The Limners and Bards Annual Report - 2019

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To become the #1 integrated advertising agency and production company in the region, recognized and respected internationally.

MISSION To create WOW work on time.





We value the systems, and structures that have been put in place for the benefit of each person and the organization.

Our work is our legacy and the calling card for new opportunities still yet to be discovered.

C R E AT I V I T Y We aim for the WOW in everything and unapologetically deliver ideas that shake things up.

PA S S I O N We have a crazy energy that thrives under pressure, because we’re obsessed with delivering the WOW.

A C C O U N TA B I L I T Y Our work is our legacy and the calling card for new opportunities still yet to be discovered.

GOOD VIBES We work hard and laugh harder. Choosing to see the positive side of every challenge, because only with a "good vibe" perspective can you truly see the possibilities.


01 Vision, Mission & Values



Financial Highlights

Board of Directors



Our Business in Brief

Senior Management



Notice of Annual General Meeting

Corporate Data



Chairman’s Message

Disclosure of Shareholdings



CEO’s Message

16 Company Highlights

Management’s Discussion & Analysis



Director’s Report

People and Culture



Corporate Governance

Corporate Social Responsibility

17 Audited Financial Statements

18 Form of Proxy














ABOUT THE COMPANY The LAB is a strategy to execution full-service advertising agency and production house. We operate as three distinct business units: Production, Advertising Agency, and Media. Production is our core service, we conceptualize, script, project manage, shoot and edit video productions for both corporate and entertainment clients. The Advertising Agency arm is concerned with a integrated marketing solutions for brands, and our Media arm builds and executes airspace buying and placement strategies. 
 The Company’s three (3) main service groupings are as follows:

Click the video to learn more about the LAB. See how we got started 12 years ago, hear what our clients have to say about their LAB experience and find out where we are going next.




Brand Analysis and Strategy

Media Strategy & Development

Creative Direction

Creative Concept Development

Media Investment Management

Film and Video Production

Campaign and Promotion

Media Planning

Production Management

Development Branding & Design

Media Buying



Audio Production

Innovation Sessions

Motion and 3D Graphics Equipment Rental


Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the First Annual General Meeting of THE LIMNERS AND BARDS LIMITED (“The LAB”) will be held on Friday, 24th April, 2020 at the The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel at 10:00 a.m., to consider and, if though fit, the passing of the following resolutions: 1. Audited Accounts Resolution No. 1 – Directors’ Report, Auditors Reports and Audited Financial Statements THAT the Audited Accounts for the year ended 31st October 2019 and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors, circulated with the Notice convening the Meeting, BE AND ARE HEREBY received and adopted. 2. Dividend Resolution No. 2 – To ratify the dividend paid on 31st January 2020 as final for the year ended 31st October 2019. THAT as recommended by the Directors, the final dividend of $0.02 per stock unit paid on 31st January 2020 BE AND ARE HEREBY ratified and declared as final and no further dividend be paid with respect to the year ended 31st October 2019. 3. Retirement and Re-election of Directors Article 101 of the Company’s Article of Incorporation provides that at every Annual General Meeting one-third of the Directors are subject to retirement for the time being, or, if their number is not three or a multiple of three, then the number nearest to one-third, shall retire from office. The Directors retiring under this Article are Mr. Michael Bennett, Ms. Maxine Walters and Ms. Tashara-Lee Johnson, who all being eligible, offer themselves up for re-election.

Resolution No. 3 – The retirement and re-election of Directors Resolution No. 3a “THAT Mr. Michael Bennett be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company”. Resolution No. 3b “THAT Ms. Maxine Walters be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company”. Resolution No. 3c “THAT Ms. Tashara-Lee Johnson be and is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company”. 4. Directors’ Remuneration Resolution No. 4 – Directors’ Remuneration THAT the amount shown in the Audited Accounts for the year ended 31st October 2019 as fees to the Directors for services as Directors BE AND IS HEREBY approved. 5. Appointment of Auditors and their Remuneration: Resolution No. 3 – Appointment of Auditors and their Remuneration THAT Hall Wilson and Associates, Chartered Accountants of 52B Molynes Road, Kingston 10, having signified their willingness to serve, continue in office as Auditors of the Company, until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting, at a remuneration to be agreed with the Directors. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD

Michael Bennett COMPANY SECRETARY Dated 18th February 2020


Click the video here to watch our Chairman’s message.

Jamaica is on the cusp of its first major industrial revolution since independence, and it is with an up-close understanding of the business arena that I am proud to say The LAB is establishing itself as a true leader and innovator. As local businesses face off in the global marketplace, we have established a data-driven and strategy-based foundation that can provide support for local and regional brands to remain relevant and top of mind in the global economy. The LAB has been responsive to the market's rapid expansion and has raised the bar on delivering high-quality advertising and strategic support to some of the nation's leading brands. The Jamaican economy continues to improve, having recorded Gross Domestic Production (GDP) growth of 1.9% for 2018. This growth has been supported by historically low interest rates, controlled inflation and relative stability of the Jamaican Dollar. Further, with unemployment down to an historic low, the business sector is growing, and our performance proves that we are growing right along with it.

Supported by international award-winning productions, bolstered by solid growth strategy, we are on track to meeting our vision of becoming “the #1 integrated agency in the region and recognized and respected internationally.”

