Kiiling Tale 2nd Chapter (new)

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he Godspeed Society will tell you a story.

A story of horror that takes place in Bloody City, a city that you'll never find on the map, cause it only exists in a future time, but where we breathe the heavy air of the past. Exclusively in MySpace, you can track the development of the story, chapter by chapter, and meet closely the strange characters that make this tale a true story of REVENGE.


It's night. It's a closed and windy night in Bloody City. A strange wind blows in one direction. Blows cold. Freezing. A woman crosses the road, hasty, with shopping bags in her hand, already late for dinner. There's no one around... Nor a living soul. The tree leaves, fallen on the floor, dancing loose in a perfect ballet, without repeating movements and not wanting to slow down. Only the lights on the houses, indicates the human presence. Walking with no apparent destination, as in an impulse, I cross the desert street. Something pushes me in one direction. End in front of a gate. A massive, imposing gate breaks the walls of cement, which limits the city's

cemetery. A barrier of rust, divides the intense noise of the living and the eternal stillness of the dead. I stop. Stop to ask me why, the old gate is partly open at this hour. Or, to gain courage to cross it. The wind slaps my face and hair. The leaves, once loose, gather in my feet, as begging me not to enter. I challenge them and decide to move forward. My eyes run through the graves, the sculptures, the crosses, the cold stones, analyzing them, looking for something. At the end of it, right at the end, rises the silhouette of the most beautiful mausoleum of all the cemetery. Abandoned, lonely and dirty, the old mausoleum had a new tenant, which caused a general distress among the widows that daily went there to clean their relative's graves. All refused to go near, even avoided just looking. Nor even spoke on the subject, when someone asked about it. They shook their head and shrink their shoulders. And that was all.

Its most recent occupant was killed in a tragic way and her body abandoned. She was found floating in the river and her expression unchanged, as if she were still living... While advancing, the air is growing cold and the wind runs strong, the leaves pursue me and roll over my feet, stuck to my clothes as if begging me to stop... This is not an ordinary night...

-1With all the violence, the doors of the mausoleum open, the wind blows stronger and the sound that results roars as a desperate scream in the darkness... An abnormal and sudden fog, appears and forms a ring around the box of stone. What seems to be a weak force, a last redoubt, protecting its interior. Soaked, on her knees and clearly in difficulty, Baby drags out, breaking the ring of smoke. Mismatch and wheezing as if she had to learn to breathe again, confused, touches her chest. Her brain processes images at a speed that she can not scrutinize, the succession of thoughts and feelings rather than help her to recover herself, causes her more pain and in a reflex, makes her bend and wrap in the ground, like a wounded animal... In a second, which lasts for all eternity, a heat, which she couldn't feel before, invades her body, covering it as an explosion,

causing seizures that disabled her of having control, and as fast as it arrived, went away, leaving her in a state of trance, in which she tried to sort the images, dumped randomly. She could remember with some clarity, the most recent events of her life. And slowly rising of the state she was in, felt that the strange heat didn't completely abandoned her and her mind was alternating between the construction of memories and the source of the flame that burned. Takes the hands to the chest... she's injured! The blood still flushes and it's hot, but it doesn't stop! Numb, again the images invade her brain without permission, small pieces of her life, come and go in catadupe and she's invaded by a terror that leaves a semi state of consciousness... -I'm dead... She remembers everything. Grabbed him by the hand, asked him to listen, begged him to stay. She told him she didn't want him to leave and that she was his, only his. He answered her yes, that she was his, only his and that he wasn't leaving

... She smiled, relieved and took him by the neck to embrace him. And gave him a hug. Astonished, her eyes opened up, and in a too short fraction, tried to understand what was happening. It would have been perhaps the most perfect act of love, if she wouldn't feel the cold of the metal ripping her guts off. Small and selected pieces, this time with a precise accuracy, small loose ends, which were neglected in life, but that, now made sense and explained most of the issues. She doesn't remember ever seeing him in the daylight. Throughout their history was passed during the night and with the moon as witness. The walks along that dark river, the escapes through the streets avoiding the light and therefore the people, shadows as company. The face. She couldn't remember his face.



