1 minute read
Editor’s Letter
Everywhere you go in the world, you see FASHION. There’s no wrong or right fashion. The cool thing about fashion is it lets you express yourself, however you like. Any given day, your “fashion” can change depending on how you feel. So, in this issue I wanted to see how everyone expresses their “fashion”.
What better models to pick for our Fashion Issue than the amazing Clements Twins, Ava & Leah. These two beautiful girls graced the cover of our magazine a few years ago and we have enjoyed watching them grow. They have recently started their own clothing line Kaveah and you should definitely check it out. It has definitely been a privilege and honor to have Ava & Leah as our Cover Models and I can't wait to see what the future holds for them!
In our 30th Issue you will see "What Fashion Means to Me” by Lexie Rabe and read about Bruna's experience with bullying. See amazing pictures from our Featured Photographer Ashley Roberts. You will also learn about our Featured Designer, Mila Hoffman, and learn “How To Become A Model" with Hannah Kenerly. Oh and we can’t forget our Top 10 Models of Houston and North Carolina, the BEST of the GOLD’S, pictures from our Group Shoots with our GOLD Photographers in San Diego, Portland (Maine), Houston, and Charlotte, and the cool ads with Members who won FREE photoshoots. Something NEW you will see in this issue is our Influencer and Platinum Member features and our favorite 10 FASHION pics from all over the world.
Thank you for taking the time to read our magazine! If you would like to be published in our magazine, either send us a message on Instagram and/or Facebook. You can also reach us via our website at www.kidfashmagazine.com. For special events and opportunities, continue to follow us on Instagram @kidfashmagazine. Hope you enjoy the magazine, and I look forward to meeting you at one of our events in the near future!! Be blessed!