HAVE YOUR SAY Got something to say? Send it to paul@pscmag.com.au or message us from the Performance Street Car Facebook page.
Hi Paul, Everyday, there seems to be more and more events getting cancelled. It’s a trend we are expecting due to the uncertainty surrounding Covid. My car is sitting idle in the garage and I’m hanging to get it out – whether that is going to a show, cars and coffee or cruise night. It seems that NSW is the state where very little is happening. It’s annoying seeing how the car owners in Qld and SA are still enjoying getting out and about. Damn you NSW Government… Trent G Via Messenger
G’day Trent, I know first-hand how hard it is to plan any event in NSW, I’ve had to cancel two this year. Going from having something on every weekend in Sydney and the surrounding area’s to not being able to leave our homes. We were very lucky to be able to get the Sydney Hot Rod & Custom Auto Expo in before the lockdowns kicked in. Hopefully, things will get back to some sort of normality soon and 2022 can be a year where events return to the calender. Keep everything crossed… 18
G’day Paul, I think you made the right move by doing the special issues during the lockdowns. The Tough Street theme is a winner and the group you have in this issue is awesome! I look forward to seeing what you come with next and hope that things get back to normal sooner rather than later in regards to the lockdowns. Keep the mag coming mate, it’s a godsend during these tough times. Simon J Via Messenger G’day Simon, Thanks for the continued support. With restrictions on how and where we can move around, obtaining regular feature material is not always available to me. So to keep the momentum of the magazine moving, the decision to do some theme issues was an easy one to make. Hope you enjoy this “Forced Induction” issue. Good things to come…
G’day Gordon, As this issue is coming together, I am watching all the updates from the USA on the Hot Rod Power Tour. Being the first one, there’s so much to think of, but I am confident that the plans I have in place will ensure a relatively smooth event. Lets just hope the weather plays fairly… Good luck with the build of your wagon and keep on to your mates! The more the merrier…
G’day Stuart, thanks for your support mate. In regards to the build style, I guess it all comes down to how far you’d like to go. If you go down the Pro-Street road, keep in mind that when you modify the rear chassis, you may not get “legal” rego, the same goes for any protruding engine hardware. A Pro-Touring build is more rego friendly for sure, and when done right, will allow you to drive the Camaro without any hassles at all. Good luck.
Hi Paul, I can’t wait for October next year when the PSC Road Trip kicks off. I’m currently trying to fast track the build on my HG wagon to make sure it’s ready for the six-day cruise, including the haul up the Hume Highway to get to Wollongong to start with. I’ve been talking to my “car mates” about taking part in this too and hope to have a large convoy of cars heading up from all parts of Victoria. This is going to be a great week away for all concerned. Looking forward to more updates. Gordon W Via Email
G’day Paul, First up, love the magazine. It’s great that I can log on to the website any time and check out each issue. These days where we are advised not to go out, having this at our finger tips just makes sense. With that said, I am contemplating a new build but am unsure which way to go. I love the whole Pro-Street deal but also love the Pro-Touring theme as well. Stuart B Via Messenger