The best part about being a kid is enjoying life and just having FUN. As a kid you have no worries, no bills, and no real responsibilities. You get to wake up and do whatever you want. With this being our July Issue and summer, what better theme to have than FUN. Our Cover Model is Celai West! She is known for “Rippin the Runway”! In her article, she talks about her journey, her career, and about her most recent t-shirt line “The Chatty Chick”. It has definitely been a privilege watching her grow into a BEAUTIFUL and STRONG young lady. I can’t wait to see what her future holds. In our 23rd Issue you will see "What Fashion Means to Me” by Abbie and see some amazing pictures from our Featured Photographer: Old Classic Photography. You will also read a story about Emmy Bucher who doesn’t let Discoid Meniscus Disease stop her from dancing and being happy. Our Featured Designer is no other than Katie J NYC. Don’t forget to read the very informative article by Hailey Smith on “How To Become A Model”. Oh and we can’t forget our Top 10 Models, our SELECT Photographer Spotlights, and the Members who won FREE photoshoots. Thank you for taking the time to read our magazine! If you would like to be published in our magazine, either send us a message on Instagram and/or Facebook. You can also reach us via our website at www.kidfashmagazine.com. For special events and opportunities, continue to follow us on Instagram @kidfashmagazine. Hope you enjoy the magazine, and I look forward to meeting you at one of our events in the near future!! Be blessed!
6 KidFashMagazine.com/July 2021