kidsLINK Annual Report

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Notre Dame of St. Agatha Inc


Developing tomorrow’s potential in today’s children and youth




In 2008/09, kidsLINK touched the lives of 11,600 children and youth. Some of them were suffering severely from mental health challenges, but most were at-risk of social and emotional problems. Much work remains to be done. While the need for mental health care in Canada grows, so do the challenges. Without the investment of public funds in children’s mental health, many families cannot access the care they need, while others face long waiting lists. At kidsLINK, we meet these challenges with passion, creativity, innovation and hard work. We are creating new and needed resources, such as Tools for Life™, while building and sustaining products and services that reach out to more families in more places. Our commitment to social enterprise continues as a means of extending our work to more young people. We financially support services such as respite care, that is only partially government funded and for which the users cannot afford to pay. We are also partnering with other agencies and sharing our successful methods with professionals and caregivers worldwide. Working closely with the CEO, the Board of Directors has been engaged in the implementation of the 2017 Vision, in setting the strategic direction at kidsLINK. Key initiatives to build and reinforce strong leaders and balance operations for sustainability are showing positive results. Relationships with government and private funders remain strong and active. On behalf of the Board, I wish to acknowledge the contribution made by the CEO, staff, volunteers, funders and donors to another successful year dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth.

2008/09 year was an exceptional one for Notre Dame of St. Agatha. It was a year of celebrating a number of milestones and announcing our future agenda. First, we launched our sesquicentennial anniversary with a celebration that looked back at who we were, who we are today and where we are going tomorrow. We welcomed back many friends – Sisters, clients, staff, volunteers and donors from our past. We enjoyed the energy and enthusiastic participation of children and youth we serve today, who buried a special time capsule for the children to come in the next 150 years! Throughout the year, we acknowledged special anniversaries for our annual ECE Conference, Journal, and Gourmet Trail. The second notable event was the publication of our 2017 Vision and 3-year Strategic Plan. kidsLINK committed to building on its successes and core competencies. We will focus on wellness for children and youth by enhancing their resilience and reducing their vulnerability to trauma and emotional and mental health problems. We intend to extend the reach of our Mission beyond current boundaries through more training and consultation to child and family serving professionals. Key business goals for 2008/09 included investing in evaluating our promising practices to shift them towards being evidence-based, and investing in our leadership to enable aggressive expansion of our capacity in the creative way we envision. We also began the process of developing our ability to deliver web-based services and furthered the development of Tools for Life™. As we continued to offer our client services across

kidsLINK responded to the mental health needs of 11,600 children and youth




RESOURCES our diverse programs, we attended to client-friendly improvements and meeting service demands despite budget constraints.

Funds Raised for Respite and Tools for Life™

Financial Report

April 1, 2008 – March 31, 2009 In 2008–2009, Notre Dame of St. Agatha, Inc. spent

We successfully delivered services to more kids and families than ever, with outstanding results. Consider achieving measureable or observable significant improvement in more than 85% of the 11, 600 youngsters whose lives we touched! We did that within budget and while taking our first step towards reducing our environmental footprint. I commend and thank our staff, volunteers, donors and friends who contributed to a very successful year. As we work on forming new partnerships, establishing greater technological capacity, maintaining our high standards, and shifting to a wellness-focused service culture, grounded in the belief that children and youth have the right to access services to support their wellbeing, kidsLINK moves into the coming fiscal year with an enthusiastic staff group that report feeling inspired by our aspirations. Children, youth and their families can only benefit from the resulting energy and dedication as we blend our skills with huge doses of faith, hope and love on their behalf.

kidsLINK operated without a fundraising staff in 2008/09. Direction from the Board of Directors required that fundraising not distract staff from the delivery of services. Fundraising activity was limited to our two annual events, an annual mail campaign and grant requests for specific programs. We enjoyed a successful golf tournament, and had the most successful Gourmet Trail ever. Four hundred participants on 10 restaurant tours contributed to a net return of more than $80,000 to kidsLINK’s Respite Service. Coincidental with our 150th anniversary, we launched a longterm focused Legacy Giving Campaign and initiated a new approach to our annual campaign. We finished the year by more than doubling donations from our United Way staff campaign. During this year, kidsLINK also received two significant foundation grants: a threeyear grant from the Trillium Foundation for a longitudinal evaluation of Tools for Life™ and a second grant from the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation to support the ongoing development of Tools for Life™.

