| 2016 Back to School 1
Inside this issue Killeen ISD calendar
Page 4
Killeen ISD overview
Page 5
Killeen ISD campus map
Page 6
Killeen ISD enrollment
Page 7
Killeen ISD Early College High School
Page 8
Killeen ISD dress code
Page 10
Copperas Cove ISD overview
Page 11
Cove ISD enrollment and calendar
Page 12
Cove ISD map
Page 13
Cove ISD dress code
Page 14
Immunization requirements
Page 15
School lunch prices
Page 16
Pack a healthy lunch
Page 17
Breakfast on the go
Page 18
Sales tax holidays
Page 19
Back-to-school savings
Page 20
Resolve to have a good year
Page 22
2016 Back to School 1 | A Killeen Daily Herald publication. Contact Us Editorial: news@kdhnews.com | 254-501-7542 Advertising: 254-501-7500 Circulation: 254-501-7400 On the cover: Design by Renee Blue Find more news at KDHnews.com.
2016 Back to School 1 |
KILLEEN ISDSchool 2016-17 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2016 -2017 School Calendar 2016 -2017 2017 School Calendar 016 School Calendar 016 --2017 Calendar
July July July
August August August
| 2016 Back to School 1
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3 4 * 5 3 4 * 5 3 4 * 5 10 11 12 10 11 3 4 * 12 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 17 18 19 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 24 25 26 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 31 24 25 26 * All District Offices closed July 4 - 8. 31 Offices closed July 4 - 8. * All District * All District 31 Offices closed July 4 - 8.
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* All District Offices closed July 4 - 8.
October October October s s s s
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January January January + +
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November November November s s s s
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February February February s s s s
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December December December
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* Monday, February 20 will be a bad weather make-up day if needed. * Monday, February 20 will be a bad weather make-up day if needed. * Monday, February 20 will be a bad weather make-up day if needed.
April April April s s s s
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Legend Legend
* Friday, April 14 will be a bad weather make-up day if needed.
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May May May
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Staff Staff and and Student Student Holiday Holiday Staff and Student Holiday STAAR Testing STAAR Testing Staff and Student Holiday STAAR Testing
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Student Student Early Early Release Release Student Early Release Exchange Day Exchange Day Student Early Release Exchange Day
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June June June s s s s
Teacher TeacherWorkday Workday TeacherIn-Service Workday Teacher Teacher In-Service Teacher Workday Teacher In-Service
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Student Holiday Period + Reporting Period Begins/Ends Begins/Ends + Reporting Student Holiday + Reporting Period Begins/Ends
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2016 Back to School 1 |
Killeen ISD prepares to educate more students in 2016-17 Killeen Daily Herald
More books will be purchased and more teachers will be needed as the Killeen Independent School District is expected to enroll about 43,950 students in the upcoming school year. The growth equates to nearly 525 additional students compared to the district’s 2015-2016 peak enrollment numbers. Killeen ISD has added about 1,600 students in the past two years. The overall increase in students served means more staff is needed to teach. Killeen ISD had 6,397 during the 2015-2016 academic year; and the district will add 64 teaching positions in the upcoming school year. “As a district, we are excited to welcome our students, staff and families back to the 2016-2017 school year,” Superintendent John Craft said. “The district remains committed to providing exceptional educational opportunities to ensure all students are successful, and we appreciate the continued support of our staff, parents and community, as providing the best education possible to our students is truly a team effort.”
New campus
Kindergarten students read books before the day starts at Clarke Elementary School at Fort Hood. School starts Aug. 22 in Killeen ISD.
By Lauren Dodd
This year the Early College High School will expand to include 300 incoming freshmen, 150 new sophomores and the returning sophomores from last year totaling about 600 students.
Courtesy | KISD
The campus will be housed at the former Smith Middle School at 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard on Fort Hood Army Base. Also, the Smith and Audie Murphy middle school campuses have been consolidated this year to provide greater efficiencies and to allow for the expansion of educational opportunities to students. The district will open the doors of its new Early College High School campus Aug. 22, which is the first day of school across the district. The district hired three additional
administrative professionals: • Steven Hudson — Executive Director for Elementary Schools • Nancy Duran — Executive Director of Career and Technology • Randall Hugg — Executive Director for Athletics The district also hired five principals: • Katy Bohannon — Iduma Elementary • Connie Morris — Cedar Valley Elementary • Wendy Haider — Nolanville Elementary
• Peter Hartley — Meadows Elementary • Jorge Soldevila — Liberty Hill Middle School “We are very proud to serve and educate our students and their families and we look forward to a great start to the school year,” Craft said. “Educating America’s children is our core business and I am proud to be able to serve alongside a great team of KISD educators who remain dedicated to our mission.” ldodd@kdhnews.com | 254-501-7568
| 2016 Back to School 1
Elementary Schools2
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3302 S. Clear Creek Road Killeen 76549 4801 Chantz Drive 33. Audie Murphy Harker Heights 336-0900 Sun Danc 45 53 e Fort Hood Killeen 76542 53393 Sun Dance Drive 19. West Nolanville 8 Nolanville 16. Meadows 45. Killeen 31. Ward 24 4 336-1480 Fort 500 Hood 901 W. Old Nolanville Road 16. Meadows 45. Killeen N. 76544 38th Street 31.27th West Ward 423 Street 709 Dean Avenue lvd. B r 4. Clarke e y o Comanche 20 336-6530 Nolanville 76559 Killeen 76543 500 N. 38th Street 423 27th Street W.76544 Dean Avenue Destr Fort709 Hood Killeen 76541 1. Bellaire 48. Bell County Juvenile Tank 51612 Comanche Avenue 34. Charles 336-7208E. Patterson Killeen 336-2180Killeen 76543 Hood 76544 Killeen76544 76541 1. Bellaire 108 Fort W. Jasper Drive 336-1870 Detention Ctr/JJAEP Lost Moccasin Ve336-1830 te Fort Hood ra 30 ns Me336-7208 8383 W. Trimmier Road 46. Killeen ISD Early College B 46 108 W. Jasper Drive 20. Oveta Culp Hobby U 4800 E. RancierAve. Avenue 336-1830 Village 32.SIN Willow Killeen 76542 336-1870 17. Montague orial I ESS 1 mSprings 336-1510 54 High School 9 Killeen 76542 46. Killeen ISD Early College 0 53210 Lost Moccasin Street Killeen 76543 Venable Rd. 2501 W. Stan Schlueter Loop 336-1410 32. Willow Killeen 76542 17. Montague Village 84001 Clements Drive Ave. H 5. Clear CreekSprings 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard 336-7100 High School 690-7022 Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76549 2. Brookhaven yrSchlueter W. Stan 49 Loop 336-14105 phBoulevard Fort2501 Hood 76544 84001 Clements Drive Ze 4800 Washington . Rd e Fort Hood 76544 35. Eastern Hills 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard vill 49. Gateway High 336-6500 336-2020 3221Fort Hilliard Old Nolan Killeen76544 76549 2. Brookhaven 336-2230 HoodAvenue 76544 Indian 50 Fort Hood 35 300 336-0260 Indian 4100 Zephyr Road Fort Hood 76544 38 View Trail Trail 21. Peebles Killeen 76543 336-2020 3221 Hilliard Avenue 18. Mountain 19 22 336-2230 Illinois 336-1550 39 Watercrest Rd. 47. Robert M. Shoemaker Killeen 76543 Harker Heights 76548 10 336-0260 Jasper Ln e in 336-1440 1800 N. W.S. Young Drive el Killeen 76543 Be 500 Mountain Lion Road 18. Mountain View 6. Clifton Park 3302 S. Clear Creek Road 336-1700 336-1100 Robert M. Shoemaker 3. Cedar Valley Lion Road Killeen47. 