Help at Your Fingertips
Resources to support you through your kidney disease journey
e’re committed to providing individuals living with kidney disease with the tools and resources to navigate their journey. From treatment options to travel, tax tips to restless leg syndrome, we have a comprehensive offering of brochures and fact sheets to help provide you with the information you need. The fact sheets, brochures and our two patient handbooks, “Living with Reduced Kidney Function” and “Living with Kidney Failure,” are available for download on our website at or you can find printed versions in hospital renal units, or request a print copy by calling our office at 1.800.387.4474. Digital Tools Reimagined Kidney Community The “renal diet” is often described as one of the most challenging diets. There is no simple diet sheet that applies to everyone. Every diet must be individualized to meet the needs of each person. The Kidney Community Kitchen is a free nutritional online resource that includes recipes, nutrition information, dietitian blog and kidney diet information. The online tool was recently refreshed and features a new look and some amazing new recipes. Later this spring, the site will also include a meal planner and more! – Join the Conversation is an online community—a place where people living with and affected by kidney disease can get connected. Read blogs from professionals and other patients, join a group and talk to others about your experience. There are various groups to join, providing you with the opportunity to connect with others who may be sharing a similar experience. Online Risk Assessment Tool Sharing the vital role that kidneys play on our overall health is core to our public awareness efforts. Because there are often no symptoms until kidney disease is quite advanced, many people aren’t aware that they have the disease until they’ve already lost most of their kidney function. That is why screening and early detection are so important. The Kidney Foundation’s risk assessment tool has been transformed. As you share your story and raise awareness about kidney disease, you can direct your friends and neighbours to to learn about the risks and take the online quiz.
KIDNEYCOMMUNITYKITCHEN.CA 18 / Kidney Living / Spring 2020