Orthopedic Screening of New Born
Some children are born with varying orthopaedic diseases. For instance, there are always chances that a baby may have club feet, congenital dislocation hip, or congenital dislocation of knee.
The causes and symptoms of these orthopaedic diseases differ. But each of these congenital orthopaedic diseases can be cured if the diagnosis and treatment starts on time. That is why; the parents must perform orthopaedic tests of the new born by a skilled orthopaedic to cure these diseases completely and effectively.
Causes & Treatment of Orthopedic Screening of New Born Causes A new born baby may suffer with a number of orthopaedic problems. The causes of individual conditions differ.
An experienced orthopaedic has to identify the exact condition and its causes by performing a variety of tests and diagnoses. They even perform neonatal orthopaedic screening to identify the causes of orthopaedic problems accurately and start the treatment immediately.
Treatment The orthopaedic cannot treat congenital orthopaedic disease surgically. They find it difficult to perform surgery on a new born baby. But they still need to treat the congenital orthopaedic disease immediately based on the image tests and neonatal orthopaedic screening. The experienced orthopaedic further observe the child consistently to assess the effectiveness of their treatment plan.
They still implement the treatment plan at the earliest to cure the orthopaedic disease completely.
Contact Us:
Dr. Soumya Paik Ph no:+91 9051 148 463 Email Id: drsoumyapaik@gmail.com Website: http://www.kidsorthopedic.com/