76543 62200 336-1440 Harker HeightsRoad 76548 500Leader Mountain Trimmier Killeen 76549 50. Gateway Middle 14 36. Liberty Hill 3302 S. Clear Creek Road57 Chantz Drive 1 3. Cedar Valley 37 Westwood 4801Harker 336-1900 33.336-2120 AudieKilleen Murphy Killeen 76541 Heights 76548 17 Nolanville 1307 Gowen Drive R o 76549 4500336-0900 Kit Carson Trail Killeen 76542 Clements Dr 22. Pershing Park 4801 Chantz Drive Dance Drive 19. Nolanville MMeadows 336-1580 336-1900 33. Audie Murphy 76543 2410Sun 16.F53393 15 45.Killeen Killeen 336-0900 31. West Ward Killeen 76542 27 336-1480 1500 W. Central Texas Expressway Killeen 76542 Fort27th Hood 76544 901 53393 Old Nolanville RoadDrive 7. Dr. Joseph Fowler CENTR 336-1690 SunA. Dance 19. Nolanville 500 N. 38th Street Street 709 W. Dean Avenue 336-1370 AL TEX 423 4. Clarke 76549 336-1480 ASKilleen 336-6530 baraOld Nolanville Road Bar901 Nolanville 76559 4910 KatyHood Creek Lane 51. KISD Career Center EXHood Fort 76544 Killeen 76543 Harker Heights 47 PRESS76544 48. Bell County Juvenile Killeen 76541 1. Bellaire 37. Live Oak Ridge HWYFort 51612 Comanche Avenue WAE. 19Charles 336-1790 4. Clarke Y 0 34. Patterson 1320 Stagecoach Road Killeen 76549 336-2180 336-7208 336-6530 Ctr/JJAEP Nolanville 76559 Killeen Fort Hood 336-1830 108 W. Jasper Drive 336-1870 2600Detention Robinett Road 48. Bell County Juvenile Anna Lee Fort Hood 76544 51612 Comanche Avenue 23.8383 Reeces Creek 40 336-2180 76542 43 W. Trimmier Road 336-1760 20. Oveta Culp Hobby 46.Killeen Killeen ISD Early College 480076549 E.Springs Rancier Avenue 34. Charles E. Patterson 17. 32.Killeen Willow Killeen 76542 Montague Village Elms Rd. Detention 336-1510 336-3800 Fort Hood 76544 400 W. 76542 Stan Schlueter Ctr/JJAEP Loop Killeen 8.336-1410 Duncan High School 53210 LostW.Moccasin Street Killeen 76543 8383 Trimmier Road W. Elms 2501 W. Stan Schlueter Loop d 20. Oveta Culp Hobby 336-2490 84001 Clements Drive 4800 E. Rancier Avenue r 5. Clear Creek Sou thport Road FM690-7022 13 52. Pathways Academic llaKilleen 336-1510 76542 336-7100 52425 Muskogee 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76542 Killeen 38. Manor Lost Moccasin Street 2. Brookhaven 76544 76543 2476549 Ma Fort HoodKilleen 29Hood Washington Boulevard 32 480053210 Campus 10 5. Clear Creek 35.336-2150 Eastern Hills Fort 76544 49. Gateway High Fort Hood 76544 336-6500 336-7100 336-2020 3221 Hilliard Avenue 1700 S. W.S. Young Drive 690-7022 28 Fort Hood 76544 336-2230 Fort Hood 76544 1322 Stagecoach Road 18 300 Indian Trail 4800 Washington Boulevard Old Copperas Cove Road 410076543 Zephyr Road44 336-1620 E. Stan Schlueter W. Stan Schlueter Loop Loop 24. Richard E. Cavazos 336-0260 21. Peebles 35. Eastern Hills Killeen 76543 Killeen 49. Gateway High 18.3Harker Mountain View 336-6500 23 336-1550 n 76542 25Trail Drive KilleenLio76543 ion 76548Road Fort Hood 76544 47.Killeen Robert M. Shoemaker 9.336-1440 East Ward 1200 N.Heights 10th Dr Street 1800300 N. W.S. IndianYoung Zephyr n4100 n L Dr 336-1310 500 Mountain Lion Road i 21. Peebles 6. Clifton Park 336-7250 n w a i n a t 336-1700 3302 S. Clear Creek Road 336-1100 a Killeen 336-1550 1608 E. Rancier Avenue so 76543 a n ow 39. Nolanville 76559 r t a F Schorn Dr. Killeen 76543 u 3. Cedar Valley Harker Heights 76548 42 Nolan n C 76548 I o Harker Heights 2200 Trimmier Road 1800 N. W.S. Young Drive 26 t u i M 50. Gateway Middle Killeen 76549 o 36.336-7000 Liberty Hill Killeen 76541 6. Clifton Park K 336-1700 336-2120 4801 Chantz Drive ME. Jasper 336-1100 Road Killeen 76541 336-1900 33.505 Audie Killeen 76543 1307 Murphy Gowen Drive Pl a a 336-0900 Kit Trail Middle 336-1650 2200 Trimmier Road W. Canadian 25.4500 Saegert 50.Carson Gateway t inum Killeen 76542 22. Pershing Prospector Tr. Drive Ced 36. LibertyPark Hill Killeen 76541 Co 336-1580 53393 Sun Dance 19. Nolanville Killeen 76543 336-2120 12 36 Dr. Killeen 76542 16. Meadows 10. Harker Heights mm 45. Killeen River Loop Killeen 76541 31. West Ward 5600 Schorn Drive 53. Administration Building 1307 Gowen Drive 336-1480 1500 W. Central Texas Expressway 336-1150 4500 Kit Carson Trail an Mohawk Dr 7. Dr. Joseph A. Fowler Fort Hood 76544 336-1690 901 Old Nolanville Road 22. Pershing Park 336-1370 500 N. 38th Street 726 S. Ann Boulevard 423 27th Street he 709 W. Dean Avenue 336-1580 200 N. W.S.cYoung Drive Killeen 76543 Killeen 76542 4. Clarke 40. Palo Alto Killeen 7654976542 Killeen G 49101500 KatyW.Creek Lane 51. KISD Career Center 336-6530 Nolanville 76559 p Killeen 76543 37. Live Oak Ridge Harker Heights 76548 48.Killeen Bell County Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76541 1. BellaireCentral Texas Expressway 51612 7. Dr. Joseph 76543 aJuvenile 336-1690 336-6660 Comanche Avenue W. Elms 7 A. Fowler 336-1790 336-1370 1320 Stagecoach Road Killeen 76549 34.2301 Charles E.Road Patterson 336-2180 Killeen 76549Drive Detention Robinett Road Career Center d 336-7208 336-2050 336-0000 Ctr/JJAEP 336-1830 108 W. Jasper 336-1870 4910 Katy Creek Lane 51. KISD RKilleen 26.2600 Skipcha Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76549 l 37. Live Oak Ridge 23. Reeces Creek 76542 336-1760 8383 W. Killeen Trimmier Road 20.32. Oveta Culp Hobby Road ISD Early College54. 4800 E. Rancier Avenue rra 46. 336-1790 Killeen 76549 11. Hay Branch Village Jackson Professional Willow Springs Killeen 76542 1320 Stagecoach 17. Killeen 76549 515 Prospector Trail 336-1510 pa336-1200 336-3800 2600 Robinett Road 400 Montague W. Stan Schlueter Killeen 8. Duncan 76542 School High ch Loop 53210 Moccasin StreetLoop Cha Killeen Killeen 76543Center (JPLC) ecoaDrive Learning 336-2490 6101 Westcliff StagRoad Reeces Creek 2501Lost W.Killeen Stan Schlueter 76542 336-1410 84001 Clements 336-1760 Hwy. 201 23. Airport 5. Clear Creek Harker Heights 76548 41. Rancier 52. Pathways Academic 52 51 Killeen 76549 Killeen 76542 52425 Muskogee Road 336-7100 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard 690-7022 FortKilleen Hood 76544 902 Rev. R.A. Abercrombie Drive 38. Manor Killeen 76543 34 336-3800 76549 2. Brookhaven 400 W. Stan Schlueter Loop 16. Meadows 45. Killeen 8. Duncan Fort Hood 76544 31. West Ward 4800 Washington Boulevard Campus 336-6690 Hilliard Avenue 336-2490 336-2150 Fort Hood 76544 35.3301 Eastern Hills 49.Killeen Gateway Fort Hood 76544 76543High 336-6500 1700 S. W.S. Young DriveAcademic 336-2080 52. Pathways 336-2020 3221 Hilliard Avenue 500 N.Loaf 38th Street Killeen 76542 423 27th Street 52425 Muskogee Road 709 W. Dean Avenue 336-2230 Fort Hood 76544 1322 Stagecoach Road Killeen 76543 27. Sugar Manor e 4100 336-1620 24.38. Richard E. Cavazos 300 Indian Trail Zephyr Road 336-0260 21.Killeen Peebles 76543 Campus 12. Haynes R d336-1741 Killeen 76543 Killeen 76543 Fort Hood 76544 336-2150 Killeen 76541 Fort Hood 76544 1. Bellaire 18. Mountain View Killeen 76542 336-1550 336-1250 1517 Barbara Lane S. W.S. Young Loop Drive 9. East Ward Killeen 76543Learning 12001700 N. 10th Street Harker 76548 47.Heights Robert M. Shoemaker 55. Killeen 1322Young Stagecoach 1800 N. W.S. Drive Road 336-1310 3309 W. Canadian 336-7208 336-1440 336-1830 108 W. Jasper Drive 336-1870 336-7250 336-1620 24. Richard E. Cavazos 6. Clifton 500 Mountain LionRiver Road Park 42. Union Killeen 76549 336-1700 1608 E. Rancier Avenue Killeen 76543 3302Grove S. Clear Creek Road Nolanville 76559 Support Services Killeen ISD 76542 46. Killeen Early College336-1100 39. Nolan Killeen 76549 Killeen 76543 3. Cedar Valley 32. Willow Springs 9.Killeen East76542 Ward 17. Montague Village 1200 N. 10th Street Harker Heights 76548 2200 Trimmier Road E.Killeen IowaHill Drive 336-1940 50.