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Kidney Foundation Supports William F. Clark Chair Nephrology
With a $3.5 million endowment and backed by decades-long leadership in kidney research, Western has established the William F. Clark Chair in Nephrology at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, home to one of Canada’s pre-eminent nephrology divisions.
Western matched funds raised through The Kidney Foundation of Canada and the London Health Sciences Foundation (LHSF) to create the new research chair.
“The new research chair will play an important role in ensuring this community attracts and retains innovative research talent to continue the research legacy that has been built here in London,” said Dr. Norman Muirhead, president of The Kidney Foundation of Canada, Ontario Branch.
The chair is named in honour of renowned nephrologist Dr. William F. Clark, professor emeritus at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry and an Order of Canada member.
Dr. Andrew House, chair of nephrology at Schulich Medicine and his team were instrumental in ensuring this integral new chair position would honour their longtime colleague.“It is fitting that we name the research chair after Dr. Clark, whose contributions have influenced the practice of nephrology within Canada and internationally,” he said. In a career spanning 40 years, Clark has made significant contributions to a broad range of areas, including myeloma kidney disease, water contamination and screening strategies for kidney disease.
His groundbreaking research on the long-term health consequences of Canada’s worst-ever E. coli contamination in Walkerton, Ont. in 2000 has enhanced the knowledge and practice of nephrology globally.
“The Clark Chair in Nephrology will contribute to developing better practices, policies, tools and technology, all of which will translate into better treatments and patient care,” said Western President Alan Shepard.
The London kidney research community has a long history of research excellence. In 2012, Dr. Clark was awarded The Kidney Foundation’s highest research honour, the Medal for Research Excellence.
Dr. Clark has been a tremendous volunteer and friend of The Kidney Foundation at all levels of the organization. Nationally, he is a past chair of the Research Council while also playing a pivotal role in his local community for decades as a committed leader, volunteer, and donor.
This fall The Kidney Foundation will pay tribute to Dr. Clark at a special event held in his honour. Tickets for the October 14th event - Forest City Limelight – a Night to Honour Dr. William F. Clarkwill soon be available.
For more information visit kidney.ca/events or call Carl at 519-850-5362.