1 minute read
Editor’s Letter
CREATIVITY is the foundation of improving. We do things differently today, because someone had a creative idea and moved on it. With kids being our future, I wanted to see what CREATIVITY means to them. Really hope you enjoy reading this one!
Our Cover Model is the amazingly talented and beautiful Alessandra Liu. She's not only an actor, model, and influencer, she's also an executive producer. In her article, she let's you in on her journey. It has definitely been a privilege and honor to have her as our Cover Model and I can't wait to see what the future holds for her!
In our 29th Issue you will see "What Fashion Means to Me” by Ariana and read about Emmie's experience with bullying. See amazing pictures from our Featured Photographer Duo, CreativeSoul. You will also learn about our Featured Designer, Drisha Closet, and learn “How To Become An Actress" with Rhys Olivia Cote. Oh and we can’t forget our Top 10 Models (including our Atlanta's Top 10 Models), pictures from our Group Shoots in Los Angeles and Charlotte, and the cool ads with Members who won FREE photoshoots.
Thank you for taking the time to read our magazine! If you would like to be published in our magazine, either send us a message on Instagram and/or Facebook. You can also reach us via our website at www.kidfashmagazine.com. For special events and opportunities, continue to follow us on Instagram @kidfashmagazine. Hope you enjoy the magazine, and I look forward to meeting you at one of our events in the near future!! Be blessed!