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KieFit Journal May 2009

Start with Breakfast ! Beat Fat with Breakfast!

Health: 4 Ways to Cope Emotionally With Spring Allergies The Talk of the Fitness World: 300 Movie Workout For Women & Men



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I am very glad to introduce you to my actual KieFit Journal for May 09. Within this KieFit Journal May issue you get very interesting articles why your fat burning works better with an accurate breakfast, read more on page three (3). You do not have enough time for your fitness and workout? On page seven (7) you can find helpful information about “Fat Burning Tips for busy Parents and Professionals”. Craig Ballantyne, a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, who writes for Men's Health, reports about his “300 Movie Fat Loss Workout for Men & Women “ on page eight (8). This is the most exciting topic the fitness world is talking about right now. Check out tips on how to avoid allergy caused disorders like a runny nose and streaming eyes in spring-time. Four things who can really help you, read here on page twelve (12).

Best wishes and get fit,


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Seite 3

Beat Fat With Breakfast By Holly Rigsby, CPT

Watch out for "Protein/ Breakfast Bars". Many of these items seem appealing for they are quick and easy; however the majority of these bars are loaded with sugar If you are not hungry first thing and fat. Check the nutrition facts. in the morning, try starting Here are some breakfast fat your day with a big glass of water or freshly brewed green loss favorites: Cereal is a MUST. It's convenient, easy to tea. Proceed with your mornprepare, easy to eat and full of When it comes to your fat loss, ing routine and plan to allow nutrients – No…"Whole your goal is to make Grain Lucky Charm" your body burn more does not fall into this calories. Your mecategory. Be sure to tabolism is like a burnchoose your cereals ing fire, how can you based on the informamake the fire burn stronger without puttion on the food label. ting something on it to The top choices should burn? Our bodies are have: burning fat and calories 24 hours a day, • 5 grams of Fiber or however, calories are more burned at the slowest rate while we are • 8 grams of Sugar or sleeping. Without LESS something to jumpstart it in the morning, • Sugar not listed your metabolism may among the first 3 ingreremain in slow motion through- yourself about 10-15 minutes dients. before you walk out the door out the day and any extra For all other breakfast options, to eat your breakfast. calories – no matter how be sure to include a protein, healthy - will be stored as fat. If you like to exercise first thing complex carbohydrate, and fresh or frozen fruit. These are The act of eating and digesting in the morning, eat 30 to 45 minutes before your workout. some of my favorites: supportive foods frequently, increases your metabolism so • Oatmeal with natural peanut Try one of the following opyou can burn more fat and butter, cinnamon and a side of tions: calories all day long. fresh berries. About the Author How to do it: Eat a supportive 1. Eat a light snack – yogurt or • Kashi Go Lean Crunch with meal within an hour of waking. a piece of fruit. Eat your reguHolly Rigsby is a nationally skim milk and a banana. recognized women’s fitness Feel like your always running lar breakfast 30-45 minutes coach, certified personal late? No time to eat? The se- after your workout. • Scrambled egg whites trainer (CPT) and the author cret – get up 10-20 minutes topped with salsa and shred- of the internationally popuearlier and keep it simple. Not 2. Eat half of your regular ded cheese wrapped in a lar e-book – Fit Yummy breakfast before the workout only can you increase time Mummy - Burn Your Baby whole wheat tortilla. Fat & Get Your Body Back. and the other half about 30-45 spent with your family at the Go to http:// kitchen table, but making time minutes after your workout. • Meal Replacement Shake to start your day off with a high www.fityummymumm with a piece of fruit. 3. Drink a meal replacement protein, high fiber breakfast to get your FREE So if you're interested in fat copy of her special report: shake – quick and easy to will boost your metabolism, loss, make sure you don't for- "The Five Ways To Boost make and for your body too your energy and your mood. Your Metabolism." get – breakfast is the most digest. Because breakfast provides important meal of the day. you with the energy you need Breakfast is easily the most overlooked solution when it comes to effective fat burning tips. Studies consistently show that people, who regularly eat breakfast, eat fewer calories throughout the day, have better nutritional habits, and weigh less than those who choose to skip breakfast.

to get through your day, the more energy you have, the more active you'll be and the more active you are, the more calories you burn.


Seite 4

Protein Powder, The Skinny Guy's Guide To Protein Powder By Vince DelMonte

So what do you really need to know about protein powder? As a skinny guy or beginner to the whole bodybuilding scene you simply want to know a few answers. Is protein powder necessary? Does it really work? How much do I need? What kind should I take? What is the best? And finally, will any of these answers make a difference when it comes to getting jacked and attracting the ladies? This article is not meant for you if you want to learn the science behind the ionexchanged, cross-mutaed, isotopically labeled protein tracers - blah blah blah. In this article, I will strip away all the hype, science, and confusion that surrounds protein powder. By the time you are through this article and put it to memory, you will become the resident protein powder expert and amaze your friends the next time you visit the sport nutrition store. No more 2-hour shopping trips for protein powder because you don't really have a clue what to look for! Is Protein Powder really necessary? So, although protein supplements are not an absolute requirement for gaining mass, I have yet to meet any person able to get 400 grams of protein per day from cooking food. If your protein intake is greater than 200 grams per day I will suggest a protein powder - it will make your life a lot easier. In addition, dollar for dollar, protein powders and meal replacement drinks tend to be more cost effective than whole food. Don't get me wrong, though. Protein powders are still supplements in my book. Supplement means an addition to the diet. I emphasize this because the focus of any diet should be food. Whole food is often preferable to powders because

it can offer a whole spectrum of nutri- but you are probably still wondering, 'Yeah, but is protein powder going to ents that powders cannot. help me get muscular or is it a scam?" A better question would be, Most of your dietary protein should "Does protein really work?" and the come from meat, fish, poultry and eggs. However getting all your protein obvious answer is 'yes.' You are fully aware that protein is composed of building blocks called amino acids, which performs a variety of functions in the body such as building and maintaining healthy muscles when combined with diet and exercise. Protein also: • Supports red blood cell production • Boosts your immune system • Keeps your hair, fingernails, and skin healthy

from whole food is not always practical or convenient, especially if you have to eat 6 or more times a day to get your required intake. I will stress to you, for optimal muscle gains, you should limit yourself to a maximum of three shakes per day or 40 % of your meals. To some this might even sound like it's going 'overboard' and I would not disagree. The bottom line is that both food and supplements are necessary to achieve a complete nutritional balance as well as the desired level of protein intake, especially if you're not a big fan of cooking. And I assume that over 95% of you reading this do not have a personal maid at home cooking all your meals while you sit around waiting for your next meal. Do not make the fatal mistake of thinking protein powders can take the place of a solid training and nutrition program. Does protein powder really work and are they healthy? I get this question emailed to me almost every day. I just showed how it 'works' as a supplement to help you hit your supplemental protein mark

However, not all protein powder is created equal. Most protein powder contains an array of questionable ingredients such as aspartame, saccharin, fructose and artificial colors. It's interesting to note how unhealthy most of these protein powders actually are. Look for a protein powder with natural ingredients rather than products that are sweetened with chemicals and made with ingredients that are certainly not going to create an environment for muscle growth and fat burning. Also avoid products with refined carbohydrates such as fructose, sucrose or brown rice syrup. Make sure that the product is made from a reputable company that is genuinely interested in good health. ==> continued

Seite 5


Protein Powder, The Skinny Guy's Guide To Protein Powder By Vince DelMonte


Unfortunately supplement manufacturers will continue to meet the demands of bodybuilding consumers with unknown crappy products because we buy it and it is cheaper for them to create. Do your homework by seeking out unbiased reviews, investigating the company’s history, and reputation. And then make a decision and take re-

sponsibility! In the past one of my criteria for a healthy protein product was that it was great tasting and that it should mix easily. Most protein powders mix quite easily, even with a spoon, however I was disappointed to discover that taste will inevitably be sacrificed for a safe and healthy product. I can live with this. You see, once a product is removed of all artificial chemical sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose, and simple sugars, it is left almost tasteless and sometimes even gross. How much protein powder do I need? A better question would be, "How much pure protein do I need to achieve my goals?" Protein is an extremely important macro nutrient and should be eaten frequently throughout the day. I recommend at least 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass. This means that if you are 150 pounds and 10% body fat (150 x 0.10 = 15 lbs of fat leaving 135 lbs of lean mass), you will require at least 135 to approximately 205 grams of protein per day.

I recommend that protein powder be used primarily for your pre-workout, workout and post-workout shake. This is when liquid food is more advantageous over whole food since it has a faster absorption rate.

to consume it is before your workout, during your workout or immediately after your workout. These would be considered the phase in the day where you need energy the most and when your body is in anabolic state.

I do not recommend protein powder do be used for meal CASEIN PROTEIN makes up replacements for more than 80% of total milk protein. two meals. Here is what a typi- Casein is recognized for its excellent amino acid profile, slow digestive nature, and interesting variety of peptides. cal day might look like: Since casein is slowly diMeal 1 (breakfast) - whole gested into your bloodstream, food don't use it during workouts or after workouts - you need a Meal 2 (mid morning) - liquid fast absorbing protein at these protein meal times. Instead, use a casein protein for all other times outMeal 3 (lunch) - whole food side the pre and post workout Meal 4 (mid afternoon) whole window. food SOY PROTEIN is the most Meal 5 (pre and post workout) controversial of all protein liquid protein meal types. While the soy groupies have gone to great lengths to Meal 6 (dinner) whole food label soy as a super food with magical effects, there is also a Meal 7 (before bed) whole good amount of research that food suggests soy protein may be contraindicated in many situaWhat kind of protein powder tions. BECAUSE OF ALL THE CONFUSION, IN MY PERshould I use? SONAL OPINION, I SUGBefore deciding which protein GEST AVOIDING SOY PROpowder is necessary, here is a TEIN ALTOGETHER AND short protein primer to help STICKING TO THE OTHER you make sense of the thouTYPES LISTED. sands of different protein powders from which to choose: Protein Blends are generally WHEY PROTEIN makes up a combination of several 20% of total milk protein. types of protein blends such Whey is recognized for its ex- as whey protein concencellent amino acid profile, high trate, whey protein isolate, cysteine content, rapid diges- egg protein, casein protein, tion, and interesting variety of and soy protein. peptides. Since it is very quickly digested the best time ==> continued


Seite 6

Protein Powder, The Skinny Guy's Guide To Protein Powder By Vince DelMonte -continued-

Whey hydrolysates (also known as hydrolyzed whey protein, and are also called peptides), are powerful proteins that are more quickly absorbed; more so than any other form, since your body prefers peptides to whole proteins. Hydrolysates are produced through very low heat, low acid and mild enzymatic filtration processes, (those highest in the essential and the branched chain amino acids) and are potentially the most anabolic for shortterm protein synthesis such as the pre and postworkout window. Whey Protein Versus Whey Isolate: Most whey protein powders that stock the supplement shelves are made up of whey concentrate and mixed in with a small portion of whey isolate. Comparing the two, whey protein isolate is more expensive than whey protein concentrate because it has a higher quality (more pure) and a higher BV (biological value). Whey protein isolate contains more protein and less fat and lactose per serving. Most whey protein isolates contain 90-98% protein while whey concentrates contain 70-85% protein. Whey protein isolate is the highest yield of protein currently available that comes from milk. Because of its chemical properties it is the easiest to absorb into your system. Obviously with its high concentration, it appears that an isolate protein would

be the obvious choice instead of a concentrate. However, this is an individual decision because the isolate is more expensive, and just because it is purer does not guarantee that it will help build bigger muscles. Its extra concentration may not justify its extra cost. SO WHAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE? WHICH SHOULD YOU


You will receive the full spectrum of proteins and you will receive varying rates of absorption from the different types of protein. Using a blend will create an anabolic environment from the whey and an anticatabolic environment from the casein. Conclusion I hope this article familiarized you with the basics of protein powder and gave you a foundation to work from when deciding on your next order. Don't get caught up in the hype and start becoming a more educated consumer when you take your next trip to the nutrition store. Now you can tell the sales rep CHOOSE? exactly what you are looking For the Pre-workout and Post- for instead of staring blankly at the shelves without a clue! workout phases, as long as whey hydrolysate is the first or Oh yeah, protein powder will second ingredient on the sup- help you get more jacked and attract the ladies, but it's not plement label then there is going to do it in a 'ultra short probably not enough in the period of time' with the simple product to influence protein addition to your diet. synthesis to reap the optimal benefits. As stated, whey isolates are also a extremely high About the Author: quality whey and for maximal Vince DelMonte is the author of No anabolism isolates should be Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny combined with whey hydrolys- Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at http:// ates for only the pre-workout and post-workout phases of He specializes in teaching skinny guys your program. The inclusion of how to build muscle and gain weight quickly without drugs, supplements small amounts of whey concentrates will not harm you but and training less than before. this should not be the first ingredient on the tub of protein powder. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE STRONGEST PROTEIN POWDER TO EXPLOIT




Fat Burning Exercise Tips for Busy Parents & Professionals By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS - Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

The great thing about strength training and intervals for fat burning is "efficiency". Because you are working harder, the signal to your body to change is stronger. You cut time when you increase intensity and you

being active with your family or hobbies. Don't think of them as workout days, think of them as fat burning, stress reducing activity days. Video click *here* 6 Minute Abs Bodyweight Workout

burn fat faster. Now don't worry, I won't be asking you to do hill sprints tomorrow if you aren't exercising today. For a beginner, we just do some slightly faster than normal walking intervals. For intermediate fitness levels, we'll pick up the pace about 20% compared to their normal cardio levels, but again, the work periods are much shorter. The key is, you must shift to a slightly higher intensity in order to cut time from your workout. But the workout also goes faster, and much more importantly, you will get more results and better fitness from these methods. About the Author

It's easy to do these workouts first thing in the AM, at lunch, or after the kids go to bed. Plus, you can get a great workout at home with only a bench, dumbells, and an exercise ball. You don't need fancy machines or an expensive gym membership. And another bonus, you only need three hard fat burning workouts per week. You don't have to be in the gym six days per week.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

On your off days, it's important to stay active for at least 30 minutes, but these days Turbulence Training for Fat Loss should be unstructured and revolve around

Seite 7




300 Movie Fat Loss Workout for Men & Women By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS - Turbulence Training for Fat Loss The 300 movie workout is the talk of the fitness world. It's helped actors chisel Greek Statue bodies while causing weight loss and calorie burning for the rest of us. The 300 workout is legendary, having been featured in Men's Health and on ESPN. Everyone's looking for the 300 workout on the 'Net. So I made mini-version of the workout for the average guy and gal, see those below. But first, here's how the original 300 Workout goes...but don't try this at home... a) Pullups - 25 reps b) Deadlifts with 135lbs - 50 reps c)

Pushups - 50 reps d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps e) Floor wipers - 50 reps f) 1-arm Clean & Press with 36lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps g) Pullups - 25 reps And remember, there is NO scheduled rest between exercises. Although eventually, you'll slow down. I tried this workout last week and managed to get 'er done in only 19 minutes and 7 seconds. But what about a 300 workout for you? Fortunately, this workout can easily be changed. Appropriate exercises can be subbed in, and we can drop the number of reps down to 100, 150, or 200 - still making for a total body challenge. For example, you might do this 200repetition workout - this is great for a man with moderate fitness: 5 Chinups 20 prisoner squats 20 pushups 100 Jumping Jacks 30 Bicycle Crunches 10 decline pushups 15 bodyweight inverted rows

Optionally, you could do 100 reps of rope jumping to finish off 300 total reps. An intermediate woman could do a 150 rep workout: 5 Bodyweight Inverted Rows 10 Bodyweight Sumo Squats 15 bodyweight squats 15 Pushups (doing as many regular pushups, followed by kneeling) 50 jumping jacks 10 spiderman climbs 20 reverse lunges 25 bicycle crunches

Add in 50 rope skips for 200 total repetitions - or 150 skips for a full 300. Tough, but fair. So you can do your own version of the 300 workout and build your own Greek God or Greek Goddess body. Work with a trainer to come up with other ideas. And always, train safe. Don't train like this everyday. Just use one of these workouts once every other month as an extra challenge. For your regular fat burning workouts, stick to the Turbulence Training workouts for men and women. You'll boost your metabolism, burn fat, and maximize your fitness so that you'll be ready for your very own 300 test day. About the Author Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

Seite 8




Build a Bigger Chest in 3-4 Workouts or Less By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

If your pecs are a weak body part, or, if you’ve simply hit a progress plateau in your chest development, then this high intensity chest training program will pack slabs of muscle mass on your chest after just 3-4 workouts - and I guarantee it. This is a high intensity bodybuilding workout for advanced bodybuilders only. (Beginners don’t even think about it...)

