Health, Wellness & Fitness

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Stay Mentally Fresh Throughout The Workday How To Make

Your Favorite Foods Healthier Feel Your Best

Starting With Your Stomach

A Special Supplement to


2 — Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to make your favorite foods healthier

After the whirlwind of the holiday season, the season of resolutions takes over. Many people to resolve to live healthier, and they may not have to give up their favorite foods to do so. Research from the National Institutes of Health suggests American adults between the ages of 18 and 49 gain an average of one to two pounds every year. Grazing and overeating tends to increase when the weather cools down. A 2005 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that, in the fall, people tend to consume more calories, total fat and saturated fat. In the spring, people seem to prefer more carbohydrates. In addition, less powerful sunshine in winter coupled with people bundling up translates into less vitamin D being absorbed by the body. Some researchers believe there is a link

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between vitamin D deficiency and weight gain as well. To ensure that certain foods do not sabotage healthy eating plans, people can employ some easy modifications and make healthier versions of the foods they like to eat.

CHOOSE CRUNCHY FOODS Those who are prone to snacking can reach for noisy foods. These include crunchy items like apples, carrots and pretzels. Scientists say that when people listen to what they are chewing — called the “crunch effect” — they eat less of that item.

TONE DOWN THE CREAM Delicious dishes like fettuccine alfredo typically are made with lots of butter and cream. Replace

cream sauces with a healthier base made of low-fat milk thickened with flour. Increase the flavor with favorite spices.

ger and can also be helpful for digestion and heart health. Choose the “brown” varieties of rice, pasta and breads.



Use healthy oils like olive or coconut sparingly. Many foods that are traditionally fried also can be lightly coated with cooking spray and baked for a crunchy texture.

SODIUM-FREE SEASONINGS The USCA recommends limiting sodium to less than 1 teaspoon of salt per day. Try options like fresh herbs or lemon juice to add some sodium-free flavor.

INCREASE FIBER CONTENT Fiber helps one feel fuller lon-

Lean chicken, turkey and pork can replace red meats in many recipes. Some traditional meat dishes, such as burgers, also can be modified using vegetables or seafood. Lean meats dry out quickly, so keep foods moist by watching cooking times.

STOCK UP ON YOGURT Greek and other varieties of yogurt can replace sour cream and mayonnaise in many dishes. Resolving to eat healthier can be easy by making some simple swaps when preparing your favorite foods.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019 — 3

How to socialize more and make new friends

As adults grow older, responsibilities to work and family can make it difficult to stay connected to friends. Over time, social circles may unravel and people may find themselves wondering where those close relationships have gone and how they can make more friends and socialize more. People who do not routinely socialize, especially those who do not have a spouse or partner, can experience loneliness. When AARP surveyed adults age 45 and older about loneliness, a little over one-third of respondents were categorized as lonely. That’s alarming, as loneliness is considered a significant predictor of poor health. Rates of loneliness were highest among respondents between the ages of 45 and 49. Improving social connections, getting out more and making friends are excellent ways to boost one’s mental and physical well-being. Making friends is not about one’s age but one’s situ-

ation. It’s easy for school-aged kids to make friends because they see the same classmates for many hours each day. Striking up conversations and finding common ground are a snap. Adults often find there are fewer situations that enable them to preserve existing friendships and make new ones. As a result, many adults seek to replicate circumstances that made making friends so easy when they were young. Start off by spending more time around people who share similar interests. Attend wine tastings, participate in an adult sports league, volunteer at church, or take an art course. and its accompanying app enables people to find social situations for just about every scenario and can be a way to find friends who share common interests. Be optimistic and try new things when people you meet suggest them. Openness to new expe-

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riences will help you get closer to people and fill up your social calendar. You don’t have to like everything you try, but finding new hobbies or interests can pave the way to new friendships. Don’t be afraid to talk to new

people. Make a good first impression by being confident and taking the lead. It is fun and healthy to be social and make new friends. New opportunities can be the spice of life.


4 — Wednesday, April 24, 2019


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ways oatmeal can benefit your body O

atmeal is one of many options people have when sitting down to breakfast each morning. Though brand name cereals or staples like bacon and eggs might be the most popular choices at the breakfast table, few foods pack as nutritious a punch as oatmeal. Instant oatmeal might be found in the pantries of many households. But it’s important to note that packets of instant oatmeal are often loaded with sodium and sugar, which can compromise the nutritional benefits of the oats. In fact, WebMD says some instant oatmeal packets contain as much as eight teaspoons of sugar

Oatmeal can help lower “bad” cholesterol

According to the Mayo Clinic, oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. And it doesn’t even take much soluble fiber to reap such benefits. Five to 10 grams of soluble fiber per day has been shown to decrease low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is commonly referred to as “LDL” or “bad” cholesterol. A single serving of Bob’s Red Mill® Extra Thick Whole Grain Rolled Oats provides 1.6 grams of soluble fiber, helping people get a healthy head start on lowering their LDL throughout the day.

per serving. Store-bought plain rolled oats, or steel-cut oats, are typically nutritious and low in both sugar and sodium. For example, Bob’s Red Mill® Extra Thick Whole Grain Rolled Oats contain just one gram of sugar per serving and no sodium. Oatmeal can provide a great start to your day and pay other dividends as well, though it’s important that consumers read package labels so they are getting the nutritional benefits of whole grain oats without the added sugar and sodium. The following are three of the many ways a morning bowl of oatmeal can benefit your body.

Oatmeal is loaded with tons of vitamins and minerals The online medical resource Healthline® notes that oats contain a well-balanced nutrient composition that can help people get well on their way to consuming their recommended daily intake of various vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For example, half a cup of oats contains 41 percent of the RDI of phosphorous and 20 percent of the RDI of iron. That same serving contains 51 grams of carbohydrates and 13 grams of protein.

Oatmeal can help people maintain healthy weights Oatmeal, so long as it isn’t instant oatmeal, is one of the rare foods that’s both filling and low in calories. That makes it an ideal choice for those who want a filling breakfast that won’t affect their waistlines. Oatmeal is filling because of its fiber content. Unlike other carbohydrates, fiber does not break down into sugar once it’s consumed. When fiber is consumed, it absorbs water and takes up space in the stomach, leading to feelings of fullness that can prevent overeating. The nutritional benefits of oatmeal make it a must-have item for anyone who wants to start their day off in a healthy way.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019 — 5

Banish belly fat and improve cardiovascular health

The way to a person’s heart may be through his or her stomach in more ways than one. Doctors have tied heart health to the abdomen, and having extra pounds around one’s middle can be detrimental to cardiovascular well-being. Excess visceral fat in the belly, something doctors refer to as “central adiposity,” may have potentially dangerous consequences. While the link between belly fat and heart health has long been associated with men, women may be even more vulnerable to the adverse health effects of belly fat. A study published in March 2018 in the Journal of the American Heart Association examined 500,000 people between the ages of 40 and 69. Participants had their body measurements taken, and then were kept track of for heart attack occurrence over the next seven years. During that period, the women who carried more weight around their middles (measured by waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio or waist-to-height ratio) had a 10 to 20 percent greater risk of heart attack than women who were just heavier over all. Belly fat is particularly dangerous because it doesn’t just include the insulating, or subcutaneous, fat under the skin. It is largely visceral fat that also surrounds the organs in the abdomen. Harvard Medical School reports that visceral fat is metabolically active and has been strongly linked to a host of serious diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. Visceral fat is like an endocrine organ that secretes hormones and a host of other chemicals linked to diseases that can affect adults. One substance is called retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), which has been tied to an increased risk of coronary heart disease. In 2015, a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that normal-weight people with excessive belly fat had a higher risk of dying of heart disease or any other cause compared with

people without central obesity. The online health and wellness resource Medical News Today says doctors determine belly fat to be a problem when a woman’s waist measures 35 inches or more and a man’s 40 inches or more. MRIs also can be used as a fat analyzer and will be judged on a scale of 1 to 59. A measurement of 13 and under is desireable. The Mayo Clinic advises that poor diet and fitness habits can contribute to belly fat. As people age, they may have to make more drastic changes to their diets and exercise regimens to counteract changes in their metabolisms. Eliminating sugary beverages, watching portion sizes, counting calories, doing moderate aerobic activity daily, and choosing healthier foods can help tame visceral fat. Also, doctors may recommend those who are stressed to try stress-busting techniques, as stress also may be tied to excessive belly fat. Belly fat should not be overlooked, as its presence can greatly increase a person’s risk for various diseases.

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“Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” -Mark Twain EQUAL HOUSING


6 — Wednesday, April 24, 2019


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Simple ways to look and feel your best At the dawn of a new year, many people resolve to reach for new heights. On the path to personal growth or improvement, one may find that making a few adjustments can greatly increase confidence and satisfaction. The adage “don’t judge a book by its cover” can inspire people to look beyond the outer shell to what lies beneath. However, how a person presents himself or herself undeniably has an impact on how this person is perceived. Therefore, individuals can make small changes that improve how they look and feel about themselves. This, in turn, may make people more self-assured.