$6,811,916 in delivering its programs and services. Where the Money Came From

Where the Money Came From Provincial Government Regional Government Fees for Service Fundraising / Donations Other Revenue



4,125,493 897,732 1,607,908 241,255 351,339


Where the Money Went Children’s Mental Health Services Early Intervention Services Respite Services



Where the Money Went


57.1% 12.4% 22.3% 3.3% 4.9%

100% %









Audit report is available upon request. Auditors: Graham Mathew & Partners LLP, Chartered Accountants.

146 volunteers contributed a total of 5,467 hours

PRACTICE Making Mental Health Services More Accessible What happens when a kid needs help - when a parent knows there’s something wrong; when a child is experiencing social, emotional or behavioural problems; or a family is in crisis? Families faced with mental and emotional health issues often don’t know where to start. Feeling confused, even embarrassed, the frustration of going from agency to agency trying to find help for a child only adds to the stress. The Children’s Mental Health Access Centre a joint initiative between kidsLINK and Lutherwood welcomes families in a warm and child and youth friendly manner. Whether we simply provide information by phone or complete a professional assessment, families find help. This past year, kidsLINK worked towards minimizing families’ stress by redesigning the access to mental health services for young people, to reduce wait time and provide a quick response to

From the time kidsLINK first identified the critical need for a central intake service approximately 11 years ago, the Access Centre has grown and diversified. Today, kidsLINK and Lutherwood jointly designate five full-time clinicians who work with referred children and their families. Our clinicians ensure families have access to the appropriate mental health services and receive a continuity of care. An intake clinician sees them through the entire process of getting the most appropriate service for the child/youth. We continually invite input from referring agencies and clients to ensure a family-centred and effective process, and regularly review all calls to ensure the provision of services the caller needs. Last year, Lutherwood, kidsLINK and the two hospitals in Waterloo Region continued a three- year process of progressively integrating how clients access mental health services. A solid foundation has been laid for future collaboration in offering the community a single door to mental health treatment for children, youth and their families.

Walk-In Service While accessing mental health treatment typically entails a waiting period, some families require immediate help and intervention. To meet this important need, a Walk-In Service at the Access Centre was initiated last year.

Available to children, youth (up to 18 years) and their families, the Walk-In Service provides immediate access to single session counselling. Appointments are free of charge and available on a first come basis. Our clinicians are specially trained in single session therapy, so they can provide our clients with the tools and strategies needed to address and work through the difficulties in one meeting. Although not a replacement for ongoing treatment, single-session counselling offers a direct response to an immediate challenge. While a single session may be all that is required to resolve some problems; children and families can return for an additional session, or if they require more help, the Access Centre will refer them for ongoing treatment.

Brief Counselling The Access Centre also provides brief counselling for children and families waiting to access longer term, more intensive or specialized mental health services. Four to six counselling sessions are designed to bridge the gap between the time when families request assistance and when they are linked to an agency or service. In 2008/09, the Access Centre served 747 children and youth seeking help.

Back row from left to right... Emily Gray, Tanya Young, Cheryl McCorriston, Joëlle Martin-Root, Kristin Eidse Front row from left to right... Veronique Ribeiro and Karen Bailey Robinson

calls for help.

Children’s Mental Health Access Centre - 747 Served | Partners Program - 119 Served | Zero2Six - 155 Served

PRACTICE Client Services Much Needed Respite For Families

In 2008/09, kidsLINK’s Respite Services provided much needed relief for families whose children struggle with social, emotional, and behavioural challenges. Parents reported a greater ability to cope, thanks to the break they received, and several observed increased social skills in their children. Respite Services continued to be divided into two separate programs structured as day camps and offered during school holidays: kidsKLUB served 96 individual families/children with mental health difficulties over 73 camp days (865 child service days). Caroline’s Club served 31 individual families/ children with autism over 51 camp days (305 child service days).

Early Intervention Continues Growth Our Early Intervention Service continued to grow and reached out to more young children, their families and caregivers, through their preschools, public and Catholic schools. In 2008/09, eight more schools were engaged in our Early Identification Early Intervention service, bringing the total to 26 for the year. We served more than 5,000 children in class-wide relationship-building initiatives and an additional

400 children through small groups focusing on social and emotional wellness. Overall, client satisfaction determined by prepost studies revealed 90% rated the EIEI and 75% rated our Preschool Support Services as highly satisfactory.