Since listing the Company's performance demonstrates what happens when a talented team is backed by effective leadership. The LAB broke records in the uptake of its IPO listing . The team delivered a 52% rise in net profits to its shareholders. The effort put in by our dynamic, multifunctional team has allowed the Company to record revenues of J$631.8 M and to increase shareholders’ equity by 189.9% all within its first listed year. While the LAB continues to build and strengthen mutually beneficial partnerships with its clients, we are mindful that our business must remain flexible to suit the rapidly evolving needs of industry. For this reason, we have taken an aggressive approach to building out our business infrastructure, putting proven systems in place in order to prepare our team to meet the rise in the demand for creative services. As The LAB forges a path toward a vibrant and energetic future for the local industry, we look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead and remain committed to assuring confidence and maximizing wealth for all our shareholders through prudent and strategic oversight and management.



As we reflect on the trajectory of The LAB I am proud to say that our team's outstanding work over the years laid the foundation for our historic listing. In July 2019, we became the first advertising agency and production house to be publicly listed on the Jamaica Junior Stock Exchange (JJSE). Interest in our business model was strong, and with support from a wider demographic of investors, our IPO was met with a record-breaking oversubscription of more than 360%. The LAB listed at a price of JMD$1 per share, which near quadrupled within two weeks of listing, and continues to perform positively, holding the confidence of our shareholders. It is noteworthy that our LAB staff purchased shares and became part owners of the company, confirming not only that we stand by our work, but that our team is fully invested in their own success. Our team continued to be ground-breaking, this year winning regional gold, and our first stateside silver award in the American Advertising Federation or “ADDY” Awards. Our work was also acknowledged locally, winning gold in the single platform creative category at the RJR/Gleaner Group Awards. The Company's winning streak spanned both our creative output and our management systems, as The LAB's entrepreneurial structure was recognized in our receipt of both the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Entrepreneur Award and the Anthony Sabga Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence. These landmark achievements are a testament to our team's talent, capabilities and our commitment to excellence.

In a year of tremendous change our team's readiness to embrace new ways of working while remaining focused on achieving stated objectives such as the acquisition of new clients, greater share of wallet of our existing client base and other key performance indicators is to be applauded. The result has been undeniable success in all critical areas including shareholder equity, annual revenue, gross and net profits. As we move towards even greater Caribbean expansion, more aggressive new client acquisition, increased share of wallet of our existing clientele and an expanded range of services in digital media; we are ensuring that we have the right mix of creative talent so that we continue to deliver insightful advice and to bring valuable services to market. For this reason, we are bolstering our HR practices with a two-pronged approach. Under the guidance of our human resource consultant, we are applying the best strategies in employee recruitment and retention while investing in enriching and engaging learning experiences for our team that will allow them to offer the best solutions to our clients. I would like to share my heartfelt gratitude to our team for their focus, tenacity and, their tireless efforts, which have yielded these strong results. I would also like to acknowledge our clients, and thank them for continuing to place their confidence in us. The LAB continues to strive toward our vision of producing world leading work, while providing continuous value to all our stakeholders. While we continue to evolve according to the rapid pace of our market, we have built a strong foundation and I am confident that we will continue to inspire our team to “Create Wow work on time� to meet the needs of our clients and create greater profit for our shareholders. The Sky is the Limit!



The Directors take pleasure in submitting their report for the year ended 31st October 2019. The financial results for the year ended are shown in the table below: 2019




Profit before Taxation






Income for the year



Earnings per stock unit




Net Profit being total comprehensive

Details of the results for the year were approved by the Board on 13th December 2019 together with the previous year, is set out in the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income on page 6 of the Audited Financial Statements. Dividends Post the end of the financial year, the Company declared a final dividend of J$0.02 per share to all shareholders on record as at 3rd January 2020, subject to compliance with applicable laws. The ex-dividend date is 2nd January 2020.

Directors Since the Company listed its shares on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on July 26, 2019, the Board of Directors met on 4th September 2019 and 13th December 2019 respectively. The Directors of the Company as at 31st October 2019 are: Mr. Steven Gooden – Chairman Ms. Kimala Bennett – Executive Director Mr. Michael Bennett – Executive Director Ms. Tashara-Lee Johnson – Executive Director Mr. Douglas Lindo – Independent Member Ms. Rochelle Cameron – Independent Member Ms. Maxine Walters – Independent Member Auditors Hall Wilson & Associates, Chartered Accountants of 52B Molynes Road, Kingston 10, St. Andrew signified their willingness to serve as Auditors of the Company for the next financial year. Acknowledgement The Directors wish to express their thanks to management and staff for their performance and dedication to the Company and congratulate them on their achievements during the year under review. Also, the Directors appreciate and wish to thank all shareholders and clients for their continued partnership and support to the Company. Dated 20th February 2020 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD

Mr. Steven Gooden Chairman, The Limners and Bards Limited


The Limners and Bards Limited (“The LAB”) was incorporated in Jamaica under the Companies Act. On February 25, 2019, the Company was re-registered as a public company and its shares were listed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on July 26, 2019. The principal activities of the company is a strategy to execution full-service advertising agency and production house. We operate as three distinct business units: Production, Advertising Agency and Media.
 The Board of Directors of The LAB recognizes the importance of developing a strong corporate governance structure and is dedicated to doing so. To achieve this, the Board ensures that The LAB strives to:

Be compliant with all the applicable legal and regulatory requirements under which it carries out business;

Implement systems, policies and procedures that promote good corporate governance;

Foster good work ethics and principles among management and staff;

Be transparent and accountable to shareholders and stakeholders to fulfill its social responsibilities.

