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From the Desk
After attending Chic’s funeral just after Easter, and speaking with many friends that day, Kathy and I decided that now we have the Chev to cruise in, maybe, just maybe we should go back to the Summernats one more time as an Entrant. It sounded like a good idea at the time…
As the event drew closer and word came that car entries had sold out, with 2700 cars to be attending EPIC for those four days in January, I knew it was going to be congested as I’d seen firsthand how the venue handled 2000 cars in the past. And it wasn’t good. As expected, the were long waits to get into the venue, and once inside, trying to do a lap of EPIC was a struggle too. We just played it safe and disappointingly parked on the grass oval for much of the weekend. I wanted to cruise, but the sheer number of cars and people made that difficult at best. Check out the ‘Snap Shot’ of Summernats 35 in this issue. It certainly was a Summernats to remember. The Top 60 and new car unveils were great and Braddon was amazing, but for me, that’s where the good times ended. The crowds were just out of control and hellbent on destroying this once iconic event. Hopefully, the team can resurrect its once proud heritage and bring back the true Summernats…
It’s going to be a big year by the looks of it.
There’s more events coming up than ever before, which means more cool cars for us to feature.
Moving forward, there’s a heap of great events coming up including the CRAKK Run (Canberra Rod & Kustom Krooze), Bathurst Autofest, Chryslers on the Murray and the Australian Street Rod Nationals to be held in Richmond, NSW at Easter – all of which we will be at so you will see the action in an upcoming issue. Then there’s the COOTA400 and any number of Saturday night meets all over the country! Planning is also underway for Killer Rides Live #5 for August 12th and 13th with many of the Top 20 cars already locked in!
It’s going to be a big year by the looks of it. There’s more events coming up than ever before, which means more cool cars for us to feature. Don’t forget to support your local event whenever you can, but play it cool. No one wants to be the one responsible for having an event shut down and cancelled.
See you on the Street…