KIMBERLEY GRANT Corruption in Black and White
What is police brutality?
“…is the use of any force exceeding that reasonably necessary to accomplish a lawful police purpose. Although no reliable measure of its incidence exists—let alone one charting change chronologically—its history is undeniably long.” (Encyclopedia)
What would you consider over use of power?
Jay-walking Michigan
- Percent of White people who report sometimes being afraid of being stopped and arrested when they are completely innocent, 200067: 14% - Percent of African-American people who report sometimes being afraid of being stopped and arrested when they are completely innocent, 200068: 36% - Percent of Hispanic people who report sometimes being afraid of being stopped and arrested when they are completely innocent, 200069: 22% African Americans answered “Yes� the most among those who participated in the survey that felt fear of having interactions with law enforcement. Factors of this can come from their personal experience as well as the way they have seen or witness other African Americans treated during interactions with law enforcement.
Data Source: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 2000, Table 2.29. (Graph: Peter Wagner, 2003)
What is racial profiling? 
Racial profiling refers to the targeting of particular individuals by law enforcement authorities based on their personal characteristics/skin color. Example: A police officer pulls over multiple people for speed, the officer has pulled them over because they were breaking the law. However, if the police officer received information that a particular race in his twenties robbed the bank. The officer may use this information to decide who he will pull over.
Does racial profiling play a role in law enforcement?
Data Source: New York Police Department data for 2010 as reported by the New York Civil Liberties Union & U.S. Census 2010 Summary File 1, QT-P4. (Graph: Prison Policy Initiative, 2012)
"Cop Attacks Man, Repeatedly Punching Him For Jaywalking". YouTube. N.p., 2017. Web. 26 Apr. 2017. "Graphs | Prison Policy Initiative". N.p., 2017. Web. 25 Apr. 2017. "Police Brutality - Dictionary Definition Of Police Brutality | Encyclopedia.Com: FREE Online Dictionary". N.p., 2017. Web. 17 Apr. 2017. Race, Killed. "Killed By Police (2 Of 3): Race". N.p., 2017. Web. 17 Apr. 2017. "SMH: Michigan Police Hold 5 Unarmed Children At Gunpoint!". YouTube. N.p., 2017. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.