(Administrative Gateway Middle Killeen 76541 76549 336-1310 Annex) 36.101 Liberty 336-7000 336-7250 High School 336-6750 505 Audie E. Jasper Road 336-2120 4801 Chantz Drive 2501 W. Stan Schlueter Loop 336-1410 1608 E. Rancier Avenue 84001 Clements Drive Killeen 76541 336-1900 Nolanville 76559 33. Murphy Harker Heights 76548 1307 Gowen Drive 28. Timber Ridge 336-0900 336-1650 902 N. 10th Street 39. Nolan 4500 Kit Carson Trail d 76541 25. Saegert 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard R 13. Iduma Killeen 22. Pershing Park Killeen 76542 l Killeen 76549 2. Brookhaven Killeen 76541 Hood 76544 336-1580 SunRock Dance Drive 19. 336-7000 336-6580 Killeen rra53393 Killeen76543 76541 White Drive 10.Fort Harker Heights Killeen 76542 505 E. Jasper a5402 5600Nolanville Schorn Drive Road 53. Administration Building Fort HoodTexas 76544 4400 Foster Lane 336-1150 336-1480 W. Central ap1500 336-2020 3221 Hilliard Avenue 336-1650 7. Dr. Joseph A. Fowler 16. Meadows 336-2230 45. Killeen Fort Hood 76544 Expressway 336-1690 31. West Ward 901 Old Nolanville Road 25. Saegert 336-0200 Ch Killeen 726 S. Ann Boulevard 76542 336-1370 Killeen 76541 200 N. W.S. Young Drive Killeen 76542 336-0260 Killeen 76549 40. Palo Alto 4. Clarke Killeen 76549 Killeen 76543 4910 Katy Lane 500Creek N.76559 38th Street 10.423 Harker Heights 51.336-0366 KISD Career Center 27th Street 336-6530 18. Mountain View 709 W. Dean76548 Avenue Nolanville (Special Education) 5600 Schorn Drive 53. Administration Building Harker Heights 336-6630 37. Live Oak Ridge Killeen 336-1150 48. Bell76543 County Juvenile 336-6660 47.W. Robert M. Shoemaker 336-2590 2301 Elms Road 51612 Comanche 336-1790 336-1440 Killeen 1320 Stagecoach Road Killeen 76549 76543 726 Ann76544 Boulevard 34. Charles Patterson 56. Student Services Fort S. Hood Killeen 76541 500 Mountain Lion Avenue Road 1. Bellaire 336-2180 200 N.E.W.S. Young Drive Killeen 76542 336-2050 2600336-0000 Robinett Road Ctr/JJAEP Detention 29. Trimmier 40. Palo Alto 3302 S. Clear Creek Road 26. Skipcha 14. Ira Cross, Jr. Killeen 76549 Fort Hood 76544 23. Reeces Creek 3. Cedar Valley 76548 43. C. E. Ellison 336-7208 Killeen 336-1760 902 N. 76542 10th Street Harker Heights 8383 W.Killeen Trimmier Road 336-1830 108 W. Jasper Drive 336-1870 Heights 76548 76543 20. Oveta Hobby 11.Harker Hay Branch 54. Jackson Professional 4800 E. Rancier Avenue 336-6660 Killeen 76549 4400 Success Drive Killeen 76549 2301 W.Culp Elms Road 51546. Prospector Trail 1910 Herndon Drive 336-1200 336-1510 Killeen ISD Early 336-3800 4801 Chantz DriveVillage 909 Learning Elms Road 400 W. Stan Schlueter Loop Killeen 76541 8.33. Duncan Killeen 76542 336-2050 32. Willow Springs Killeen 76542 336-0000 17. Montague 336-1900 Audie Murphy 53210 Lost Moccasin Street College Center (JPLC) Killeen 76543 6101 Westcliff Road 336-2490 26. Skipcha 336-0900 Killeen 76542 Killeen 76549 Harker Heights 76548 Killeen 76543 41. Rancier 5. Clear Creek High School Pathways Academic Killeen 76542 76542 Killeen 76542 52425 Muskogee Road 336-7100 11. Hay BranchDrive 2501 W. Stan Schlueter 54. Jackson Professional 336-1410 84001 Clements 902 Rev. R.A. Abercrombie Drive 52.336-2822 53393 Sun Dance Drive 19. Nolanville 690-7022 Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 38.Killeen Manor 51576543 Prospector Trail Loop 336-2270 336-1200 336-2550 336-6690 3301Eastern Hilliard Avenue 4800 Washington Boulevard Campus 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard35. 57. Technology Services Ctr 336-1480 336-0600 336-2150 Fort Hood 76544 Hills Center (JPLC) Learning Killeen 76549 2. Brookhaven 6101 Westcliff Road Killeen 76543 49. Gateway High Fort Hood 76544 Fort Hood 76544 901 Old Nolanville Road 336-2080 336-6500 1700 S. W.S. Young Drive Harker Heights 76548 30. Venable Village 41. Rancier 15. Maxdale 76543 27. Sugar 1322 Stagecoach Road Fort Hood 76544 Fort Loaf Hood 76544 104 E. Beeline Lane Harker Heights 4. Clarke 336-1620 24.Killeen Richard Cavazos 902E. Rev. R.A. Abercrombie44. Drive 300 Indian Trail 336-1741 4100 Zephyr Road 336-2020 3221 Hilliard Avenue Killeen 76543 336-6530 336-2230 12.Nolanville Haynes 76559 21. Peebles Killeen 76543 336-6690 60160 Venable Road 3301 Hilliard Avenue 48. Bell County Juvenile 2600 Drive Killeen 336-1250 1517Westwood Barbara Lane 336-1550 Harker 76542 Heights 76548 1001 241076543 336-0260 51612 ComancheView Avenue 9.34. East Ward Killeen 76543 55. FM Killeen Learning 1200 N. 10th Street Killeen Harker Heights 76548 Killeen 76543 336-2080 Charles E. Patterson 3309 W. Canadian River Loop 18. Mountain 336-2180 1800 N. W.S. Young Drive 336-1310 Detention Ctr/JJAEP Ft. Hood 76544 Killeen 76543 27. Sugar Loaf 336-7250 Killeen 76542 Union336-1741 Grove 336-2749 6. Clifton Park Harker Heights Services 76548 47. Robert M. Shoemaker42. Killeen 76549 FortHaynes Hood 76544 Support 1608 E.W. Rancier Avenue 336-1700 Nolanville 76559 336-1100 336-1440 12. 8383 Trimmier Road Killeen 76549 500 Mountain Lion Road 20. Oveta CulpRoad Hobby 39.336-0800 Nolan Killeen 76543 4800 E.Drive Rancier Avenue 336-1250 336-1980 1517 Barbara Lane 336-2460 101 Liberty E. Iowa 3302 S. Clear Creek Road 2200 Trimmier 336-1940 336-1510 (Administrative Annex) 55. Killeen 50. Gateway Middle Killeen 76541 36. Hill Learning 336-7000 3. Cedar Valley 3309 Canadian River Loop Killeen 76542 336-6750 HarkerW. Heights 76548 53210 Lost Moccasin Street 505 E. Jasper Road Killeen 76543 336-2120 42. Union Grove KilleenRidge 76549 Harker Heights 76548 Killeen 76549 Killeen 76541 Timber 5. Clear Creek 902 N. 10th Street 1307 Gowen Drive Services 45. 16.28. Meadows 336-1650 Killeen 31.25. West Ward 4500 KitSupport Carson Trail 4801 Chantz Drive Saegert 336-7100 Killeen 76549 13.33. Iduma 690-7022 Killeen 76541 336-1900 Fort Hood 76544 Audie Murphy 22. Pershing Park 336-0900 101 E.Heights Iowa Drive 336-6580 336-1580 336-1940 76543 5402 White Rock Drive 4800 Washington Boulevard (Administrative Annex) 500 Killeen N.Killeen 38th 76541 Street 10. Harker 423 27th Street 7095600 W.Killeen Dean Avenue 76542 Killeen 76542 Schorn Drive 53. Administration Building 35. Eastern Hills 336-6750 4400 Foster Lane 49. Gateway High 336-1150 53393 Sun Dance Drive 19. Nolanville 336-6500 1500 W. Central Texas Expressway Heights 76548 7.28. Dr.Timber JosephRidge A. Fowler 336-0200 336-1690 902 N. 10th Street FortIduma Hood 76544 Killeen 76542 76543 726 S.Harker Ann Boulevard Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76541 336-1370 1. Bellaire 336-1480 200 N. W.S. Young Drive Killeen 76542 300 Indian Trail 4100 Zephyr Road 13. Killeen 76549 76544 40.Killeen Palo Alto Fort Hood 901 Old Nolanville Road 21. Peebles Killeen 76549 336-6580 336-0366 (Special Education) 4910 Katy Creek Lane 51. KISD Career Center Killeen 76541 5402 White Rock Drive 336-1550 336-7208 336-6630 Harker Heights 76548 336-1830 108 336-2590 W. Jasper DriveYoung Drive 336-1870 37. Live Oak Ridge Killeen 76543 4. Clarke Killeen 76543 Harker Heights 76548 336-6660 4400 Foster76559 Lane 2301 W. Elms Road 336-6530 Nolanville 1800 N. W.S. 336-1790 56. Student Services 1320 Stagecoach Road Killeen 76549 48. Bell County Juvenile 336-0200 46. Killeen ISD Early College 6. Clifton Park Killeen 76542 Trimmier 336-2050 336-0000 32.26. Willow Springs Killeen 76542 2600 Robinett Road 51612 Comanche Avenue 17.29. Montague Village 336-1700 336-1100 14.34. Ira Cross, Jr. Skipcha Killeen 76549 Killeen 76549 Charles E. Patterson 