Imagine Children's Festival 2015
These books were produced as part of the Everybody Into Books event at Imagine Children's Festival, Southbank Centre, London, February 2015. Curved House Kids set up a book making station that allowed kids to write and illustrate collaborative books. We made 20 books on the day (lots of hard work by lots of creative kids!) and now we have made these ebooks to read, share, download and enjoy. Organised by UK not-for-profit Inclusive Minds, the Everybody Into Books event is designed to promote inclusion, ensuring all children can access books and see themselves in stories. Other participants included Charlie and Lola creator Lauren Child, Jane Ray and writer/graphic novelist extraordinaire Louie Stowell. Thanks to Inclusive Minds, Southbank Centre and sponsors The Book People, and to all the wonderful children who made it such a fantastic day! CONTACT US TO RUN A VISUAL LITERACY WORKSHOP IN YOUR SCHOOL: Kristen Harrison: