Living peace conference general report

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Conference Report, October 2016 The 25th anniversary of Creators of Peace was celebrated by 200 plus participants from 43 countries at the 'Living Peace' conference held in Caux, Switzerland, from August 4-10 2016. From the start all were invited to search for clues to living peace. It was suggested that the new story for the world can result from individuals and communities applying those clues to their own lives in the practice of peace.

transforming, empowering and engaging women in peace creation

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Change the Stories and You Change the World!

In the year 2000, the landmark UN resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, recognised the unique impact of conflict on women and girls and called for women’s participation in peace negotiations and post conflict reconstruction. Nine years earlier, the Initiatives of Change programme, Creators of Peace, launched a movement to urge women to recognise their own peace creating potential, starting with dealing with the conflicts within their own hearts and communities. Talking peace has to be supplemented by living peace. This is the challenge that underlay the 25th anniversary gathering of Creators of Peace at Caux from August 4-10. The 200 delegates from 41 countries, from different cultures, faiths and backgrounds gathered to explore how living peace; across the world’s divides; in situations of communal conflict; in meeting the health and education needs of women and girls; in leadership and through forgiveness; can inform and transform personal and community narratives from the current inevitability of violence and despair to one of compassion and hope.

‘Every talk, every conversation, was of deep humanity and gave hope.’ Jo Berry, founder, ‘Building Bridges for Peace’ Case studies from Burundi, Kenya and Lebanon described initiatives addressing communal divides through dealing with prejudice, the taking of personal responsibility and the power of apology. Daily there were inspiring stories of personal transformation from people who had chosen to embrace a new story in their lives of honesty and reconciliation.

‘One of the best conferences I've ever attended. The speakers and the programme were stimulating, moving inspirational, painful, and everything gave hope and love with the end product of peace. Such depth! Thank you so much.’ Lillian Cingo, South African icon and founder of the Health Train.

Speakers included Dr Gill Hicks (above), survivor of the London bombing in 2005, who reflected on how the power of love that recognised her humanity at that time both saved and changed her life. ‘Does it have to take a tragedy or a disaster for us to feel deeply connected as one species?’ she asked. She commented on the conference as a unique experience of the power of personal transformation and intentional, loving community; where every encounter, every conversation counts. Jo Berry, founder of Building Bridges of Peace, whose father was killed in an IRA attack, with Marina Cantacuzino, founder of The Forgiveness Project and Ann Njeri Kimanthi from Kenya, whose family had been dispossessed during tribal clashes, described the complexities and necessity of forgiveness and the part empathy plays in that. Jo shared, ‘I believe in the power of empathy because when I empathise with you it means I want everything for you that I wish for me and my loved ones. This is the beginning of a new story.’ Marina added, ‘Stories can be soul destroying or life giving... narratives of hope at a very bleak time feel even more relevant today– in a world where hate is so easily amplified through social media, where whole groups are dehumanised or demonised...’

Delegates were invited to spend a day workshopping the idea of ‘Telling a New Story’ and what that might mean for their lives. One of the insights that informs the approach of Creators of Peace is the awareness of the power of the story that every person, every woman lives out of, that shapes her world view, her values and relationships, that she passes on to her children and grandchildren. The stories that shape who we are and how we think. And how each person has the power to change the stories; from hurt to healing, from frozen to forgiving, from callousness to compassion.

Dr Rosina Wiltshire, one of the authors of ‘The Earth Charter’ invited participants to integrate peace, care of one another and care of the earth. Amy Peake, the founder of Loving Humanity, described her wake- up call to meet the health needs of women, especially in refugee camps. Speakers Dr Omnia Marzouk, former President of Initiatives of Change; Maryam Bibi (above), founder of Pakistan’s Khwendo Kor; Jin In founder of 4GGL and Lillian Cingo, named a South African ‘icon’ and founder of the Health Train; all shared deeply and personally the possibility of peace. ‘Women’s entrepreneurship’, along with workshops on family relationships, approaches to conflict, drawing and singing; provided insights and skills to enhance the task of living peace. Ahunna Eziakonwa-Onochi, UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative and UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia, spoke for the Founding Mothers of Creators of Peace, tracing its beginnings from the inspiration of Tanzanian politician and human rights activist, Anna Abdallah Msekwa, through the introduction of the Creators of Peace Circle tool to the global movement it has become across 43 countries and still growing.

‘Stimulating, thought provoking and moving, this conference came at just the right time for me and I was both impressed and inspired by the commitment and passion of the participants.’ Kim Weichel, CEO of ‘Peace by Peace’ Using heads, hearts and hands, all were commissioned to go out as advocates for a new story for the world, strengthened by the experience of the web of relationships across geographic and cultural divides, to promote the spiritual transformation that can underpin communities of hope and love that really work for all.