43. C. E. Ellison 336-2180 Killeen 76543 23. Reeces Creek 902 N. 10th Street Killeen 76542 Detention Ctr/JJAEP 336-1760 336-0366 (Special Education) High School 2200 Trimmier Road 336-6630 11. Hay Branch 54. Jackson Professional 4400 Success Drive 2501 W. Stan Schlueter Loop 336-1410 Killeen 76549 50. Gateway Fort Hood 76544 84001 Clements Drive 36. Liberty Hill 1910 Herndon Drive Road 515 Prospector TrailMiddle 336-2590 336-1200 8383 W. Trimmier 909 Elms Road 20. Oveta Culp Hobby 336-2120 Killeen 76541 336-3800 400 W. Stan Schlueter Loop 4800 E. Rancier Avenue 8. Duncan 56. Student Services 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard Killeen 76541 Learning Center (JPLC) 6101 Westcliff RoadTrail 29. Trimmier Killeen 76542 1307 Gowen Drive Killeen 76549 336-2490 336-1510 Fort Hood 76544 4500 Kit Carson Killeen 76543 14. Ira Cross, Jr. Street 2. Brookhaven Harker Heights 41.Fort Rancier Killeen 76542Park Killeen 76542 336-2822 52. Pathways 43. C. E. Ellison 53210 Lost Moccasin 22. Pershing Killeen 76543 Killeen 76542 90276543 N.76548 10th Street 52425 Road Hood 76544 Academic 336-1580 902 Rev. R.A. Abercrombie Drive Killeen 76543 Killeen 336-2270 336-2020 3221336-2550 Hilliard Avenue 4400Muskogee Success Drive 38. Manor 5. Clear Creek 336-2230 Killeen 76542Road 1910 Herndon Drive 336-6690 3301 Hilliard Avenue 336-7100 57. Technology Services Ctr Campus 336-0600 690-7022 909 Elms Fort Hood 76544 1500 W. Central Texas Expressway Killeen 76541 336-2150 Fort Hood 76542 76544 336-0260 Killeen 76543 7. Dr. Joseph A. Fowler 336-1690 336-2080 Killeen 76543 4800 Washington Boulevard 1700 S. Loaf W.S. Young Drive 30. Venable Village Killeen 336-1370 15.35. Maxdale 18. Mountain View Killeen 76543 Killeen 76543 27. Sugar Eastern Hills 104 E. Beeline Lane 1322 Stagecoach Road 44. Harker Heights 49. Gateway High Killeen 76542 336-2822 336-6500 Killeen 76549 336-1620 24. Richard E. Cavazos 336-1741 4910 Katy Creek Lane 51. KISD Career Center 47. Robert M. Shoemaker 12. Haynes 336-1440 Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76543 60160 Venable Road 336-2270 37. Live Oak Ridge 2600 Westwood Drive 500 Mountain Lion Road Harker Heights 76548 336-2550 336-1250 Killeen 76542 1001 FM 2410 300 Indian Trail 1517 Barbara Lane 4100 Zephyr Road 57. Technology Services Ctr 336-0600 3302 S. Clear Creek Road 21. Peebles 9.336-1790 East Ward 55. Killeen Learning 1200 N. 10th Street 1320 Stagecoach Road Killeen 76549 3309 W.Robinett Canadian River Loop 3. Cedar Valley 336-1550 336-1310 Ft. Hood 76544 2600 Road Killeen 76542 30. Venable Village Harker Heights 76548 336-2749 336-7250 Harker Heights 76548 42. Union Grove 15. Maxdale Killeen 76543 Harker Heights 76548 Killeen 76549 104 E. Beeline Lane 44. Harker Heights Killeen 76549 Support Services 1800 N. W.S. Young Drive 1608 E. Rancier Avenue 23.Chantz Reeces Creek Killeen 76542 Nolanville 76559 336-1760 Killeen 76549 4801 6. Clifton Park 39. Nolan 336-1980 Killeen 76549 336-2460 336-0800 60160Drive Venable Road 336-1900 336-1700 33. Audie Murphy 101 E. Iowa Drive 2600 336-1100 336-1940 Harker Heights 76548 336-0900 1001 FM 2410 (Administrative Annex) Killeen 76541 16.400 Meadows 336-3800 KilleenWestwood 76543 Drive W. Stan Schlueter Loop 45. Killeen 31. West Ward 336-7000 8. Duncan 336-6750 Killeen 76542 2200 Trimmier Road 505 E. Jasper Road 336-2490 50. Gateway Middle 16. Meadows Ft. Hood 76544 53393 Sun Dance Drive 19. Nolanville Harker Heights 76548 45. Killeen 36. Liberty Hill 31. West Ward Killeen 76542 336-2749 28. Timber Ridge Harker Heights 902 N. 10th Street 52. Academic 336-1650 500Pathways N.76541 38th Street 423 27th76542 Street 336-2120 Killeen 709 W. Dean Avenue76548 52425 Muskogee Road 25. Saegert 13. Iduma 336-1480 Killeen 76541 Killeen 38. Manor 1307 Gowen Drive 500 N. 38th Street Fort Hood 76544 423 27th Street 336-6580 336-1980 901 Old Nolanville Road 4500 Kit Carson Trail 709 W. Dean Avenue 336-2460 336-0800 5402 Killeen White Rock Drive Campus 76543 10. Harker Heights Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76541 Pershing 1.22. Bellaire 336-2150 Fort Hood 76544Park 5600 Schorn Drive Drive 53. Administration Building Killeen 76541 4400 Foster Lane 4. Clarke 336-1580 336-1150 Killeen 76543 1700 S. W.S. Young Killeen 76543 336-6530 Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76542 Killeen 76541 Nolanville 76559 1.16. Bellaire 336-0200 1322 Stagecoach Road Killeen 76542 336-7208 726 S. AnnWard Boulevard 48. Bell200 County 336-1830 108 W. Jasper Drive 336-1870 1500 W. Central Texas Expressway51612 336-1620 24. Richard E. Cavazos Meadows N. W.S. Juvenile Young Drive 45. Killeen Killeen 76542 31. West Killeen 76549 Comanche Avenue 7. Dr. Joseph A. Fowler 40. Palo 336-1690 Killeen 76543 336-7208 34. Charles E.Alto Patterson 336-0366 (Special Education) 336-1370 336-1830 108 W. 76542 Jasper Drive 336-1870 336-2180 Killeen 76542 46. Killeen ISD Early College Detention Harker Heights 76548 32. Willow Killeen Ctr/JJAEP 76543 9.Killeen East Ward 17. Montague Village 500KISD N.Springs 38thCareer Street Center 336-6630 Killeen 76549 1200 N. 10th 423 27th Street 709 W. DeanStreet Avenue 336-2590 336-6660 Fort Hood 76544 4910 Katy Creek Lane 51. 2301 W. Elms Road 46. Killeen ISD Early College 336-1310 56. Student Services 8383 W. High Trimmier Road 37. Live Oak Village Ridge 32. Willow Springs Killeen 76542 336-7250 17. Montague 20. Oveta Culp Hobby School 4800 E. Rancier Avenue 29. Trimmier 336-2050 336-0000 Killeen 76543 2501 W. Stan Schlueter Road Loop 336-1410 1608 E.Hood Rancier Avenue 84001 Clements 336-1790 Nolanville 76559Drive Fort 76544 Killeen 76541 14. IraNolan Cross, Jr. 1. Killeen Bellaire 26. Skipcha 1320 Stagecoach 336-1510 76549 Killeen 76549 High School 43. C. E. Ellison 39. 902 N. 10th Street Killeen 76542 2600 Robinett Road 2501 W. Stan Schlueter 336-1410 84001 Clements 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard Killeen 53210 Lost Moccasin Street Loop 76543 4400 Success Drive 11. Hay Branch 54. Jackson Professional 336-7208 Killeen 76549 2.23. Brookhaven Killeen 76541 Creek Fort Hood 76544 Drive Reeces 336-1830 1910 Herndon Drive 336-7000 108 W. Jasper Drive 336-1870 Killeen 76542 515 Trail 5. Clear Creek 336-1760 336-1200 51000 Tank76544 Destroyer Boulevard 909 Elms Road 505 E.Prospector Jasper Road Killeen 76541 336-7100 Killeen 76549 Killeen 76549 2. 3221 Brookhaven Fort Hood 690-7022 Fort Hood 76544 Fort Hood 76544 Learning Center (JPLC) 6101 Westcliff Road 46. Killeen ISD Early College Killeen 76542 336-2020 Hilliard Avenue 336-1650 336-3800 Killeen 76543 32. Willow Boulevard Springs 336-2230 76542 400 W. Stan Schlueter Loop 25. Saegert 17. Montague Village 4800 Washington Harker Heights 76548 8. Killeen Duncan 41. Rancier Fort Hood 76544 Killeen 76542 336-2822 Killeen 76541 35. Eastern Hills 336-2490 336-2020 3221 Hilliard Avenue 49. Gateway High 336-0260 336-2230 336-6500 902 Rev. R.A. Abercrombie Drive High School Killeen 76543 Killeen 76543 10. Harker Heights 52. Pathways Academic 336-2270 336-2550 2501 W. Stan Schlueter Loop 336-1410 18. Mountain View Killeen 76542 5600 Schorn Drive 84001 Clements Drive Fort Hood 76544 53. Administration Building 336-0600 52425 Muskogee Road 336-6690 3301 Hilliard Avenue 336-0260 57. Technology Services Ctr 336-1150 300 Indian Trail 4100 Zephyr Road 38. Manor Killeen 76543 47. Robert M. Shoemaker Killeen 76543 18. Mountain View 21. Peebles 51000 Tank Destroyer Boulevard 336-2080 30. Venable Village 336-1440 Campus 726 S. Hood Ann Boulevard 15. Maxdale Killeen 76549 2. Fort Brookhaven 200 N. Young Drive 500 Mountain Road 336-2150 336-1550 Killeen Hood 76544 Fort 76544 Robert M. Shoemaker Killeen 76543 104 E. Beeline Lane 27. Sugar Loaf 44.Killeen Harker Heights 40. Palo 76543 Harker47. Heights 76548 3302 S.W.S. Clear Creek Road 1700 S.76542 W.S.Lion Young Drive 336-1440 336-1741 500 Mountain Lion Road FortAlto Hood 76544 1800 N. Westwood W.S. Young Drive 12. Haynes Stagecoach 3.24. Cedar Valley 60160 Venable Road Harker Heights 76548 2600 Drive Killeen 76543 336-2020 3221 Hilliard Avenue 3302 S. 76549 Clear Creek Road Park Harker Heights 76548 336-1620 Harker Heights 76548 Richard E. Cavazos 6. Clifton 336-6660 1001 FMKilleen 2410 336-2230 336-1250 15171322 Barbara Lane Road 2301 W. Elms Road 336-1700 Killeen 336-1100 3. 