==== ==== Learn About How You Can Get The Best Mortgage With The Lowest Rates Even If You Have Poor Credit http://beam.to/MortgageSecretsExposed ==== ====
Over the years I helped hundreds of clients refinance their homes and save a lot of money using a secret technique. The secret technique is one that most banks or loan officers will ever show a client. The use of this secret has saved my clients thousands of dollars and helped them become debt free years sooner. Questions: When you refinanced a home mortgage did you want to save money? Yes. Did you also want to reduce the time or length of loan? Maybe. Would you like to have done both? Yes. If you followed the secret technique you would have accomplished both quite easily. What is the secret technique? Simple. If before the loan you were paying $1,500 a month on all the bills. After the loan your new payment was only $1,000. What did you do with the $500 savings? I have not seen a single bank or loan officer show what to do with the savings other than spend it on new stuff. The secret is to take that $500 and use some if not all and pay that on the new home mortgage. Remember, before the loan you were making that $1,500 payment to several different creditors. Why not pay that whole amount to one creditor? Would this help you eliminate your debt? Another option is to use some of the savings and put that into a retirement/savings account and pay the difference back to the mortgage company. I realize this may not be fun because you just saved $500, but you still owe the same amount. The reason for a debt consolidation loan is to help you get out of debt sooner by repositioning your debt. However, most people use the debt consolidation loan as a pay increase. You bank or loan officer is more than happy to show you how to spend that new savings with the following suggestions: "Buy that new car with the savings." "Remodel you kitchen with the money." "Go on that family vacation to Disney World." Banks are really good at keeping us in debt with all the credit cards, debt consolidation loans and home equity loans(not so much right now). I hope this helps secret technique helps the next time you look to refinance your home.
About Teddy Danfield: I have worked in the finance field for over 15 years. I want to help people get out of debt or at least pay less in interest charges. Visit my site http://debtstrength.com. My
new book "How to Beat Banks and Credit Cards At the Money Game" can help you keep more money in your pocket. Stop paying interest to banks and start earning interest.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teddy_Danfield
==== ==== Learn About How You Can Get The Best Mortgage With The Lowest Rates Even If You Have Poor Credit http://beam.to/MortgageSecretsExposed ==== ====