Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui 2013 Annual Report

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MISSIon StAteMent to inspire and enable young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.

2012 - 2013 BoARD oF DIReCtoRS Successfully carrying out our mission is not possible without the leadership and guidance of our Board and its President, Chuck Allen. The continued support and dedication of our board allowed us to positively impact over 5000 young people in our community last year.

Chuck Allen President


Dave Jorgensen Vice President

Craig Bode

Joe Balangitao Pua Gomes Randol Leach

Chris Minford Treasurer

Chief Jeff Murray

Wally Prestidge YoutH DeVelopMent pRoGRAMS tHAt WoRK leslie-Ann Yokouchi Eileen Wachi Secretary - 5 CoRe AReAS

YoutH DeVelopMent StRAteGY Our programs and activities are designed to create opportunities for young people to acquire four basic “senses”.

At Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui, our kids gain: A SenSe oF BelonGInG knowing they are welcome, they fit in and they are accepted.

A SenSe oF uSeFulneSS feeling the satisfaction of doing something of value for others.

A SenSe oF CoMpetenCY feeling proud and confident when they acquire new skills and do something well.

A SenSe oF InFluenCe knowing their opinions are heard and valued and that they can influence decisions.


2013 Annual Report

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui

A MeSSAGe FRoM ouR CHIeFS Investor, partner, donor, supporter, volunteer, champion of youth, advocate. Regardless of how you describe your relationship with Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui, You BELONG to our ‘OHANA! Thank you for your incredible support of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui (BGCM). It is only through the ongoing commitment and generosity from caring donors like you, who understand the life-changing work we do, that our success is possible.

“to have a great community, we must develop great citizens.” As an ‘ohana, we have much to be proud of in 2013. While many organizations have spent the last year doing the honorable work of trying to ensure that we leave a better world for our children, we have worked tirelessly to leave better children for our world. With our focus on academics, college preparation, developing good character and healthy lifestyles, we are encouraging young people to realize their full potential while having fun and learning at the same time. Here are a few highlights from our 2013 accomplishments: •

100% of our core members progressed to the next grade level.

100% of our high school seniors graduated on time and with a post-secondary plan.

We served over 21,000 nutritious meals, ensuring that no child left our Clubs hungry.

We completed a strategic planning workshop, resulting in 3-year action plans for Resource Development, Facilities, Technology, Staff Development, Network Expansion and Board Development. Lead by our Board of Directors, the process engaged our organization and community at all levels.

Chuck Allen

Chief Volunteer Officer

Your support is needed more than ever. Today’s kids face enormous challenges: 1 in 4 won’t graduate from high school; 1 in 5 lives in poverty; and 1 in 3 is overweight or obese. Schools can’t fix these problems alone. Families need all the help and support they can get. Boys & Girls Clubs need your support to help combat these alarming statistics in order to provide gateways to great futures for kids. Every kid on Maui needs and deserves a safe place to learn and grow. The work that we do is essential to our community. We were reminded of our impact at a County budget hearing last year by a single mother who was waiting to take her daughter home. She had not planned to testify, but after hearing her daughter thank the County for their support, she walked to the microphone in tears and explained that the Club was all of those things that her daughter had mentioned: fun, safe, a place she belonged, but so much more. She shared that she was working two jobs and barely getting by. Thanks to the Club, she could be at work with the peace of mind that her child was not just surviving, but thriving. With your support we can do even more! There are thousands of children in our community who are underperforming in school, homeless or living in shelters, need mentors and tutoring, and who need a safe and positive place where they can just be kids. Maui’s families and kids are counting on us. It is vital that we continue to build partnerships and grow our ‘ohana so that we can expand our reach to serve all of Maui. To have a great community, we must develop great citizens. This is our kuleana, and it is what the Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui do best. We are thankful for your support, and because of you, GReAt FutuReS StARt HeRe! Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui

Colin Hanlon

Chief Professional Officer 2013 Annual Report



In every community, boys and girls are left to find their own recreation and companionship in the streets. An increasing number of children are at home with no adult care or supervision. Young people need to know that someone cares about them. Boys & Girls Clubs offer that and more. Club programs and services promote and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.

Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow – all while having fun. It is the place where great futures are started each and every day. Clubs have a lasting, positive impact on members’ lives.

As part of our healthy lifestyles priority outcome, 80 youth participated in the 1st Annual Shane Victorino Baseball Clinic in November 2012. “This was the best day ever!” reported one of our kids.


2013 Annual Report

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui




For young people to achieve great futures they must do well in school, serve their community, and take responsibility for their well-being. To achieve these results, BGCM members participate in programs in three key outcome areas: Academic Success, Good Character and Citizenship, and Healthy Lifestyles. Here is a sampling of the programs and generous partners that made our success possible in 2012-2013.


2nD AnnuAl WInDeRMeRe FounDAtIon SHARInG, SHoppInG & SYMpHonY


In December, 2012, Windermere Valley Isle Realty, in conjunction with the Windermere Foundation, hosted a fundraising event at The Shops at Wailea. The event included a silent auction, fabulous food and fantastic live entertainment, including performances by Willie K and the Maui Pops. The proceeds were earmarked to help build a Clubhouse in Paukukalo to replace the limited space they now share at the Community Center. Located on Hawaiian Homelands land, with an average daily attendance of over 125 youth, building a permanent clubhouse at Paukukalo is one of BGCM’s top priorities.


McBARnet ‘oHAnA SuppoRtS eDuCAtIon




The ongoing generosity of Maui Oil, Lanai Oil and the McBarnet family support BGCM’s College Bound program, allowing us to hire a full-time Education Director in 2012, resulting in 100% of our members progressing to the next grade level and 100% of high school seniors graduating on time and with post-secondary plans.

Once again, Macy’s provided generous support for our mission and our Clubs by raising funds through its “Thanks for Sharing” annual campaign. In addition, they helped to dress our Youth of the Year candidates by offering discounted rates on their clothing. Youth of the Year is our premiere youth character recognition program.








CountY oF MAuI, An eSSentIAl pARtneR


In December 2012, Jim Falk Motors of Maui gifted bikes to 250 of our kids at an event held at the dealership’s showroom. The bikes were a wonderful and welcome surprise for the kids, who thought they were on a community service field trip. Jim’s heartfelt and generous gift was the first new bike many of these kids had ever received.

A key community partner, the Maui Food Bank provides food to all of our Clubs. This partnership ensures that no child ever leaves the Boys & Girls Clubs without having first had the opportunity to enjoy a hot, nutritious meal and healthy snacks.


As part of an incentive travel program on Maui in April 2013, First Investors employees spent a day revitalizing the Central Clubhouse. Over 400 volunteers completed a Club beautification project, which included painting, planting a garden and flower boxes, and installing outdoor fitness equipment. Many of our youth members joined the First Investors teams, experiencing firsthand the joys and benefits of community service and volunteerism.

The County of Maui is the cornerstone of our ‘ohana. BGCM exists because of our strong partnership with the Parks Department. We enjoy a symbiotic relationship with the County. We provide essential services to Maui’s youth; four of our six Clubhouses are hosted on County facilities. 45% of our operational budget comes from County support. Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui

7 2013 Annual Report


CoMMunItY pARtneRSHIpS We are grateful to these organizations and individuals who volunteered their time, expertise and resources during the 20122013 fiscal year to better the lives of our Club members. Please forgive any omissions or errors. Megan Aberley George Akima Andrew Claydon Ralph Dinwiddie Jason Donez, T S Restaurants Lynn Donovan, Lahainatown Action Committee Oliver Dukelow Devin Eagen Ziara Emmsley, First-To-Work