4801 Cedar Valley Killeen 76543 55. Learning 336-0260 Harker Heights 76548River Loop Killeen 3309 W. Canadian 76543 Killeen 76542 Chantz Drive 336-2050 Ft. Hood 76544 336-0000 Killeen 76542 76543 Killeen 76549 336-2749 Harker Heights Middle 76548 2200 Trimmier Road 9. Killeen East Ward 336-1900 1200 N. 10th Street 42. Union Grove 33. Audie Murphy 26. Skipcha 18. Mountain View Killeen 76549 Killeen 76549 50. Gateway 336-0900 36. Liberty Hill Support Services 4801 Chantz Drive 336-1310 47.336-7250 Robert M. Shoemaker 336-1980 Killeen 76549 336-1900 33. Audie 336-2120 Killeen 76542 11. Hay Branch 54. Jackson 336-0900 336-2460 336-1440 Killeen 76541 1608 E. Rancier Avenue 101 E. IowaTrail DriveProfessional 336-0800 53393 SunMurphy Dance Drive 19. Nolanville Nolanville 76559 515 Prospector Trail 500 Mountain Lion Road 1307 Gowen Drive 336-1940 336-1200 (Administrative Annex) 4500 Kit Carson Killeen 76542 39. Nolan 3302 S. ClearDrive Creek Road 336-6750 53393 SunPark Dance 19.901 Nolanville 22. 41. Pershing Learning 336-1480 6101 Westcliff Road 3. Killeen Cedar76541 Valley 336-1580 Heights Center 76548 (JPLC) Killeen902 Fort Hood 76544 Old Nolanville Road 76543 336-7000 Harker 76548 Harker Heights 76548 Rancier 28. Timber Ridge N. 10th Street KilleenHarker 76542 336-1480 505 E.Heights Jasper Road Killeen 76549 Iduma Hood 76544 902 Rev. R.A. Abercrombie Drive 336-1690 901 Old Nolanville Road 4.25. Clarke 1500Fort W. Central Texas Expressway Killeen 76543 4801 Chantz Drive 7. Dr.13. Joseph A. Fowler 336-1650 336-6580 336-6530 Nolanville 76559 Saegert 336-6690 336-1900 3301 Hilliard Avenue Killeen 76541 33. Audie Murphy 5402 White Rock Drive 336-1370 4. Clarke Killeen 76541 336-0900 48. Bell County 4400 Foster Lane Killeen 76543 Juvenile
3. Cedar Valley Atkinson 56 9
Middle Schools
Administration Special Campuses High Schools
Special Campuses
Middle Schools Elementary Schools
Special Campuses High Schools High Schools Middle Schools
Elementary Elementary Schools Schools
Di Distri
Administration Special Campuses High Schools
Elementary Schools
Middle Middle Schools Schools
Middle Schools
Special Special Campuses Campuses
2016 Back to School 1 |
Killeen campuses open enrollment for new students on Aug. 2 By Lauren Dodd Killeen Daily Herald
For those families new to the area, should the Killeen Independent School District be the right choice for your child education, here’s how to enroll in school this year. “We have made the registration process easier for new-to-families with online registration,” district officials said. Now parents may complete the required back to school forms online and then visit campus enrollment for finalization. The following documents are needed for registration: 1. Current proof of residency within Killeen ISD. (utility bill or lease contract) 2. Certified birth certificate 3. Student’s Social Security card 4. Immunization record 5. Previous school record Enrollment for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade will be at your
Herald | FILE
Parents and students wait in line to register for classes in Killeen Independent School District. Open enrollment is Aug. 2-3.
student’s home campus. Open enrollment is Aug. 2-3 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at your student’s home campus. After Aug. 3, please contact your
student’s home campus for enrollment hours. To find your home campus, go to http://bit.ly/29KekKE. For more information on what sup-
plies or immunization shots are needed for your student, go to http://bit. ly/29TtWKc. ldodd@kdhnews.com | 254-501-7568
| 2016 Back to School 1
Killeen’s Early College High School expands into new building By Brady Keane Killeen Daily Herald
With one successful year in the books, Killeen Independent School District’s Early College High School is preparing for more change. The program, which allows students to earn an associate’s degree and high school diploma simultaneously through a partnership with Central Texas College and Texas A&M University-Central Texas, began last school year with 150 ninth-grade students contained in a “freshman campus” in a CTC hallway. The students were selected from a lottery of 463 applicants from Killeen, Nolanville, Fort Hood and Harker Heights. “We are tearing down stereotypical cliches of the four main high schools and forging new friendships and peer groups,” Killeen ISD wrote in its January campus improvement plan. “ECHS is a great representation of our diverse community.” In the coming school year, a planned 600 freshman and sophomore students will be moved to the current Smith Middle School at Fort Hood. The plan is for the school’s first class of freshmen to return to the CTC facility as juniors. CTC will then host ECHS juniors and seniors, while the Smith campus will be the home of freshmen and sophomores in the program. “The early college high school concept is just one innovative approach embraced by Texas school systems to offer students an avenue for success,” Commissioner of Education Mike Morath said in an April release. “With more than 150 campuses, Texas con-
Freshmen in the new Killeen Independent School District Early College High School work in teams Aug. 24 to build towers on the first day of school last year. This year, the school is expanding into the former Smith Middle School building at Fort Hood.
tinues to be a national ECHS leader in providing high school students with college credit while saving families money.” Morath announced the approval of 16 new ECHS designations in Texas for the 2016-2017 school year, as the program continues to grow both in Killeen and across the state. Students in the first year of ECHS in Killeen saw success across the board, as PSAT scores came in 30 points above the national average. On the state’s standardized tests — the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness — 92 percent of students passed the English test, 98 percent passed the alge-
bra and 100 percent of ECHS students passed the biology. While undergoing a rigorous course load — all classes or pre-AP, AP and dual credit — the students also created a student council, school newscast, yearbook, and participated in intramural sports, dance, art, robotics and anime. “We created a climate where they can be successful, where all want to succeed,” Principal Kathleen Burke said at the end of the 2015-2016 school year. In addition to the extracurricular activities, students compiled more 1,200 community service hours by conducting food drives, a coat drive, raising money for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,
breast cancer awareness and the KISD Education Foundation. The ECHS is also a 1:1 technology school in Killeen, meaning that all students are given a MacBook Pro once they are admitted to the program and school begins. There is no cost to the students to attend. Killeen ISD covers tuition, fees and required textbooks to the extent those charges are not waived by CTC. The first day of school for KISD for the 2016-2017 year is Aug. 22. KISD Public Information specialist Todd Martin contributed to this report. bkeane@kdhnews.com | 254-501-7555
2016 Back to School 1 |
10 | 2016 Back to School 1
Buy this photo at kdhnews.com Eric J. Shelton | Herald
Killeen ISD students must follow the district’s dress code.
