WANG XIAOWEI's portfolio for UCL MArch Design for Performance and Interaction

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PORTFOLIO [2020-2021]

XIAOWEI WANG UCL Student ID number: 21181334 Programme applied for: MArch Design for Performance and Interaction





Welcome home


Who is poisonous



#VR system

# Spatial Installation

#Vehicle Central Control Design

#Affective Interaction

Virtual environment, real practice

#Interaction Design

# Parametric Design

Welcome home #IoT #Affective Interaction

Initial Brief

Project Summary Welcome Home is an interactive picture frame hung on the wall. People can produce slow and regular patterns by interacting with gestures and patterns on the painting to achieve the purpose of calming people. At the same time, it can be used between two identical products. Transmitting information becomes an emotional medium between people. I designed this kind of spatial emotional interactive product to promote a slow-life lifestyle. I don’t think that “empty nest youth” is a problem group. On the contrary, I think that living alone is a common phenomenon for contemporary young people. “Empty nest” is only a temporary stage, but I hope that through my design, this process can be made possible Become better.

After watching the Apple HomePod advertisement, I was touched by the life of the heroine in the film.

Actively or passively, more and more young Chinese are living lives that are reminiscent of the protagonists of the movie "The Fantasy Drifting of the Boy School". However, they did not drift with a small boat on which a fierce Bengal tiger was drifting in the ocean, but lived with the country's mixed-breed cat in the country's concrete jungle, far away from their families. With the continuous advancement of urbanization, the phenomenon of living alone has become more and more common, and the term "empty-nest youth" has gradually entered the public's field of vision. However, empty-nest youths are under the dual pressure of social work and family marriage, and their inner desire is to be recognized. Product design that considers the practicality and user experience of users in small spaces or living alone has become more and more important. The purpose of solving the social problems of young people is my actions in the face of current and future crises.



58 million people live a "life alone" in China.

Empty-nest Youth

In Shanghai, there is one-person household in every four households.

01- Most empty-nest youth live alone in first-tier cities



Ethnographic Research

Statistics found that "empty-nest youths" are mainly distributed in first-tier cities


Each means 0.1 million

However, despite the widespread popularity all over the world, there is very little real discussion or understanding of living alone.

28 Years old NetEase UX Designer 4Years working experience Living in Beijing

advancement of urbanization, the economic effects of urban production and living 71.1% of people aged 18-40 leave their hometown to work.

26 Years old Alibaba PR 1 Year working experience Living in Shanghai


With the continuous 7 1.1 %


agglomeration have promoted industrial concentration and

Why did you choose to live alone?

What form of living alone do you choose?

What is your life alone like?

I am engaged in the work of the Internet industry, which may be more suitable to stay in big cities than to go back to my hometown. There are indeed abundant products in my hometown, but I don’t think the level of social civilization is so high.

I work in the center of the city. I want to live close to the company for a short journey to work. A small room in the center of Shanghai is enough for a month’s salary. So I can only choose to share with others. It can be said that you can go to sleep when you enter the door.

I go to work alone by subway every day. My work ends very late. There are only convenience stores open on the street, so I go in every day and feel that the most cured place is the convenience store. It seems that it is “waiting for me” every day.

Now many young people choose not to get married, and I am one of them, so I live alone. The biggest advantage of living on my own is that I can arrange my time freely. I can stay up late to work when I get home from work. I can also make phone calls and hold teleconferences anytime and anywhere. I’m not so free to live in a room with others.

I have been working for three years and bought this house a few years ago before the house price soared. At first, the down payment was supported by my parents, but then the monthly loan was basically repaid with my own salary. It seems to make a lot of money, but in the face of high mortgage and living costs, they are often careful in budget.

I began to feel lonely almost as soon as I came to the new company as an intern. When you find yourself in a new city without friends, it’s hard to even go to the supermarket. It’s good to talk to friends on Skype, but the call is over, they’re back to their busy lives, and I’m stuck in this cycle of sadness.

Although companies are recruiting programmers everywhere, I personally still value the company's prospects. Big cities have broader platforms and richer resources, which are more suitable for the development of this industry. Although we all often ridicule ourselves as "Zhang-Jiang man”, I am quite satisfied with my current job. (Zhang-Jiang man: Refers to people gathered in Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, with a background in science and engineering, often living in a simple environment, working hard and clumsy at expression.)

House is the source of Chinese people’s sense of security. But now the house price is far higher than the young people’s salary, most young people simply can’t buy a house by themselves. But my parents can’t help me too much. I can only make money by myself. In order to be able to afford a house in the future, I will try my best to reduce the housing expenses now. But now I stay in the company very late every day, and I just have a sleep when I come back. It’s basically a hotel.

Most people are looking forward to the weekend, but for me, the situation is just the opposite-I am looking forward to Monday so that I can talk to people at work. I was really depressed on Friday because I began to think about how to spend another weekend alone, mainly cleaning the room and playing computer. When I finish my short trip and then go home, I will feel lonely again, the same every weekend.

population agglomeration.

Chinese people’s concept of the traditional home is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and so are young people living alone. They yearn for a warm "home" with quality. How to design a "home" for them to find their ideal landing in their favorite city, and to promote the youth living alone Your happiness is an urgent problem to be solved.

02-Post-90s dominate the mainstream, well-educated with high income


Empty-nest youths are mainly born in the 80s and 90s who are 20-39 years old, of which 75% are born in the 90s.

