Kilimo Kwanza-Issue 27

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Will Tanzania rise to the occasion? xxxxxx

Tuesday 30 November, 2010



Tuesday 30 November, 2010



Local Government Training Institute should join Agriculture First Initiative


hen Prime Minister Mr Mizengo Peter Pinda took his oath of office after re-appointment, his first official activity was to visit the Local Government Training Institute at Hombolo in Dodoma Region. While at the institute, the premier said that from now on, junior and senior officials of local government should be trained at it. According to Mr Pinda the training will enable village and ward executives widen their knowledge on the running of local authorities. The premier’s recommendation covers officials all the way up to district commissioners and regional commissioners, whose efficiency and competence he said would be enhanced at the institute. Currently, the institute is undergoing expansion and modernisation of facilities with funding by the Local Authority Pensions Fund (LAPF) and will next year be able to handle nearly 2000 students. It is therefore well positioned to enhance the implementation of key, strategic national programmes as all officials posted in local governments all over the country shall pass through it. As of now, and for the foreseeable future, the most important national socio-economic undertaking is the Kilimo Kwanza initiative. It is also the centre upon which government planning and budgeting is focusing. It would therefore be a gross oversight if the Local Government Training Institute of Hombolo did not make plans to integrate Kilimo Kwanza in its various curricula as a matter of priority. If this does not happen, it would mean that local government officials would continue manning their stations without being sensitised about the most important government and national initiative. Kilimo Kwanza is neither an accident nor a passing fad. It was a result of years of careful study of the

country’s situation in search of the most effective way to get the country out of mass poverty. While the country is endowed with diverse wealth by nature, including from tourism, marine and mineral resources, agriculture is the one currently engaging most people, a whopping 80 percent, and its improvement would have the greatest and quickest impact. The government took a well-considered position to make Kilimo Kwanza central in its planning activities. It has re-affirmed that position after the mandate of the ruling party and the president was renewed in the recent general elections. The prime minister, who is the official champion of Kilimo Kwanza, therefore made the appropriate decision, even for its symbolic value, when he chose his first duty after re-assuming office, to go to Hombolo. For that is where the government officials who deal with the grassroots are trained. And these are the people who should ensure that the spirit of Kilimo Kwanza grows amongst the population. Kilimo Kwanza is for a change of mindset, so that 100 percent of the Tanzanians start regarding Agriculture as a commercial activity, not merely for subsistence. For the change to take root quickly, local government officials need to be sensitised first and fast. Hombolo is the place to do this.

Water management critical in implementing Kilimo Kwanza 3

Will Tanzania rise to the occasion?


By Kilimo Kwanza Reporter

Top development institute gets on board with Kilimo


Tuesday 30 November, 2010

he country’s premier social-research institute, Dodoma based Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP), has decided to throw its weight behind Kilimo Kwanza and boost the collective national efforts realise Tanzania’s Green Revolution. IRDP are in the final stages of concluding a formal agreement with the Tanzania National Business Council, the Public-Private-Partnership coordinators of Kilimo Kwanza. Through the arrangement, IRDP’s social research and training capabilities will become available to the national green revolution initiative that is intended to eliminate mass poverty in the country through the transformation of the country’s agriculture. Last week, a TNBC team led by Executive Secretary Dunstan Mrutu were in Dodoma to fine tune the memorandum of understanding with IRDP officials led by Deputy Rector Dr B.D. Sebyiga. Later explaining the significance of IRDP’s direct entry into the national Agriculture initiative, TNBC’s Mrutu said it would greatly boost Kilimo Kwanza sensitisation, training, monitoring and evaluation. “With IRDP we shall also be updating Kilimo Kwanza literature,� the


