Structure and governance.
Kidney Research UK is a company limited by guarantee, Company Registration No. 00905963, and is registered with the Charity Commission 252892 (England and Wales) and SC039245 (Scotland). The charity is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association. In the event of the charity being wound up, company members must contribute £1. The wholly owned subsidiary company, Kidney Research Enterprises Limited, Company Registration No.2932606 undertakes trading, retail and administrative activities for the benefit of Kidney Research UK. Kidney Research UK continues to demonstrate its commitment to good governance and continuous improvement. Actions arising from the detailed review of the Charity Governance Code in 2019 have been adopted. This includes the appointment of a vice chair and the formation of a Nominations and Governance Committee. The Nominations and Governance committee supports the board of trustees in its responsibilities for charity governance standards and appointments to the board, facilitating diversity in the governance structure, and ensuring the right mix of skills and experience. The committee is chaired by the vice chair of the board. Kidney Research UK remains focused and committed to using the Charity Governance Code as a framework for systematic assessment and improvement of its governance. Assessments will continue, together with a review of progress on actions, currently work is being done to assess the effectiveness of the board. 22 c Kidney Research UK – annual report and financial statements 2019-20