Comprehensive Residential Services Serves Ontario Our Comprehensive Residential Service serves children from across the province. Child welfare agencies and others contract this feefor-service residential program for children in their care, who require intensive, therapeutic, full-time care. The highly specialized program accepts children with severe symptoms resulting from such issues as trauma caused by domestic violence, neglect, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Last year, we served 23 children (94 percent of capacity) from across Ontario.

school’s intramural sports (floor hokey, track meets, flag football, and basketball), pizza days, book fairs, assemblies, and field trips in the community. Our School Treatment Program served 91 children this year.

Trauma Therapy The Manager of Child and Family Therapy Program initiated training in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for all therapists and frontline staff this year. This best practice, evidence-based program helped build a unified and shared methodology on how to assess and treat trauma, contributing to consistency across all kidsLINK programs. Colleagues in the community were invited to participate in the training. kidsLINK’s Child and Family Therapists will continue ongoing training towards certification in this method, as we develop a specialization in trauma services.

Individualized School Treatment Program The School Treatment Program is a day treatment program for children with mental health concerns. The children receive special education and work towards their treatment goals. They participate in individual programming, class-wide groups, and groups designed to address specific needs. As well, they take part in a neighbouring St. Agatha

Mobile Crisis Response - 152 Served | Respite Services - 127 Served

Barb Ward, Manager of Child and Family Therapy Program brings 20 years experience to kidsLINK

TRAINING Early Intervention Key to Success

With one in five children in Ontario experiencing mental health issues, how can we possibly begin to reach them all?

One answer is through training. The more parents, teachers, caregivers and professionals kidsLINK reaches through training, the more kids we can help. Training is a key competency being built on as we move towards realizing our

2017 Vision. By offering best practice training to our own staff, as well as taking this training to outside agencies and professionals, we will extend our reach to significantly more kids in the future.

Reaching Thousands of Teachers and Caregivers Last year, kidsLINK’s Early Intervention Services delivered more than 120 different training seminars and workshops. Nearly 2,000 teachers, childcare practitioners, and parents benefited from these sessions. Once again, our Early Childhood Education conference sold out with more than 600 practitioners in attendance for this its 20th year. This popular conference provided a forum for intellectual discussion and debate regarding education, in addition to a wide range of traditional workshops.

Tools for LifeTM Training for Teachers In 2007/08, the Tools for Life™ (TFL) product was developed based on 18 years of experience within our Early Identification Early Intervention program, thanks to Notre Dame Foundation (Burlington) Inc. and the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation. Last year, kidsLINK began developing the TFL training program, supported by the multi-year grant from the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation. The program will offer teachers practical instruction and coaching on how to use TFL that will lead to TFL certification. Our TFL relationship-building solutions program is about creating a school culture,

which builds consistency in language and approach to deal with conflicts throughout the school. Schools using TFL in the Waterloo Region continue to respond positively with at least 93% of the teachers claiming improvement in the social atmosphere and improvement in classroom cooperation. In addition, 85% of the teachers using TFL saw improvement in students independent problem solving skills. In 2008/09, kidsLINK launched a three year evaluation of TFL, sponsored by a grant through the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Learning from this evaluation will help us take TFL beyond Waterloo Region. Business planning for a wider scale launch of TFL as a social enterprise is underway.

Tools for LifeTM Expands Its Reach We are expanding the reach of Tools for Life™. Last year, we began piloting TFL at Grand River Hospital’s Segregated Assessment Partnership Program and with the OWL School Aged Programs, and showcased Tools for Life™ at the Brantford ECE Conference. A childcare version of TFL is to be piloted locally, thus extending this methodology to younger aged children. Interest in Tools for Life™ extends beyond Ontario and into the U.S.A. Plans are underway for developing a generic curriculum suitable for use outside of Ontario.

Beth Lee Resource Co-ordinator

Early Identification Early Intervention Program - 9670 Served | Resource Centre - 2437 Served

TRAINING Professional Services

Child & Family Professional Journal

This past year, our practitioner’s Journal marked a decade of disseminating knowledge, expertise, and learning from the frontline. The Journal experienced a growth in sponsorship, unsolicited article submissions, requests for articles and subscriptions. We also more than doubled our sponsorship/advertising targets. The Journal boasts a new, professional look going into its second decade. This unique Canadian publication serves the professional development needs of today’s multi-generational, multi-disciplinary frontline practitioners. Child & Family Professional focuses on articles for professionals working with children, youth and their families and is supported by an online community of practice. Thanks to our team of volunteer editors for their dedication to the Journal’s success.