Top development institute gets on board with Kilimo Kwanza TNBC supremo said. Founded in 1979 by the late premier Edward Sokoine, the institute facilitates the process of development

planning and management with an emphasis on rural areas by providing top quality training, research and consultancy services aimed at bridging the

knowledge gap between different practitioners of development planning which include central government sectors, local government authorities com-


munity based organisations, non governmental organisations and the private sector. Courses offered at IRDP range from short ones lasting from one to six weeks for leaders and public officials at all levels in development planning, leadership for grassroots leaders, all the way to international Masters degrees in Development Economics and in Environmental and Sustainable Development. The institute carries out research on various socio-economic issues in the country, currently prioritizing poverty reduction, participatory development planning, environment and development, good governance and the impact of HIV/AIDS on development. IRDP thus has accumulated and keeps updating a formidable data base on development in the country. IRDP joining the Kilimo Kwanza fold is expected to shorten the buy-in period it would take many important stakeholders and ease the internalization of the initiative by the rural players at the grassroots. Kilimo Kwanza was the result of years of research and search for the most effective way to get Tanzania out of mass poverty. It was finally launched by the fourth President of Tanzania, Dr Jakaya Kikwete, on August 3, 2009. Kilimo Kwanza has since become the focus of public sector planning and budgeting.


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P.O. Box 212, Mazimbu Road (Former Heavy Plant Yard), Morogoro, Tanzania. Tel: Mr mwapili: +255-784-421606, Mr Nsekela: +255-786-150213, Fax: +255-27-6246882 Email:, Website:






Tuesday 30 November, 2010

Tuesday 30 November, 2010




Water management critical in implementing fourth pillar of Kilimo Kwanza


By Makuna Chirimi

HE new Minister for Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFC), Hon Prof Jumanne Maghembe takes over the key Ministry at a time when the country appears unfit to take advantage of its agribusiness opportunities and is far from being a major food exporter. Agricultural imports have been increasing, with food imports, including wheat, rice and dairy products, taking the largest share (80 per cent) of the country’s total merchandise imports. Kilimo Kwanza is part of the government’s poverty reduction efforts that are also geared towards the achievement food security. Agriculture in the context of Kilimo Kwanza conforms to the world Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) definition which includes crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry and bee-keeping. The implementation of Kilimo Kwanza comprises ten actionable pillars namely: Political will to push our agricultural transformation, Enhanced financing for agriculture, Institutional reorganization and management of agriculture, Paradigm shift to strategic agricultural production and Land availability for agriculture. Others are Incentives to stimulate investments in agriculture, Industrialization for agricultural transformation, Science, technology and human resources to support agricultural transformation, Infrastructure Development to support agricultural transformation and the Mobilization of Tanzanians to support and participate in the implementation of Kilimo Kwanza. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Cooperatives (MAFC) is a key player in all the pillars and is charged with leading other collaborators in seriously executing Kilimo Kwanza. The Fourth Pillar of Kilimo Kwanza is supposed to provide the paradigm shift to the strategic framework for the green revolution. The framework is almost wholly to be constructed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives (MAFC). At the moment implementation of the fourth pillar of Kilimo Kwanza is behind schedule. The identification and production of strategic crops, livestock and development of fisheries is the critical step in achieving the green revolution. Tanzania has 44 million hectares of land suitable for crop production out of

which only about 10.8 million are under cultivation. The country also has about 66 million hectares of land suitable for livestock keeping. Generally, there is ample land suitable for crop and animal production which is under utilized. However agriculture in Tanzania is very much affected by inadequacy, seasonality and unreliability of rainfall and periodic droughts. It is for this reason that irrigation is considered necessary for providing protection against drought, a means of stabilizing crop production and assurance of household food security. Irrigation practices in Tanzania are still characterised by low water use efficiency, low water productivity and absence of a mechanism for exercising socioeconomic mobility of water and over dependency on surface water as a major source for irrigation development. In addition, irrigation is also at the centre of most water use conflicts amongst farmers and other users. Irrigation development is critically important in ensuring that the nation attains a reliable and sustainable crop production and productivity as a move towards food security and poverty reduction. At best water in the country is still poorly distributed in time, space, quantity and quality and at best remains a finite and vulnerable resource that has to be managed and used on a sustainable basis. One of the commendable structural changes in the reconstituted cabinet is the shifting of the irrigation mandate from the Ministry of Water. Hon Christopher Chiza, the current Deputy Minister in the MAFC is the immediate former deputy in the water ministry. This move should result in giving irrigation the central focus it deserves. Irrigation holds the key to stabilizing agricultural production in Tanzania to improve food security, increase farmers’ productivity and incomes, and also to produce higher valued crops such as vegetables and flowers. This is instrumental in meeting the targets of the fourth pillar of Kilimo. Irrigation boosts crop production to 3-4 times than that of rain-fed agriculture. With developed/improved irrigation infrastructure and water management, paddy yields on an average can increase from 1.8 tonnes per hectare to 4.5 tonnes per hectare. This would have a huge effect on the total agricultural output of the country, especially taking into consideration that Tanzania’s agriculture is dominated by smallholder farmers (peasants) culti-

