KidForce Magazine: Special Holiday Issue!

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Happy Holidays! We hope you enjoy this special edition of KidForce Magazine, chock full of holiday fun!



1) Spread thin layer of vanilla frosting on top of the cooled cupcake or Oreo Cookie.

12 large, fresh strawberries with tops (green leaves & stem) cut off

2) Place strawberry on top of cupcake or cookie with the flat side down (as shown in picture)

One dozen (12) cooled, plain vanilla cupcakes or Oreo Cookies One container vanilla frosting

3) Use piping bag with starshaped tip to outline the strawberry and put a dollop of frosting on the top..

Piping bag for frosting


The Holidays Are Coming to Town


All About the



The tradition of decorating gingerbread houses began in Germany in the early 1800s. It is said that it became popular because of the fairytale, Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm, which described the witch’s house in the story as being “built of gingerbread, and roofed with cakes, and the window was of transparent sugar.” German bakers became inspired by this and started to craft small, decorative houses from Lebkuchen, a spiced German biscuit. COLOR your very own gingerbread house below and submit it to any time before December 30th to be entered into a special (*Remember to ask a parent or guardian for permission.)



(Slightly strange, yet very interesting) Holiday Traditions from Around the World Japan: Kentucky Fried Christmas? Since the American fast food store, Kentucky Fried Chicken, first opened in Japan in 1970, it is a tradition for millions of Japanese families to have a bucket of KFC chicken to mark the holiday. It all began with the slogan, “Kentucky for Christmas.” But you can’t just walk in and get your chicken. Oh no! It is so busy at KFC in Japan at Christmastime that you have to order several weeks in advance!

Catalan, Spain:

The “Pooping” Christmas Log Known as Tió de Nadal (Christmas Log), this tradition features a log with legs and a face and a little red hat. The tradition hails from old Catalan mythology and is brought into Catalan homes at the Feast of the Immaculate Conception every December 8th. The hollow log is supposed to look like it is “pooping” out gifts for the children to find Christmas morning.

Caracas, Venezuela: Holy Rollers! The people of Caracas, Venezuela have a tradition of roller skating to church on Christmas morning. Many neighborhoods even close the streets off to cars until 8am to allow the skaters to get through!

Do you know of an interesting or unusual holiday tradition from another country? Tell us about it and you could win a great prize! Winners will be announced every Tuesday in December! 6

Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel

“A great miracle happened there.” Dreidel is Yiddish for “spinning top.” A dreidel is a four-sided top that spins on its pointy base. Today, dreidels are mostly made of plastic or wood, but long ago they were made of clay. There is a traditional children’s song with the lyrics, “Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay.”

How to play: Any number of players can play. Each player received an equal number of coins or other game pieces (around ten or so). At the beginning of each round (or when the pot is empty), each player puts one game piece back in the pot. When it is your turn, you spin the dreidel once. Follow the guide below for the symbol on which you have landed. When you are out of game pieces, you are out of the game. When someone has taken the whole pot, they are the winner.

Nun Absolutely nothing happens. Nun stands for the Yiddish word nul, which means zero. It's time for the player to your left to take a spin.

Gimel You get to take the whole pot! Gimmel stands for gantz, which means whole. Everyone, including you, now puts another unit into the pot, and the person to your left tries his luck at spinning.

Hey You get to take half of the pot. Hey stands for halb, half. If the pot has an odd amount of units, don't try to split that penny, nut, or piece of chocolate in half. Leave the odd item there.

Shin You put a unit into the pot. Shin is for shenk, which means “give.”

This year Hanukkah begins at sundown on December 22nd. It lasts for eight days, ending at sundown on December 30th. _______________

**Send us your drawing of a dreidel by the start of Hanukkah and win a great prize!** 7


Meet Molly, the newest addition to our KidForce Family! She was rescued from an animal shelter in Connecticut just before Thanksgiving. She is a Great Pyrenees / Australian Shepherd mix. She is one and a half years old and VERY, VERY sweet!

Print out and color this wintry girl with as many bright and happy colors as you can find! The first to send back their finished coloring, will be published in KidForce Magazine and win a cool prize!


You may feel sad or disappointed at Christmastime if you have set your heart on getting a puppy, kitten or some other pet, but Santa doesn’t come through. This is not because you are on the “naughty list” and don’t deserve a new pet! The truth is that pets are a long-term commitment and require lots of time, attention and money (for vet bills, food, and other supplies). It is a known fact that many pets end up abandoned after the holidays when their families realize they cannot provide everything their pet needs. This is, of course, very upsetting to the pet and the family. This is why every person living in the household must feel good about, and feel able and ready to care for a new furry, fluffy or even slimy family member. When the time is right, adopting a new pet can be a wonderful and exciting experience. Pets can make us feel less alone, less stressed and can even motivate us to get off the couch and go for a walk! But if a pet, such as a puppy, is left alone too much or doesn’t get enough exercise, it can become destructive and sometimes even aggressive (mean or angry) to people and other animals. This is something we NEVER want to happen. It could create a tragic life of isolation or abandonment for that dog, not to mention the risk that someone could get hurt. If you are lucky enough that your family is ready for a new pet this Christmas (or if you already have a pet), make sure you pitch in and help as much as you can with feeding, exercising, cleaning up after and training of your new pet. Find information about your pet in the library or online and learn as much as you can about their temperament (personality) and about how to train them. Remember, you make a sacred (special) promise when you adopt a living creature and they will be relying on you to keep them safe and loved for many years to come. This is one of the most important responsibilities you will ever have, and also one of the most meaningful, fun and special friendships!


Blake K., age 10, of Exeter has won a KidForce Mystery Packet and a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card! Congratulations, Blake! Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork and for being one of our very first Holiday Art Contest Winners!