The LAB’s Corporate Governance Policy and Terms of Reference for the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee were reviewed and approved by the Board at its first Board Retreat held on January 25, 2020. The Board commits to reviewing these policies annually to ensure that they accord with applicable laws and regulations as well as reflect local and international best practices for corporate governance.
 Board Responsibility
 The Board of Directors’ primary obligation is to provide guidance and directives to management that will ultimately result in strong oversight and increase in stockholders’ value. At all times, Directors are expected to act in the best interest of the Company in the exercise of their judgement, which must be independent and sound business judgement. The Board is ultimately responsible for all policies and operating procedures that the Company implements in carrying out of its business and must hold management and itself accountable.

The Role of the Board of Directors are, but not limited to: •

Evaluating the performance of the Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and the Company Secretary and members of the Senior Management Team;

Selecting, evaluating and fixing the compensation of Senior Management of the Company and establishing policies regarding compensation of other management personnel;

Reviewing succession plans and management development programs for Senior Management;

Reviewing and periodically approving long-term strategic and business plans and monitoring corporate performance against such plans;

Reviewing the major risks facing the Company and overseeing strategies to address these risks;

Adopting policies of corporate conduct, including compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, maintenance of accounting, financial and other controls, and reviewing the adequacy of compliance systems and controls;

Evaluating the overall effectiveness of the Board and the individual directors on an annual basis;

Reviewing succession plans for the Directors of the Company on an annual basis.

The Role of the Chairman of the Board of Directors is to preside over meetings of the Board of Directors and ensure the smooth functioning of the Board in the interest of good governance. The Chairman’s responsibilities include: •

Providing overall leadership to the Board without limiting the principle of collective responsibility for Board decisions;

Determining, in conjunction with the Managing Director and the Company Secretary, the development of an annual work plan for the Board against agreed objectives and goals as well as playing an active part in setting the agenda for Board meetings and annual Strategy Retreats;

Acting as the liaison between the Board and management and particularly between the Board and the Managing Director, ensuring that all Directors have a constructive role in the affairs of the Company and taking a lead role in recommending the removal of nonperforming or unsuitable directors from the Board through the Annual Board of Directors Evaluation Exercise;

Ensuring that the relevant information is presented to the Board to enable Directors to arrive at informed decisions;

Participating in board discussions regarding succession planning for the Chairman of the Board, recruitment of new directors and the management of succession planning;

Participating in board discussions on establishing performance goals and assessments of the Managing Director in meeting agreed targets and overseeing succession plans for key senior management roles;

Performing representative duties on behalf of the Company including external communication with Regulators and other stakeholders as required;

Chairing the Annual General meeting of the Company and fielding questions on the Company’s performance.

The Role of the Managing Director is to advise and support the Board of Directors. The Managing Director is to provide the board with upto-date information, make recommendations for new board members, participate in board orientation and self-evaluation. The Managing Director responsibilities include: •

Collaborating with the Board of Directors and keeping them advised and informed on the strategic direction of the company and being the intermediary between the Board and the Team. This requires the Managing Director to attend board meetings and meet with the Chairman or other Board Directors as needed;

Being responsible for leading the development and execution of long-term strategies with the goal of increasing shareholder value;

Maintaining awareness of the competitive market landscape, expansion opportunities and industry developments while assessing associated risks to the Company and ensuring they are monitored and minimized;

Recommending to the Board yearly budget for approval and prudently managing organization’s resources, the annual budget, manage financial and physical resources and ensuring that the organization is in continual compliance with current laws and regulations;

Overseeing design, marketing, promotion, delivery and quality of programs, products and services;

Leading and manage the Team effectively in accordance with predetermined Performance Measures and Job Position Description;

Alerting the Board in advance of any forthcoming complex, contentious, sensitive issues or corporate decisions as soon as possible prior to regularly scheduled board meetings.

Board Composition As at 31st October 2019, the Board is comprised of seven (7) members, namely Mr. Steven Gooden (Chairman), Ms. Kimala Bennett (Managing Director), Mr. Douglas Lindo, Ms. Rochelle Cameron, Ms. Maxine Waters, Mr. Michael Bennett (Company Secretary) and Ms. Tashara-Lee Johnson. Of the Company’s seven (7) Directors, there are four (4) Independent Non-Executive Directors. A Director will not be considered independent if: •

The Director has been an employee of the Company within the last five (5) years;

The Director is affiliated with a company that acts as an advisor or consultant to the company or its related parties, or is and has acted in such capacity at any time during the past five years;

The Director has any personal service contracts with the company, its related parties or its senior management at any time during the past five (5) years;

The Director receives additional remuneration from the Company apart from Director’s fee and any performance related pay scheme;

The Director is employed as an executive officer of another company where any of the company’s executive serve on that company’s Board;

The Directors represents a significant shareholder;

The Director is a member of the immediate family of any individual who is, or has been at any time during the past five (5) years, employed by the company or its related parties as an executive officer.


The Board members are experienced and respected individuals from varied backgrounds and professions. The expertise of the Board members to support and challenge management is reflected in the table below.

Expertise Independent (I)/Executive (E)/Non-Executive (NE)

Steven Gooden

Kimala Bennett

Michael Bennett

Rochelle Cameron

TasharaLee Johnson

Douglas Lindo

Maxine Walters








Advertising and Production Industry General Management

Strategic Management

Finance & Accounting

Brand & Marketing


Risk Management


Board Committees The Board’s three (3) established Committees are as follows: i.