vating small plots ranging between 0.9 hectares to 3 hectares. Sound irrigation development has the potential to transform the predominantly traditional subsistence rain-fed systems into profitable, mixed scale (small, medium and large) and commercial operations. Irrigation has an important role to play in the realization of the primary objectives of a re-energized agriculture and water sectors. However irrigation remains a major hurdle in the country with most farmers depending on rain fed cultivation.

The opportunity cost of Tanzania s raw water is increasing, especially in many of the areas considered to have irrigation development potentia

• Focusing on pillar number four

The National Irrigation Master Plan (2002) identifies the country’s total irrigation development potential as 29.4million hectares, of which 2.3 million ha are classified as high potential; 4.8 million ha as medium potential; and 22.3 million ha as low potential. Little over 200,000 ha alone is presently under irrigation. Tanzania also has vast 62,000sq.kms of the fresh surface water resources available for crops, livestock and fish farming which is grossly underutilized. Vast underground water sources also remain unexploited. However in its implementation reports, the Ministry of Water (formerly Ministry of Water and Irrigation) admitted that huge budget constraints hampered even the minimal development of 30,000 hectares annually proposed in the National Irrigation Master

Plan, putting to doubt the country’s ability to meet the projected 7million hectares under irrigation by 2015. There is a need to fast track the movement of the irrigation department and streamline its inclusion into the Ministry of Agriculture. The existing Water Policy of 2002 was formed after the amendment of Water Policy of the year 1991. It is managed under the Ministry of Water and it is therefore critical that the two ministries quickly work out modalities of implementing the irrigation mandate which relies on water resources. For the implementation of the Water Policy, the Ministry of Water developed a National Water Sector Development Strategy 2006 – 2015 and a Water Sector Development Programme 2006 – 2025. The main objective of the revised National Water Policy is to develop a comprehensive framework for sustainable development and management of the nation’s water resources, in which an effective legal and institutional framework for its implementation will be put in place. The National Water Sector Development Strategy defines roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders and priorities of the sector reforms in the implementation of the policy. The policy seeks to address crosssectoral interests in water, watershed management and integrated and participatory approaches for water resources planning, development and management. Also, the policy lays a foundation for sustainable development and management of water resources in the changing roles of the government from service provider to that of coordination, policy and guidelines formulation, and regulation. The Water Sector has also been included among priority sectors in the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA). Water is becoming increasingly scarce locally with respect to the demands placed upon it. The opportunity cost of Tanzania s raw water is increasing, especially in many of the areas considered to have irrigation development potential. Irrigation development is critically important in ensuring that the nation attains a reliable and sustainable crop production and productivity as a move towards food security and poverty reduction. The total planted area in the country has been stable for several years and irrigation is therefore a major source of agricultural growth.




By Makuna Chirimi

O country has achieved a significant measure of socio-economic and structural transformation without first modernizing its agricul-

Tuesday 30 November, 2010

Will Tanzania rise to the occasion?

ture. No country has significantly reduced the poverty of its population without achieving a high level of productivity in agriculture. Eating is primary to survival. All living things feed. You either eat to live or you live to eat. Either way you still eat. This makes agriculture cen-

tral to everything. During the launch of Kilimo Kwanza in August of last year, the sitting President Jakaya Kikwete said that, “For the socio-economic development of Tanzania, agriculture is almost everything.” In his inaugural address to parliament earlier this month,