27 Years old Microsoft Front-end developer 3Years working experience Living in Shanghai

03-Males occupy the majority Among them, men are about twice as large as women, accounting for up to 64%. 25% 64%

Therefore, the “empty-nest” youth is not only the definition of the concept of physical space, but also a mental state.


90s 80s


From the interview, I found that for young people living in first-tier cities, there are two main problems they face: 1. High housing prices lead to narrow living spaces 2. Loneliness caused by poor social life

Faced with the uncontrollable economic problems of the "empty-nest youth", as well as the psychological and emotional problems that need to be resolved, I also investigated the relationship between living space and happiness.

Uncontrollable housing prices & the relationship between living spaces and happiness After understanding the "empty-nest youth" as a whole, I then conducted a user research on the housing situation of them.

Chris Foye conducted a study to analyze the relationship between the size of living space and subjective well-being, and found a weak positive correlation between the size of living space and subjective well-being 3.37









Average Hong Kong house size (in number of people) A typical home in Shanghai costs more than 20 times the median salary

Take Hong Kong, the most expensive housing in the world, as an example

1. The number of residents per capita decreased from 3.37 to 1.74, a decrease of almost 40%














2. If housing affordability is regarded as a multiple of the median household income, Hong Kong is more than 20 times.

Hong Kong house costs how much times the median income






40% 20 times

As Gaston Bachelard described in the "Poetics of Space", when a house is not regarded as a house or living space, or even as a daydreaming space, it is regarded as being sold and rented for profit In real estate, residential units are commodities. This mentality caused the phenomenon of apartment subdivision. The subdivided apartment is actually a box, more like "shoebox flats" or "matchbox flats".

Opportunity Problems I found from research

How much living space should a person have? The Japanese government has issued detailed guidelines on the minimum and ideal living space a person must have. According to these guidelines, a person living alone in the city center or suburbs should have at least 269 square feet of living space.

A person living alone in the city center or suburbs should have at least 269 square feet of living space.

But, how much living space do people actually have?

01 Helpless in life The per capita living area of empty nest youths is “worrisome”, and at the same time they have to bear the high rents and prices of super first-tier cities.

02 Psychologically depressed

Average living space per person

Empty-nest youths come to work in big cities with dreams. They are under the dual pressure of social work and family marriage, and their hearts are eager to be recognized.

New York City, apartment 414 square feet

Paris, apartment 388 square feet

Hong Kong, all housing 160 square feet

Hong Kong, subdivided apartment 48 square feet

parking space 153 square feet

After comparing the per capita living space from Hong Kong to Paris and New York, it is found that some single-person apartments do not even have a large area with a parking space.

03 Emotionally missing Empty-nest youths place their emotions in virtual networks, and mainly rely on virtual networks such as WeChat, QQ, and Weibo to communicate with the outside world. They lose the opportunity to communicate with real humans.

WHAT IF ? Add “warmth” and “liveness” to the limited living space of empty-nest youth.

Relieve the psychological pressure of empty-nest youth.

Increase the connection between empty-nest youths and others.

User Observation 01-The behavior of “Empty-nest Youth”

02-The Mental States of “Empty-nest Youth”

In order to increase the "warmth" and "liveness" in the limited space, I conducted research on the living space of "Empty Nest Youth".

In the previous user research on psychological conditions, I found that "empty-nest youth" feel lonely is a common phenomenon. When we input "When will you feel lonely" on the search engine, the most resonant answer is as follows:

I compiled the daily life of empty-nest youths from the four aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and a comparison table of empty-nest index:




5 7




9 14


17 3 16





18㎡ monthly rent of 3,500 rooms


Roommate (only)


Half a bento two days ago


Small electric cooker


Half of the milk, big packets of snacks


Rice and oil bought on fresh e-commerce


A bottle of flowers (ordered for yourself)


muji four-piece bedding set (Taobao imitation)


Now playing: "Please fall in love with me who is useless"


Cell phone. Refresh time: 2 minutes ago, new message: 0


Unpacked courier box


switch game cassette


A movie ticket stub


Capsule coffee machine


Bed lazy table


Up to three meters charging cable


Stocked instant hot pot and instant noodles


When you find that half of the food in the refrigerator is all rotten


When you find that the nearest contact on WeChat is yourself


When you finished overtime at 11 o'clock and returned to your dark home with a convenience store shopping bag


When you sit on the toilet and find that you have used up the last roll of paper in the house


When you accidentally lock yourself out


When you dry the quilt on a rainy day and no one helps to collect it


When you ate all the food at home in extreme weather


When you are sick and in bed and no one helps to bring a cup of hot water


When you go to bed late, no one cares about it, but you want someone to persuade you to go to bed earlier

I analyzed these lonely moments and found : • •

Most of these moments happen at home Moments related to interpersonal communication account for a large proportion

8/9 5/9

Self Observation Taking myself as an example, I used photos to record the "first glance" of my life alone when I went home and opened the door every day. Weekly observation diary DAY 1

My roommate went home and I was the only one left, but the living room was full of traces of her life. The paints she had painted were "lonely" in the living room.




When I went to work out in the morning, I broke my mouth. I bought medicine and breakfast on the way back and put them on the table in the living room. I forgot to take the medicine when I went out in a hurry, and found that the medicine was still on the table when I went home at night.

In the morning, I found that I had forgotten to drink the lemon slice I bought before, so I took it out and put it on the table. Maybe I would "remind" myself when I saw it before going out. When I went home at night, I found it was still quietly "lying" on the table, waiting for me to find it.

