Connection SSummer 2012
Manitoba Unveils New Organ Dona on Registry Registering your desire to donate your organs and ssue just got easier with the crea on of www., the province’s new online organ and ssue dona on registry.
most special gi - they are truly giving the gi of life.”
Registra on at www.SignUpForLIfe. ca, is simple: 1. You must be at least 18 and a resident of Manitoba.
KFOC’s Robyn Maharaj registers
2. Provide your 9-digit Manitoba Health Card number, and your first and last names as they appear on the card.
The secure database solves another problem that some mes occurs when donor organs poten ally become available. The deceased person either did not share their wishes with family, or the family has forgo en their loved one’s pledge during this most stressful of mes. With this data base, the family can be gently reminded of the person’s wishes. “It is most important that the person registering make it clear to their next of kin that dona on is their desire,” added Dunphy. “The site allows you to print off a donor card and is easily accessible by medical professionals. This should eliminate much of the confusion that can occur in these situa ons.”
3. You are asked if you intend to register as a donor 4. Check the appropriate box to donate ALL of your organs and ssue for transplanta on research and/or educa on. 5. Let your family know about your decision.
“Everyone at The Kidney Founda on of Canada Manitoba Branch is posi vely ecsta c about the crea on of www.SignUpForLife. ca,” said Execu ve Director Val Dunphy. “Every day we speak with people who live with the stress of kidney disease, whether it be personally or through watching a loved one live with the challenge. Anything that makes it easier for someone to donate and for someone to receive this gi of life is most welcome.”
What does mean to people who are awai ng a match? Long me friend of the Manitoba Branch Hank Horner was excited when he heard the news. “This is just great. So many people in Manitoba need a kidney so they can live a normal life. People signing up need to know they are giving the
The crea on of www. comes at an opportune me, as kidney transplant surgeries have plateaued over the last several years, despite the fact that the growing rate of kidney disease in Manitoba leaves us with the highest percentage in Canada. “Nearly 40% of new cases of kidney disease in Manitoba occur because of a prior diagnosis of diabetes,” offered Dunphy. “Much has been noted about the oncoming epidemic of diabetes that is hi ng Manitoba like a big wave. More waves are coming and one of those is kidney disease, so more and more kidneys are going to be required to meet the demand.”
The RRGS is coming! Sunday, September 9th St. Vital Park registra on - 8:30 a.m. event start - 10:00 a.m.
2km walk, 5 km run, 10 km bike Entertainment all day! Register at - manitobawalk Team prizes for Best dressed, Best name, Most spirit and more!
Call Donna Spence - 989-0807 Coffee-Rubbed Sirloin Great for a summer barbecue! Ingredients
Nutrient Analysis Calories: 193, Protein: 34g Carbohydrates: 3g, Fibre: 0.6g Total Fat: 4g, Sodium: 101mg Phosphorus: 316mg Potassium: 559mg
2 lb sirloin steak, Olive oil, 2 tsp paprika, 2 tsp chili powder, 2 tsp ground coffee, 2 tsp ground cumin, 2 tsp brown sugar.
Direc ons
Renal Diet Nutrient Analysis
Chef’s Sugges on
Rub meat with olive oil then massage with dry spice rub. Grill or panfry on medium heat to desired doneness.
Servings per recipe: 6 Serving size: 4oz of meat
This recipe works well with pork too. Just roast at 325 for 25 minutes or un l internal temperature is 160 F.
Renal and Diabe c Exchanges 4 protein
2011 State of the Branch Address 2011 was a very interes ng year for the Manitoba Branch of KFOC. It was challenging as far as raising dollars went, but it was also very encouraging and produc ve for our Kidney Health ini a ves. SeeKD, our Kidney Screening Clinic program, was launched in August. SeeKD is a na onal program funded by CN Rail that enables us to travel to high-risk communi es and test people. Immediate benefits were seen as a endees at every clinic were flagged as high risk and needed further medical a en on. Most of those people indicated that it was because of SeeKD that they were tested and subsequently diagnosed. 2011 was also the 40th Anniversary of The Kidney Founda on in Manitoba. We hosted several special events, including a
Breakfast on World Kidney Day where we recognized all the players in the renal community that are so vital. The first grant from the Branch Endowment Fund established in honor of our Founder, Dr. Ashley Thomson was awarded at the breakfast. Dr. Thomson was in a endance to present the award to Drs. Storsley and Karpinski which will aid them in researching organ dona on in aboriginal communi es. Na onal Organ and Tissue Dona on Awareness Week was recognized with a public display at Garden City Shopping Centre. We had numerous occasions to promote KFOC and its services, par cularly with volunteer speakers. For example, Brigi e and Felix Sandron spoke about the importance of organ dona on, featured on a memorable Shaw
TV segment. Several items highligh ng the need for proper barbecuing procedures to prevent e-coli infec on appeared on air and in print. The Kidney Founda on was also posi oned to provide knowledgeable commentary during the e-coli scare in Europe. In the midst of all this ac on the Manitoba Branch was able to support several other ini a ves. Six university students were funded to further their research studies last summer. Eighteen children were treated to Kidney Camp. We also hosted a Kidney Health Challenge in March which encouraged kids to eat healthier foods at school. More than 120 people a ended the annual pa ent educa on event in October.
