Obedient Architect Kiichiro Usami Portfolio
■ Contents Introduction Statement 1
Essay Zaha Hadid Proved to Japan ''What is Architecture'' Extraordinaly modern architecture about ''Giuseppe Terragni '' Behind the mask - The Anatomy of Vo Trong Nghia as an Architect Asean Architecture, Legacy and Future
Diploma House for grand mother to love
Use / Shop house
Competition Fine work prize Competition of Heisei construction office
Use / Office
* Collaborate design with Yuta Tanaka(Yokohama Guraduated School of Architecture ) Shinichiro Yamashita(Musashino Art University)
Kiichiro Usami kiichiro.usami@gmail.com Tokyo , Japan
+84 080 -4816 -4832
Statement My concern is about “Architecture Essence and Tecnologies in developing countries“ there are some questions I would like to test with you. “ Finally, the Architecture will just become a fasionable building “ “ I would like to convey to the City - philosophies. Example “Van Moriban “ “ I would like to convey to the Architect - philosophies. Example “Zaha Hadid “ I am really interested in “ Future architecture “. Furthermore, I am really interested in “ Future architecture “, and its relationship with “ Philosophy “ .
We can see many examples in history where architects approach architecture from this discipline, which helps to understand their work from other non-architectural sources, especially considering the relevance of them.
■ Chronology
1987 B o rn i n Ni s i g a h a r a town ,Tok yo 2 0 0 8
I strongly believe that Architecture should be thought “from “. philosophy or at least being thought “with“ it.
Graduated From Chuo College of Technology, and passed the test about official architect license in Japan
Joined Usami Construction Company(In 2011 , The company went bankrupt.) 2 0 1 4
Graduated from Tokyo University of Science Division 2(Professor : Taku Sakaushi labotory)
2 0 1 5
Joined Utunomiya graduated school(Professor : Akio Yasumori labotory)
“Nature and Architecture, and, Architecture and Me, Nature and Me“ is essentially architecture. I really love architecture. This is brief part of me and I would like to improve and work with you as an internship. I really want to know you more closely during my internship, I would put all my heart and mind into your work.
Kiichiro Usami
I have been studying architecture for eight years. In that period , the society and the environment in Japan rapidly changed and many events occurred which accelerated it. At the same time, The Architecture for the Society also changed . However, In my opinion,I think that there is no need to change all and the Architecture should high-light itself with Abstract and Philosophy. More-over ,Architecture is important how to exist on building site. I have seen the building from all parts of the world and then decided to become a person who could construct such a building ,which conveys a message. ■ Work
Usami Construction Company
Regular staff
2008 Apr - 2009 Aug
Kengo Kuma & Associates
Part time job
2011 Aug - 2012 Jul
Ryuji Fujimura Architects
2012 Aug - 2012 Sep
Nikken sekkei LTD , Tomohiko Yamanashi Studio
Part time job
2013 Sep - 2015 Mar
Vo Trong Nghia Architects
2015 Aug - 2016 Jan
Before joining the university, I worked for a construction company that my father had managed.
My family always help me so, I really appreciate them.
Professor Sakaushi shows how to behave as an Architect.
But, my father passed away by Brain-death and the company went bankrupt, so, I began as job -hunting. However, I was interested in the occupation of an architect. Because when I worked at construction site, I was attracted to their influence and then I decided to work Building design. After that, I joined the university for meeting talented architects and students. and, I got an opportunity to work in the office of great architects. Actually, I had a hard life, because during the day-time, I had to work to earn my university expenses and during the night-time. I went to university. And yet , My heart became affluent. Especially, the experience of working at Vo Trong Nghia Architects gave me the opportunity to criticise about the relationship between architecture and philosophy. I saw it as the most interested point of my life. ■ Loungage Skill Japanese English abi l i ty is like as Toeic Test 500points. Now, the avility is growing, I can do my best.
Professor Yasumori convey legacy statement to me , I have great reverence. Mr.Sawa who is partner at Vo Trong Nghia show me about 21th century's Architects work.
In Vietnam ,I was able to know the various culture and ,get a lot of freinds. It was good experience for me.
Zaha Hadid Proved to Japan ''What is Architecture''
Behind the mask - The Anatomy of Vo Trong Nghia as an Architect -
1 Essay 
Extraordinaly modern architecture about Giuseppe Terragni
Behind the mask - The Anatomy of Vo Trong Nghia as an Architect -
Asean Architecture, Legacy and Future
Design proposal of Tokyo's new National Stadium / Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid Proved to Japan ''What is Architecture'' Last year, Japanese politicians rejected Zaha��’s Proposal which won in Tokyo National Stadium competition for 2020 Tokyo Olimpics. then, I was sad to listen the result .The competition guidelines for design requested just basic-conception. Actually, after she won, many people expressed negative opinions which is about matter- cost and techinical, Function. but, I did not understand it. When a project goes on and gets rejected , and, our generation lost great dream. Right now, I decided to really experience Zaha��’s building. Finally, I am impreesed with her building. In my opinion, Zaha proved that Architecture does not follow fasion. Zaha follows developing-technology and social culture. Once more, I understanded that Zaha is extraoridinary architect with creative philosophy. I deeply pray for her happiness in the next world. In this topic, I describe that Change of architectural idea for me with my diploma proposal on Zaha’s national studium proposal.
I sensed that Zaha's fanctional part is extraordinaly design.
Extraordinaly modern architect ure about Giuseppe Terragni The time ,I saw Zaha Hadid's MAXXI museum in Rome, Italy. I visited various places of Europe. Then, I got interested in ''Giusepe Terragni'' who first conveyed the ''International style'' of Germany to Italy. The work of Giuseppe Terragni investigated International Style.However, His work is composed of ''Rationalism architecture with exquisite'' as constant of thin , lightness ,White, Transparent. and ''Characteristic space with conventional western-thought '' as heritaged of Solid, Dignity, Yang and Yin. Actually, Gruppo7 that is group about investigating Rationalism included Giuseppe Terragni was influenced by Le Corbusier ' s ''VERS UNE ARCHITECTURE''. In my opinion, I think that one of element is always different. It is his interpretation about ''White''. For example, Terragni's white means cleaning as ''Nationalism' with centripetal , and,Corbusier's white means freedom as ''Painting'' with canvas. Finally, when I visited Kindergarten Antonio Santelia which was designed by Giuseppe Terragni . I understood his diverse expression and discovered that it one of a kind Modernist structure. I believe that Interpretation of modernism is different in various parts of the world .
The Vippasana is Pali word that come from Buddha and its meaning is '' To observe things as they really are''
Behind the mask -The Anatomy of Vo Trong Nghia as an ArchitectRecently, I worked at Vo Trong Nghia Architects based in Ho chi minh city, Vietanam. The company was established in 2006 and They manifest about ‘' Save our earth'' for massive problems in urban region of Vietnam . Some of those problems being population-explosion and forest-decline,efficient use of resources. During this period ,They design and realize for solving the problem. and , have made an international reputation. When i worked at the office, I had responsible for few project. In one of the residential project , I needed to go construction site,and, I ran into some problem there. The position of the each Reinforced Concrete Structure about Collumn, Beam and PipeSpace was mistaken. In this case, we needed to modify the design Each-part. Facade,Interior space etc... I think that Complete building is very different whether we modify or not . But, There are many other things to do ,so ,it is hard to work. For example, We have to work competitions and other design related works. In my opinion, It is the most precedence to publish Vo Trong Nghia's work for all over the world.
Sen Village Community Center
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Bamboo can not only look like Primitive but also Inovation.
Actually ,my most interested part was'''Vippasana Meditation'' that we have to meditate morning and evening in the office. Mr Nghia recommend ''Vippasana Meditation'' to everyone in the office. And, if we want to start The meditation,at first, we should join ''Vippasana Meditation 10 days course'' in our home-country. The course is an introductory one , we will be taught step by step on everyday. After I came back to japan, I joined this course. We had to obey ‘'the holy silence'' until the morning of the last day from the start of the course , and, we had to meditate every time except meals and take a rest,sleep. At the start ,it was hard for me, especially, to keep meditating with same body-position. However,I achieved, and, sympathized their methodology. I think that idea is important to create the next generation of architecture . Finally,I considered that their idea is important to investigate '' between primitive and future'' . I would like to continue to pursue “Nature of Architecture“.