I went to eat hot pot with friends the day before, and I packed it back after eating. A group of people was noisy when I went, but only one person went home.


My roommate went home, but her courier was still there and no one cleaned it up.

By recording my life, I found that in my opinion, going home is a very hopeless thing, because in my vision, the items and furnishings at home have not changed because there is no one. So I plan to increase the "vibrancy" at home.


I bought myself some breakfast.


I am used to going to bed late at night, so I always feel a little hungry. When I go out, I take a banana out of the refrigerator in advance to remind myself to go home to eat.

Ideation There are three residential behavior patterns for young people living alone: home-based, enjoyable, and social. The characteristics of each type of youth's behavior pattern are different, which is reflected in different needs for housing. I concentrated on analyzing the range of activities and area of each type of youth in the living room and bedroom. Social Type

Enjoyable Type

Home-based Type

01 Calm Technology Our world is made of information that competes for our attention.


Bathroom Balcony Bathroom Bedroom


Restaurant Laundry

Living room

6.6 ㎡





Living room

02 Meditation Kitchen

6.5 ㎡ 3.3 ㎡

Bathroom Living room

The movable space area is about 10 ㎡

PARC researchers coined the terms "silent computing" and "silent technology" in 1995 to deal with the increasingly complex situations caused by information technology. Calm technology describes a state of technological maturity in which the user's main task is not computing, but humans.




But What is necessary? What is not?

The movable space area is about 13.5 ㎡


The movable space area is about 15 ㎡

After calculation and analysis of the "empty nest" youth living alone space, no matter what type of youth, their activity area is between 10-14 square meters. So I plan to save living space by hanging on the wall.

The slow, gentle, continuous pattern calms people. In a variety of physical forms and modes, there is a deep principle that can realize many mindful exercise habits, namely: voluntary control of the muscle system through long-term slow, continuous and gentle body movement can improve concentration and clarity. And help a person relax. This principle has nothing to do with any particular practice, it can be applied to every action we do.


STEP 2:How to Count Up the Angle Take a point on the circle, "jump" a few steps in any direction, and then connect it into a line. The diagram shows the point 6 steps ahead. If we were counting the angle up in steps of 10 degrees, the end point would be at (angle + 60) degrees.

01 How to digitize patterns Because I want to use slow, gentle and continuous regular patterns, I thought of designing patterns with mathematical equations and handing over the work of drawing to the code.

angle + 6 steps


STEP 1:Going Around a Circle

If we repeat this process of drawing lines, we can create nice patterns like the following, which shows 2 overlaid patterns created from different skip steps.

I need a mathematical way to move around a circle in evenly spaced steps. The easiest way is to increase the angle of turn in even steps. The following shows some examples of counting angles in degrees.

Now, let's do one more enhancement. Let's take the angle for each of the points on the large, medium and small circles, and add some variation to them. So if we take an angle A for point P, we can create several new versions of this by adding a small amount to it. If we added 1 degree to it, nine times, we'd get nine new angles, A+1, A+2, A+2 ... A+9. Let's call this new additive parameter t, which we can add to each of the angles for points P, Q and S.

angle (20*(A+0.1t)) angle (15*(A+0.2t))

angle (A+0.3t)

STEP 3:Add Gears! 45 degrees

90 degrees

180 degrees

360 degrees

Computers and programming languages, internally work in terms of horizontal and vertical (x, y) coordinates. That means we need to translate our moving around a circle by counting the angle, into (x, y) coordinates.



The maths allows us to translate from the world of angles into the world of (x,y) coordinates. You can see from the diagram above that point P is at an angle A, around a circle which has radius R. what we want is to be able to say how far across, x, and how far up, y, that point is. The maths tell us how to do that:

x = R cos(A) y = R sin(A)


It shows a new imaginary circle centred at point P. That smaller circle, shown green, has a point Q that goes around its edge, just like point P went around the big circle's edge. point S point Q angle (20A) point Q angle (15A) point P angle (15A) point P Now we have yet another, even smaller red circle attached to the angle A angle A medium sized green one.

I set the point Q to go around faster than point P. Whenever point P is at an angle A, point Q is further along at point 15A. There is some basis for this this systems works like gears, where the smaller cog turns faster than the larger cog.

That one has a point S that turns around the centre which is point Q. And we know point Q turns around point P.

This one is based on the same pattern above with angular speeds: P at A, Q at 5A and S at 15A, and the angles for P varied by 0.1t, Q by 0.2t and S by 0.3t.

Ideation 02 The interaction between the magnetic lines of induction will produce magical effects

03 How to control magnetism

04 Add polarization effect!

Use a circular electromagnetic array to manipulate the fluid, use the polar coordinate system like processing, and use the angle and distance to the center of the circle to locate the electromagnet. Each electromagnet can be individually controlled by setting the current through the coil, so the image can be dynamically created and manipulated.

Most light sources, such as the sun, emit non-polarized light. When light hits linear polarizers (such as the vertical and horizontal polarizers in the example below), the angular vibration can be filtered out by only vertical or horizontal vibration.

A magnet



Analyzer Polarizer

The numbers indicate the magnetic force exerted by each electromagnet

Polarized Light

Coil energized

In fact

Using a display device adds some crazy optical effects through a fluid. There’s something going on with polarization of the light and how it gets scattered by the nano-sized particles in ferrofluid. Each visible line appears as a path of light that comes from each point light source and travels along the path of least potential.



