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shopping with HUGS

Best-selling author and retail expert Jack Mitchell on shopper-seller relationships.

By Karen Alberg Grossman

No one knows more about selling than Kilgore Trout’s friend and colleague Jack Mitchell. His newly released book, Selling the Hug Your Customers Way (available on Amazon), is a powerful read, guaranteed to improve your business and enrich your life.

Why should I read this book if I’m not a salesperson?

We’re all selling something at various times in our lives. Doctors sell their healing ability when they’re with a new patient. Lawyers sell their persuasive talents and knowledge of the law. When we apply to a college or go on a job interview, we’re selling our qualifications. Day after day, in all walks of life, most of us are selling something to someone.

How can customers find the right salesperson, one who won’t talk them into something that’s not right for them? (We’ve all been there!)

You can usually get a feel for a sales associate in the first few minutes, if not seconds. First off, do they ask, “Can I help you?” which is the exact wrong way to begin a relationship, rather than greet you warmly with a smile, allowing you to indicate when you need assistance. Do they look you in the eye? Do they want to know your name and get a feel for who you are before suggesting something? The right salesperson won’t rush you if you don’t want to be rushed and won’t schmooze if you’re in a hurry. They’ll ask how to reach you in the future; they’ll give you a business card so you can reach them. A good seller shows passion without pushing.

What do you look for when you hire sellers?

They’ve got to have integrity (something few psychological tests pick up). They need to be positive and enthusiastic with a sincere desire to grow. They have to genuinely like people and revere customer service. If you shop at Kilgore Trout, these are the associates you’ll encounter.

What was the best sale you ever made?

Convincing Linda to marry me, 57 years ago.

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