‘I was astounded by the network of women from so many countries all working for a common aim - to create a living peace. It strikes me that Creators of Peace has achieved something that few of us in the peace world have done - for the simple reason that passion has been translated into action’. Marina Cantacuzino, Founder ‘The Forgiveness Project’.

What participants shared Finding and telling a new story ‘I have gained a deeper understanding that my story is part of the global story. In sharing with others I open up to the world.’ ‘The new narrative is radically different from the way the world mostly works.’ ‘I’m beginning to see the new story of my life and learning to truly hear the other person’s story with love and empathy.’ ‘I will dare to share positive stories in situations of negativity.’ ‘I feel that my story is changed forever.’ ‘I have the conviction to stand in my own truth, own my story and tell it like it is – deconstructing and reconstructing while constantly in touch with my Inner Voice.’

Skills, learnings and resilience building ‘I am more confident in my own capability and will to contribute more.’ ‘I will nurture myself in order to be free of past hurts and then to be more present to nurture others.’ ‘I experienced the strength of community.’ ‘Women in the collective can cooperate to work wonders when free of jealousy and ego.’ ‘I have learned that I am not alone.’ ‘I learnt about building bridges to friends and others; taking more initiative myself to forge stronger bonds of understanding.’ ‘I am changed – yes, I am not going back home the same. I will be a good example in my community.’ ‘I have learned to listen with empathy.’ ‘My heart has changed. I am now free from violence. I am totally healed.’ ‘I have learned to listen without judgement.’ ‘I learned that empathy is a key ingredient of forgiveness.’ I have learned that I can sit in a room full of people in silence and stay comfortable and calm.’ ‘I learned to sing!’ ‘I learned to draw!’

Renewal/reconciliation ‘Now I see everyone as human, no matter where from, who they are or from what religion.’ ‘I changed a few of my assumptions as they were misguided. By meeting people from different backgrounds I changed my view of the other.’ ‘Honest sharing has relieved me of a huge burden.’ ‘It is possible to forgive even during one’s pain.’ ‘Not to let a hurt from the past remain a shadow of pain – but be a bridge for healing, now and in the future.’ Stepping Out ‘I will dare to go towards the other – even if I am still carrying my fears and my prejudices, recognising that I need the other person to liberate myself.’ ‘I will actively seek out the opportunities to serve and support my sisters locally and globally to bring love and hope to the world.’ ‘I will not be so bossy in my leadership!’ ‘Back home I will reach out to women and educate them about living peace in their own lives, families, community and nation at large. I will implement peace in practice in myself and build a bridge to connect to other communities.’

Outcomes and Next Steps A primary focus of Creators of Peace is to liberate and equip women to more effectively tackle issues and build community. This clearly happened for many during the ‘Living Peace’ conference. The strengthened resolve and close networks and bonds that were developed, is a huge empowerment for future action. Three strands of that action are discerned as the following: * Invitations for new and ever widening Creators of Peace Circles as a basic tool, with facilitator trainings, facilitator refreshers and training of new trainers all in the mix. To deepen and expand Peace Circles in the existing 43 countries and to start soon in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. * Growing and refining the 'Creators of Peace Circles and Development' model as being pioneered by the Burundians. This is already drawing interest from those working in the development field. * Work is starting on a new programme for Creators of Peace - ‘Advocates for a New Story'. This as a follow up to the Peace Circle but also as a stand- alone training programme developing individuals to be Advocates for a New Story, grounded in their own authentic practice and experience with a wider understanding of the narratives their communities and countries live out of. There would be examination of a strategic component to bring needed cultural change. A skills training aspect would include public speaking, presentation skills, social media usage and advocacy practices of all kinds.

The conference also marked a new stage in our organisational development. At the Annual General Meeting a new international coordinating team was elected with members from Columbia, USA/Lebanon, Britain, Romania, Australia, Brazil, Pakistan and Switzerland. A new position of Executive Officer was created as part of a transitional year trialling new structures. The need has been clear for some time to access some core funding in order to have few full time paid staff to manage communications, project coordination and to provide supportive supervision as well coaching and mentoring, especially for the new in-country teams. They would facilitate regional support mechanisms including cross-country learning visits. Already we have seen Burundian facilitators assisting with Circles in Cameroon and Mali; Indian facilitators working with Sri Lankan colleagues; Australian facilitators with ongoing commitments to New Zealand, Fiji and Bougainville. While much of this work will remain on a voluntary self and team-funded basis, the central organisation requires the consolidation of time and skills availability of paid officers. We look forward to strengthening our platform and capacity to do this with help from our partners.

Report compiled by Jean Brown, ‘Living Peace’ conference convenor. September 2016 Read more about the conference, listen to speeches and watch videos: Creators of Peace is a programme of Initiatives of Change, world-wide movement of people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are committed to the transformation of society through changes in human motives and behaviour, starting with their own.

Creators of Peace c/o 1 rue de Varembé Genève 1202 Switzerland W: E: T: @creatorsofpeace F:

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