How to Get a Cell Phone Contract With Bad Credit Pay a down payment Many customers with bad credit may be asked to pay a down on their contract. The price can range from $50 to $400 depending on the carrier. You get the money back with interest after waiting two years. Go through the application process to find out what you qualify for. If your down payment requirement is at the low end then go for it but if it's at the high end then move on.
Apply with various carriers If you're preferred cell phone carrier is charging you a very high down payment then apply at another company. Some carriers pick up customers that their competitors may reject. Its amazing how one carrier may classify you as a high risk but another may consider you to be a prime client.
Go with credit lenient companies Not all cell phone companies use the same process for credit checks. Each company have different standards and requirements than there competitors. It's been my experience that Sprint and T-mobile usually provide great deals for customers with bad credit. Sprint's credit requirements are the lowest of the major US carriers. Many customers who were rejected by other carriers almost always get a contract with sprint. Usually they ask for a $50 down payment but may be up to $150. Sprint has some of the lowest priced service plans in the nation that helps to keep monthly bills to a minimum.
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