TEETH-WHITENING TREATMENT A bright, welcoming smile portrays friendliness and confidence. People who hide their smiles because of yellowing teeth can find that investing in at-home whitening strips

or gels, or working with a dentist for professional whitening services, can dramatically change their looks.

SKIP THE POCKETS Rely on clothing that is pocket-less, especially if you’re prone to putting hands in pockets. Body language experts say that people put their hands in their pockets when they are uncomfortable or unsure of themselves. Keeping one’s hands free can project more confidence in all they do.

GET A TAILORED WARDROBE Ill-fitting clothing may tell others you don’t care about your appearance, even if you do. Sometimes off-therack clothing just doesn’t fit as well as a person may hope, especially if that man or woman is between sizes. Working with a tailor or seamstress to make clothing fit better can help people feel more comfortable in every-

thing they do.

PRACTICE BETTER POSTURE Standing tall with shoulders back and head held high can do everything from project assertiveness to help clothes fit and fall better.

PROPERLY GROOM YOUR BROWS Men and women both can benefit from well-tended brows. These eye-framing wonders are one area on the face people tend to notice first. It pays to keep them well-groomed and neat.

START EXERCISING Exercise does wonders for not only maintaining a healthy, fit body, but it also can improve mood. These suggestions are relatively easy tweaks to help a person put forth his or her best self.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019 — 7

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8 — Wednesday, April 24, 2019



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tips to overcome everyday aches, pain P

ain is a significant concern for many people. Estimates from the International Association for the Study of Pain suggest that one in five adults across the globe suffer from pain. Pain can affect anyone, even people who have not been in an accident or suffered an injury while playing a sport or performing another physical activity. For example, lower back pain, which can be caused by sitting at a desk for long stretches of time, is the most common type of chronic pain in the United States. Such pain may be unavoidable, but that does not mean it and other types of everyday aches and pains cannot be overcome.

Begin a well-rounded exercise regimen

Regular exercise that includes both strength training and cardiovascular exercise increases blood flow and helps build a strong core. A strong core supports the spine and reduces the pressure on it, making it less likely people who sit for long stretches at a time will end their days with lower back pain. Routine exercise also helps other areas of the body by keeping muscles loose and flexible. Before beginning a new exercise regimen, men and women, especially those with existing aches and pains, should consult their physicians about which exercises they should do and which they might want to avoid.

Recognize your body may develop some limitations Age should not prevent you from being physically active, and numerous studies have touted the benefits of continuing to exercise into your golden years. However, as the body ages, muscle fibers become less dense, resulting in a loss of flexibility that increases the risk of injury and/or soreness. As men and women grow older, they shouldn’t abandon activities like gardening or strength training. But they may need to scale back on the intensity with which they perform such activities. Doing so can prevent the kinds of muscle strains associated with aging.

Employ RICE RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation, can help men and women overcome the aches and pains that result as the body ages and tendons begin to lose some of their elasticity. RICE might be most helpful for people who have been diagnosed with tendinitis. Athletes over 40 who engage in activities that require repetitive motion might need to take more days off between rounds of golf or other competitive and/or repetitive activities. If tendinitis flares up, take some time away, icing any sore areas, wrapping them in bandages, and elevating them while resting. Athletes rarely want to sit on the sidelines, but a few days off can go a long way toward alleviating the pain associated with tendinitis.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019 — 9

Understanding depression, its triggers and symptoms


any people periodically have bad days when they just seem to be in a bad mood. When a bad mood isn’t short-lived, this might be a potential indicator of depression. Depression is a common mental disorder that, according to the World Health Organization, affects more than 300 million people across the globe. The WHO notes that despite the fact that there are known and highly effective treatments for depression, fewer than half of those suffering from depression receive such treatments. Furthermore, in many countries, fewer than 10 percent of people with depression receive treatment. Learning about depression and how to recognize its symptoms may compel people battling it to seek treatment for this very common and treatable disorder. Why do I have depression? Everyone has a bad day here or there, but people with depression may wonder why theirs are more than just a bad day. The WHO notes that depression is a byproduct of a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors.

Exposure to adverse life events, such as unemployment, the death of a loved one or psychological trauma, can increase peoples’ risk of developing depression. Depression also may be caused by physical conditions. The WHO says cardiovascular disease can lead to depression. What are the symptoms of depression? The Mayo Clinic notes that one in 10 people whose depression goes untreated commit suicide. That only highlights the importance of recognizing the symptoms of depression and acting once any have been identified or suspected. Symptoms can include: • Difficulty concentrating, remembering details and making decisions • Fatigue • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness • Pessimism and hopelessness • Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness or sleeping too much • Irritability • Restlessness • Loss of interest in things once

deemed pleasurable, including sex • Overeating or appetite loss • Aches, pains, headaches, or cramps that won’t go away • Digestive problems that don’t get better, even with treatment • Persistent sad, anxious or “empty” feelings • Suicidal thoughts or attempts Anyone who has exhibited any of the aforementioned symptoms or even those who haven’t but suspect they might be suffering from depression should visit a physician immediately. The WHO notes there are a variety of treatments available to people who have been diagnosed with depression, and doctors will determine which might be the best for each patient. To make that determination, doctors may inquire about the duration and severity of symptoms as well as family history and whether or not the patient has a history of drug or alcohol abuse. Depression is a common mental disorder that too often goes undiagnosed. Seeking help the moment symptoms are detected or suspected can help people overcome the disorder.

10 — Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Stay mentally fresh during the workday Energy levels tend to ebb and flow throughout a typical workday. A cup of coffee may provide some caffeine-infused spark in the morning, but a big lunch can squash energy later in the afternoon. Waning mental sharpness as the workday progresses can compromise productivity, making it more difficult for workers to complete projects on time. That, in turn, can contribute to stress. In fact, in its “2017 Stress in America” survey, the American Psychological Association found that 58 percent of Americans say work is a significant source of stress. Staying mentally fresh during a workday can pay a host of benefits, and the following are just a few ways to maintain mental focus until quitting time.

EXERCISE REGULARLY The physical benefits of routine exercise are well documented. But even

the most ardent fitness enthusiasts may not realize just how big an impact physical activity is having on their brains. The Harvard Medical School notes that exercise stimulates regions of the brain that release a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, which rewires memory circuits so they can function better. A stronger memory can help workers recall project details and deadlines more easily, even as the workday draws to a close.

AVOID THE ‘QUICK FIX’ Relying on a beverage or snack to provide a quick mental boost may end up compromising your mental sharpness. Foods and beverages that are high in sugar may provide an immediate energy boost, but that spike is almost instantly followed by a crash that can adversely affect your mental sharpness. Stick to healthy snacks, such as fruits and vegetables, and avoid late afternoon cups of coffee,

which studies have shown make it harder to fall asleep at night, thereby compromising your energy levels the next day.

TAKE A WALK OUTDOORS Spending some time outdoors during a lunch break, or even a quick, post-lunch stroll around the office grounds, can provide a break for the brain. That break can help the brain refocus, improving productivity as a result. One great way to get outdoors during busy workdays is to conduct meetings outside when the weather permits. This gives everyone a chance to recharge their brains in the great outdoors, and few people would prefer a dusty conference room to a nearby park or picnic area outdoors. Various strategies can help working professionals maintain their mental sharpness throughout the workday.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019 — 11

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12 — Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Canned food myths debunked

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he affordability of canned foods entices many people to stock up on the essentials. However, there are some people who still harbor concerns about the safety of canned foods. Getting to the truth about canned foods can assuage some of those concerns and help those on the fence stock up on these budget-friendly staples.

Myth No. 1: Canned foods are not as healthy as fresh foods Fresh foods, once harvested, have a finite shelf life. Plus, once fruit or vegetables are picked, their vitamin and mineral content decreases each day that they are not consumed. Many canned foods are picked and processed on the same day, helping to retain nutrients at their peak and lock them in for many months. Also, according to the Hy-Vee supermarket chain, sometimes canned foods are packed with additional nutrients, such as increased lycopene in canned tomatoes.

Myth No. 2: Canned foods are full of preservatives

Myth No. 3: Can linings are dangerous

Myth No. 4: Canned foods are full of sodium

The perception that canned foods are “processed” foods often leads people to believe they’re full of unsavory ingredients. The term processing is used to describe any food that has been changed from its natural form. So removing corn from a cob counts as processing, as is baking or boiling potatoes. Canned foods are preserved by heating the items and sealing them under pressure. No other preservatives are needed to keep them fresh.