Jack had, always, one eye half-open while he was resting. His success as an authority agent, in a place like Bloody City, was something beyond comprehension. In a place without a king, or castle, Jack was known for not accepting "contributions" or "favours" from anyone, which obviously, had as a consequence, a great number of enemies, some of them clearly identifiable, other well hidden among the highest figures in the city.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jack came from a family of humble origins. Listed in the police, still quite young, as a way to discover and punish the murderer of his father. He was executed for being the only witness of the death of his boss, because he refused to pay, to one of the mobsters that proliferated at the time. Jack knew the name of the principal, one of the most dangerous by the way, but not the executor, and since then the reason for the existence of Jack, is to discover the identity of the man who squeezed the trigger.

However, this was the only mission where Jack had not been successful. It grew up in his job, thanks to his commitment. Working, day and night, his effort was rewarded with more and highly important arrests, being quickly recognized and promoted to detective, a position that gave him a great prestige, reaching all social strata. Even in the criminal organization he made a point. The name of Jack, was meaningful, that something unexpected could happen.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx That night however, the sound of Jack's phone echoing in the house, wakened him in an erratic way, and he had a feeling that who was on the other side of the phone, calling at this late hour, wouldn't bring him good news. He felt his body as if it were a machine that was starting to work after a long period stopped, when the information passed by the metallic voice coming from the handset, made Jack quake, which hung up without listening till the end. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rushed to take a shower, drank a cup of coffee and went out to the street.xxxxxxxxx

On reaching the scene of the crime and as the officers that were in location made him aware of the situation, an abrupt scuffle, a massacre that left bodies scattered everywhere, Jack can only think that this time his plan failed.xxxxxxxxxxxxx The gang who murdered his father, including the ringleader, had been attracted to this warehouse on the outskirts of the city, had been set them a trap and were now, all without exception, reduced to a huge mass of uniform ruby colour, which extended from the ceiling to the walls indicating that they had been victims of a tremendous explosion. But who prepared and planned the attack had other plans for the head; his torso was separated from the members and from the traces of blood, had been extracted with the bearer still alive, which showed an incredible desire for revenge and cold-blood.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jack didn't know what to feel, against the background that was before him, if by one side he was pleased by having a less bunch of criminals to infest the city, on the other hand, had a sense of frustration by he had not been able to avenge the death of his

father, someone had advanced to him, it seemed that it lacked something, which he lost and now he won conscience that he would never recover, and while he's in this deadlock, that he hears a whisper behind him... He sends all officers in location away, grabs his gun and goes to investigate the source of the sound he heard. Incredibly, the shock wave of the explosion spared a body, which was protected behind some wooden crates. Jack, goggles the body of a beautiful, young woman, unconscious, but that apparently was not injured and was the only survivor and witness of what actually happened there. He called the paramedics that diagnosed her and concluded that she was well and waited she woke up. Once Baby, opened her eyes and seen her saviour, she was invaded by panic, although temporarily amnesic, and she knew to who belonged the face that had just recognized.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jack, waited that she recover, and told her what he knew had happened, hoping to help her to remember, while he hoped that she would help him to clarify the parts that

were missing.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx When Baby articulated the first syllable, her voice spread to the entire warehouse, as a sweet fury. Strong and convinced, without being high, a smooth aggression to the ears, as Jack imagined, that would be the angel's voices.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And Baby told him everything she knew, how she got there and her perception of the events.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In return, Jack promised to help her rebuild her life, a new opportunity in that city, far from a career intrinsically linked to the crime. Baby accepted almost immediately. She was tired of living permanently in shock, unable to make plans in the medium to long term and serve as a subject of admiration. She wanted a life. A life that was hers and that allowed her to choose her own options without being imposed by anyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx She was tired of living under the control of others and without power of decision or choice.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Had been like this all her life and this would be the chance she needed. After listening to the path of Baby, and

how painful and sad it was, Jack felt enlighten and forced to act. Quickly became friends and in the early days of Baby in Bloody City, Jack was essential. He got her a home and got her food, while she couldn't keep herself alone, gave great walks so she could know the surroundings, always under the guidance of him, that showed her the most recommended places to be and those she should avoid at all costs. And when Baby finally found her vocation was him who was at her side and that encouraged her to pursue her dream..., to be a singer.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx There was an inconvenience... This rapprochement between the two, made the relentless detective, starting to be confused about the feelings that he nourished by the singer. Accustomed to solitude, that his work implied, Jack never had a long term relationship, and as the friendship with Baby grew up, he was becoming more confused, despite the vehement denial. - "... We are only friends, as brothers!" – He said.

But everything would change soon, and quickly, Jack set a new target. This time, he would not fail!

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