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Tuesday 30 November, 2010

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the President also promised to increase the budgetary allocation to agriculture from the present 7% to 10% by the year 2015. He also promised to fast track the formation of a farmer’s bank. Currently only 3 per cent of agricultural households have access to credit. These declarations and promises are not new. Tanzania endorsed the 2003 African Union (AU) Maputo Declaration that directs all AU member countries to increase investment in the agriculture sector to at least 10% of the national budget by 2008. Two years past the agreed deadline and the Tanzanian government is now asking for five more years to fulfill its earlier commitments. The government claims 100 % commitment to agriculture. Political will to push our agricultural transformation is the primary pillar of success of the green revolution. Emphasis on good governance, better coordination and institutional reorganization in the management of agriculture are also key ingredients for success. The transformation of Tanzania’s agriculture is the foundation of the country’s socioeconomic development. Agriculture is the foundation of the Tanzanian economy. It accounts for about half of the national income, three quarters of merchandise exports, provides employment opportunities to about 80 percent of Tanzanians and is source of food for everyone. Agriculture contributes 26.7% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP); 30% of total exports and 65% of raw materials for the local industries. Agricultural GDP has grown at 3.3 percent per year since 1985, the main food crops at 3.5 percent and export crops at 5.4 percent per year. Considering that the overall GDP growth target for halving abject poverty by 2015 was in the range of 10 percent, this performance falls short of the needed growth. The country must achieve food self sufficiency for its continued stability and development. Currently agriculture contributes 95% of the food consumed in the country while the required level for food self sufficiency is 120%. Tanzania’s Food Self Sufficiency Ratio (SSR) has fluctuated between a low of 88 per cent (2003/04) and a high of 112 per cent (2009/10). The SSR compares the volume of domestic food production against the food requirements of the country’s population. Furthermore, every year the country experiences significant variations in food security between different regions and districts. This country should be a major food-exporting country but currently struggles to meet its own food requirements due to low productivity and the predominance of subsistence farming. To achieve the transformation of agriculture, the business environment in general and for agriculture in particular has to be improved. Making food crop production profitable is the biggest challenge and requires a significant scale enhancement. Increased food production will significantly reduce the level of inflation, since food contributes 55.9% of the inflation basket.

Agriculture has linkages with the non-farm sector through forward linkages to agro-processing, consumption and export. It provides raw materials to industries and a market for manufactured goods. The agricultural sector has the highest multiplier effect in the economy. When agriculture sneezes, the whole country catches a cold. But why is a potential food exporter still importing food? Of the 44 million hectares of arable, available and suitable land for farming in Tanzania, only 23% is currently under cultivation. The average food crop productivity in the country is 1.7 tonnes per hectare, whereas good management and optimal fertiliser use should result in yields of 3.5 - 4 tonnes per hectare. The total planted area has been stable for several years so land expansion could be a major source of agricultural growth. Only 15 per cent of all farmers in the country use fertilisers. Fertilizer inputs in agriculture remain at 9 kg per hectare. In Malawi, a country that has been cited as a beacon for agrarian revolution in Africa it fertilizer use is at 27kg per hectare while in developed countries it is over 200 kg per hectare. Tanzanian agriculture is heavily dependent on food crops, yet we also produce more mouths than we can feed. The agricultural sector’s growth rate in 2009/10 was 1.5%, much lower than the annual national population growth of 3%. Food crops need to be given top priority for food self sufficiency to be achieved. The country’s horticultural sector (vegetables, fruits and cut flowers) is still very small and contributes little more than 1 per cent to total merchandise exports. More efforts need to be geared in this high value sector that has a potential to transform farmer’s lives. Irrigation development in Tanzania is critically important in ensuring that the nation attains a reliable and sustainable crop production and productivity as a move towards food security and poverty reduction. Irrigation can boosts crop production to 3-4 times than that of rain-fed agriculture. Ours is an erratic, unreliable and non-uniformly distributed rain fed agriculture. This dependence on rain fed agriculture has left the country tremendously vulnerable to the vagaries of weather. The National Irrigation Master Plan (2002) identifies the country’s total irrigation development potential as 29.4million hectares, of which 2.3 million ha are classified as high potential; 4.8 million ha as medium potential; and 22.3 million ha as low potential. Little over 200,000 ha alone is presently under irrigation. Tanzania has a vast 62,000sq.kms of the fresh water resources available for crops, livestock and fish farming which is grossly underutilized. Even in the so called “arid areas” vast underground water sources lie unutilized sometimes at surprisingly shallow depths of less than 10 metres. Using a hand hoe, a young healthy man can dig a ten metre deep hole in a day or two. A large proportion of the country’s