The Audit Committee


The Remuneration Committee


Corporate Governance Committee

Audit Committee The Audit Committee is made up of three (3) members, namely Mr. Douglas Lindo (Chairman), Ms. Rochelle Cameron and Ms. Maxine Walters. Two (2) members form a quorum and meetings are held quarterly and/or when deemed necessary to do so. The Audit Committee met twice since the Company listed its shares, this was on 3rd September 2019 and 9th December 2019. The Audit Committee plays a critical role to the Board in overseeing the financial reporting and the auditing process of the Company’s financials. The Committee’s roles and functions entail: •

Reviewing the unaudited quarterly financials and audited financials;

Monitoring and ensuring that the integrity of the financials is maintained;

Ensuring that proper accounting standards are complied with in the preparation of the financials;

Ensuring internal controls and systems are in place to identify and contain business risks.

During the financial year under review the Audit Committee: •

Reviewed and recommended to the Board the approval of Unaudited Financial Statements for the nine (9) months ended July 31, 2019;

Reviewed and recommended to the Board the appointment of the external auditors Hall Wilson & Associates, Chartered Accountants;

Reviewed the audited financials for year ended 31st October 2019 prepared by the external auditors, Hall Wilson & Associates;

Recommended to the Board for approval a final dividend payment of $0.02 cent to all shareholders on record as at 3rd January 2020 paid on 31st January 2020.

Recommended to the Board for approval a Capital Expenditure budget of J$54 million for the fiscal year 2020.

Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee has three (3) members, namely Ms. Rochelle Cameron (Chairperson), Ms. Douglas Lindo and Ms. Maxine Walters. The Remuneration Committee: •

Designs and determines the remuneration of the Chair, Directors, Executive Directors and Senior Management;

Reviews pay principles applied across the Company, base pay, benefits and all incentives and aspects of financial and non-financial reward that are performance base;

Takes steps to counteract the risk of incentives that are detrimental to the long-term success of the Company;

Exercises discretion to ensure the remuneration outcome for individual directors are reasonable and reflects the individual’s contribution.

This Committee did not meet during the year under review. Corporate Governance Committee The Corporate Governance Committee has four (4) members, namely Mr. Steven Gooden (Chairman), Ms. Rochelle Cameron, Ms. Kimala Bennett and Mr. Michael Bennett. The Corporate Governance Committee: •

Carries out periodic reviews of the Corporate Governance Policy and principles;

Reviews and approves timely disclosures to its Stockholders/Stakeholders and other regulatory bodies as required by the JSE Junior Market Rules;

Ensures a formal and transparent compensation/remuneration policy for Executives, Directors and Senior Management;

Monitors as appropriate, Directors’ orientation to update the skills and knowledge required to fulfil their roles both on the Board and Committees;

Reviews strategies, performance and resolves disputes speedily; and

Reviews the Insider Trading Policy and quarterly Directors and Senior Management Disclosure of shareholdings.

This Committee did not meet during the year under review.


Board Appointment, Rotation, Retirement The appointment of Board members is governed by the Company’s Articles of Incorporation. It states that the Directors shall appoint any person to be a Director, either to fill a casual vacancy or as an addition to the existing Directors. The Director appointed shall hold office only until the next Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election. Rotation and Retirement Board rotation and retirement is also governed by the Company’s Articles. At the first Annual General Meeting, one-third (1/3) of the directors shall retire. The Director who has been in office longest, since their last election or appointment, shall retire. However, retiring directors shall be eligible for re-election or re-appointment. A Board member may resign or retire at any time by providing the Chairman with a written notice of resignation. Director Orientation At its first Board of Directors’ meeting as a publicly listed company, held on 4th September 2019, the Board of Directors participated in an Orientation Session on Directors’ Responsibilities under the Jamaica Stock Exchange Rules and the Companies Act of Jamaica. The Session highlighted inter alia that the Board of Directors shall act with due skill and care to: (a) promote the commercial activities of the Company; (b) ensure the compliance and other applicable legal requirements of the Company; and (c) establish adequate procedures, systems and controls for the purposes of: •

the good standard of corporate governance;

good fiscal discipline on financial reporting; and

the making of public announcements and timely disclosure.





Gooden Steven Gooden is the Chief Executive Officer of NCB Capital Markets Limited, which under his leadership has expanded into the southern and eastern Caribbean via the establishment of hubs in the Cayman Islands, Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados. Steven’s ascension to executive management was at 26 years old when he was appointed General Manager for one of Jamaica’s leading fund management companies. In 2009, he rejoined NCB Capital Markets as Vice President, Investments and Trading where he successfully integrated the investment management functions of the Group’s subsidiaries with combined assets exceeding US$2 Billion. Steven is a holder of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, has a master’s degree in Finance and Economics and a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Accounting. He has also participated in executive development courses at Chicago Booth and Wharton Business schools covering strategy, change leadership and mergers & acquisitions. Steven sits on the board of directors of several companies within the NCB Group, the Jamaica Stock Exchange Limited and the Caribbean Mezzanine Fund Limited. Additionally, he is the Chairman of NCB Global Finance Limited


and NCB Capital Markets (Barbados) Limited as well as President of the Jamaica Securities Dealers Association.


Bennett Kimala Bennett is CEO and founder of the LAB with over a decade of experience in the film production and advertising sector. Kimala holds a bachelor’s degree from Mount Holyoke College and is currently pursuing an Executive MBA at the Jack Welsh Management Institute. She sits on several boards and is a member of the Grace Kennedy Innovation Council. Kimala is a published author specializing in entrepreneurial manuals such as ‘Starting a Business in Jamaica” and “The Young Entrepreneurs’ Handbook”. She is also a recipient of the PSOJ '50 Under Fifty Business Leaders Shaping Jamaica's Future Awards’. The film director turned entrepreneur was named the 2019 Anthony Sabga Laureate for Caribbean Excellence in Entrepreneurship.