There has been controversy concerning BPA-containing plastics for many years. Even though the Food and Drug Administration, as well as other international food safety agencies, has evaluated the extensive body of science and continue to affirm BPA’s safety in food packaging, some manufacturers are voluntarily moving away from it. Consumers can find many foods packed in cans with non-BPA linings. However, even foods packaged in BPA are considered safe for consumption.

Some canned foods will contain salt as an added ingredient to improve taste and act as a freshness preservative. But canned foods do not rank among the biggest offenders in regard to excessive amounts of sodium. In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study that identified the top 10 food categories that contribute to high sodium diets. Pizza, cured meats, cold cuts, and rolls made the list, while canned foods did not.

Myth No. 5: They taste bad Because foods are canned when they are at peak freshness and ripeness after harvest, they retain full flavor if properly stored.

Myth No. 6: Dented cans are unsafe Cans can become dented in transit. Drop a can and it will dent. But that doesn’t necessarily mean foods inside

dented cans are unsafe to eat. If a can is bulging or if the top or bottom of the can moves or makes a popping sound, the

seal has probably been broken or compromised by bacteria and should be thrown out. Canned foods are safe and can make for valuable additions to any pantry.



Wednesday, April 24, 2019 — 13

Facts from fiction in regard to organ donation Organ donation is overwhelmingly supported by the adult population of the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 95 percent of adults in the United States support organ donation. In spite of that, the DHHS notes that only 54 percent of U.S. adults are signed up as organ donors. That gap only highlights the need for education in regard to organ donation. Separating the facts and fiction surrounding organ donation might compel more people to sign up as donors, saving untold numbers of lives as a result.

PEOPLE WITH CONDITIONS CAN STILL BE ORGAN DONORS Many people mistakenly assume that an existing medical condition precludes them from being organ donors. However, the DHHS notes that very few medical conditions would prevent people from becoming organ donors. Such conditions include HIV and active cancer. Transplant teams determine at the time of death if a donation is possible, so even prospective donors who have doubts can still sign up.

THERE IS NO AGE LIMIT FOR ORGAN DONORS The health and condition of the organs, and not their age, is what matters. In fact, the DHHS notes that the oldest donor in the United

States was 93 at the time of donation.

RELIGIONS DO NOT PROHIBIT DONATION The DHHS notes that most major religion support organ donation, considering it a final act of love and generosity. Prospective donors who are uncertain if their religion supports organ donation can visit https://www. for more information.

CELEBRITY STATUS, RACE OR FINANCIAL WELL-BEING DO NOT DICTATE WHO RECEIVES ORGANS In the United States, a nationwide computer system matches donated organs to recipients. Blood type, geographic location and time on the waiting list are just some of the factors used to match donated organs to recipients. Race, celebrity status or financial well-being are never considered.

PERSONNEL WILL TRY TO SAVE ORGAN DONORS’ LIVES Some people fear that signing up as a donor might compel medical personnel to abandon lifesaving methods if they become ill or injured. But that’s not the case. Donation is not possible until all lifesaving methods have failed. Organ donation is a selfless act that saves lives every day. Learn more at

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14 — Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Practice healthier gaming techniques

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Gaming continues to grow in popularity, and with new ways to engage in social or individual game play available thanks to various technological devices, the frequency with which gamers engage in these recreational pursuits only increases. In fact, a 2018 report by Limelight Networks found that gamers spend an average of 5.96 hours each week playing games. Excessive gaming can pose a threat to gamers’ overall health. The following physical and mental wellness tips can help gamers ensure they get to play without sacrificing their health.

REMEMBER TO BLINK Staring at screens for long periods of time can cause serious eye strain. Sometimes, when immersed in the intensity of game play, a gamer may forget to blink his or her eyes, and this can lead to tired, dry eyes. As with other screen usage, follow the 20-20-20 rule. Per the Canadian Association of Optometrists, every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and fo-

cus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away.


mation retention and mood.


Gamers should get up out of their seats and take breaks at regular intervals. This gives their eyes and ears a rest and allows them to stretch and reset their posture. Sitting for long periods of time can affect circulation and have adverse effects on the neck and spine as well.

Maintaining overall good posture and stretching hands and wrists can offset complications of carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition that can affect mobility in the wrists and lead to inflammation and pain.


People can get addicted to gaming just as they would to any other activity or substance. Novelty addiction is prolonged time spent on video games, the internet or smartphones. Research indicates these novelties can trigger various psychological responses in the brain, and people grow accustomed to chasing those triggers. Incorporate other activities into one’s day so that gaming is not the end-all. People can enjoy gaming in a safe and healthy way by incorporating various wellness strategies into their gaming routines.

