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Got something to say? Send it to paul@pscmag.com.au or message us from the Performance Street Car Facebook page.
Dealing With Dickheads
G’day Paul,
Why is it that whenever there’s an organised car meet on, its like a bright light signalling every dickhead on four wheels to come and do something stupid that ultimately threatens to put an end to the meet? Do they even realise the damage they are doing? And when they are spoken to about their behaviour, they start complaining about being picked on! If we don’t get these people out of our scene, we run the risk of having legitimate meets shut down.
Warren T - Albury, NSW
Hi Paul,
Cracker job on Killer Rides. I’m really enjoying the new look and concept, it shows the scene in the way its meant to be. I’ve just returned from the Street Rod Nationals at Richmond and thought what a great venue that could be for a possible comeback for the original Street Machine Nationals. The many buildings, cruise roads, grassed areas and parking on site makes it an ideal venue, don’t you think? I know you tried to revive the Nationals at Rosehill and Sydney Dragway, but I reckon this venue is much more suited than those. Yeah, there’s no burnout pad, but do you really need to include burnouts? Just a thought anyway...
Tony K - Hornsby, NSW
Car Club Without Meetings
Hi Paul, I’m new to the modified car scene, and wanted to keep up to date with everything happening in the scene in regards to events, registration, insurance etc, and everyone tells me to join a car club. But I work shift work and making meetings is near impossible for me. Is there any Clubs or Association’s around that I can get what I need without having to attend regular meetings? Great mag by the way.
Harrison A -
Werribee, VIC
G’day Harrison,
Being a member of a club is a great way to not only find out all of that stuff you need, but also make contacts to find parts and people that can help with the build or maintenance of your car. I completely understand about not being able to attend meetings. You can check out the Australian National Street Machine Association (ANSMA) at www.ansma.com.au as they are the governing body for Post ‘4 vehicles in Australia. LIkewise, we are looking at setting up an online community car club within Killer Rides for those exact reasons also. Stay tuned...
Hi Paul,
Hi Warren,
Yep, I reckon you’re right about our meets attracting the wrong crowds. Mostly they are in the minority, but are still capable of causing plenty of problems for those running these events. We get them to our monthly Killer Rides Mid-Week meets as well, and no matter how much you ask them not to do the wrong thing, they still continue to do so. I’m at the pont now that I will be taking photos of every car in attendance sp if they do the wrong thing, the photo of the offending cars simply get handed to the authorities. It seems like the only way they will learn...
G’day Tony, Yes, I agree, its the ideal venue for an event of that type for sure, and as it happens, there was a group of us chatting about that exact thing. Whether or not anything will come of it is anyones guess. The cost, amount of events already on the calender and industry support are all crucial factors that come into play and then there’s the huge amount of personel needed to make it all happen. Who knows, though. Someone may certainly take the task on...
Just wanted to run something by you. Like many I’m sure, I have no interest in cars with plastic bumpers. Late model cars all look the same, you can’t modify too much and they are simply boring. How about making Killer Rides a Pre ‘78. chrome bumper cars only?
Andrew F - Capalaba, QLD
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your suggestion. I think really, most of the features I run in Killer Rides are chrome bumper, old-school cars anyway and if a late model car is included, its because its something very special either in the show or go department.