Magnetic fluid display

Parallel Films As shown in the figure, a magnet wire is opened, showing the magnetic fluid moving under the action of the energized solenoid and displaying a straight line in time series. On this basis, controlling the different magnetic force of each coil can combine different results.

Therefore, I plan to use the characteristics of polarized light to create changes in product brightness.

UI Design Where to start You can set the start point and end point of its path by tapping the screen twice. So it has four start-to-end methods : θ

User Flow 1: Play with the pattern


• Observe the process of pattern formation • Communication through the community • Create your own pattern


01 from 1 to 0 & from 0 to 1



02 from 0 to 0 & from 1 to 1

In these four initial modes, there are two patterns to choose from: 01 Algorithmic

Home: Tracks


Draw: radius

Draw: angle

02 Freestyle

Draw: rotation

How it works

Cloud/Server Using a large analysis engine, data can be collected and securely processed within the “cloud” Gateway

Connect IOT devices to the network so that they can interact with them.

User Flow 2: Chat through IOT

End-User Application who to receive the message

• View messages that others have left you • Interact with others through simple conversations

End-User Application who to send the message

Home: Messages


Detailed Messages

display the message

Product design

How to use 01 Self-organizing algorithm pattern Ferrofluid








Wooden box

affected by magnetism

02 Deliver customized content to others

papa 12:41

“ Welcome Home ”





Virtual environment, real practice

#VR system

#Interaction Design

01- Caries treatment has high operational requirements Dentistry is a highly practical discipline, which often requires the operator to prepare small-scale geometric shapes (e.g., cavity preparation, etc.) with limited working space and visibility during dental treatment, which determines the centrality of hand skill development in dental education.

Limited workspace and visibility Preparation of smallscale geometries

02- Errors in dental caries treatment have serious consequences

Effects on the bite and shape of the teeth. Improper filling treatment can have an impact on the bite.

Effects on periodontal tissues. The normal shape of the food has the effect of protecting the gums, massaging them, and preventing the accumulation of plaque.

Effects on adjacent teeth. Improper size and position of the contact area with adjacent teeth can also cause food impaction and tooth displacement.

Surgical instruments may cause damage to periodontal tissues. Improper use of surgical instruments during the procedure may cause damage to the periodontal tissues.

Project Summary Most dentists find that there are some differences between their practice and their study in the laboratory. Considering the advantages of VR, I designed a VR training system, which uses three-dimensional model and tactile technology to simulate the filling process of dental caries, focusing on making up for the lack of training process in the laboratory, so as to reduce the inconvenience caused by this difference and shorten the professional cognitive cycle of medical students.

Effects on the temporomandibular joint. A high or low bite can disrupt the normal occlusal relationship, cause trauma or displace the opposing teeth.


Comparison of dental filling procedures


Doctor's Flow

Dry the area where the injection will take place

Moisture Barrier

Apply local anesthetic to the area

Cavity present between teeth and dental dam placed to localize teeth and protect mouth

Student's Flow 1




• • •

Etching, bonding and filling

Shaping and polishing




Decayed area removed with a high speed drill.

Moisture Barrier

use the rubber barrier isolation technique on a phantom head

Different materials are used in different parts of the exercise process, resulting in a poor operational flow.

Caries removal

Metal bands placed around teeth to maintain separation and prevent joining of adjacent teeth with filling

Phosphoric acid etches surface to prepare for banding

Cavity preparation

Design shape

Calculation boundary

Carved shape

Bonding agent is applied to adhere filling to tooth

A blue LED light cures the surface of the tooth

Composite resin is packed into the drilled area and sculpted to create a surface simi-lar to the tooth before decay

Filling is set using the blue LED light again

Dental preparation

Protecting the dental pulp

Colorimetric and material selection

Acid Erosion

Imperfections are removed to provide an even bite

Shaping and polishing

Etching, bonding and filling

Shape the hole

Patient bites down on carbon paper to check surface of filling for irregularities.

Coated adhesives

Filling and curing of composite resin

The two processes produce differences in the main operations of the filling steps. There is a difference between the resin tooth in the model and the real tooth: the resin tooth has a simple structure, but the real tooth has a different structure and therefore a different resistance for each layer. There is a difference between the real person and the cephalometric model: the model does not have the human oral tissue and environment and cannot give feedback on the manipulation.

Use diamond drill pin to trim the shape of the filling, then use the occlusion paper to check for high spots and adjust the grinding


The model has no way to provide feedback like a human.


The head mold mouth opening degree is very big, may in the patient mouth, some people mouth opening degree is very small, affects the angle of view.

Preliminary Interview

Hot air in the patient’s mouth can cause the mirrors to fog up. Patients respond differently to high-speed drills.

I initiated questions on the web and received a lot of feedback from medical students, which I collected and organized to categorize the questions.

Different materials (different density and hardness, therefore different resistance received. How to protect dental pulp and meet the physiological requirements is more important. In vitro teeth do not have the structure of true teeth and can not follow the principle of caries removal.

Semi-structured Interview After talking to medical students who had interned in hospitals I found out the current problems of teaching caries:

Mentality: In recent years, due to the problem of doctor-patient relationship, the opportunity of practical operation for students is greatly reduced, so students practice in the laboratory and students are prone to different degrees of nervousness Operation: The traditional skill training cannot fully simulate the clinical situation and is far from the clinical practice, which affects the skill training effect of cariology.