Wind and Water Bar I sensed that it is a copy of Pantheon.
House for tree
Auditorium at Phnom Penh University / Unknow
Asean Architectute, Legacy and Future There are a diverse styles of modernism in Europe, Asean Architectures also has peculiar style. When I stayed in Vietnam , I traveled to a lot of neighboring conuntries and saw many buildings. However,At this rapid development , great modern Architectute may disappear. Brise-soleil which was realized by Le Corbusier in 20th century is incorporated in Asean countries as well as the contemporary architecture that shows a variety of development with different cultural , climate , ideas. there-fore,this representation is also differnt and a lot of variety. When we see Asean architecture, we understand that it is greatly influenced by Western- concept . like Neoclassicism , Modernism and Globalization. More -over, we can see that Asean architecture has changed with specific culture and climate in various region. Before the air-conditioning spread in Asean ,I think that was necessary to adjust for intense heat with peculiar design. It is important to convey the Legacy. but , other-side, I think that each Asean country has its own architecture revolution. For example, in contemporary Japan, The high-growth economy of the postwar era is now a historical event that belongs to the past.But,Vietnam or Cambodia has just started to develop high-growth economy, actually, each situation is very different and it affects the architecture of that country. Last year, the exhibition about ''Asia everyday'' held in Tokyo where Vo Trong Nghia also had an exhibit,presented the same idea. In the near future,I think that situation will conbey as ''movement over the sea''. The building photo which illustrated above in Phnom Penh, Cambodia is auditorium at Phnom Penh University. However,the Architects who built it are still unknown. They were influenced by the Bacardi factory which was designed by Felix Candela and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The span about concrete shell is over 20 m and the building shows generousity. I began to think about ''Nature of Architecture '' with this opportunity. In my opinion,I think that Considering Nature is related with ''Essence of Architecture ''. Vo Trong Nghia new office/ Under planning, Internship-team won Internal competition
House 11 / Linghao Architects, Singaporeďźˆ He also joined the exhibition 
I think that they have much in common for '' Green'' as natural material, and yet, Their expression is contradistinction.
2 Diploma 
House for grand mother to love. I aime to realize the project.
■House for grandmother to love  One day , it was the day when I visited my grandmother. there was a lonely grandmother in her house. I think that she dwindles relationship with society and the town , so, I decided to re-form this building to pure . Based on the conversation with her , leaving existing -building as much as possible , I design to put continuous strip - curve -wall opens toward the outside environment. They are connected,or, closed ,and, each presence appear softly. Between outside and inside , there are diverse of external space that designed for each of the activities. I aim at opening for the surrounding environment , even while , such as that are closed , that is very vague , there is not only bright but also dark. The building will become the gathering -place for town.
About site
The street with town - people in 1960 s
The town- map The street front of building
■Changes in immigration  The site is Simo-town which is residential area in suburb of Tokyo. My grand mother has lived for long time in this area. There are some families for long time,but , from 1980onward , Many people moved here from other-town,and , I foundout that now, the immigrant is larger than people who lives longer. In once-town , there were fundamental social life in the front of street. Now, the buildings is crowded with high density.However,I do not think that each-families does not have relationship with others, and, I got the impression that the town is a sense of alienation. Thats why, I would like to reform for making gather-place of recreation and relaxation in civic society. I aim to create space that is between town and house with center of grand mother. 1970
Living environment with grand mother
Site plan in 1975s
Firstly, I had a conversation about Current living with my grand mother. I asked about things that are in trouble and , before living atomsphere,human relations in neighbourhood. The thing that left an impression on me is her behaviour in others, It is not only human but also creatures, like a vermin. She said ''Cockroach and human life is the same value, at once, many people came here to see me'', after I heared her statement ,I decided to realize a space that express her behaviour and philosophy. I aim that her existence become timelessness and , more open. We live the building with social life. Actually,existing -building completed in 2000 and, The building had still durability and safety, thats why, I proposed a new house with old resource.
Continuous strip-curve -wall A. Relationship between the pillar and curve-wall.