Congratulations Madelyne K., age 7, of Exeter! You are one of our first ever KidForce Magazine Holiday Art Contest winners! Thank you for submitting such a wonderful Christmas drawing! You will be receiving a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card and a KidForce Mystery Packet!


Baby Yoda

Congratulations, Sabrina B., age 11 of Coventry! Your “Baby Yoda” is really in the holiday spirit!

You have won a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble and a KidForce Mystery Packet!


Danny R., Age 9 North Kingstown, RI “Santa’s Sunset Departure” Danny has won a KidForce Mystery Packet and a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble!

Congratulations, Danny! Great Work! The colors of your sunset are beautiful!


Jack R., Age 11 North Kingstown, RI “Sleigh in the Sky” Jack has also won a KidForce Mystery Packet and a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble!

Your winter landscape is so festive and has such depth! Awesome artwork, Jack!


Izzie A., Age 5 East Greenwich, RI

Marker Mermaid Congratulations, Izzie! Your Marker Mermaid really makes us smile! Izzie has won a $10 gift card and a KidForce Mystery Packet! 16

Annaliese S., Age 7 West Greenwich, RI

Snowy Day

Congratulations, Annaliese! We love this Snowy Day you’ve created! And your snowman is so fun and sweet!

Annaliese has won a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble and a KidForce Mystery Packet!


Emma R., Age 7 — Smithfield, RI

Snowflake Elf Congratulations, Emma! Your Snowflake Elf is beautiful and happy, and really reflects the joy of Christmas!

Emma has won a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble and a KidForce Mystery Packet! 18

Emma & Noah R.

Noah R., Age 5 Smithfield, RI

Snow Elf

Congratulations, Noah!

We love your Snow Elf! Thank you for sharing your wonderful picture with us! Noah has won a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble and a KidForce Mystery Packet! 19

Congratulations, Charlotte H., age 5 from East Greenwich! We love your “Christmas Tree Stand�! You drew this with such detail and care That we can really feel the Christmas love and excitement! Charlotte has won a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble and a




Presents Under The Tree

Congratulations, Sydney A., age 8 from Coventry! Your tree is amazingly detailed and colorful, and really lights up the page! Sydney has won a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble and a KidForce Mystery Packet! 23

Mimi’s Christmas Gift (is Bringing Us to Disney for February break!) Congratulations Skyla O., age 13, of Smithfield! Your Mickey and Mini are fantastic! Skyla has won a $10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card and a KidForce Mystery Packet! 24

Here is Skyla pictured at age 5 with

Adella: The Gentle Giant. 25

Sonny is a French Bulldog puppy, approximately 14 weeks old.

Can you stand his

ADORABLENESS?! (It looks like he has an in with the elf!)

Submitted by Cecilia & Carlie C. of East Greenwich, RI! Cecilia & Carlie will each receive a KidForce Mystery Package! 26

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5 oz bottle of clear school glue 1/2 Tablespoon baking soda 1 1/4 Tablespoon contact lens solution (also called saline solution) Glitter Flakes Silver Glitter (optional) Snowflake Confetti (optional) Plastic craft snow globes (from craft store or Amazon)

Combine the glue, contact solution and the baking soda in a large bowl. It is best to use a strong plastic spoon or spatula. The more you mix the ingredients, the smoother they will become. You may want to use your hands at some point, once the stickiness has subsided. At this time, add in confetti and other optional ingredients. Work them in with your fingers or spoon until well blended into the slime. Portion out small amounts to transfer into your plastic craft globes. Seal and give as gifts to all of your slime-loving friends! *Adult supervision is required; This project is not appropriate for children under the age of 3 years. Always wash your hands before and after making and playing with slime. Warning: If large quantities of contact lens solution are accidentally ingested (greater than a tablespoon), get medical attention immediately.


When Jack T. of South Kingstown left his bike near an old canoe in his neighbor’s yard, he didn’t realize there was a sign right beside it that said, “FREE.” When he returned a little while later, his bike was missing. Jack was heartbroken. Realizing what had happened —that someone thought the bike was free instead of the canoe— Jack’s mom and the neighbor sent word out via the Facebook page, Our Town: South Kingstown, that Jack’s new bike had been accidentally taken, and if anyone had any information, could they please let them know. The kind and generous people of South Kingstown immediately rallied for Jack. One family offered to help pay for a new bike, while another offered Jack their son’s old bike that was still in great condition. These offers came from “strangers,” who simply could not sit with the idea that Jack should go without a bike. In the meantime, the family who mistakenly took the bike contacted Jack’s family to let them know they would gladly return the bike later that evening, as soon as they were able to do so without their four year-old son, the recipient of the “accidentally free” bike, seeing it. They brought the bike back as promised. When Jack realized that another little boy had lost his “new” bike, he was sad. He wanted to do something so that the other boy could have a bike, too. Jack’s mom had an idea! She contacted the generous “stranger” from Facebook who had offered her son’s used bike to see if she might part with it so that both boys would have a bike. She enthusiastically agreed. Jack’s mom bought a new helmet for the other boy, too. Jack and the little boy met in person and Jack was so happy to see the other child’s excitement at getting a “new” bike and helmet! In the words of Jack’s mom: In the end, it was the generosity of the community and Jack’s compassion that made it possible for both boys to have “new-to-them” bikes. Thank you, Jack, for being a Kid Who Cares! You will be receiving a KidForce Mystery Packet and a gift card to Launch Trampoline park! And thank you to the kind people of South Kingstown for taking such good care of your neighbors! If you know a Kid Who Cares in your community, please let us know! Nominations can be submitted at 28

And, as always a heartfelt

Thank You to our KidForce sponsors!



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