I scratched the patient’s tongue/cheek with an instrument. The point of anesthesia and the choice of anesthesia method. Find the exact place of anesthesia, different people mouth thickness is different, acupuncture point is different so the difficulty of anesthesia will be different. When performing a mandibular block, you can not control the position of the needle point, reach the bone wall, or draw back blood. When preparing teeth, you should pay attention to the angle of the needle. Lack of a process for judging tooth decay.

The head model does not have biological characteristics

Do not produce saliva during practice. Do not practice hygroscopic techniques.

human head

phantom head

The difference between human and phantom head

Make sure the acid is properly placed on the teeth and does not enter the mouth or gums. Do other tissues in the mouth affect the bite. Cavities can be complex, with overlapping types. The real oral environment will limit the use of dental drills. The structure of the upper and lower teeth can affect the gesture/difficulty of filling. Doesn’t know how to work a scope. Communication, the ability to let the patient understand and accept the program for his own. The tongue is present and you need to be careful on the tongue side when preparing your teeth. The operation should be gentle and painless. Hand tremor. Because stress can lead to forgetting steps and medical errors. Different mouth sizes can affect the technique. Not familiar with the instrument and the feedback it generates. The suction operation may affect the patient’s feelings and even affect the secretion of saliva. If the patient’s description of the bite is accurate. Without changing the angle of the light. The model has no biological characteristics during the exercise. In the real situation, wedge placement may affect the gums, may cause the gap to widen, and may affect the work of other teeth.

Competitive Analysis


How dental students practice? Operational differences caused by individual differences The head model lacks real feedback


The difference between people

The influence of medical students' psychological quality Different body's sensitivity to operation causes different reactions


The difference between medical students


The problems of medical students in the internship process collected on the network and the preliminary research mostly match, which proves the existence of GAP in caries teaching and practical operation.



I divided the interview questions into three main categories and did further research on the differences between people and head models for which the questions appeared the most.

Through comparison and analysis, I found: Strength




Android / IOS

Mobile application

DentaCom (HHS Public Access)

Cover lot of dental care and dental hygiene

No 3D model

An interactive dental video game(IDVG) (Rafat S.Amer)

Based on real dentist procedure

Less attractive layout


Computer based


interaction happened between user and application

Low poly 3D model


Computer based

VR in mobile based

No interaction between user and object

Rhomaleosaurus: Back to Life in Virtual Reality (National History Museum)

1 It can be seen from the comparative advantages that simulation can reduce the cost of understanding and learning

Android / IOS Simulation-based VR

2 From the comparison of shortcomings, it can be seen that the systems on the market mainly have the following three problems: lack of threedimensional structure; lack of interaction; lack of feedback



Training Opportunities by VR Contextualised Learning

Multi-Sensory Experiences

Focused Immersion

Foster Empathy

Virtual Rehearsal

Active Autonomy

Advantages of VR


Individual differences in operation.

Individuals have different sensitivities to operation.

The head model does not have biological features.

The head model lacks realistic feedback.

Models of people with different fat, thin, age and mouth size can be built by VR.

After investigating and comparing the current practice methods of medical students, I found that there are still some disadvantages of the current practice methods, but at the same time, digital multimedia has advantages for medical students' practice that can be learned. So I corresponded the advantages of VR with the current problems and tried to use VR to solve the problems at this stage.



VR can simulate the real oral environment.

so that we can enhance the realism of dental students when they practice filling teeth, and improve the seriousness of the experiment. Simulate oral environment Simulate tooth structure Simulate operation process

Dentists are real, students are virtual, and I use VR to bring students back to reality.



Build active tongue and saliva through VR. It is possible to establish different reactions of people to devices through VR.



VR can simulate the real tooth structure.

Build realistic physiological and dental structures through VR. Different case models can be built through VR.



VR can simulate real-time interaction between various instruments and oral tissues.

Real feedback, including pain, can be simulated to some extent by VR.



VR can simulate real dental tools. The influence of medical students' own psychological qualities.

How might I help dental students in practice filling cavities?

The VR can be used to provide early warning of possible emergencies. Build medical students' familiarity with instruments, techniques and steps through VR.


Virtual Reality


Feature 01 Mirror: accurate tracking of two-handed operation + synchronization

02 Virtual Environment: Simulation of real objects + environment

03 Haptics: Active feedback

High-fidelity haptic-visual-audio rendering synthesis algorithms to simulate real-time interactions between various instruments and oral tissues.

Creation of virtual environments, including virtual teeth in the dental environment, virtual oral tissues, and virtual dental tools.

Connects with human movement and provides vibrational feedback.

Initial Design

VR Design 6

Game Journey


Trimming and polishing In order to make the experience closer to real life, I have made the operation in VR more close to the design of daily use habits.

Trim and plasticize the excess filler material.


Since the resin can be hardened by light curing, the cavity is filled with resin to restore the normal occlusion.



Resin Filling

Pause Confirm/Move Equipment Interaction

Turn 180 (While Sitting)


Interact Object

Open Steam Overlay

Grab/Hold Object (Hold)



Select a patient

G.V. Black's Classification classifies the types of dental caries into five categories according to the location of the cavity on the tooth. It is required that the filling material and the tooth can bear the normal chewing pressure without breaking or falling off after the filling material is inserted. Therefore, the principle and method of filling different types of caries are different.


