Ppp study task 4

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PRACTICAL SKILLS •  Adobe Photoshop •  Screen-­‐prin?ng •  Mono-­‐prin?ng •  InDesign •  Shape and texture

Through Photoshop I’ve been learning how to scan in images, adjust the levels, and to create a clearer, more sa?sfying digital image.

•  Through the Visual Language I’ve learned how to more effec?vely portray shape in my work. •  I’ve also learned how texture can play an important role in making a more dynamic illustra?on

Shape and texture

STUDY SKILLS •  Blogging •  Time management •  Crea?ve stamina •  Research sources (library, journals etc.) •  Roughing

BLOGGING-­‐ This year I’ve found blogging to be an invaluable way of analyzing and cri?quing my own work as well as that of other prac??oners. Seeing how other people have progressed and their development has really informed my own prac?ce.

ROUGHS •  Roughing out my ideas and possible outcomes has really benefi[ed me so far. •  Making roughs is something I’ve never done before this course so the ability to quickly work out ideas has really informed me across the modules. •  This was especially true during our Visual Narra?ve module where I was able to create loads of test book ideas to quickly see what would work best.

TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION I think over the course of this year the work I value has changed from a more clear cue/professional approach to more naïve or tradi?onal based art. I wanted to try digital illustra?on more but doing this course made me value using a pencil much more and inves?ga?ng line strength/ value.

CONTEXTS OF ILLUSTRATION I also think this year has been really crucial in informing me about the importance of communica?on, and how the context dras?cally changes how work is perceived. Discerning what can be considered an Illustra?on rather than just a picture or image has changed the way I make work in my own prac?ce, adding in a stronger sense of narra?ve.

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