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Game changer as Black Valley connects to 5G network
Residents of the Black Valley are enjoying 5G internet connection for the first time this week.
The Black Valley or Cummeenduff is a remote valley at the southern end of the MacGillycuddy's Reeks mountain range, situated south of the Gap of Dunloe and north of Moll's Gap; it is used as a southerly access into the Gap of Dunloe. It is also one of the most scenic parts of the country, popular with tourists.
The area was one of the last to get connected to the electricity network. This week eir, Ireland’s largest telecommunications provider, announced that it has brought 5G ultrafast mobile coverage to the area.
The announcement was made in the scenic Gap of Dunloe by eir as they were joined by local residents who are now enjoying high-speed broadband and crystal-clear mobile phone connections thanks to the latest leap forward in connectivity in the valley.
The extension of the network to the Black Valley community between Beaufort and Killarney brings eir’s 5G service to the equivalent of over 85% of the population.
"We are proud to announce that eir has successfully connected the Black Valley in Kerry with 5G, marking a significant milestone on our journey to connect Ireland with future proofed technology,” said Oliver Loomes, CEO of eir, “The Black Valley is significant as it was one of the last places in Ireland to be connected to electricity and telephone networks due to its remote location. We believe that this delivery will empower the local community and drive innovation and growth in the region. We are proud to have played a role in connecting this beautiful valley in the heart of Killarney
National Park, and we look forward to continuing to expand our network to benefit communities all across Ireland."
While the ESB began the rural electrification programme in 1946, electricity did not make its way to the Black Valley until 1977 when it is believed to have been the last corner of Ireland connected to the national power grid. Now, it is leap-frogging over much of the country in getting the fastest speeds and highest capacity mobile network available which also supports high-speed broadband.
Local Business
The development is a boon to local business owners like Eilise Sullivan of Anam Valley Cottages who rents self-catering cottages to holiday-makers and facilitates arts and research residencie, She can now promote her business and take online bookings with an assured, high quality broadband connection.

“I am incredibly proud of my home in the Black Valley. I started this business because I wanted to be able to share these incredible landscapes with other people from around the world and I wanted to try to elevate the position and perceived value of rural communities. With eir 5G those things are now possible,” she said. “I have struggled for years with a substandard service which has made it difficult to manage and progress all areas of the business. It is such a relief to know that I will never have to be in that position again..”
Tourism Boost
Thousands of tourists who visit the area by bicycle, boat or pony and trap every year will now be able to livestream their experience on TikTok or update their Insta-stories from right there in the heart of this picture postcard location.
Mountain Rescue
Kerry Mountain Rescue’s vital service will also benefit from reliable high-quality connectivity and not have to rely on ‘walkie-talkie’ coverage when they head off in search of a climber in distress in the area.
The four masts used to bring the coverage to the area have simply replaced legacy fixed network infrastructure with each mast measuring only 12m in height to fit with the aesthetics of Black Valley.
eir, Ireland’s largest telecommunications provider, has announced that it has brought 5G ultrafast mobile coverage to the Black Valley.