Flatbread Company Maui Stephanie Gilgoff Darby Gill, A Keiki’s Dream Iolani Glass, First-To-Work Manny Guzman Haiku Community Association Haiku School Haiku School PTA Kawai Hanohano, Liko A’e Tasha Kama Hanohano, Liko A’e

Dave Horsman, Ho’opono Farms, LLC Erin Iberg, Maui Ocean Center Jerry Isdale, Maui Makers “Uncle Matt” Kailihou Lei Kamaka-Tataipu Landon Kerbow Kiwanis Clubs Captain Molly Klingman, MPD Lahaina Arts Society Maui Aids Foundation

Maui Food Bank Maui Liko A’e Kanale Mederios Jayme Mekekau George Nunes Iolani Robinson Louisa Shelton, Theatre Maui Ron and Barbara Spaulding Rotary Clubs Youth with a Mission

pRoJeCt leARn pARtneRSHIpS JR. nAtuRAlISt


As part of BGCM’s Project Learn program for youth, the Jr. Naturalist Program was developed in a new partnership with the Maui Ocean Center’s Director of Education, Erin Iberg, and the Lahaina Club Unit Director Danae Marin. Over 60 youth took part in a month-long project that focused on education, career opportunities, leadership and peer mentoring. It began with the youth spending a day with full access to the aquarium, and interacting with Maui Ocean Center’s team of Marine Life Naturalists. Club kids explored every inch of the Ocean Center as they proudly carried their “research binders and tools”, working in small groups to collect information on topics of interest.

The Lahaina Club’s weekly Chess Club Program, made possible from an Office of Justice Program (OJP) Grant, is led by wonderful volunteer and mentor Manny Guzman. Manny, who is legally blind, has volunteered at the Club for nearly a decade.

In the following weeks, the kids spent many hours at the Club compiling their data and making creative displays. At the end of the month, group members returned to the Ocean Center as “Jr. Naturalists”. older members partnered with younger


youth to interact and educate aquarium visitors with their newfound knowledge. The feedback from visitors

and the Center’s staff was very positive and the kids received many compliments throughout the day! The goal of providing a low-cost, large-scale, fun, interactive, memorable, and educational experience was accomplished. Many thanks to Erin and the entire Maui Ocean Center staff for their wonderful partnership!


2013 Annual Report

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui

Last summer, Paukukalo Club members visited Aquaponics No Ka Oi where they learned about the eco-friendly and sustainable practice of farming both fish and vegetables with aquaponics.



Fundraising Administration program

Program Administration Fundraising totAl

$1,668,372 $333,674 $10,273 $2,085,465

Facilities: In-Kind Corporations In-Kind Foundations Individuals

Government Individuals Foundations totAl

$1,574,827 $87,531 $110,500


Corporations $73,550 Facilities: In-Kind $214,057 In-Kind $25,000 $2,085,465


$5 peR YeAR $850 peR YeAR CoSt MeMBeRS pAY

ACtuAl CoSt

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui

2013 Annual Report


Meet ouR MeMBeRS


oF ouR MeMBeRS




pRICe lunCH.


lIVe In

totAl YoutH SeRVeD

60% InCoMe

loW oR


VeRY loW




1 In 5

pRoGReSSeD to tHe neXt GRADe leVel


AnD GRADuAteD on tIMe. 1 In 4 KIDS In HAWAII Won’t GRADuAte.




SeRVeD oVeR 21,000

named Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) as one of the five standout “Charity All-stars”. BGCA was ranked #1 amoung youth organizations for the 20th consecutive year.



oVeRWeIGHt oR oBeSe.

YoutH etHnICItY other

AGe GRoupS 16-19 year-olds


Hispanic Aleutian/native American African American

9-12 year-olds

13-15 year-olds


6-8 year-olds

Hawaiian/part Hawaiian pacific Islander



African American

Hawaiian/Part Hawaiian


Aleutian/Native Am. Indian 1%

Pacific Islander

(Marshallese, Samoan, etc.)