Throw Object (Hold And Release)

Acid etching, bonding This acid creates very small holes in the tooth, allowing the composite resin to bond to the tooth. This also ensures that the filling will not fall out. The primer and adhesive help create a strong bond between the tooth and the final filling.

for example:

Equipment Interaction 3 2

Keep the caries dry The cavity and the area around it must be dry so that you can see what you are doing. It is also important that the resin stays longer in a dry cavity.

Removal of decay All decayed materials must be removed from the edge of the cavity. Otherwise, germs and food will get between the alveolar bone and the cavity and make the cavity grow inside.

Grab Object (Hold)


Instrument switch

Technical Details

Storyboard In order to show the filling scene from the user's perspective, I recorded the key frames of each step in the form of a storyboard.








Tools (drill)

Basic Information Scenario #1: Select a patient

The user enters the program and is confronted with the option of four patients. (Each of the four patients represents a different affected tooth)

Scene #3: Keep dry Scene #2: Adjustment of posture

The user enters the dental office, faces the patient, has instruments next to him, and starts to adjust his posture.

Put cotton between your cheeks and gums to keep the area dry. When you are working on your lower teeth, put some cotton under your tongue.

Action Information

Assign physical properties

3D Model Scenario #4: Decay removal

Scene #5: Placement of strapping

The decay is first removed with a high speed dental drill while maintaining high volume suction. During the removal of decay, air or water can be sprayed into the patient's mouth to rinse away debris.

Scene #6: Acid etching

Apply the acid etchant evenly on the cavity, acid etch for 15 seconds, rinse with high pressure water jet for 15-20 seconds, blow dry.

Scene #7: Applying bonding agent

Dry the teeth and apply a small amount of primer and bonding agent to the teeth with a fine brush.

Collision effect

Sound effects

For each 2mm thickness of resin material filled, light curing light is used for 20 seconds or 40 seconds.

Scene #8: Filling resin

The resin is pressed into the cavity. Apply pressure layer by layer so that the material is tightly bonded to the bottom and wall of the cavity to avoid bringing in air bubbles.

Scene #9: Light curing

Scene #10: Shaping and polishing

When lighting, the curing light should be 2-5mm away from If there are any rough spots on the filler, you can use some the filling material and placed on the outside of the cavity wall mild abrasive to make the filler smooth. to make the cohesion and bonding force in the same direction.

Scenario #11: Occlusion Check

Remove all the cotton and have the person gently close the tooth. Check that the filling is not high on the part of the tooth.


Select a patient

Operation Introduction







Select A Patience to Treat 1







Patient 1


Patient 2

Patient 1

Patient 1

Get closer to the dentist's environment, vision, and operation. Lean more as the story unfolds.

Tap anywhere to continue

Use trackpad to select. OK

Slide the trackpad to see the operating instructions

Press trackpad to the next page

Treat with tools

Select a tool



Slide trackpad to select, and press trackpad to confirm the selection


Adjust posture High speed drill Press the switch to turn on the dental drill and remove decay by the high-speed rotating drill bit

Shake your head and hands left and right to determine the best view.


Press and hold the TRIGGER button to open and use the tool.

Choose success!

Press and hold the GRIP button to select, the selected object will be displayed, and when the selection is confirmed the tool is held when the button is released.


Who is poisonous # Spatial Installation

Background Racism and Inequality in the Face of COVID-19: Viruses Don’t Discriminate, But We Do.






# Parametric Design O EB


Over the past few months covid-19 has dramatically changed how we live.


! LA

F### ### C HIN ESE!

Because the virus was first identified in Wuhan, China, people in East Asia have been unjustly targeted for discrimination and prejudice. The disease was originally called "Wuhan Coronavirus" but is still referred to by some as "Chinese virus", terms that closely associate the Chinese community with the virus.




The media and the government have rightly been concerned with the global health and economic implications of this pandemic, but they have neglected to acknowledge the simultaneous spread of prejudice and xenophobia.

Types of anti-Asian discrimination reported in U.S. In percent

Over the past few months covid-19 has dramatically changed how we live. In this deluge of fear and anxiety, we are powerless to further isolate people through stigma and xenophobia. So I had the idea of dressing people in the form of a virus, so that when others approach, they can see the person under the virus through mechanical movement, "reminding" people in an "offensive" way that the virus is what we should unite to fight against. Through my installation, I want to educate the public, protect the vulnerable, and hold people accountable for prejudice and discrimination. If silence is maintained and xenophobic rhetoric (especially anti-Asian sentiment) and racist attacks are allowed to damage our society, the effects are likely to last beyond the pandemic.






Verbal harassment Shunning Physical assault Coughed/spat on Workplace discrimination Barred from establishment /transportation Other



discrimination complaints were filed from March 19 to April 15, according to the Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council and Chinese for Affirmative Action.

2 Large percentage of Chinese

Types of incidents reported in 1,497 complaints from March 19 to April 15 Source:Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council, Chinese for Affirmative Action


1 High number of complaints


of the victims identified themselves as ethnically Chinese.

The continued use of the designation “Wuhan Coronavirus” or “Chinese virus” will only further bias and discrimination while ignoring the national and international political, economic and medical concerns that led to the virus becoming a pandemic and a national concern.


02-Racial discrimination is an ongoing public health crisis

01-Where does the virus come from? WHO investigation begins but faces challenges

COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting the black American community In many countries, especially in the United States, racism is an ongoing public health crisis. For hundreds of years, this crisis has caused physical trauma to black people and brought a disproportionate burden of disease to black communities.