Killeen students must follow dress code by angela bonilla killeen daily herald
With school starting soon, many parents and students are advised to consult their respective school’s dress code for what is considered appropriate. The standard district policy is online, but some schools in the district have adopted their own standards. Throughout the district, students are required to be dressed and groomed in a clean and neat manner that does not present a health or safety hazard to themselves or others, according to the policy. Students who violate the dress code will be advised by the campus administrator and will be given the opportunity to comply. While there are many forms of opportunities to comply, the most common is for students to call their parents for a change of clothes. Those students who fail to comply or repeat to violate the dress code will be subject to disciplinary action. The district prohibits clothing with pictures, emblems and writing that are lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscure. Also prohibited is clothing that advertises or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverage, drugs or any other prohibited substance. Also prohibited is clothing that contain derogatory remarks concerning any identifiable race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age, gender or disability. The following dress code standards include: • Pants, slacks and jeans are acceptable, Pants or shorts can not be more than one size large and must be worn no higher than 4 inches above the knee are permitted. • Shirts and blouses must be appro-
priately sized and may not be extend beyond the student’s fingertips when worn outside of pants or skirt. • Dresses, skirts, and shorts are to be no shorter than 4 inches above the top of the knee, and must allow students to walk, stoop, kneel, and sit with modesty. • “Sagging” is not permitted. • Apparel designed for reaction such as tank tops is not acceptable. Tank tops and similar apparel may be worn by pre-K to second-grade students. • Tight clothing, accessories that draw attention are prohibited including tank tops, halter tops, etc. Students shall wear tops that cover the upper body, shoulders, and beyond the midriff leaving no exposed skin. • Types of apparel including jewelry, trademark, symbol, and any other items or manner of grooming with any attribute indicates or implies gang membership or affiliation are prohibited. • Hair must be neat, clean, and well groomed. Facial hair must be neat and well trimmed. • Head coverings, bandanas, hoods, and sweatpants, may not be worn inside the building. The campus administrator must approve any exceptions to this policy for religious or medical reasons. • Students must wear appropriate footwear for school. Inappropriate footwear include house slippers, shoe skates, water shoes, sock shoes, and shoes with metal spikes. • Photo ID cards will be issued to all secondary students except those assigned to Gateway Middle School and High School. They are required to be worn at all times, visible from the front at school or school functions, and while riding to and from school on district transportation.
2016 Back to School 1 | 11
Renovations, new parking lots welcome back Cove students and staff SPECIAL TO THE HERALD
COPPERAS COVE — Copperas Cove Independent School District students and staff head into the new school year with updated facilities top to bottom outfitted with the latest in technology. Major renovation projects have occurred over the summer, with several schools getting new roofs and parking lots and two schools seeing improvements in their heating and air conditioning systems. The majority of the work was done at Copperas Cove High School where CCISD’s maintenance department replaced coils on several HVAC units to keep them operational. In addition, they will do some work in the choir room to provide the choir a more user-friendly environment. The choir room was renovated and a large portion of the high school roof that was damaged during the hail storms of 2014 was replaced. Work was done on all three parking lots, said Rick Kirkpatrick, deputy superintendent of transportation and student services. “The student parking lot behind the high school had several patches done where the pavement was beginning to fail followed by a complete chip seal of the entire parking lot. The faculty lot in front of the high school had some drainage work done and also received a chip seal. The student lot in front of the gym was also fog sealed to ensure an additional 10 to 12 years of life,” Kirkpatrick said. Copperas Cove Junior High School and Martin Walker Elementary School also got new roofs this summer. Martin Walker had old carpet removed and replaced with tile. New storage cabinets were installed. Fairview/Miss Jewell Elementary received an electrical upgrade. “The electrical system that was replaced is original to the building and was installed in 1958,” Kirkpatrick said. The S.C. Lee Junior High gym floor was sanded to bare wood, repainted and resealed. “The floors had not been redone since the school opened in 1996,” Kirkpatrick said. “You will be amazed at the new look with this work is completed.”
Courtesy | CCISD
Copperas Cove Independent School District Director of Transportation Gary Elliott takes two Cove business partners on a tour of the district’s activity bus at the CCISD Transportation Warehouse. CCISD bus drivers traveled nearly 550,000 miles transporting students back and forth to school with 78,566 miles transporting students to extracurricular events.
Summer projects The CCISD Maintenance Department has been extremely busy over the summer with a long list of maintenance projects readying facilities for students’ and staff’s return.
S.C. Lee
• New roof • Installation of storage cabinets • Removal of carpet, installation of tile
• Replace coils on HVAC units • Partial replacement of roof • Facelift of choir room • Repairs to all three high school parking lots • Improvements to agriculture barn
• Resurface gym floors • Replace front parking lots • Interior painting throughout building
Martin Walker
Fairview/Miss Jewell • Electrical upgrade
Hettie Halstead
The front parking lot at S.C. Lee Junior High was completely removed and replaced with all new base and asphalt. The interior of S.C. Lee was also repainted. Halstead Elementary School received all new HVAC units over the summer.
The pea gravel in all school playgrounds has been replaced with wood mulch. The CCISD agriculture barn has gotten a full renovation including concrete flooring to improve the health and growth of students’ livestock projects.
• New roof
• New HVAC units
Courtesy | CCISD
Maintenance workers paint the trim on the outside of the Copperas Cove ISD Administration Building. S.C. Lee Junior High also received a new paint job as well as a new front parking lot and resurfaced gym floors.
12 | 2016 Back to School 1
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Holiday End 1st Grading Period Begin 2nd Grading Period Staff Professional Dev. Day/Student Holiday End 2nd Grading Period Begin 3rd Grading Period
March S M T W T F S
November 11 Holiday November 21-25 Holidays
Staff Professional Dev. Day/Student Holiday Begin 5th Grading Period Spring Break Bad Weather Make-up Day End 5th Grading Period Begin 6th Grading Period Early Out Day/End 6th Grading Period/2nd Semester Bad Weather Make-up Day or Professional Development Crossroads High School Graduation
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Copperas Cove ISD does not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or any other basis prohibited by law. Copperas Cove ISD no discrimina contra ninguna persona debido a la raza, color, religión, sexo, origen nacional, inhabilidad, edad, o sobre ninguna otra base prohibida por la ley.
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August 8-12 Staff Professional Development Days August 15-19 Staff Professional Development Days August 22 Begin 1st Grading Period/1st Semester
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TBA Copperas Cove High School Graduation May 29 Holiday May 30-31 Staff Professional Development Days
P - Progress Report R - Report Card 170 Student Days / 187 Teacher Days CCISD Board Approved: 2-9-16
Early Out Day Staff Professional Development Days Staff Professional Development/Student Holiday Holidays Bad Weather Make-Up
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A Foundation of ExcellenceA Future of Success Please visit our website for additional information. www.ccisd.com See back for: District Contact Information
Courtesy | CCISD
Parents can register their students Aug. 2-4.
Registering your child is easy in Cove ISD Enrollment dates and times are quickly approaching for students in the Copperas Cove Independent School District, but all necessary information is easily accessible on the school district’s website at http://www.ccisd. com/Page/362. New Student Registration will occur on the campus the student will attend. If parents are unsure what school their student is zoned to attend, they can visit http://www.ccisd.com/Page/362 and use the Transfinder system to obtain that information. New student registration for children entering kindergarten-eighth grade will occur from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 3 and from noon to 7 p.m. Aug. 4. New student registration for students entering ninth-12th grade will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 2, from noon to 7 p.m. Aug. 3 and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 4 in the CCHS cafeteria. New student registration forms can be accessed on the website. Parents are encouraged to fill out the forms prior to arriving at the campus for registration. Other necessary items for enrolling a new student are: • Student’s Social Security card • Current immunization records • Proof of residence within CCISD (current utility bill or lease contract) • Emergency contact information • Copy of student’s records from school most recently attended (if applicable) • Guardianship papers (if applicable) • Official birth certificate For more information, visit www. ccisd.com.
2016 Back to School 1 | 13
Copperas Cove dress code aims to teach grooming, minimize safety hazards By Angela bonilla killeen daily herald
For Copperas Cove Independent School District, the dress code for students can change year to year, but it’s important for parents to know what the guidelines are for their children. The dress code for the district is designed to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption and minimize safety hazards. Students are expected to be dressed and groomed in a manner appropriate for the public school environment. Campus administrators and faculty are charged to enforce the dress code. District policy prohibits any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook, or manner of grooming that denotes membership of any group or gang that advocates for drugs use or exhibits behavior that interfere with the order of operation of school. The district also prohibits pictures, emblems or writing on clothing (including bags/backpacks) that are lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscene.
Buy this photo at kdhnews.com
David A. Bryant | Herald
Parents walk their children into Fairview/Miss Jewell Elementary School on the first day last year.
While the district allows for parents to decide on their child’s hair, the district advises that the student’s hair be clean, neat, and well-groomed in appearance.
Facial hair must be clean, maintained and well-groomed in appearance. Spiked hair above 2 inches is prohibited, while unnatural hair color is prohibited in the lower school levels.
