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Marie Meets Teen Theory headed State Side for their next 'Rodeo'!
“Sixteen hours of travel from Kerry to Dublin to Dallas Texas with our teachers Ms Spillane (Chemistry) and Ms Hughes (Music). The competition will run for the entire week, but Wednesday (May 17) is the day of judgement. Globally there are 120 countries taking place and we are one of three Irish teams representing Kerry and indeed Munster. Mathematics is the smallest category within the competition which makes it the most exclusive so we are really hoping we are in with a good chance" Luke explained.
What kind of prize have you fixed your eyes on in Dallas?
"Before talking brass tacks, committing to this project could well have the opportunity to apply for a Naughton Scholarship (a scheme of scholarships to pro- mote the study of engineering, science and technology at third level by students in Ireland). And state side you just never know who might be there scouting" Rachel replied.
"The money can vary from €5,000 within a category to an overall prize of €75,000!
I can't imagine what opportunities that would open state side not to mind what I would do with the money," Luke replied. Given the success of the project, I'm assuming a mathematics or science based future is looming for you three?
"I am hoping to study Theatre and Performing Arts in Cork or to be a teacher. That's the dream!" Rachel replied.
"I am going to study physiotherapy next year" Luke said.
"Yes, I would love to study something in the lines of Mathematics, Physics and
Science so as you can imagine, I am really enjoying this journey with Scifest". Have any of you ever been to Dallas before?
"Never! We will have six days in Dallas so we will be in attendance daily for a few hours but after that we will get to enjoy the OMNI Hotel and we hope to get to visit John F Kennedy Memorial on Commerce street, on land donated by Dallas County. It is an open tomb structure that symbolises the freedom of President Kennedy's spirit" Liam replied.
I said goodbye to all three and thanked Nikki for allowing us her and Rob's time before wishing the trio all the best. Not their first 'rodeo' but truly hope it's their best.
The Killarney Advertiser will report on the students results in next week’s issue.