading this passage just before bedtime on Christmas Eve or when everyone is gathered around the Christmas dinner table.
Despite the bustle of the season and the push to make December about gifts, this is one month of the year when families can incorporate traditions to celebrate
the real Christmas story. k Family First is a non-profit organization that provides parenting, marriage, and relationship resources through All Prod Dad, IMom and Family Minute programs, that help people love their family well, and gives them greater hope for the future. For more information visit familyfirst.net

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Edye es el primer servicio premium creado exclusivamente para niños preescolares con series, juegos, actividades y libros inteligentes y divertidos que promueven el aprendizaje, la creatividad y las habilidades sociales de los niños.

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Sarah y Pato, Sid el niño científico,
Dinotren, La abeja Maya y muchos más.
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