Relationship Kits Now Available for Loan In 2008/09 kidsLINK developed new tools to help those working with children. Parents, teachers and caregivers can now access new Relationship Kits created by our Resource Centre. The kits are designed to help teach kids up to six years of age,

who are dealing with specific social and emotional issues. The kits include songs, books, activities and games with lessons. They provide two weeks of social and emotional curriculum planning, and content that help parents and children develop skills such as anger management and dealing with separation anxiety.

Workshop Design and Delivery Training Last year, our Early Intervention staff received training in all aspects of the training process. This five-day event equipped our experienced staff with a best practice model to become even more effective trainers. With a model that offers consistency in design and content for all our workshops, and includes evaluation, kidsLINK is much better prepared to expand its reach and deliver additional training workshops to more audiences in the future.

and Information Technology. Students from college to doctoral levels continued to provide valuable services to our kids, as they brought with them energy, up-to-date classroom learning, and fresh perspectives.

Vicarious Trauma Training kidsLINK staff received training in how to recognize and manage vicarious trauma and on the effect it can have on them personally and their work environment. The training prepared staff for some of the challenges they may face, by helping them recognize the symptoms and understand the impact it can have on their personal mental wellness. Research shows that effectively addressing vicarious trauma reduces the potential for staff burnout, builds a more effective and resilient staff, and allows them to better serve the children, modeling resiliency for them.

Internships Grew by 30% Our Internship Program at kidsLINK grew in numbers of participants and academic programs served, as it continued to be the first choice of students from a wide variety of post-secondary schools and disciplines. The program includes 22 students from Social Work, Child and Youth Counselling, and specialized fields, such as Music Therapy, Recreation and Leisure, Nutrition

Debbie Engel, a seasoned kidsLINK veteran shares her passion for Early Intervention work.

School Treatment Program - 91 Served | Intensive Supports and Resource Coordination - 11 Served

RESEARCH Growing Through Research A commitment to assessing results is part of the kidsLINK culture. Knowing what, why and how we do what we do, contributes to our ongoing success.

For 2008/09 kidsLINK is participating in two key areas of research, while continuing its involvement in a five year CURA project with Wilfrid Laurier University.

Today, research is taking an even larger role throughout kidsLINK, helping us raise our standards for practice. Linking research to practice and training are fundamental to our 2017 Vision.

Tools for LifeTM Evaluation

Research results affect the quality and scope of the services we offer. What we learn impacts how we will meaningfully develop and evaluate program activities, staff competencies, and future directions. Research will also enable kidsLINK to pinpoint best practices within our programs. kidsLINK has extended its commitment to research and evidenced-based practices through the appointment of a highly qualified researcher and the appointment of a dedicated Research Committee.

kidsLINK is conducting an evaluation of the Tools for Life™ through an independent external third-party researcher. The goal of the Tools for Life™ curriculum evaluation is to provide kidsLINK with meaningful, systematic and scientifically grounded evidence on the impacts and outcomes of Tools for Life™ on classroom settings, school environments, professional efficacy, student social skills development and academic achievement, and familial experiences. This evaluation will enable us to establish a training and coaching program built on a best practice model, and is the first step towards Tools for Life™ becoming evidence-based.

Walk-In Clinic Evaluation kidsLINK’s staff researcher is working with the Children’s Mental Health Access Centre to design and implement an evaluation of the Walk-in Service. The ongoing evaluation includes a project logic model, work process mapping of service activities, client satisfaction survey, and utilization evaluation.

Benefiting from a Research Culture kidsLINK has had a long standing commitment to being a results-focused program. We strive to generate and maintain a culture of research, evaluation and evidencedbased practice throughout the organization. In doing so, research, evaluation and evidenced-based practice have become key aspects of program initiatives and are becoming the responsibility of everyone who is part of kidsLINK. Such a culture is fundamental to program sustainability and accountability. Over the years, funding for investment in research has limited our progress, however new sources of funding are being found to invest in research going forward. Backed by solid research, kidsLINK will be better prepared to fulfill its mission.

Child and Family Therapy Program - 106 Served | Residential Treatment Services - 34 Served

RESEARCH Kids Show “Clinically Significant” Improvement

Study on Intensive Support and Resource Coordination

kidsLINK programs are making a “clinically significant” difference to a large majority of the kids we assist in our mental health services – 87.18% of them!

kidsLINK is participating in a three-year study of the Intensive Support and Resource Coordination. The study is investigating the effectiveness of the program and its impact on participants.

The Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) is a standardized measure completed by kidsLINK staff with input from a child or youth’s parent/caregiver at the time of admissions, and then again at discharge from the program.

Social Skills Rating Scale for Preschoolers

Children served in our CFTP, RTS, Per Diem and STP Community programs were assessed on the CAFAS scale. Mean scores of 87.18% of clients show “clinically meaningful improvement” of 20 points or better on the CAFAS at discharge and far exceeded our target of 70%. Data from the Brief Child and Family Phone Interview (BCFPI) allows us to statistically* evaluate the impact of our residential, school treatment and intensive home-based programs. BCFPI data demonstrates that our mental health services effectively reduced acting out behaviour and symptoms related to overall family situation. (*Achieved an average .91 effect size for “externalizing” and an average .64 for “family functioning” where the target was .50)

Our Preschool Support Services have adopted a standardized assessment tool. The Social Skills Rating Scale will allow staff to measure the impact our Social Skills Groups have with children.

Evaluation Leads to Improvement

kidsLINK are working together on a five year CURA study to help assess the impact of residential mental health treatment. Preliminary research findings indicate that in the future we should emphasize shorter term residential care with a strong enhanced family engagement component and post program support. kidsLINK is exploring the implications of these findings for service planning.

A review of standardized client satisfaction data from the Brief Child and Family Phone Interview for a three year period resulted in 87% of clients reporting that the services they received were “very good” or “excellent”.

This year, we introduced a new leadership structure in our mental health services that uses a coaching model of supervision, and guides staff in the delivery of evidence-based practice within our residential programs and throughout the organization. We will evaluate the effectiveness of this new structure.

Study on Residence Treatment At kidsLINK, we are constantly focused on the future needs of children, youth and families. Wilfrid Laurier University and

Laurie Robinson, our enthusiastic research lead is Director of Services at kidsLINK.

Preschool Support Services - 487 Served | Child Care Connection - 1832 Served

TRANSITIONS kidsLINK turned 150 Years Old!

knowledge is improving service delivery there, for the benefit of many children.

We celebrated our 150th anniversary with a commemorative event on the site in St. Agatha and honoured the School Sisters of Notre Dame with the development of a Memorial Garden of native plants and an Outdoor Classroom. The Garden was dedicated to those gone before who made a significant contribution to kidsLINK, such as Inge Bishchoff whose legacy was our very successful fundraiser, Gourmet Trail. A touring art show featured wonderful art by the children in our residence and school programs, as well as by children from a centre in Bolivia we twinned with, Niños con Valor. We also initiated a professional mentoring and exchange project with Niños con Valor.

Bolivia This past summer, Niños con Valor’s psychologist spent two weeks with our staff for professional development and training, and we are sending a staff person to Bolivia in June 2009 with funding contributed specifically for this purpose. We initiated the opportunity to share our expertise with this young, developing agency serving disadvantaged children, and now are learning from the experience of working internationally, via the web and onsite in Bolivia. Sharing our

Easing Kids’ Transition with Behaviour Intervention Plan

Each child is unique. Last year, the Residential Treatment Program introduced an individualized Behaviour Intervention Plan (BIP) that assists child and youth workers in dealing with each child’s unique behaviour. For the children, BIP provides an added benefit. When a child moves to a new placement, a BIP can ease the transition and reduce the stress of adjusting to a new situation. Each child now leaves kidsLINK with an individualized BIP. This tool allows new children services workers in other agencies to have immediate access to important information about dealing with the child’s unique behaviour. Workers can use the BIP information to build on the progress made at kidsLINK.

Green Choices for Our Environment From relying on more natural light in our meeting rooms, to using only 100% biodegradable toilet paper, kidsLINK is making a major commitment to green. 2008/09 saw more green choices

throughout the organization as we strive to contract suppliers with eco-friendly philosophies, earth friendly ideals, and who use renewable and recycled materials in the products they produce. Green friendly products have replaced most of the chemicals we use in the residences. We have also purchased new equipment that uses Microfibre Systems and Technology. For paper products, such as paper towels, paper plates and toilet paper, we’re choosing recycled fibres, 100% biodegradable materials, and tree-less paper. We’re also choosing products made through manufacturing process, which require less water and energy. Biodegradable garbage bags are now being used as well. Even our new office chairs include fabrics with 100% recycled polyester content. This is just the beginning for us at kidsLINK. We will continue to make more green choices that can positively impact all those around us, both at work and at home.

Rosemary Klein, Support Services Supervisor and Nutritionist, spearheaded the transition to environmentally friendly cleaning agents and products.

Child Care Special Needs Access Point - 573 Served | Training and Consultation - Over 2500 Served

STRATEGIC DIRECTION We Are On Our Way The work has begun. kidsLINK launched a strategic plan to realize its 2017 Vision. This Annual Report reflects our first steps in more deliberately bringing together practice, training and research so that we can have an impact on many more young people and their families.

The Need is Clear • In Ontario alone, 500,000 kids between the ages of 3 and 17 years have a diagnosable mental health problem. • Kids not treated effectively for emotional and mental health problems are more vulnerable and less resilient as adults. This may result in mental and physical ill-health and involvement with the law. kidsLINK is implementing creative solutions to help children and youth who we believe have the right to such assistance for their well-being.

Moving Towards Mental Wellness We aspire to do more and more prevention to enable wellness. Building resiliency is a way to increase well-being. In our world where children and youth are vulnerable to a variety of potentially traumatic experiences, building resiliency also prevents or reduces the debilitating effects of trauma.

Trauma can have severe, complex and long lasting negative effects on a person. Differentiation of trauma from other emotional and mental health issues in the assessment phase of kidsLINK’s work makes for more effective and efficient treatment interventions.

Our Legacy...Our Mission

We are committed to the belief that wellness is an interactive process of becoming more aware of and practicing healthy choices to create a more successful and balanced lifestyle. We also believe that to achieve mental wellness, one also has to attend to physical, social and spiritual wellness. kidsLINK’s services address the whole person, in the quest for wellness and well-being.

We are increasing our capacity to be a resource to other agencies, professionals and caregivers, so that we can impact the lives of many more children, here in Ontario, and throughout Canada and the world.

kidsLINK has demonstrated the knowledge and skill to successfully address problems and contribute to mental wellness, as well as train professionals to do so.

Our Plan In implementing our strategic plan: • kidsLINK is focusing its work on developing new early intervention and treatment programs that are consistent with its approach to mental wellness. • kidsLINK is expanding its training services, linking training to its practice. • By integrating research evidence into practice, kidsLINK is offering more evidence-based treatments and approaches.

By 2017, kidsLINK will be an international professional resource centre linking research, training and practice to improve the lives of children, youth and their families through mental wellness. Reaching Out to Our Community At kidsLINK, we strongly encourage, support and promote social responsibility. We believe in the importance of engaging individuals and businesses in their community as a means of affecting positive change and fostering social awareness and development.

We at kidsLINK are grateful for our volunteers’ gift of time. Last year, 146 volunteers contributed a total of 5,467 hours to our work with children.

We welcome the opportunity to work with businesses, groups, clubs or other organizations to support and strengthen the communities where we live and work.

Thank you for making the Gourmet Trail a huge success, being Preschool Pals to our kids, helping our administrative staff, and assisting with workshops and programs.

For ideas and suggestions for working together with kidsLINK, please visit us online at

Our Partnerships and Alliances kidsLINK works in close collaboration with more than 100 organizations, community groups, government agencies, educational institutions, professional associations and planning bodies.

Key partners include: Ministry of Children and Youth Services Regional Municipality of Waterloo Notre Dame (Burlington) Foundation Lutherwood Waterloo Catholic District School Board Waterloo Region District School Board Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton Family and Children’s Services of Waterloo Region Family and Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton Wilfrid Laurier University, Faculty of Social Work Children’s Mental Health Ontario Family Service Canada Social Enterprise Alliance Social Enterprise Council of Canada

BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - John Vieth Secretary / Treasurer - Bill Schmidt

Directors Christine Bender Judith Chopra David Cornwall Eric Gowland Drew Harvey* * resigned during the year

kidsLINK Head Office 1855 Notre Dame Drive P.O. Box 190 St. Agatha, Ontario Canada N0B 2L0 phone: (519) 746-KIDS (5437) fax: (519) 746-3055

kidsLINK is the operating name of Notre Dame of St. Agatha Inc. © Notre Dame of St. Agatha Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. kidsLINK and the kidsLINK logo are registered trademarks of Notre Dame of St. Agatha Inc.

At kidsLINK, we’re not only committed to helping the children, youth and families we serve enjoy a healthier future, we’re also working towards a healthier future for our environment. To that end, this document is printed on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper. FSC certification ensures that the paper in this document contains fibre from well-managed and responsibly-harvested forests that meet strict environmental standards. Want to help? You can assist us in our environmental efforts by requesting to receive future annual reports in electronic PDF format. To participate, simply email with your request.

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