A2 Incline Dumbbell Press - medium (regular) incline - about 45 degress 6 reps 10 seconds A3 Incline Dumbbell Press - low incline about 20-25 degrees 6 reps 10 seconds rest

A4 Dumbbell Press - flat bench I’m currently on workout 3 of 4 in this pec routine and the results have been so impres- 6 reps sive that I decide to write it up for you before Now rest 2 - 3 minutes. I even finish the final workout next week.

Considering I’m on a calorie deficit in a cutting phase, I’m especially impressed with the increase in my chest size and development after 3 workouts. You’re not going to gain much if any muscular body weight if you are in a caloric deficit, but NO DOUBT, you can improve the development of a muscle group even while cutting up. This is a perfect example. I’m going to return to this program again for sure on my next mass phase. This program is called… Multi-Angular Rest Pause With Pump Finisher

That’s one "set." Technically of course, that is FOUR SETS, done in rest pause fashion, so lets call it one “round” for clarity’s sake. Yes… that was round ONE. Now do it two more times. Note: It helps a lot if you have a training partner change the bench angle so you can stay seated and keep the dumbbells in your hands. Doing it alone is slow and cumbersome.

For poundage, youre going to have to go MUCH lighter than usual. Although I don't train heavy pecs anymore, last time I did, I Here’s how it works. You select two exerwas doing 6 reps with 125s on the incline. So cises. For exercise one (the main course), I chose a basic pec mass exercise that can be for this program I took about 50-60% of that; 70 lbs on workout 1, 75 lbs on workout 2,and done at any angle from steep incline to flat bench. Thats the primary exercise you stick 80 lbs on workout 3. On the last one, I had to drop to the 75s to finish all 3 rounds and with for all 4 workouts. Incline Dumbbell even then I needed some forced reps toPress was the natural choice. I set up on a fully adjustable bench that allows multiple wards the end. angles of incline. You may need to decrease the weight on the For exercise two (dessert), I chose an isola- 2nd or 3rd round, but if at all humanly possible, do NOT reduce the weight during each tion exercise for a pump finisher, and it round. Doing all four angles at the same changes with every workout. poundage is the whole idea. Here’s the sequence: ==> continued A1 Incline Dumbbell Press - steep incline about 65-70 degrees 6 reps rest 10 seconds

Seite 9




Build a Bigger Chest in 3-4 Workouts or Less By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

What may happen, especially if you even slightly overestimated your starting poundage, is that reps may drop with each angle change within a round. First angle - 6 reps is easy. second angle, a little harder, but still no problem. Third angle, you might only squeeze out 5 reps or hit honest failure on the 6th rep. 4th angle (flat), you might hit total failure on the 4th or 5th rep. Now this is also where a training partner comes in. This routine should not be attempted without a spotter. Sorry, but you are a dork if you try to do this without a spotter. This program causes HONEST muscle failure (I’ll explain that in more detail shortly), so you need the spotter for safety, but moreover, you will need a spotter’s assistance to complete forced reps, at least on the final round or two, if not the first round. In general, forced reps should not be overused, but they play an important part of this program. Ok, where were we? Oh yeah, you just finished your 3rd round. You might be finished! Yeah. some people will be DONE, KAPUT, ZONKED, BONKED, NUKED, GAME OVER, after 3 rounds of that (think about it that was 12 sets, disguised as 3 sets!) However, for those who want the full course…. come with me and lets finish off those pecs with the pump (oh, you thought were already pumped… heh.. just wait…you’ll see what a pump is!) The second exercise (exercise B) is going to be an isolation exercise.. ie., DB flye, cable crossover, machine flye (pec deck), etc., and you will perform 20-25 reps, non stop in piston-like fashion. use a steady quick tempo, but not so fast that you use momentum. This isolation /pump exercise will change with every workout:

B1 Workout 1: standing cable crossover

2-3 sets, 20-25 reps B1 Workout 2: machine flye or pec deck 2-3 sets, 20-25 reps B1 Workout 3: decline dumbbell flye 2-3 sets 20-25 reps B1 Workout 4: flat bench cable flyes in cable crossover machine 2-3 sets, 20-25 reps That’s it! That’s the whole program. Three rounds of multi-angular rest pause, then finish your workout with 2-3 sets of 25 reps on a pumping, isolation movement. This routine is performed within a standard bodybuilding type of split, so it should be done once in 5-7 days, no more. You would probably do another body part after chest,such as biceps or triceps, depending on how you organize your split routine. I would recommend advanced bodybuilders use this program a couple times a year if and when they need a boost in chest development. This is not the type of program you would use all the time. You would burn out and overtrain. There’s one more very important part of this routine - progression. On the Incline Dumbbell Presses, you will increase the poundage with every workout. Keep in mind, you will not be able to complete all 3 rounds at all 4 angles for 6 unassisted reps.

==> continued

Seite 10




Seite 11

Build a Bigger Chest in 3-4 Workouts or Less By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

On the Incline Dumbbell Presses, you will increase the poundage with every workout. Keep in mind, you will not be able to complete all 3 rounds at all 4 angles for 6 unassisted reps. Its going to get harder each time, even as you get stronger. You may have to use a spotter more with each progressing workout. You may also find that on workout 1 or workout 2, you can complete all 3 rounds with the same dumbbells, but on workout 3, by the 2nd or 3rd round, you have to drop the weight or you’ll barely be getting 2 or 3 reps.

Now let me re-emphasize the importance of a spotter. Theres something thats going to happen when you do this routine that does not happen often. You will hit what my training partner and I call “HONEST FAILURE.” This means that your muscles literally fail, or give out right underneath you. Mind you, this is not something you would usually aim for, but that’s just the nature of this program and this is only a 4-workout high intensity “shock” type of routine. When I say your muscles will give out, I mean that literally. On the last rep or two of 3rd or 4th angle, of the 2nd or 3rd round, your arms may literally buckle underneath you. That’s honest failure.

have reached concentric and eccentric failure. This type of failiure is rarely discussed. In fact I don’t recall anyone ever writing about it except for Arthur Jones and Ellington darden and the rest of the High Intensity Training (HIT) camp. Rarely does any bodybuilder tread in this territory, and for good reason, as it is really not necessary and can be dangerous for anyone but a veteran who knows what the heck he is doing - and all the kidding aside for a moment, Im serious about this. Its no

joke if your chest and arms give out from underneath you and you dump a 70 or 80 pound dumbbell on your face. (you do like your teeth, don’t you?) However, as a technique you use on rare occasion for a shock routine that breaks through progress plateaus, that untrodden territory is there… for those who dare. There is something about this particular program (multi angular rest pause) that takes you there. You've been warned! Train hard, but be safe! Now, go out there and get jacked!

Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS You see, there are several types of failure… Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder First there is “sissy failure”.. that’s when there is a lactic acid burn or a fatigue in the muscle (you’re tired) and because it hurts or About the Author: youre tired, that causes you to stop. Thats sissy failure (sarcasm). Then you have positive failure. This is where you can no longer push the weight up in a concentric motion, but you are still able to lower the weight and exert an upward force against the weight. For example, you’re bench pressing and you hit the “sticking point,” but you are holding that bar at the sticking point (its not coming back down), and you’re still exerting force to push the bar upward, but the bar simply isn't moving up! Then you have honest failure. This is where the muscle simply gives out.. it buckles. you

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified personal trainer and freelance fitness writer. Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting: ()

Video: 5 Minute Tone Back & Chest


Seite 12

Spring Allergy Management - 4 Ways to Cope Emotionally With Spring Allergies By Debbie Davis (Article Source:

Spring is coming and nearly everyone else in the world is looking forward to shedding their winter coats, and taking to the outdoors to enjoy picnicking, gardening, or walks in the park. You, on the other hand, are dreading the arrival of the season that brings itchy eyes, sneezing, and congestion. And not just because of the physical symptoms, but because of feeling left out. Here are 4 things to do that will help you look forward to spring too.

summer, you'll be the envy of all you meet when you put on your bathing suit and head for the beach.