Excursion Territory Sequence
3. Curved wall that are made with the pillar come closer or leave f
Territory Excursion
2. Build the curved wall
urther or sometimes and creat various space.
with the existing pillar.
1. Partition of the common space
B. Variety of external space.
Program diagram Main space of grand mother Main space of uncle couple Home electronics shop Gallery Sanitary facilities Rental house G F PLAN | S : 1 / 300
1 F PLAN | S : 1 / 300
Couple house Living home for gallery operators ( Sharing unit) Community life Meeting place for the town Sharing space for gallery operators Out-side space Open garden Common terrace Share terrace Private terrace
2 F PLAN | S : 1 / 300
3 F PLAN | S : 1 / 300
Connected terrace
Composition of the grand floor
Home electronics shop which was managed by late Grand father. Now, his son manage that. The living space connects with shop by opening , The shop will be lively place.
Place such as park It expresses such as ''Little park'' with town and, The garden will become meeting place for town-people.
Symbolic space for grand mother It is not thinking as ''private room'' but like a living,dining space, that creating large space and opening space of various view, Loneliness can be solved.
Connecting garden Between gallery on the garden and grand mother on the on The two garden connects by ''strip-curve-wall'' and yet, each territory has private.
Drawing Plan
オーケーデンキ (Home electronics shop )
The main space of uncle couple OPEN GARDEN
祖母の主空間 (The main space of grand mother)The main space of grand mother
地域の集いの場 Meeting place for the town
G F PL A N | S : 1 / 1 50
1 F PL A N | S : 1 / 1 50
Roof Terrace
2 F PL A N | S : 1 / 1 50
3 F PL A N | S : 1 / 1 50
About out-side
■Architecture such as the mother to embrace the town  About house philosphy, It appears diverse of external space. I conceived the building as a bright, complete with enjoyable . The courtyard gardens are created such that they open up to the outside of the site from continuous strip-curve-wall. Each location is set back,and,continuous,or closed,opened, We can feel various atmosphere. To town , The building expresses that show the appearance such as every creature can enter into this house. and provide an open small meeting place. More over, there are terrace on the roof - top , that is the world for grand mother and residents.
The main space of grand mother
 Home electronics shop
Meeting place for the town
Roof Terrace
3 Competition
Competition of Heisei construction company
( Judge member:Yuzuru Tominaga, Teppei Fujiwara ,Go Hasegawa ,Hisao Akimoto)
Rc or steel area Rc or steel area
Main street
Rc or steel area
site map Site map s:1/600 ■ Competition for students The competition of the Heisei construction company about new office building in Tokyo held for students.
■ How to realize '' Wooden office '' The plan-site place in the suburb of Tokyo. and , on the site , It is provided to build of RC structure
We were demanded to propose ''new office form'' while consider about related legislation and construction
building or steel structure one by Architecture Standard Law in Japan. However,
We want to realize ''wood office'', thats why, We discovered good solution and loophole with law.
The most characteristic point of competition system, after the first round of judging ,
Finally, We proposed that as main structural part is RC domino structure and
We described our proposal to each judging members. and, We received some opinion and criticism.
install '' 棚柱 Ta-na-ba-si-ra'' between each pillar. Actually, this is general method, and yet,
More over, in the second round of judging , We big changed contents of proposal.
I think that is most economical , We aimed to prioritize client's benefit.
In the first round of judging , We proposed '' 棚柱 Ta-na-ba-si-ra'' that is not wooden structure,
■ Guideline
but also furniture- shelf expanded by depending a state of mind of the clients , and We designed
〈Work outline〉
〈Necessary use floor〉
〈Building outline〉
Main worker:Heisei construction
City plan Buisiness district
Work spce
Site floor 929.60m
Show room
Plan place:Setagaya ward ,Tokyo,
Floor rate
Model house,cafe
Volume rate 300%
Finally, as sustainable office , We designed void space into part of the building, in future , They can renovate
Use: Office,showroom,atelier,apart
Permission floor
or reduce and, The building facade will change.
ment house,model house, cafe
Permission all floor
behavior- process from entrance to order to build a building with clients. In the second round of judging , after the description , We feel confusion that judging members is totally different with idea.
We aimed to office building that respond to future.
Apartment house 300m Parking Parking 8 Cars