Wendy’s Great Chili Campaign - A Huge Success! March 2012, Winnipeg. Do you know that Wendy’s Restaurants in Winnipeg has been suppor ng The Kidney Founda on in Manitoba for 11 years? Over these 11 years Wendy’s has raised more than $150,000 for programs and services here in Manitoba! This year alone the total was $32,394! This total could not have been generated without the complete support of everyone at Wendy’s from Tim McLeod and Jeff Lammi at the head office to everyone behind the counter. The staff at each loca on were very enthusias c about suppor ng us. They encouraged customers to buy and sign diske es and to purchase chili, especially on March 8th - World Kidney Day.
Pictured (le back) Jeff - District Manager, General Managers Ron, Mary, Kim and Jenny, Val-KFOC. Le front: General Managers O s and Jenn, Owner Tim MacLeod, with KFOC President James Zacharias.
They even tolerated rookie staff from the Kidney Founda on who got in their way over the busy lunch rush! Two staff who sold the most diske es received special prizes. Congratula ons to Precious from the King Edward loca on and Sylvia from Beaverhill Boulevard.
Protect yourself from E. coli infec on this summer By every indica on it is going to be a great summer in Manitoba, filled with backyard barbecues and picnics in the park. The Kidney Founda on wants everyone to safely enjoy these ac vi es by making sure you know how to protect yourself from E. coli infec on. Follow these simple steps: 1. Wash all fruit and vegetables, including those you cut and peel. 2. Wash utensils and cu ng boards in warm, soapy water.
3. Change towels and other cleaning materials o en. 4. Do not buy meat that is dripping through the packaging. 5. Cook ground meat and poultry to an internal temperature of at least 160 F.
8. Use seperate cu ng boards for each cut of meat and vegetables. Our popular single-use meat thermometers are back! Contact us to get yours. Our contact details are on the back page!
6. Keep hot food hot (min. 140 F) and cold food cold (below 40 F). 7. Always thaw meat in the microwave and never in the sink or on the counter. © Albiebredenhann | <a href=”http://www.stockfreeimages. com/”>Stock Free Images</a>
2011 State of the Branch Address (conƟnued from page 2)
A highlight of our year is always Wendy’s Great Chili Campaign, which raised a record $23,878. A new event was the social hosted by our very own Bob Kindrachuk in November. Unfortunately, the Home Appliance Re rement Program (HARP) was cancelled in the fall of 2011. The City of Winnipeg was not interested in assis ng us with this service, and it was not lucra ve enough to carry on our own. The Manitoba Branch received grant monies from The Public Health Agency of Canada’s Canadian Health Diabetes Strategy for Manitoba’s Interlake:
Our Health*Our Future. Our goal of this grant work is to educate health care professionals, pa ents with diabetes, and the general public about the linkage between diabetes and kidney disease. Our Children * Their Health*Our Future, The Manitoba Branch’s ground breaking health curriculum for aboriginal communi es, progressed as efforts con nued at Charles Sinclair School in Fisher River and Kis ganwacheeng Elementary School in Garden Hill. We would like to thank the many volunteers that supported our efforts throughout 2011 – in numerous communi es, fundraising and canvassing; at our offices, assis ng with computer work, mailings and many other tasks. We’d like to extend a very
special thank you to the McIsaac family, who was our Volunteer Family of the Year: Dave, Tracy, Kieren and Aislynn – the family’s efforts have successfully increased awareness of The Kidney Founda on, its mission and importance. Lastly, we are very thankful to have an engaged Board of Directors that con nues to provide us with direc on and support. We are also blessed with great donors, corporate friends and staff. Collec vely, they all contribute greatly to our success and this bodes well as we move into 2012.
Val Dunphy, Execu ve Director
The Kidney Founda on of Canada Manitoba Branch Unit 1-452 Dovercourt Drive Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1G4 (204) 989-0800 1-800-729-7176 Twi er: KidneyFdnMb Facebook: Kidney Founda on of Canada Manitoba Branch
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