2% 11%

(Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, etc.)


2013 Annual Report


2% 5%

(Guatemalan, Mex., Puerto Rican, etc.)


Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui


6-8 year-olds


13-15 year-olds


9-12 year-olds


16-19 year-olds


DonoRS Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui greatly appreciates the loyal support of our donors during the 2012-13 fiscal year!

Your gifts help to provide a safe and positive place filled with hope and opportunity for our youth, especially those who need us most. Gifts in this report reflect donations received between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this report, we sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions. We appreciate your assistance in reporting discrepancies to the Resource Development office at 808.242.4363 x226. $100,000-$249,999 Anonymous $25,000-$100,000 The Freedman Family $10,000-$24,999 First Investors Cheryl Hafer Hafer Family Foundation James & Honey Bun Haynes Macy’s West Red Cabin Foundation Leslie-Ann Yokouchi Windermere Foundation $5,000-$9,999 Alexander & Baldwin Foundation Chuck and Sandy Allen American Savings Bank Boyce Foundation Burch Family Foundation Fergus & Company Garmar Foundation Chad Goodfellow J. Stephen Goodfellow Bill and Peggy King Maui Electric Company Valley Isle Loan $1,000-$4,999 AVIVA Bob & Tess Cartwright

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui Staff Cycle City Maui Dorvin Leis Co. Leslie Granat Foundation Haiku PTA Hale Mahaolu Alden and Beverly Harris Hawaii USA Federal Credit Union Dave and Terri Jorgensen Maui Soda & Ice Works Monsanto Thomas and Jean Muldoon Michael Nobriga Ohana Fuels O.L. Moore Foundation Old Republic Title & Escrow Rainbow Dialysis Rotary Club of Lahaina Keith Regan and Lyn Araki-Regan Bruce and Madge Schaefer Richard and Arlene Small Paul and Melinda Sullivan Walgreens Michael and Whitney White William Simon Foundation Yokouchi Foundation $500-$999 Aloha International Employment, Inc. Joseph and Janet Balangitao Jr. Gordon and Helena Brown Flatbread Pizza Goodfellow Bros, Inc.

Judge Rhonda Loo and Wendell Loo Patrick Matsui Maui Marathon Maui Master Builders Maui Petroleum NCR George Nunes Ryan Robinson SSFM International, Inc. Paul & Gwen Ueoka Eileen Wachi up to $499 Priscilla Agdeppa Thelma Akita Eugene & Beryl Bal III Claire Bediamol David & Angela Brown Stephanie A. Brown David Carter Chris Curtis Landscaping Thatcher Deane Ute Finch Foodland Give Aloha Friends of Colin Hanlon Doreen Gomes Donald Guzman Colin and Erin Hanlon Harris Hawaii Hawaiian Electric Company Charities William & Pamela Henry Kathy Jones

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui

Kai Waterman, Inc. Margaret S. King Kiwanis Tonya Kuaana Kamera Lang Susie Lauricio Kimberly Lawrence Ledee Ohana Stephen and Sherry Leis Maui Advertising Maui Estates International Mikel Jewelry Chris Minford and Dawne Miguel Minford Sheryl Miura Laureen Myers Karen Notley Dana Ollech Olinda Orchids Allan Pacela Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. Paradise Video Meikle Partin Piiholo Ranch Zipline Heather Regidor Kris Shugars Cat Thompson Mike and Joycelyn Victorino Reverend Monsignor Terry Watanabe James & Sandra Watts Jason & Christine Williams

2013 Annual Report


AARen SoRIAno 2013 Gene Freedman Maui Youth of the Year 2013 Hawaii Youth of the Year

Congratulations to Makawao Club Member, Aaren Soriano, who was named Maui Youth of the Year, before moving on to also win the Hawaii Youth of the Year title. Aaren advanced to the Regional competition, where he proudly represented his home state vying with Boys & Girls Club members from across the Pacific Region.