Bennett Michael Bennett is a local legend in the music and entertainment industry. Michael is known for his philanthropic music ventures including coordinating the two year USAID funded FiWi programme at the University of Technology Jamaica which taught musical skills as well as entertainment management and entrepreneurship. Michael holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from NCU and is the owner and Creative Director of the renowned Grafton Studios, which has nurtured acts from JC Lodge to Chronixx. Michael has received countless awards for his musical work including the 2018 Iconic Mentorship award from the Jamaica Reggae Industry Association (JaRIA). He has produced national projects including the Jamaica 50 Anthem and the Heart of Jamaica Album for J. Wray and Nephew.



Walters Maxine Walters is one of Jamaica’s most respected filmmakers with over 25 years of experience as the island’s go-to film partner for high budget international projects. Her brand has built a reputation for providing worldclass filmmaking in the Caribbean. Her company is credited with work for brands such as Virgin Media, Puma and Gatorade. Maxine is known for bringing Hollywood to Jamaican film, creating exposure and on-set training opportunities for local film crews. She has made her mark in various parts of the entertainment sector and is one of the founders of Reggae Sunsplash. She broke ground being credited as associate producer of the American TV show “Going to Extremes”, the first Jamaican to do so in the US space.



Johnson Tashara-Lee Johnson is the General Manager of the LAB where she has been a team member for 3 years, and plays a key role in the strategic growth and dayto-day operations of the Company. She holds a bachelor's degree in Media & Communication with a minor in International Relations from The University of the West Indies and has completed a course in Leadership at the Jack Welch Management Institute. Having served primarily in production management roles in previous jobs, Tashara has extensive international experience with campaigns, commercials, feature films, and documentaries. Some of these include King of the Dancehall by Nick Cannon, Hooked by Max Emerson, Flight by Kia Moses, and OTR II Beyonce and Jay-Z. She recently represented Jamaica at the Black Women Film Network Festival, as the producer of “Flight� which won the Audience Award, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography as well as the overall top prize. The film has also been recognized by the Cannes Film Festival.



Cameron An attorney-at-law with over 20 years at the Jamaican Bar, Rochelle is a former Crown Counsel with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Jamaica. She has served as Vice President of Legal and Regulatory for Flow Caribbean and Company Secretary of Cable & Wireless Jamaica Limited and its subsidiaries. Her blend of business acumen and organizational skills allows her to be a valuable contributor on various private and public sector boards. Ultimately, however, she is focused on the development of people and is committed to helping organisations create an enabling environment in which colleagues are engaged and motivated to tap into and unleash their brilliance. In keeping with this passion for mobilizing people beyond their perceived limits, Rochelle has also served as the Assistant Vice President of Human Resource Development and Public Relations at the Jamaica Broilers Group. She is the founder and CEO of Prescient Consulting Services Limited a firm which


supports organisations with the development and execution of impactful legal, people and communications strategies. She is also the co-founder of Ready to Emerge Limited, an organisation focused on personal and professional development. In addition to her legal training, Rochelle holds a Master of Business Administration in International Business, from the Mona School of Business and Management, and is a former lecturer at the institution. Ms. Cameron is a John Maxwell certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker.


Lindo Douglas Lindo is the co-owner, and Managing Director of Bellindo Ltd., one of the country’s leading manufacturers of designed metal products for the commercial and residential sectors. He is also a member of the adjunct faculty of the University of the West Indies, Mona School of Business and Management, where he co-ordinates and lectures the module on New Ventures and Entrepreneurship and provides consultancy services on a range of entrepreneurship related projects through his other company – Windward Holdings. He has also owned and managed businesses in the agriculture and beverage manufacturing sectors. Over the last twenty years, Douglas has held senior executive positions both in the private and public sector. He has provided consultation services to the Government of Jamaica, overseas


investors with business interests in Jamaica, and a range of locally based entrepreneurs. Douglas is a recipient of the PSOJ '50 Under Fifty Business Leaders Shaping Jamaica's Future Awards’ & the 2012 Young Entrepreneur Award, given by the Young Entrepreneurs Association in recognition of his contribution in the field of entrepreneurship.








Natassia Benjamin is an accounting specialist with over seven (7) years of

Tashan Hendricks has eight (8) years of experience in the creative industry

experience and has a background in auditing. She holds certifications in the

having worked with a range of local agencies. Tashan holds a bachelor’s

Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)levels 2-4 and Association of

degree in Entertainment & Cultural Enterprise Management from the

Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Level 1. Natassia’s range of experience in

University of the West Indies and several certificates in event marketing and

accounting also includes her course certification in Forensic Accounting from the

management. She has worked with the LAB for a total of three (3) years during

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica (ICAJ). She joined the Company in

which she has also acted as a copywriter and account executive. Tashan has

2017 and has proven herself to be a strong asset to the Company.

led the creative conceptualization of over 100 projects with the LAB, and draws on her experience in artiste and event management to guide the Company’s creative talent.