Volunteer - Even though living through allergy season can literally be a pain, set aside time each week to turn the focus from your problems to those of others-and sadly, there are plenty of people who are less fortunate these days. Choose a charity where you can work indoors and volunteer for several hours a week. Your job can be as simple as answering their phones, helpCelebrate Spring Somewhere Else - If you live in a city that is a hotbed for spring ing with mailings, working at a church, or allergies because of the trees and flowers preparing food for the homeless. There is native to your town, you don't have to cele- no shortage of ways that your community can benefit from your help. (And there's brate spring where you live. Plan a trip up north where spring has not yet sprung, and enjoy the last bit of snow, or skiing. Do another club idea-a volunteer club!) After volunteering, it will be easy to dwell on how some research, and plan a cruise so you and your family are gone for a couple of much you still have to be thankful for. weeks during the height of the season. For a less costly trip, plan to use a friend or relative's home (who lives in a more allergy friendly location) as a base for sightseeing, shopping, and exploring a new town. Start Your Own Club -There are an estimated 10 million Americans who suffer from indoor and outdoor allergies, and if you live in a city that is known to have high pollen count in the spring, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of others in your town in the same boat with you. A weekly book club, or lunch club can be done inside in a controlled environment and still allow you to look forward to socializing with others during the season. Talk with friends and neighbors about what you want to do, and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many others that you know have the same need. Get Fit Indoors -Join a fitness center where you can run, swim, pump iron, and socialize with others who have fitness as a common goal. Use your time indoors to tone your muscles, build your endurance, and shed any extra pounds that have climbed aboard since the holidays. Come

An excellent way to manage your allergy in your home or office is to remove airborne triggers from your air. offers the Allergy Machine Purifier which can be seen at allergy_machine.html Article Source: expert=Debbie_Davis


Seite 13

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Seite 14


Advertise with If you have a new product or service to showcase to the fitness community, is the place to reach your targeted audience! The purpose of the fitness oriented social bookmarking website, the Kiefit Journal and the newsletter is to give consumers proven methods to help them in their quest for fitness and good health. It is our goal to inform our community and subscribers of new developments in the health and fitness fields and connect them with each other to benefit from their experiences! Through Web site, the FREE Kiefit Journal and the monthly newsletter you'll be targeting large numbers of consumers that are looking for various ways to improve their health and fitness. Get our FREE Media Kit Here! To Achieve Your Audience Laser Targeted The Easy And Affordable Way CLICK HERE !

Advertising ...within this FREE monthly publication. How does it work? Every new subscriber which choose to subscribe to our free monthly newsletter gets this FREE publication delivered directly to their email box. Furthermore our subscribers will receive the most recent version of this publication as long they choose to do so. Our newsletter list is strictly double optin. Every subscriber is free to forward this publication to his family, friends, relatives and business partners for free! Example: 1. One subscriber receives this publication after he registered to do so.

2. He decides to forward this publication to his family and friends etc. 3. They in the next step decide to forward this publication to their family and friends as well.

Do you get an idea where this can lead to … ? … I think you can! This effect is known as word of mouth!

With placing an ad within this publication you get the most out of your ad dollars for a fraction of the costs. With this FREE monthly publication you can spread the word tremendously to your targeted audience! And all this for a price of less than a cup of coffee per day,! But don’t wait to long! The ad space within this publication is limited! And as the subscriber base rise the ad price will as well. To Achieve Your Audience Laser Targeted The Easy And Affordable Way CLICK HERE !


YOUR COMMENTS AND IDEAS ARE WELCOME! Do you have ideas or themes which you like to be covered in the next publication for April 2009? Please let me know. Please write to: Email: suggestions[at]

Do you write articles about health, fitness, sports, nutrition etc? Feel free to send it to us. If your article meets our needs we will be willing to publish it. Email: articles[at]

Your ideas and articles are very welcome. Thank you very much. Stay healthy,

Heidi Copyright Š 2008 All Rights Reserved. Use of this document constitutes acceptance of Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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