Hats or head coverings are prohibited inside the building at all campuses. Tank tops, tube tops, halter tops, etc., are prohibited unless worn under a shirt with sleeves. Dresses, skirts, shorts, skorts, etc., are to be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee. Sagging for jeans and pants are not permitted. Jeans, pants and skirts have to properly fit on the waist of the student. Footwear should be worn at all times. House shoes and shoes with wheels are not allowed to be worn. Footwear must be suitable for physical activity. Wearing sunglasses is prohibited inside buildings. Facial piercings are prohibited unless at the high school level where they are not deemed as a distraction by administration. Bandanas, do-rags, towels, extra clothes, headbands and sweatbands are prohibited. Metal-studded collars, choker chains. armbands, wristbands and/or other metal studded clothing are prohibited.
14 | 2016 Back to School 1 To Gatesville Lutheran Church Rd.
S.C. Lee JHS
To Fort Hood (Tank Destroyer Rd.)
J.L.Williams/Lovett Ledger ES
Hettie Halstead ES
Copperas Cove HS
This is a directional map; it is not drawn to scale. It is intended only to serve as a general guide to the location of schools within Copperas Cove.
Central Administration
Avenue E Alt. Learning Ctr. To Killeen
Fairview/Miss Jewell ES Georgetown Rd.
Hardeman St. Ridge St.
To Lampasas
Constitution Dr.
Highway 190
Rodney St.
Stadium Williams St.
Copperas Cove JHS
Martin Walker ES
C.R. Clements/Hollie Parsons ES
Call 254-501-7500 (Killeen) or 254-778-4444 (Temple)
Mae Stevens ES
2016 Back to School 1 | 15
Texas requires school children to be immunized against diseases By Gloria Heredia Killeen Daily Herald
While school supplies and new clothes are top priorities for back-to-school, a hospital or clinic visit might be a good idea if you want to get your kids enrolled. The state of Texas mandates children attending public schools to be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, varicella, meningococcal and hepatitis A. According to Killeen’s ISD website, students can be prohibited from attending classes until their immunization records are brought into compliance. Fortunately, for the past 20 years, the Wellness Department at Metroplex Hospital has been giving free immunizations for low-income children who need certain vaccines to get enrolled. Erin Spencer, public relations representative for Metroplex, said that every year they try to accommodate as many kids as possible to have their
shots current. “We do an event every year called KidsFest where we give back-to-school immunizations for students,” Spencer said. “We do our best to try to plan for everything. It’s better to get there in early.” KidsFest will be Aug. 14 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Killeen Civic and Conference Center. An estimated 1,000 attendees have participated in the past and over 500 vaccines were administered last year. Vaccines are first-come, first-served, and proper documentation is needed. Parents are asked to bring their child’s shot record or letter from the school nurse for these services. Those with CHIP, Medicaid, who have no insurance or are underinsured, qualify for free immunizations. Vaccines aren’t just for kids. The state also requires incoming college students to receive the meningitis vaccine (MCV4) in order to register for classes. For more information regarding the state immunization requirements, go to http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize or your school’s website.
16 | 2016 Back to School 1
School meal prices KILLEEN ISD
Breakfast: $1.50 for students at all grade levels; $2.50 for adults. Lunch: $2.50 for pre-K to grade 5; $2.75 for grades 6 to 12; $3.75 for adults. Reduced price breakfast is 30 cents and lunch is 40 cents for students in all grades. Some students may qualify for free meals. Find menus and nutritional guidelines at killeenisd.org.
Taste testers from Mountain View Elementary School sample dishes in October during the Killeen Independent School District’s annual student taste test to help determine new cafeteria offerings across the school district.
Breakfast: $1.50 for students at all grade levels at full price Lunch: $2.40 for pre-K to grade 5; $2.60 for grades 6-8; $2.70 for grades 9-12 Reduced price breakfast is 30 cents and lunch is 40 cents for students in all grades. Some students may qualify for free meals. Find menus and nutritional guidelines at ccisd.com. Price for adults has yet to be determined, according to CCISD spokeswoman Wendy Sledd.
2016 Back to School 1 | 17
Pledge to pack a healthier lunchbox as new school year begins Family Features
If good eating habits have fallen by the wayside during the summer break, you can kick off this school year right by pledging to guide your family toward healthier lunches. “Back to school is a great time for families to make a healthy resolution they can carry on through the duration of the school year,” said Trish James, vice president, Produce for Kids. “As a mom of two boys, I understand the challenges parents face when packing a healthy, nutritious lunch for their children and for themselves. The Power Your Lunchbox Pledge was designed to help families tackle this universal challenge.” The initiative gives parents tools and tips – such as this time-saving makeahead pizza pocket recipe – to achieve a great start for back to school, while giving back to children in need. Every online pledge results in a $1 donation to Feeding America programs that support families and children.
Find more creative ideas and join the discussion on Instagram and Twitter using #PowerYourLunchbox, and learn more about the program and its sponsors at poweryourlunchbox.com.
Prep time: 90 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Total time: 1 hour and 45 minutes 1½ cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon quick rise yeast 1 teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus 1 teaspoon, divided 1 cup slightly warm water ¾ cup uncooked oat bran hot cereal ¾ cup whole-wheat flour 1/3 cup no-salt-added tomato sauce ½ cup part-skim shredded mozzarella cheese 16 slices pepperoni, quartered 4 mushrooms, sliced 4 mini sweet peppers, sliced In stand mixer with paddle attachment,
combine all-purpose flour, yeast, sugar and salt. With motor running, add 2 tablespoons oil and warm water. Switch paddle attachment to dough hook. Add oat bran and mix until combined. Add whole-wheat flour a little at a time and stop when
slightly sticky ball forms. Continue to run mixer 1 minute. Brush ball of dough with remaining olive oil, cover with plastic wrap and place somewhere warm to rise 1 hour. Heat oven to 450 F. Spray large baking sheet with cooking spray. Punch down dough. Dust counter lightly with flour. Roll out half of dough to 1/4inch thick, dusting with more flour if too sticky. Use 4-inch round cookie cutter to cut rounds. Spoon 1 teaspoon tomato sauce into middle of each round. Add ½ tablespoon cheese, 4 quarters of pepperoni, mushroom slice and 2 pepper rings. Moisten edges of dough with water. Fold dough over filling and press to seal. Use fork tines to crimp and further seal edges. Place pizza pockets on baking sheet and poke top of each with fork. Bake 15 minutes, or until tops are browned (some cheese may leak out). Once cool, freeze in single layer on baking sheet. Once frozen, wrap individually in plastic wrap and transfer to freezer bag. Notes: If placed in lunchbox frozen, even with ice pack, they will defrost by lunchtime. Serve with 1/4 cup cherry tomatoes, 2 tablespoons hummus and a clementine.
18 | 2016 Back to School 1
Scrambled eggs baked in muffin tins make mornings easier some of that luscious fat, flavor, and color from the yolk and then load up on serious-protein egg whites. Use whatever veggies you have on hand, and don’t be shy about loading up — even my two pickiest kiddos love these little guys! Make several flavors when you find eggs on sale, and you’ll have a veritable morning buffet of protein for weeks. No last minute drivethrus to stave off the hunger on the way to work.
By MELISSA D’ARABIAN The Associated Press
When it comes to healthy eating, good intentions and willpower can only take us so far. That’s why I believe strongly in making the healthy choice the easy choice, especially when it comes to morning decisions. Spending a little time to set myself up for success makes a huge difference in my ability to stick to my healthy living plans. For instance, I set out my workout clothes the night before, so rolling out of bed and into them is a no-brainer. Should the extra 15-seconds that it would take for me to open the dresser drawer to grab my exercise clothes be the thing that derails an entire workout? Perhaps not. But alas it does. For me, anyway. Same thing can happen when it comes to food. When I’m hungry and in a rush, I’m far more likely to grab just anything that will fill my belly. But I’ll absolutely eat a healthy protein-filled breakfast if it’s all prepped and ready
to go. In fact, my whole family eats better when I invest a little time cooking and stocking my freezer with my own version of “fast food.” One of our favorites is the morning egg muffin, which is essentially scrambled eggs baked up in muffin tins. I make a dozen or two on weekends to keep in the freezer and in less than two microwave minutes, we have a weekday breakfast that is chock-full of filling protein. My secret: I use two eggs to get
Start to finish: 25 minutes Servings: 12
1 link turkey Italian sausage, about 3 ounces, crumbled ½ red pepper, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 tablespoons flour (all purpose or rice flour both work) 1½ cups baby spinach, washed 2 eggs ¾ cup egg whites (about 7 egg whites) ¼ cup lowfat milk ½ cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Preheat the oven to 350 F. In a saute pan, cook the sausage over medium high heat until no longer pink, about 5 minutes. Add the pepper and chopped onion and cook until vegetables begin to soften, about 3 minutes. Sprinkle with the flour and stir in. Chop the spinach and stir into the pan, and cook another minute for spinach to wilt. Remove from heat and allow to cool a few minutes. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, egg whites and milk until pale yellow and smooth. Stir in the sausage mixture and cheese. Spray a 12-cup muffin tin with nonstick spray. Spoon the mixture into the tin. Bake until eggs are firm but not dry, about 15 minutes. Let cool in the muffin tins for 10 minutes before removing and allowing to cool on a baking rack. Eat right away, or freeze in a resealable freezer bag. Label well! To microwave for breakfast: Wrap in a paper towel and heat on 70 percent heat until hot, about 90 seconds, depending on microwave strength. Nutrition per serving: 60 calories; 28 calories from fat; 3 g fat (1 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 47 mg cholesterol; 109 mg sodium; 2 g carbohydrate; 0 g fiber; 1 g sugar; 6 g protein.