“When you walk through the Club doors, you can feel that everyone has respect, love and genuine care for each other.” – Excerpt from Aaren’s Youth of the Year speech

Being named Youth of the Year is the highest honor a Boys & Girls Club member can receive. As BGCA’s premier youth recognition program, Youth of the Year recognizes outstanding contributions to a member’s family, school, community and Boys & Girls Club, as well as overcoming personal challenges and obstacles. The recognition program encourages Club members to reach their full potential by achieving academic success, leading healthy lifestyles and contributing to their communities. Aaren, a student at Kamehameha Schools Maui, is an “Aha Ho’ohanohano” Member (National Honors Society of Hawaii) and holds a 4.0 grade point average (GPA). Aaren is active in Passport to Manhood (Boys Club), Teen

Keystone Club (a Club based Community Service Program), Weightlifting Club, and is an avid chess player. In the year preceded the award, he logged over 250 hours of volunteer service as a tutor in math and science during Power Hour (homework assistance) at the Club and at his school, as well as working many hours at fundraising events. Following his Kamehameha High School graduation in 2014, Aeron plans to apply to Ivy Aaren Soriano League schools and aspires to become a lawyer. Soriano and three of his peers–Tia Bright, Haiku Club; Mason Aquino, Central Club and Kalani Minihan, Lahaina Club–had the honor of representing their individual clubs and presented their speech at a public event held at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center on January 22nd. After their speech presentation they were interviewed by Judges Rick Freedman, Chad Goodfellow, Carmen Hulu Lindsey, Keith Regan, and Reverend Terry Watanabe. The winner of the Gene Freedman Youth of the Year Award was announced that Friday at an intimate dinner graciously hosted by Chef Bev and Joe Gannon at their lovely Makawao estate. The evening couldn’t have been nicer and the food was amazing! Each candidate was awarded a $1,000 scholarship and the winner a $2,500 scholarship by the Freedman family in honor of their father, the late Gene Freedman (see inside back cover). Congratulations to Aaren and all of these extraordinary young leaders. They are shining examples and living proof that great futures start at Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui.

Kalani Minihan, Aeron, Chef Bev, Tia Bright and Mason Aquino.


2013 Annual Report

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui

Gene FReeDMAn – A SpeCIAl FRIenD AnD GReAt pHIlAntHRopISt The late Gene Freedman was an accomplished business leader, a great philanthropist, and a special friend of the Boys & Girls Club movement. Gene was the founding Chairman and former President and CEO of ENESCO Group, Inc., a global leader in branded gifts and collectibles markets, including the Precious Moments line of figurines. Gene served on numerous boards of prominent charitable organizations, including the Boys & Girls Clubs National Board of Governors. Gene’s business acumen and his dedication to giving back to the community resulted in his being honored with a multitude of prestigious awards, including the United States Congressional Ellis Island Medal of Honor and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s highest honor, The Herbert Hoover Humanitarian Award. Gene loved Maui and our local Boys & Girls Clubs. He cherished the beauty of Maui and the time he spent working with organizations here. Gene was especially fond of the Boys & Girls Clubs Youth of the Year competition and served on the National Elections Committee to determine the National Youth of the Year. So it is fitting that the Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui Youth of the Year competition bears his name. The perseverance demonstrated by Youth of the Year candidates embodied Gene’s motto that “the best is yet to come.” We honor Gene and thank the entire Freedman family for their continued visionary and selfless support of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui and our kids.

Gene with wife Ruth

“the best is yet to come.” –Gene Freedman

BGCM CVO Colin Hanlon and Rick Freedman present Aeron with Youth of the Year award.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui

2013 Annual Report


JoIn uS onlIne!

100 Kanaloa Avenue | Kahului, Hawaii | Main: (808) 242-4363 | Fax: (808) 249-0255 |

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