The common symptoms of hip dysplasia are mismatching legs, less movement in the affected leg, and the affected leg appearing shorter than the normal leg. The doctors often examine both legs of a new born baby to ensure that they are stable. However, the surgical and nonsurgical treatment methods for hip dysplasia differ according to the age of the child.
Up to 6 Months of Age When the child is less than 6 months of age, the orthopedics surgeons treat hip dysplasia by making him wear a pelvic harness. The pelvic harness is designed specifically for babies. The proper positioning of hips facilitates hip joint development and reduces hip abnormalities.
From 6 to 18 Months of Age Despite being the simplest non-surgical treatment for hip dysplasia, the pelvic braces work in 90% of cases. In case the treatment fails to reduce hip abnormality, the orthopedic surgeons use body cast or brace once the child is older than 6 months. But they also perform operation in certain cases to place the thighbone in the hip socket.
Older than 18 Months Often orthopedic surgeons treat hip dysplasia surgically if the child is older than 18 months. They perform surgery to change the shape of hipbones, thighbone and pelvis. The surgery further aligns the child’s hipbones, thighbone.
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