2016 Back to School 1 | 19
Back-to-school sales tax holiday set for Aug. 5-7 By Nealie Sanchez Killeen Daily Herald
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced the state’s 17th annual sales tax holiday will take place Aug. 5-7. During the designated weekend, parents can buy back-to-school clothing and supplies for their kiddos, tax free. The law exempts most clothing, footwear, school supplies and backpacks priced under $100 from sales and use taxes, which could save shoppers about $8 on every $100 they spend, according to the release. This year, shoppers will save an estimated $92 million in state and local sales taxes during the sales tax holiday. The tax holiday weekend has been an annual event since 1999. “As families all over our state prepare to send their children back to school, we hope folks take advantage of this opportunity to get the supplies they need and save some money in the process,” Hegar said on the comptroller’s website. “As the father of three young children, I know how these expenses can add up. This event provides Texas families with some relief from state and local sales taxes,” he said. Exceptions to the tax free weekend include “special use clothing,” items “reasonably defined as luggage” and any item over $100.
The release defines special-use clothing as specialized sports gear that cannot normally be worn. These are items such as cleats and football pads however other athletic clothing such as
tennis shoes, jogging suits, and swimsuits will be tax free. While backpacks priced under $100 are tax free, luggage, briefcases, gym bags, computer bags, purses, and
framed backpacks will not be. Lists of apparel and school supplies that may be purchased tax-free can be found on the Comptroller’s website at TexasTaxHoliday.org.
20 | 2016 Back to School 1
Savings can add up if you shop smart during back-to-school sales By Jennise Colin-Ventura Killeen Daily Herald
Back-to-school shopping is now in session. This could potentially be the most dreaded tasks that parents endure. That means spending lots of time and money on kids’ clothes and school supplies or does it? Here are some tips on how to save money while making most of your school shopping. School Supplies: The best stores to get savings on school supplies are Office Max, Walgreens, H-E-B, WalMart, The Dollar Tree and Target. Office Max, H-E-B, Target and Walgreens offer coupons that you can use in addition to their BTS sales. Office Max, Wal-Mart and Target offer price matches, so if you see a local store offering a lower price on the exact item and you are closer to any of these three stores, you can present the sales flier or online price and get the lowest prices. Walgreens is my upmost favorite store to buy these supplies because not only can use store and
manufacturer coupons, but if you are active or retired military, you can get an additional 15 percent off when you show your military ID. This military
discount is offered every Saturday at Copperas Cove, Killeen, Harker Heights and Belton locations. Clothes: Sign up for emails from
clothing websites such as Old Navy, Crazy 8s, American Eagle, JCPenney’s and other stores that you and your kid(s) like. You will receive email coupons to use in the stores. Right now, stores are marking down their summer collections now to make room for school clothes. The heat here in Texas doesn’t cool down until October, so buying summer clothes now at a discounted price is very favorable to your wallet. If you like to plan ahead and save more money, you can even buy summer sale clothes in bigger sizes for the next summer. If you prefer not to get inundated with emails, you can also check out the websites Coupon Cabin and RetailMeNot. Both are coupon database websites for easy shopping online and in store. Both of these websites have smartphone apps that you can use as well. The main perk about these apps is there is no printing or clipping coupons. If you are shopping in a particular store, you can type the name of the store and Coupon Cabin or Retail-
2016 Back to School 1 | 21
MeNot will provide all the available coupons for that store. It will let you know if the coupons are online only, for shopping inside the store or both. RetailMeNot will also alert you, if you are driving or walking by a store, of the available coupons nearby. It’s like a best friend telling you there’s a coupon available while you shop. Coupon Cabin not only searches for coupons, but it also rewards you for shopping while using a Coupon Cabin store code. A percentage of your
purchases will be rewarded to you via check. Visit Coupon Cabin at http:// goo.gl/Aaq9N3 and RetailMeNot at https://www.retailmenot.com. College Necessities: If you are shopping for a college student and need dorm décor and furniture, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Kohls and Target offers a wide variety of specials. Again, sign up for their emails on their websites, “Like” them on Facebook and get phone text alerts, if possible. These particular stores offer store coupons
that are usually combinable with other coupons, such as manufacturer and specialized discounted coupons (use a percent off with a dollar off coupon). For more information on using multiple coupons, go to their websites, call the store or call corporate for details. These stores allow multiple coupons per item (even on select sale items) so you can really save money at these stores. To receive text message offers: For Kohls, text SAVE to 56457. Target: text OFFERS to 827438. Go to the Bed,
Bath & Beyond website to sign up for text message offers. If you need to stock up on laundry detergent and personal care, Walgreens, Target and CVS offer the best savings. You can combine store coupons (from their website and store circulars) with manufacturer coupons from the Sunday newspaper. Sign up to be a Healthy Rewards Member at Walgreens and Extra Care Card member from CVS to get better savings.
22 | 2016 Back to School 1
New (school) year, new you: Make family resolutions that stick Family Features
Getty Images | Family features
Forget Jan. 1. Parents know the real new year begins when you can smell the fresh pink erasers and hear the clatter of brand new pencils on stillsmooth notebook covers. Even if you don’t have kids in school, the end of summer and the beginning of fall is a great time to reassess, realign, hit the restart button and make resolutions that will help carry your family smoothly through until next summer – or at least until the holidays. Here are some tips from parents about resolutions they’ve made for the coming school year:
Learn to love mornings
My Life and Kids blogger Anna Luther said she used to hate mornings. “It was a disaster,” she said. “There was a lot of yelling, a lot of missing socks, a lot of arguments about eating a good breakfast — it was just not the way to start a productive, happy day.” Luther decided to turn the first — and worst — hour of her day into one of the best by waking up earlier, exercising and turning on music. Luther also changed the way she looked at breakfast. “It doesn’t have to be from scratch,” she said, “but it does have to have protein — and be fast. We love frozen breakfast burritos, for example.”
Empower the kids
Luther said that another thing that made mornings exhausting was that she tried to do everything herself, from finding socks and brushing hair to heating up healthy breakfasts. But kids
team — and they’re on yours. Denney and her husband, Brett, chose a family motto for the school year so that everyone on their family team knows what they’re working toward. As their motto, the Denneys chose, “Work hard and be nice.” It’s simple, succinct and sums up what they want for their family.
Fuel up with real food
are eager to help, she said. Just like adults, they feel empowered when they can do things for themselves. Luther decided to empower her kids and simplify her life at the same time by creating “Get Ready Buckets,” which hold everything they need to get moving in the morning, from hairbrushes to socks. That same message of empowerment can simplify and improve other stressful times of day. Do the kids walk in the door hungry and cranky and leave you feeling the same way? Stock the freezer with hearty snacks that kids can heat up on their own.
Appreciate others
Blogger Kristyn Merkley of Lil’ Luna, has resolved to show the teachers in her life how much she and her family appreciate them. “Our teachers put so much time and effort into their jobs,” Merkley said, “and we’re so grateful for that.” While she usually gives teachers
a gift card at the end of the year, she doesn’t wait until then to send notes and emails with a simple, “Thank you.” She also makes sure to say thanks in person — and in front of her kids.
Make fun a priority
There are plenty of must-dos on your list every day, but is fun one of them? Merkley said it should be, and she’s making family fun a resolution this school year. She collects activities on her blog that kids and adults can do together and plans family fun nights around them. “When we laugh and make things and learn things together,” she said, “we’re making memories. I want my kids to remember their childhoods as more than just getting to school on time and cleaning their rooms.”
Be a team
Kristy Denney, of the Boys Ahoy blog, is raising three wild boys, as she calls them. But even the wildest of kids wants to know that you’re on their
Kids have to eat, and most insist on eating three or more times a day. Denney said she loves to cook from scratch, but she doesn’t want time in the kitchen to keep her away from her family. So, this year, she’s resolving to focus on what’s important: real ingredients. “Sometimes I’ll buy the ingredients myself to cook from scratch and sometimes I’ll look for foods I recognize on the label,” she said. “When I pick up El Monterey Signature Burritos, I see ingredients like fresh-baked tortillas, real cheddar cheese — foods I would buy anyway for my family, so I feel great about that.”
Make snacks work hard
Jess Kielman, who writes the blog Mom 4 Real, said that snacking can sometimes be a problem in her house. Kids (and adults) sometimes snack because they’re bored — or just out of habit, so she’s reining in snack time and making snacks work just as hard as meals. “Protein and real food — that’s what I’m going to look for in afternoon snacks,” she said. “Something that fills the kids up and gets them ready to get back out the door and play, or buckle down and do their homework.”
2016 Back to School 1 | 23
24 | 2016 Back to School 1