The virus was found in Wuhan, but it originated in bats. Most researchers believe that the virus originated in bats, but how it jumped to people is unclear. The current state of knowledge about coronaviruses and their origins shows that, like other coronaviruses before, it spreads to humans only through natural events. Further testing in China in the coming months may finally determine the source of the outbreak. But it is too early.

As of April 13, 2020, blacks (more than 13% of the population) have a disproportionate COVID-19 mortality rate in all other counties (below 13% of the population).

Disproportionally Black Counties 0.00 to 4.40

All Other Counties

4.40 to 8.80 8.90 to 13.30 13.30 to 18.20

18.20 to 23.40 23.40 to 29.90

Outbreak spot

Huanan Seafood Market

Main railway station Wuhan station

Hankou Train Station

29.90 to40.70 40.70 to53.40 53.40 to 105.00



Wild animals sold in Huanan seafood market Originated in bats

Ya n



Photo: Captured from Weibo

Wuchang station

The United States is tracking and reporting COVID-19, and communities around the world are facing the same challenges. Although research points to a lack of high-quality data, reports indicate that low-income communities usually have the lowest detection rates.

1km Coronavirus testing is the best way to contain the epidemic, BUT

BUT… Nailing down the origins of a virus can take years, if it can be done at all, and the investigation will also have to navigate the highly sensitive political situation between China and the United States. US President Donald Trump has been “calling it a China virus and the Chinese government is trying to do everything to prove that it is not a China virus”, says Linfa Wang, a virologist at Duke–National University of Singapore Medical School.

Testing Inequality

Higher income neighborhoods in Philadelphia get tested for the coronavirus more often than those in lower income neighborhoods.





Center City



Olney, Feltonville


Tests per 1,000

16 3



03-Why the Black Community is Disproportionately Affected - Implicit Bias Stephen F. Gray: “We have a name for the uneven distribution of exposure and risk along racial lines, and it’s not COVID-19. It’s structural racism.”


What is structural racism? Structural racism refers to the mechanisms in which societies foster racial discrimination through systems of housing, education, employment, earnings, benefits, credit, media, health care, and criminal justice that reinforce discriminatory beliefs, values, and distribution of resources.


Currently, there is no known immunity for COVID-19.

Structural Racism in COVID-19:

Racism Discrimination is everywhere,and no one has immunity from racism.


Housing discrimination couses residential segregation and unequal educational opportunities. Less access to educational resources increases likelihood of being a frontline worker.

People who are discriminated against wear uncomfortable invisible masks to hide anxiety and fear.

In the age of COVID-19, we wear uncomfortable masks to protect us from viruses.

Masks Due to the disadvantages associated with systemic racism, physical distances are created between people in school districts and residential communities.

We maintain physical distance to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus.

Physical Distance


Maybe both can be cured, but can we see a cure for both COVID-19 and racism?


Housing Living in crowded, low-quality housing limits the ability to socialize over distance. They may also face barriers to detection of new coronaviruses and greater vulnerability to the economic consequences of the epidemic.

Frontline workers have more exposure to covid-19 and are therefore more likely to be infected.

Health Care As unemployment soars, many people are losing their health insurance. Some are forced to make trade-offs between basic needs and health needs (e.g., paying rent or buying medications).

In this deluge of fear and anxiety, I am powerless to further isolate people through stigma and xenophobia. I want to express my thoughts and protect the vulnerable through the installation. If silence is maintained and xenophobic rhetoric (especially anti-Asian sentiment) and racist attacks are allowed to damage our society, the effects are likely to last beyond the pandemic. So I had the idea of dressing people up in the shape of a virus, so that when others approach, they can see the person under the virus through mechanical movement, to "remind" people in an "offensive" way that the virus is what we should unite to fight against.




Nut Spindle #1 Connecting Rod Spindle #2 Petals Base of the screw

Base of spindle #2

Base of the motor


Design how flower moves

all in 30 sec

how it interacts

Ultrasonic Sensor

Fabrication Process [ Models - Outer + inner shells ]

With resin material, acrylic plate and copper sheet with 3d printing technology and laser cutting technology in proportion to the production of the shell.

Fabrication Process [ Models - Flowers ]

[ Circuit Test ]







The development board accepts the signal from the infrared sensor and transmits the result of the reaction to the stepper motor and the led light.




1/16 Stepper motors

Custom development boards

Infrared sensors

LED strip light


Problem Found

Vehicle Central Control Design

1. Fatigue driving is one of the main causes of traffic accidents

2. Active human-car interaction has become the mainstream trend

e 19 d d % riv




pe ov



62 %


fatigue driving




nk d


rivi 12% ng

They knew that some people had experienced fatigue driving accidents in the previous year.

They sometimes doze off while driving in the previous year.

al d rivi








They used to drive while sleepy in the previous year.

ing erload driv

23 %

With the development of the interactions between Internet and things, people and cars work together through multiple means:

Baidu Smart Driving Interaction Designer brought a new “active interaction” solution.


The main cause of highway accidents (Ministry of Public Security Traffic Management in 2018)

The National Sleep Fund conducted a public opinion survey on fatigue driving across the country.