Dexter Musgrave has over ten (10) years of experience as a creative lead in the

Samantha Whyte has over fifteen (15) years of experience as a media buyer in

field of advertising, working with agencies across the region and in the United

the advertising arena, working with local and international agencies. She has

States. Dexter has worked with the LAB for two (2) years as both creative

worked with the Company for the last three (3) years. Samantha graduated cum

director/strategist and consultant. He has brought his creative thinking to

laude from University College of the Caribbean with an associate’s degree in

brands like Digicel, Scotia Bank, Cable & Wireless and international brands like

Business Administration. She also holds certificates in Media Planning from the

Nestle, and Coca Cola. Some of his most notable creative campaign

Advertising Agencies Association of Jamaica (AAAJ) and Caribbean School of

achievements have been the Digicel “Be Extraordinary” launch in the Trinidad,

Media and Communication (CARIMAC). Samantha has worked on large media

Guyana, Barbados and St. Lucia markets. Dexter has conceptualised, written

executions including the local campaign launches of Red Bull, and the National

and directed commercials that have received local and international awards by

Health Fund, as well as the brand transition from b-mobile to LIME, and the

such bodies as the Advertising Agencies Association of Trinidad and Tobago,

rebranding of RBTT to RBC. Her international work includes campaigns for

(AAATT), the Caribbean Advertising Federation (CAF) and the American

Nestle in Trinidad and Europe. Samantha has received certificates for

Advertising Federation (AAF).

outstanding contributions in media from both the Jamaica Observer and the Sunday Herald.







Colleen Corke-Campbell has over eight (8) years of experience in client services, entertainment and project management. Colleen graduated

Tricia Knott-Francis has over fifteen (15) years of experience in event and film

from the University of the West Indies in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in

production and has worked with the Company for ten (10) years. She is at the

Entertainment and Cultural Enterprise Management and holds a CAPM

core of the production department, managing executions for the full range of

certification in Project Management. Colleen has led and overseen some

the Company’s clientele with a team of some 100 crew members. Her talent

of Digicel’s biggest projects in Jamaica and the region, as well as

and comprehensive experience bring a level of capability and energy to the film

coordinating production’s, from concept to execution, for large brands.

production services for the Company. Tricia has a solid reputation for efficiency

She is a skilled task manager and has efficiently managed several

having managed several multi-million-dollar budgets for both local and

concurrent accounts for household names including HiLo and GK

international productions. Productions include NCB Capital Quest and JPS

General Insurance.

PowerSmart Energy Challenge reality TV shows, Digicel Set For The Summer and Grace Flava with a Beat, to name a few.



Executive Directors

Kimala Bennett Tashara-Lee Johnson

Non Executive Directors

Steven Gooden Michael Bennett Maxine Walters Rochelle Cameron Douglas Lindo

Registered Address

Blaise Industrial Park Unit #4 69-75 Constant Spring Road (876)908-4080

Primary Bank

Sagicor - 6C Constant Spring Road - Half-Way Tree

Secondary Bank

National Commercial Bank - Knutsford Boulevard

Company Auditors

Hall Wilson & Associates – 52B Molynes Road (10)

Company Attorney’s

MH&CO – 7 Barbados Ave Ron Young – 1D-1E Braemar Avenue Unit 14 Braemar Suites


Shareholding of Directors, Senior Managers and Top Ten Shareholders as At October 31, 2019




Kimala Bennett




Tashara – Lee Johnson







Tricia Knott – Francis



Randy Rowe



Natassia Benjamin



Tashan Hendrick



Colleen Corke – Campbell





Kimala Bennett Private Company Limited



NCB Capital Markets (Cayman) Limited



Tashara – Lee Johnson



ATL Group Pension Fund Trustee Nominee Ltd



Tricia Knott – Francis



Pankaj Ashok Bhatia



Randy Rowe



Douglas Orane



NCB Capital Markets. A/C 2231



Pentannual Holdings Limited




Steven Gooden





 For the financial The Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) for the Limners and Bards Limited should be read in conjunction with the Historical Financial Data set out elsewhere in this Annual Report.

THE COMPANY The LAB is a full-service and fully-integrated advertising agency and film production company. We provide services to our clients through our three (3) main business segments; Production, Media and Agency. We currently have clients across several sectors ranging from the telecommunications, financial services, food & beverage, gaming and sports, government, education and non-profit industries.

On July 28, 2019, we became the first advertising agency and film production company to be listed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JMJSE) after a successful IPO that opened and closed on July 17, 2020.

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS For the financial year ending October 2019, The LAB continued along a path of increased profitability and revenue growth. Revenue and net profits grew by 30.77% and 52.05% respectively. Shareholder equity also increased by 189.9% to $356 million, up from $233.2 million year over year and return on average equity delivered to shareholders was 26.6%. Revenue During the year 2019, we generated significant increase in revenues of $148.66 million to $631.8 million relative to the prior year. This was attributable to significant growth in our key business lines; production (up $70.1 million or 45.13%), media (up $61.2 million or 26.53%) and agency (up $17.1 million or 17.77%).

The growth in revenue was also positively impacted by our executing on our strategies of growing share of wallet from our existing clients by seeking to deliver greater value and services to meet their needs. Also, we improved our client acquisition and took significant steps on our regional expansion and product diversification. The team acquired new business from the Southern Caribbean and intends to use this as a spring board for further client acquisition across the region. Profitability Gross profit increased by 39.37% or $64.0 million relative to the previous year. Also, our net profit was $94.7 million which was $32.432 million higher than the previous year. As mentioned earlier, the company was listed on the JMJSE during the 2019 financial year. A key benefit of listing on the JMJSE is that the company eligible for a remission of income tax if certain conditions were achieved after that date of initial admission. Our net profit therefore reflects taxation incurred prior to our listing. (Return on equity for the year was 26.6% and ) earnings per share increased from $0.08 (diluted) to $0.12. There was dilution resulting from the issuance of new shares by the company that were sold during the initial public offer (IPO) which opened and closed on July 17, 2019. Total assets The statement of financial position reflects an increase in total assets to $488.5 million from $243.1 million or 100.92 % higher than the prior year. A larger cash balance of $291.5 million compared to $61.8 million in the prior year is mainly attributed to the proceeds of the IPO. Total liabilities Total liabilities grew at a much slower pace to $132.4 million compared to $120.3 million in the previous year. Strategic investments made to strengthen core areas of the business did not require the company to increase its liabilities. We therefore remain relatively liquid closing the year with a cash balance of $291.5 million.