Individuals should use break opportunities to go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine, if possible. The light and the clean air can improve energy levels and possibly help restore focus when it comes time to return to the game. Spending too many consecutive hours in a dark room can impact the brain and may affect how people learn, according to research led by Michigan State neuroscientists. Dim lights can make it hard to retain memories, while bright light boosts infor-



Wednesday, April 24, 2019 — 15

Feel your best, starting with your stomach

Did you know that they key to personal health may begin in the core of the body? Doctors and researchers are learning more and more about how the immune system and other functions of the body are tied to microscopic players housed in the stomach and intestines. Improving this digestive environment can benefit the body in various ways.


Bodily bacteria outnumber body cells by 10 to one, offers the health and wellness resource Healthline. Most of the bacteria in the body are harmless, and many of them in the gut actually are linked to numerous health benefits, such as weight loss, enhanced immune function, reduced risk of disease, and improved digestion. Unfortunately, bad bacteria also vie for space in the gut. If the good bacteria and yeasts, or probiotics, are not in abundance

to push out the bad bacteria, like salmonella and E. coli, those bad bugs can proliferate, causing problems. It is essential to keep an abundance of probiotics available to stay healthy and maintain the “good vs. bad” balance in the gut.

GETTING PROBIOTICS While the body can be healthy without the addition of probiotics, having more can be beneficial. The Cleveland Clinic says that food and supplements containing probiotics assist the good bacteria already present in your gut. When a course of antibiotics wipes out both good and bad bacteria, for example, probiotic-rich foods and supplements can more readily replace what’s lost. Dietary sources of probiotics include some yogurts, cheeses, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, pickles, and beverages like kombucha, a fermented tea. Getting probiotics from foods is the most natural way to supplement good gut bacteria, as

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the foods meld with the probiotics in ways that doctors may never understand to deliver the most benefits. The downside is it’s impossible to measure just how many probiotics can be acquired from foods. That is what makes supplementation so handy. Capsules and tablets are loaded with a variety of different active bacteria and yeast cultures to aid the digestive system in measurable ratios. Some tout anywhere from one to 30 billion active colony-forming units (CFUs) per serving.

SIDE EFFECTS Probiotics are generally healthy for people to consume in amounts found in foods, advises the Mayo Clinic. Most healthy adults can safely add foods or dietary supplements that contain probiotics to their diets. Introducing probiotics may cause temporary and mild flatulence, discomfort and bloating. Probiotics can be yet another tool to improve overall health at any age, but especially for adults looking to minimize illness risk.



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Walk with Ease: No matter if you need relief from arthritis pain or just want to be active, the Arthritis Foundation’s six week Walk With Ease program can teach you how to safely make physical activity part of your everyday life. Studies by the Thurston Arthritis Research Center and the Institute on Aging of the University of North Carolina show that Walk With Ease is proven to: • Reduce the pain and discomfort of arthritis • Increase balance, strength and walking pace • Build confidence in your ability to be physically active • Improve overall health

Classes will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1pm-2pm starting May 6th. Contact Gloria Hodges at 304-724-7111 to register


Chronic Disease Self Management: Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is a FREE 6-Week program created by Stanford University offered through the Berkeley County Health Department. This program is an effective selfmanagement education program for people with chronic health problems. The program is specifically addresses arthritis, diabetes, lung and heart disease but teaches skills useful for managing a variety of chronic diseases. Participant will receive a book titled “Living Well with Chronic Conditions.”

Classes will be held on Wednesday’s from 10am-12noon starting May 1st. Contact Chasidy Rosa Morales at 304-728-4154 to register

16 — Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Not feeling well? Get in line before you leave the house!

;OL SHZ[ [OPUN `V\ ^HU[ [V KV PZ ZWLUK OV\YZ ^HP[PUN H[ [OL KVJ[VY»Z VɉJL ^OLU `V\»YL UV[ feeling well. CLOCKWISE ONLINE SCHEDULING allows you to get in line before you leave the house, reducing your wait time. Simply go online to to select an arrival time.

THE WVU MEDICINE URGENT CARE DIFFERENCE Clockwise Online Scheduling Reduces Wait Time

Physicianis Available at All Times

MyWVU Chart/EPIC electronic medical record system

3 Convenient Locations

HOURS 304-596-CARE (2273)

Monday-Saturday 8am-8pm Sunday Noon-8pm


912 Somerset Boulevard, Suite 102


5047 Gerrardstown Road, Suite 2A

SPRING MILLS 61 Campus Drive

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