Dr Mary Nagu Minister for Investment and Empowerment

Prof Anna Tibaijuka Minister for Lands and Human Settlements

agricultural harvest is lost because farmers cannot get their produce to the market and are unable to store their harvests. Of Tanzania’s road network of 85 000 kilometres, slighlty over 4 000 kilometres are paved and some parts, primarily in the south, are impassable during the rainy season. If all the food grown in this country were to be properly harvested and stored then this country would more than double its agricultural output without adding a single tractor or bag of fertilizer. Currently over 40% of all grain produce goes to waste before it leaves the farm. Over 70% of all fruit produce rots. Yet the country imports fruit juice, jam and other fruit prod-

Prof Mark Mwandosya Minister for Water

ucts. Local juice manufacturers also import fake fruit powder and fruit syrup to produce juice. More insultingly, most of the fruit and vegetables found on the counters of supermarkets and high end grocery stores in the country are imported. If all the milk produced in the country was sold instead of half of it going to waste it would add up an estimated 2 billion/- per day to the farmers’ income. A vibrant milk industry could generate 10 times the tax revenue currently collected from imported milk products. Instead uncontrolled importation of milk into the country sometimes forces local producers to pour milk away.

Prof Jumanne Maghembe Minister for Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives

Tanzanian farmers remain unequally yoked to the hand hoe thousands of years after mechanised technology was invented. About 70 percent of Tanzania’s crop area is cultivated by hand hoe, 20 percent by ox plough and only 10 percent by tractor. Where there were 17,000 working tractors in the 1970’s, only 8,000 remain. The country needs at least 20,000 working tractors to achieve agricultural self sufficiency. Tanzania’s agriculture is dominated by smallholder farmers (peasants) cultivating small plots ranging between 0.9 hectares to 3 hectares. This is often hardly enough to feed the farmers family for a year. According to Andrew Temu, Professor of


Agricultural Economics at Sokoine University, a major problem is that smallholder farmers in the country principally maximize food self-sufficiency instead of their profits. Two major constraints keep Tanzanian farmers in subsistence farming: the lack of incentives to produce for the market and the absence of economies of scale. The country is somehow unable to take advantage of available food markets in the eight neighbouring countries. There is a need to establish industries to provide backward and forward linkages for the agricultural sector and increase access to local and foreign markets for value added products. The Tanzanian Investment Centre (TIC) identified difficulty to acquire land as one of the 11 greatest impediments to attracting foreign investment. Land titling is permissible for surveyed land, but to date most rural land has not been surveyed, and so titling is rare. Currently most of the land in the country remains un-surveyed and untitled. The land tenure system plays an important role in the establishment of self-reliant and sustainable agriculture. Most of the cultivated area is held by small-scale smallholder farmers who hold it through customary right of occupancy and most of them are un-


aware of the importance of land registration for title deeds. Land administration procedures are also not streamlined to the extent that the granting of title deeds is painstakingly slow. This situation discourages potential investors from investing into medium and large scale irrigated agriculture. The 19 million cattle, 17 million sheep and goats and over 30 million chicken are not commercially exploited. Over 90% of the livestock population is of indigenous types known for their low genetic potential. In spite of boasting the third largest cattle herd in the continent, Tanzania’s per capita milk consumption is estimated at only 22 litres per annum, which is one of the lowest in sub-Saharan Africa. This is partly due to the predominance of the low milk producing zebu cattle and a relatively small improved dairy herd producing below potential. Inadequate infrastructure for processing and marketing of livestock and livestock products has opened the market to highly subsidised imported livestock products even from neighbouring EAC countries. These discourage investments and create unfair competition for locally produced products in the livestock industry. Unavailability of credit facilities to large, medium and Continues on page 7