Operating revenue Cost of operating revenue Gross profit Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

Administrative, selling and distribution expenses: Administration expenses Selling and distribution Impairment losses on financial assets Profit before net finance cost and taxation Finance income Finance cost Net finance cost Loss in value of investments classified as FVTPL Profit before taxation Taxation Net profit being total comprehensive income for the year

October 2018 $ 483,190,186 (320,508,814) 162,681,372 (1,454,543) 161,226,829

October 2019 $ 631,851,040 (405,120,730) 226,730,310 226,730,310

(81,653,011) (559,516) (82,212,527) (315,591) 78,698,711 413,610 (2,578,386) (2,164,776) 76,533,935 76,533,935 (14,220,077) 62,313,858

(115,147,066) (2,085,598) (117,232,664) (448,216) 109,049,430 3,310,594 (4,823,174) (1,512,580) 107,536,850 (85,958) 107,450,892 (12,704,654) 94,746,238

Statement of Financial Position Non-Current Assets Current Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets

October 2018 91,580,148 151,568,847 243,148,995 70,573,841 49,753,732 120,327,573 122,821,422

October 2019 101,176,006 387,346,912 488,522,918 82,577,260 49,885,949 132,463,209 356,059,709

October 2018 25.63% 33.67% 12.90% 2.15:1 8c 50.1%

October 2019 19.39% 35.88% 15.00% 4.69:1 12c 26.6%

Ratios Return on assets Gross profit margin Net profit margin Current Ratio EPS ROE

700,000,000 631,851,040

525,000,000 483,190,186



350,000,000 291,073,155








Five Year Trend
 Over the past five years, we have delivered significant growth in revenues moving from $360.5M in 2015 to $631.8M in 2019. This level of growth has been relatively consistent with the exception of 2017 where revenues fell by 19.80% as a result of the company taking a strategic decision to focus on retooling and training in preparation for the next phase of our growth. Since this, time however, we have been repeating the rewards of our decision as our revenues and profitability have consistently exceed the prior years.


 We are pleased to advise that on ‌December 13,2019 our Board of Directors approved a resolution to declare a dividend of 2 cents per ordinary share. This dividend was paid to shareholders on January 31, 2020. OUTLOOK In or to continue executing on our key strategic goal of regional expansion, we have expanded our team to reflect this new focus. Our brand, insight strategist and one of our creative leads are of regional heritage bringing solid exposure and experience in working in the regional marketplace. We are proud to say that their contribution has already borne fruit as we have already been able to take our first bold steps into this competitive landscape by the securing of contracts with two Trinidadian companies. The worldwide advertising market is estimated to be valued at over US$550 billion. It is our opinion that based on the borderless nature of our business and our qualified team, structure and unique capabilities, the Lab is positioned to acquire a share of this mega market. Accordingly, we are guided by international best practices as we seek greater market share. In order to ensure that we continue on the right path, we have contracted the services of a consultant who has vast experience in scaling global agencies with success. Market expansion must be matched by the retention and growth of key talent. For this reason, a human resource consultant, who has successfully molded corporate cultures for several blue chip companies, is ably leading the creation of our systems, standard operating procedures and our people culture. In equal measure, we have invested in comprehensive project management technology allowing us to increase efficiency, track profitability, and monitor workflows. We are now able to engage more heavily in data driven decision making which will ultimately increase our competitiveness. This year, 2020, will mark our entrance into the Digital Marketing space for which we are currently developing an innovative suite of services. To this end, we are engaged in research and consultations to ensure that our foray into the market will be well-timed and profitable.


 The positive macroeconomic climate supported by strong consumer confidence will continue to encourage business investment and business expansion, both of which will require quality advertising support and will represent additional revenue opportunities.

Our high performance, client-oriented culture, and reputation of producing “wow work on time”, combined with deep cross-sector experience in areas such as telecommunications, fast moving consumer goods, wines and spirits and financial services will continue to give us a clear competitive advantage in the growing marketplace.

The risk mitigation strategy employed is centred on market diversification and talent management. Although we have leveraged opportunities for growth in multiple markets from inception, in 2020, we will be taking a more deliberate approach to deepen regional and international revenue streams while still paying careful attention to our core clientele in Jamaica. Revenue inflows are also carefully monitored to ensure that no one client represents more than 30% of our revenue base.

Creative talent is central to our success and so through an internship programme and partnership with CARIMAC - the Caribbean's leading media educational institution – new talent is identified and nurtured,

Team engagement and development are key areas of focus in our retention strategy.


Collaboration is intrinsic to a culture such as ours that recognizes that good ideas can come from anywhere. Therefore, our executive team, our elite team of creatives and our tribe of freelancers are all invested in the learning and sharing of new ideas and best practices. These, they are invited to share at our Monday morning meetings that ensure that we all begin the week on the same page.

While active self-directed research is encouraged, we have also invested in international conference attendance and training for our creatives and agency heads, thereby exposing our team to leading market trends and opportunities to foster their networks with like-minded professionals.


