What are the causes of in toeing?

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What are the causes of in-toeing?

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In -toeing gait often makes a child’s feet turn inwards as he walks or runs. Hence, the feet of a child with intoeing gait do not point straight ahead as he walks or runs.

The deformity can occur to children of any age due to varying reasons. But the parents can easily notice intoeing as a child starts walking or running.

Intoeing often corrects itself as a child grows. Also, the child does not experience any pain due to intoeing gait. The parents still need to diagnose and treat the child properly if intoeing persists beyond eight years of age.

Causes  The infection of joints is normally caused by bacteria like staphylococcus aureus.  These bacteria are found in living environments, and infect the joint of young children easily.  The bacteria further enter into the child’s body in a number of ways.  After entering into the child’s body, the bacteria reach his joint through bloodstream and multiply rapidly.  Hence, the parents must treat the joint infection without any delay to boost the child’s growth and development.

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