Road traffic accident statistics caused by fatigue driving in China (Ministry of Public Security Traffic Management)

7000 6000

The BMW Natural Interaction System uses state-ofthe-art voice command technology combined with gesture control and eye recognition to truly achieve multi-modal interaction.

number of accidents number of the injured number of the dead



Project Summary Fatigue is one of the most important factor affecting driving safety. When the driver feels tired after long time driving, they will always start to close eyes unintentionally. According to the research, the obvious increase in times of closing eyes and yawn can indicate the driver’s stage of fatigue. Therefore, I designed a multimodal interactive driving system, which monitors the state of the driver by blick and yawn in real time and remind them through special stimulus.

3. I began to think about how to design a system that effectively assists the driver which follows these concept




0 2015




Due to the lack of instruments such as the "blood alcohol content detector" to detect the driver's fatigue state, the traffic management department can not determine whether the driver has fatigue driving.


01 Reliability

02 Robustness

03 Real-time

High accuracy and low false alarm rate

• adapt to all working conditions • work around the clock

Quickly detect driver fatigue

Problem Conversion



Non-contact monitoring method

The PERCLOS principle, the AECS principle, the blink frequency, the yawn frequency and other relevant discriminant criteria are combined to determine whether the subject is in a fatigue state.

Analysis of car dynamics • not directly monitoring human behavior • fatigue alarm lag • high false detection rate

PERCLOS refers to the percentage of time the eye is closed for a certain period of time. The longer the eye of the subject is closed, the more severe the fatigue.

AECS is the average speed at which the eyelids are closed. When non-fatigue, the time required for a person to normally close the eye is much longer than the time required to close the eye under fatigue.

• Walt Wierwille and his colleagues did a simulation of fatigue driving accidents: accidents and human eye closure time map.

• Calculate the human eye closure speed AECS, which calculates the gradient of t1 to t2 in the figure. • The smaller the AECS value, the slower the person's eye closes, i.e. the more tired the person is.

MAIN METHOD How to detect fatigue and convert it into digital information

the proportion of eyes open maximum eye-opening

eye continuous closure time

0.15 80%


accident point


Monitor human physiological signals • most accurate • the cab cannot be installed to detect instruments that require precision • direct contact with the human body may affect the driver's driving


time before and after the accident


Monitor facial feature status • will not cause any driving interference to the driver's driving • real-time response to human fatigue levels • is the best way to apply the current application











Accidents and human eye closure time map t1




PERCLOS algorithm principle

Monitor the frequency of blinks, the frequency of yawns, and the combination of relevant criteria to judge




System Programming Code

Code Flow


Position eyes

Position mouth I later improved the way video is handled, changing from the way video was read in from the beginning to the way the computer came to call the camera it self-owning.

The distribution of facial features and the length and width of the face satisfy the proportional relationship

function c1:

Face Detection

Image Processing

eye positioning

State recognition

mouth positioning

segment based on skin color

Eye state


mouth state

Fatigue judgment

Call SVM to judge eye opening and closing Fatigue Driving System Structure

In the driver fatigue monitoring, the MATLAB platform is used for programming operation, and then the face features are extracted from the dynamic scene through image processing and pattern recognition technology, so that the face verification or recognition is performed according to the known face sample library data.

Result Judging whether the subject is in fatigue according to the closed state of the human eye and the mouth. Initialization & Timing

function segment: Call SVM

Identify fatigue

Output results

eye-opening ratio :


eye-opening ratio :


eye-opening ratio :

value of PERCLOS :


value of PERCLOS :


value of PERCLOS :


value of PERCLOS :


value of AECS :


value of AECS :


value of AECS :


value of AECS :



eye-opening ratio :


Programming system 1. Which kinds of reminders are relatively more sensitive to the human body?

In order to eliminate the influence of subjective factors, I simulated the driving environment and used the control variable method to test which kind of reminder method was used on the steering wheel and the driver's chair.


2. What is the most scientific way to wake up people?

Model Experiment

Let everyone choose the 4 favorite ways after the experiment.

In order to find out which kind of reminder is more acceptable to people, I have investigated 374 people through online survey with driving experience.

The general tactile sensation is distributed in the epidermal layers of the skin, while the cold and heat sensation and pain sensation are distributed in deeper parts, indicating that there are many cells on the surface of human skin that are extremely sensitive to touch, cold and heat.


Would you like if you have a fatigue driving test and reminder in your car?





Seat Beat Steering Wheel Vibration

The accuracy with which the tactile information is provided to us can sometimes exceed the visual, allowing us to make accurate judgments. ——Liu Shanshan: "Interesting Human Body: The Construction of Our Body"

Phone Call Head-Up Display


If you are reminded that you need to take a break when driving for too long, which way do you want to be reminded? Steering Wheel Heating

3. Conclusion

Based on the results of the questionnaire and model tests, I decided to select tactile information as part of this active car interaction system, with the main reminders of steering wheel

48.87% 26.05% seat beat

18.01% head-up display

steering wheel vibration

Seat Heating 6.75% steering wheel heating

25.72% phone call


seat heating

vibration, seat knocking, display and voice calls.

Interface Design Taskflow with Lo-Fi Prototype User Test phone call




seat beat


steering wheel vibration

• There is no need to exist on the main page. • Adjust the four mode switches to the main page. • Made a small prompt to respond to the results of some functions. • Identify the part of the function except for some functions.

head-up display

Interface Design Interactions

The camera detects the driver's status in real time, judges whether it is tired by judging the blink frequency and yawn frequency, and displays the driver's current status and driving distance information through the interface icons. The driver can independently select the reminder method and customize the settings, and make an appropriate reminder to the driver when the system detects fatigue.

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