Today, we seek to balance our creative prowess with a top tier talent in human resource development who has helped us to place adequate focus on critical areas such as HR policy development, evaluation and retention strategies, redundancies and succession planning. In so doing, we ensure that our team remains strong and able to deliver. Of equal importance, is the fact that our team members know that they can grow as the LAB grows and that we are providing them with support to develop the

Collaboration is intrinsic to a culture such as ours that recognizes that good ideas can come from anywhere.

necessary skills for it.

Sustaining an intense, high performance culture such as our own requires a strong spirit of camaraderie. With our annual retreat, birthday club, 5K participation and celebratory events, we ensure that together we work and together we play so that when the time comes we continue to produce “WOW WORK ON TIME!”


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4 1. General Manager Tashara-Lee Johnson attended the Agency Management Institute (AMI) Conference in Chicago to update her business expertise and



assist in transferring knowledge regarding raising the profile of our brand. 2. Jamaica Stock Exchange conducts a training session with the LAB team to ensure that our employees are educated on laws, regulations and company policies that apply to our business. 3. Director Rochelle Cameron speaks at our 2019 Company Strategic Retreat. 4. Creative Director Tashan Hendricks attends the ADWEEK conference in New York to learn more about trends in the industry.



Jamaica Observer, Wednesday, September 11, 2019, pages from 45 to 45

Nurturing new talent One of the areas of which we are most proud, is the nurturing of creative talent. Success in this space demands a disciplined approach to learning and application. For this reason, we provided three students in need from the Caribbean School of Media and Communication (CARIMAC), UWI, Mona with scholarships and internships in the 2019 fiscal year.

Supporting activism through film The cost of equipment rental is prohibitive and so it can be a deterrent for filmmaker activists. For a few well-designed projects that are socially impactful, we are able to waive the rental charges for film producers who are working on verifiable community based initiatives.

Supporting miles of smiles for the special needs community As a long standing partner with Digicel, we supported the work of its foundation especially as it relates to those with special needs. For the third consecutive year, our team participated in large numbers in the Digicel 5K and we facilitated the coverage and promotion of this worthy cause.





On July 17, 2019, The LAB made history as the first Advertising and Film Production Company to have listed on the Jamaica Junior Stock Exchange, further diversifying the types of companies listed by the JSE.

Twe l ve ye a r s p r i o r, t h e fo u n d e r s commenced operations with J$20,000.00 and a Mac computer. The Company ended the 2019 fiscal year with revenues of $631.8 million dollars and pre-tax profits of $107.4 million dollars. The LAB’s record breaking IPO was oversubscribed by 360% and yielded a raise of J$189,138,050.

20 P R O J E C T S



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2019 saw a marked increase in the scale and scope of the campaigns undertaken by The LAB. This increase indicates the growing confidence in the agency. Take a look at some of the work we did! 1.

Digicel Business Essentials


Digicel “Saucy Summa"


Grace Christmas


NCB Fifa World Cup


JPS "Powering What Matters “

3 5

8 6








Grace “Good Food Dem”


NCB Mortgage “Open the Door"


Zoomers “Zoom Into Fun”


GK "Real Recognize Real"

10. NCB Summer “Live Free” 11.

10 11


Digicel “Nuff Winnin’ Nuff Givin'”


BEHIND THE SCENES Members of the LAB team at work on a few of our projects from 2019.

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The LAB received 3 ADDY Awards for 2019 for its work on Grace Christmas, Grace Nannyville and NCB MPOS.


Our innovative approach to entrepreneurship was recognized by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for which we copped the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Entrepreneur Award.


The LAB was the recipient of the 2019 RJR Gleaner Communications Group Single Platform Creative Award for our work on NCB MPOS.


Regionally, we were awarded the prestigious Anthony Sabga Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence.







I/We_____________________________________________________________________________________________ of

being member/members of THE LIMNERS AND BARDS LIMITED (“The LAB”) hereby appoint ______________________________________________ of _________________________________________________ or failing him The Chairman of the Board of The Limners and Bards Limited. as my/our proxy vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Friday,

Please indicate with an X in the space provided how you wish your proxy to vote on the Resolution referred to. Unless otherwise indicated, the proxy will vote as he thinks fit.




RESOLUTION NO. 1 Directors’ Report and Auditors Report and Audited Financial Statements RESOLUTION NO. 2 To ratify the dividend paid on 31st January 2020 as final for the year ended 31st October 2019.

RESOLUTION NO. 3 Retirement and Re-election of Director Resolution 3a “THAT Mr. Michael Bennett be and is hereby re-elected a Director of the Company”. Resolution 3b “THAT Ms. Maxine Walters be and is hereby re-elected a Director of the Company”. Resolution 3c “THAT Ms. Tashara-Lee Johnson be and is hereby re-elected a Director of the Company”. RESOLUTION NO. 4 Directors’ Remuneration RESOLUTION NO. 5 Appointment and remuneration of the Auditors

Signed this _________ day of _____________________________________, 2020 Signature: ___________________________________


24th April 2020 at 10:00 a.m. at The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel and at any adjournment thereof.





This Form of Proxy must be lodged at the Registered Office of the Company not later than fortyeight (48) hours before the meeting.


Any alterations in this Form of Proxy should be initialed.


In the case of joint holders, the signature of one holder will be sufficient but the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of other joint-holders, seniority being determined by the order in which the names


stand on the register. iv.

If the appointer is a Corporation, this Form of Proxy must be executed under its common seal or under the hand of an Office or Attorney duly authorized.


An adhesive stamp of $100.00 must be affixed to the Form of Proxy.

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