ANT 101 Week 3 DQ 1 Alternative Gender Roles or Rites of Passage
Download Supernumerary Genders or Rites of Passage. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Choose either Option A or Option B. Formulate an initial post in which you address the points noted in the prompt for your chosen option Option A: Supernumerary Genders According to the textbook, gender is the social construct that is assigned and learned based on cultural concepts about the nature of sex differences and their place in social life. Pick one of the supernumerary genders discussed in the textbook (e.g., Two Spirits or hijra as discussed in section 5.3),andexplainhowthese gendersfunctionwithintheirrespectivesocieties. Option B: Rites of Passage Ariteofpassageisaritualthathelpsmarkaperson’stransitionfrom onestatustoanother.Allcultureshaverites ofpassagetomarktheseimportanttransitions.Withthatinmind, chooseariteofpassageeitherfromthe textbook(seesection6.4)orfromyourownresearch.Whatisthefunctionofthisrite withintheparticularsociety? How do American rites of passage, such as those you have experienced personally, differ from other rites of passage (see section 6.4, Puberty Rituals)?