P. O. Box : 912, Arusha, Tanzania. Tel: +255 27 253 92 59, 250 46 79, 250 63 68, Fax: +255 27 254 50 13 Email:




Tuesday 30 November, 2010



From page 7

small-scale livestock entrepreneurs and low capital investment also limits the expansion and commercialisation of the industry. Less than 10% of milk produced in the country is marketed as processed milk and milk products. About 40% of the 3.9 million agricultural households in Tanzania are involved in crops and livestock production. This means that supporting the livestock industry alone will have a positive effect on the lives of 40% of the country’s farmers. The present annual fish catch is estimated at 350 metric tonnes. According to the Board of External Trade, 40 per cent of the fish catch from Victoria Lake is lost before processing because of insufficient storage. Cold-storage facilities are practically non-existent or subject to unstable electricity supply. Inadequate fish inspection and quality control mechanisms, poor handling and inadequate processing methods coupled with poor transport and distribution networks also contribute to high post harvest losses. The country has 1,424kms of coastline and 223,000sq.kms of Tanzania’s Exclusive Economic Zone of the Indian Ocean which is not being effectively exploited for its fishing and marine resource. Recently Tanzania’s most important non-traditional agricultural export has become fish and fish products which earned half as much as all traditional agricultural exports. The new Minister for Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, Hon Prof Jumanne Maghembe takes over the key Ministry at a time when the country appears unfit to take advantage of its agribusiness opportunities and is far from being a major food exporter. Agricultural imports have been increasing, with food imports, including wheat, rice and dairy products, taking the largest share (80 per cent) of total merchandise imports. The Ministry of Livestock

Will TZ rise to the occasion?

and Fisheries has the mandate of overall management and development of livestock and fisheries resources. The ministry is now under the tutelage of Hon Dr Mathayo David Mathayo, promoted from the portfolio of Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food security and Cooperatives. He is deputized by Hon Benedict Ole Nangoro, a new cabinet appointee. The livestock industry has maintained a steady annual growth rate of over 2.7 percent during the last decade. This is lower than the human population growth rate of 3%, and falls far short of the projected 9% industry growth by this years end. Focus of future government funding for services in livestock farming should focus on the public goods that are needed for efficient growth of the industry such as rural infrastructure, research, extension services, epidemic diseases and vector control. The fisheries sector has a lot of economic and social significance to the country. The sector contributes around 10% of the national GDP. It is the main source of protein to nearly one third of the country's population. Around 80,000 fishermen are employed full time in the fisheries and a few other millions derive their economic livelihood from the sector in one way or another in fisheries related activities. It is also a source of recreation. tourism and foreign exchange. Fish contributes about 30% of the total animal protein in take in Tanzania. This is significant as the majority of the consumers are relatively low-income earners who cannot afford other more expensive sources of protein. There is a growing demand for fish


