3 minute read
Surviving & Thriving With Autism (Mikayla Jean
Overcoming Obstacles Mikayla Jean
Written By: Andrea Slocum Edited By: Jennifer Pucci Starr Photographer: Bobby Sax (@imagesbybobbysax)
Look deep into the crystal blue eyes of Mikayla Jean and you’ll find a girl with big dreams and an even bigger story. With determination and success, Mikayla Jean has become a budding star shining through in all she puts her mind to. A model, actress, song writer, to list just a few, she is quite an impressive young girl, but not only for these achievements. Mikayla Jean is Autistic, and for some that may be a road block but for her it is an outlet for using her voice to inspire others to face their challenges and turn them into dreams.
Diagnosed when she was just 4-years-old, Mikayla Jean’s Autism has been with her as long as she can remember, yet it has only made her push harder for what she wants. "Autism does not define who I am," says Mikayla Jean. "It is a part of who I am that makes me unique. I believe that I can achieve anything I want and that nothing will hold me back." Autism is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior and remains relatively misunderstood. As Mikayla Jean has proven, those with autism are just as capable as anyone else of achieving incredible success.

For Mikayla Jean, her autism came with many sensory issues that have been her biggest obstacle. Through years of therapy, Mikayla Jean has learned to overcome issues such as tactile and auditory irritation. Fashion shows in particular can be her biggest challenge. “Big fashion shows can get very overwhelming,” says Mikayla Jean. “It is really loud and busy back in the dressing room waiting to walk the runway I try to listen to music on my ear pods to block out some of the noise. It helps to be open and up front with everyone I work with.”
No stranger to challenges, Mikayla Jean credits her mother for giving her the strength she has needed to overcome obstacles. “She is a warrior,” Mikayla Jean says of her mother. “She battled stage three breast cancer. She is strong and brave and never gives up. She always stays positive. She inspires me the most.”
Mikayla Jean has taken these life experiences and used them as motivation to help others whenever possible. Through her involvement in several non-profit organizations Mikayla Jean raises awareness for causes that are important to her, including Autism Speaks, Mama Mare Breast Cancer Foundation and Play Unified, a sports and activity club that promotes tolerance and social acceptance by giving kids with disabilities a chance to be part of a team. She's also extremely appreciative of the Old Bridge Militia Foundation. "They pay for music lessons for kids that can't afford to get them, or are going through hard times," says Mikayla Jean. "They have been supporting me for many years now."
Mikayla Jean says of her mother.

For one of her favorite fashion brands, Sugar Lulu, Mikayla Jean had the opportunity to help design a crop top and leggings set called Dare to be Yourself. Proceeds from the sale of the clothing were donated to autism awareness. "I have been very lucky to be apart of amazing brands that promote kindness and positivity," says Mikayla Jean. Seeing the beauty in all things she has faced has definitely helped Mikayla Jean achieve her success. "I believe in being open and honest about having Autism," says Mikayla Jean. "That it might show others that anything is possible. It's important to bring awareness to Autism. To educate people. To have inclusion for all. To never let anything stop you. Hello 2022...this is my year." She also takes vocal lessons at Rock Out Loud through the Old Bridge Militia foundation. Rock out Loud has given Mikayla Jean many incredible opportunities to show her talent at big venues. She recently sang at The House of Independence in Asbury Park NJ and will be performing in June in NYC at the Bitter End. A stage where Taylor Swift and Bruce Springsteen once performed.