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created by population growth estimated at 3.5% per annum. The livestock ministry bids farewell to Hon John Pombe Magufuli and wishes him well as he strives to improve the road network for farmers in the Works Ministry. Poor infrastructure means that many farmers are unable to take their produce to market. The country needs to develop infrastructure for irrigation, rural electrification, storage, roads, railways, ports, airports, market centres and information technology to agricultural transformation. Tanzania's average population density is relatively low at about 32 people /km2, and therefore population pressure on scarce land resources is not a major problem theoretically. Availability of land for agriculture alone is not enough. There is a need to facilitate access to land for agriculture and enhance security of tenure. Land is an economic good of an increasing value. It plays a great role in the process of poverty reduction . The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development has been mandated to administer land and human settlement in Tanzania. Under the direction of former UN-HABITAT Director for Human settlements and now Member of Parliament for Muleba Constituency, Prof Anna Tibaijuka, the Ministry has its work cut out in promoting the harmonious and judicious exploitation of the land resource. The ministry needs to create an enabling environment for using land to access credit. The problem of land tenure system, water and pasture resources is also critical in livestock keeping. There is often lack of proper arrangement to allocate land and give ownership of grazing areas according to traditional or legal procedures. Frequent changes of livestock grazing areas into crop cultivation areas, game reserves and the migration of livestock farmers are some of the challenges faced by the sector and which the lands ministry would do best to address. The Water Policy of 2002 is managed under the Ministry for Water under Minister Hon Prof Mark Mwandosya and his deputy Gerson Lwinge. With the wealth of experience from his portolio as Deputy Minister for Water and Irrigation, Hon Christopher Chiza, who now serves in a similar position within the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives will do best to spearhead the implementation of the irrigation mandate that has been moved to the ministry. Irrigation holds the key to stabilizing agricultural production in Tanzania to improve food security, increase farmers’ productivity and incomes, and also to produce higher valued crops such as vegetables and even flowers. Irrigation has an important role to play in the realization of the primary objectives of a re-energized agriculture and water sectors. Access to credit remains a major hurdle for Tanzanian agribusinesses. Farmers are not able to obtain the financial means to buy productivity-enhancing inputs such as machinery, seeds, fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides. Few banks are located in the rural areas. Agricultural lending is negatively viewed by Tanzania’s financial institutions. Serious commitment to mobilization of financial resources from the private sector, financial institutions, government, and development partners through an agricultural development bank is critical to the success of Kilimo. The government needs to integrate Kilimo Kwanza in the government machinery, to consistently monitor and evaluate its implementation and to sensitize and mobilize Tanzanians to support and implement the green revolution. Kilimo Kwanza is a national resolve to accelerate agricultural transformation. It comprises a holistic set of policy instruments and strategic interventions towards addressing the various sectoral challenges and taking advantage of the numerous opportunities to modernize and commercialize agriculture in Tanzania.It is a central pillar in achieving the country’s Vision 2025 and a force to propel the realization of the nation’s socio-economic development goals. Additional information from the following sources: • The Tanzania national website • OECD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (2008), Business for Development: Promoting Commercial Agriculture in Africa OECD Development Centre, Paris. • USAID (2008), Tanzania’s Agenda for Action, February 2008, Dar es Salaam.



Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (DAWASA) – Tel: +255 22 276 0006

Dar es Salaam Water and Sewarage Corporation (DAWASCO) Tel: +255 22-2131191/4 Drilling and Dam Construction Agency (DDCA) Tel: +255 22 2410430/2410299 Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority Tel: +255 22 2123850, 22 2123853 Water and Environmental Sanitation Projects Maintenance Organization (WEPMO) Tel: +255 22 2410738, 716 099959 Ministry of Water Tel: +255 22 245 1448


Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO) – Email:, ANSAF - P.O. Box 6370, Dar es Salaam CNFA -

Tractors Limited Cells: +255 784 421606, 786 150213

Consolidated Holdings Corporation (CHC) Tel: 255 (022) 2117988/9 Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) – Tel: +255 22 2863683/2863409 Export Processing Zones in Tanzania (EPZ) Tel: +255 22 2451827-9 Agricultural Economics Society of Tanzania (AGREST) – Tel. +255-23 260 3415

Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC) Tel: +255 22 2122984-6 Tanzania Agriculture Partnership (TAP) Tel: +255 22 2124851

Tanzania Milk Processors Association (TAMPA) Tel: +255 222 450 426

Rural Livelihood Development Company (RLDC) Tel: +255 26 2321455 Tanzania Cotton Board Tel: +255 22 2122564, 2128347

Horticultural Development Council of Tanzania (HODECT) Cell: +255 789 222 344; Fax: +255 27254 4568 TATEECO Ltd – Tel: +255 784 427817 AGRO-PROCESSING ERTH Food - Tel: +255 22 2862040 MUKPAR Tanzania Ltd Tel: +255 28 250038/184

ASAS Diaries Limited - Tel: +255 26 2725200 Tanga Fresh – Tel +255 27 2644238 NatureRipe Kilimanjaro Limited Tel: +255 22 21 51457 EQUIPMENT Gurudumu Tatu Limited Tel: +255 22 2865632 / 2863699

National Service Corporation Sole (SUMAJKT) Cell: +255 717 993 874, 715 787 887 FINANCE Private Agricultural Sector Support (PASS) Tel: 023-3752/3758/3765 Community Bank Association Tel: +255 22 2123245

Bank of Tanzania P.O. Box 2939, Dar es Slaam, Tanzania AGRO-INPUTS Minjingu Mines & Fertilizers Ltd Tel: +255 27 253 9259 250 4679

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