Masters of Architecture (MArch) Academic Portfolio

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A C A D E M I C P O RT F O L I O ARC8067 15/17



PREFACE This portfolio document includes a selection of work from the masters degree and has been ordered in a chronological order to which the work was undertaken providing the reader with a perspective of conceptual design exploration, development, and accumulation of ideas. The RIBA criteria has been marked at the beginning of each project to reflect which RIBA criteria it covers and is cataloged at the beginning of the document for ease of navigation.


CONTENTS RIBA Criteria Essay to the Portfolio

5 6

Architectural Design: City as Platform Hybrid Objects

11 25

Accelerated Route: Sustainable Buildings & Environments Banqueting Hall Refurbishment Sunderland Hospital Refurbishment Urban Design Essay Engineering Quarter, Newcastle University

55 63 71 77

Architectural DesignThesis: Research & Experiments Thesis Proposal Architecture & Construction Essay

87 88 115

Article 25 Selected Bibliography

156 160







GC1.1 GC1.2 GC1.3 GC2.1 GC2.2 GC2.3 GC3.1 GC3.2 GC3.3 GC4.1 GC4.2 GC4.3 GC5.1 GC5.2 GC5.3 GC6.1 GC6.2 GC6.3 GC7.1 GC7.2 GC7.3 GC8.1 GC8.2 GC8.3 GC9.1 GC9.2 GC9.3 GC10.1 GC10.2 GC10.3 GC11.1 GC11.2 GC11.3 GA2.1 GA2.2 GA2.3 GA2.4 GA2.5 GA2.6 GA2.7







There is a disassociation with users from the natural processes in their environment that in earlier times dictated the flux of life and this alienation has slowly worsened over the last century. As the urban environment is increasingly being shaped by technology, urban design should avoid the misconception that dealing with our environment is merely an engineering problem to be overcome by more technology. Currently, designing to meet people’s desires the goals are economic rather than environmental or social which is not appropriate or efficient at the expense of the natural environment.

In Jane Jacobs’ 'The Death and Life of Great American Cities' (1961) she describes that trust in a community can develop over time from respected everyday trivial interactions, it would create a sense of ownership and involvement. Building trust and ease of communication with others and to take better care of your own property is to help better and take pride in your local community. My approach to this has included a proposal providing a community with tools and access to education for designing their own environments. As well as participating in community lead initiates and decision making that would directly affect them in the virtual reality design centre for the City as Platform project. This proposal was questioning material perception with the users, with the aim at looking to bring users awareness to the choice and input they have in their own environments and the connecting web of other design principles and professionals that comes with it.

We cut down our forests, blow up our land, leak oil and pollutants into our oceans, release toxins into our air and cause extinctions of other species. There have been many attempts to highlight the issue of the creation of waste and related issues of consumption, such as infographics and info leaflets, websites and shocking adverts. However, each person is creating so much waste every day. We produce and consume more and more stuff every day that we don’t even need, this attitude not only applies to stuff we consume but to the building industry as well.Yes, recycling is a part of the solution but it is still a highly resource and energy intensive process we need to reduce our consumption and reuse what we already have.

In the proposal for the Art Museum Archive for the Hybrid Objects module the material perception was angled at how the architecture can influence the perception on how users view material objects, the accumulation of perceived value on materials and their meaning. Social interaction with art is telling on the social expectation that is put upon the art to reflect history. Art museums serve as repositories of the real, housing beautifully crafted artefacts that embody lasting values and collective memories (McClellan, 2008).Visiting these museums, we see ourselves in a larger flow of human experience. The outcome of this is that upon returning from an art museum we return at a different angle, changed somewhat, resourced, and renewed.

I have always believed in the accessibility and exposure of comprehensive information, as good communication can limit the anxiety we feel towards change in our environment. It can enable the acceptance of new methods of using technology, inspire people into taking action and to be keener to engage with their own environments. On a material level, understanding even a little of something, creates appreciation for it rather than being ignorant to its capabilities and boundaries. Respect and understanding of materials would lead to the reduction of waste and increase the reuse, repurpose, and recycle of products for the built environment and in turn reduce fossil fuels used to create products for our built environment and harm the planet.

The mechanism used in this proposal, to retrieve the art from storage for public viewing, was to entice an increased engagement from the user with their environment. The art storage prompted concern in the viewers towards dealing with the accumulation of human progress and process, whether it was deemed worthy to be stored and cataloged in this scenario between everything else that wasn’t. This lead on to questioning the intensions of making things visible or purposefully invisible, whether this is referring to products and storage or to the layering of our environments, physical or digital, which refers back to City as Platform.

Throughout the masters degree, there has been strong themes of interrogating user awareness to the make-up of their surroundings and understanding the approaches to providing opportunities to the users of becoming a part in shaping their own environments. 6



my early stage design development allowing me to incorporate sustainability throughout this process to make sure end designed building is more efficient regarding energy consumption and material use.

The culmination of my lines of inquiry and extensive research whilst studying architecture is the thesis proposal where it has taken what I have learnt previously and started to look at methods of educating users with these principles I have collected.

Doing analysis by using specialist environmental simulation programs to support this knowledge has strengthened my arguments and reasoning behind the design elements I am proposing. This has also ensured a conciseness eradicating guesswork when providing refurbishment proposals to improve the efficiency of energy consumption and comfort levels with the utmost consideration to the existing building.

The Waste Palaces’ educational aim was to redirect the perceived idea of waste and to treat waste as a resource which was the fundamental principle for moving away from the current linear to a circular economy. The proposal’s function was to express an appreciation of and extoll the possibilities of these perceived waste materials and their uses upon being recycled and transformed on site, where the whole process was visible to the visitors.

To support my learning on the masters course extracurricular activities have aided in continually developing my personal interaction with real projects and working with professionals keeps me up to date with current methods of practice.

Rob Greenfield (2016) (image to the right) was an inspiration during this project because of his ongoing unique approaches to environmental activism and that he shows that there are many ways you can make a difference on many levels through methods of education. He demonstrates that the issues we are facing are not just about consumption but about waste prevention, questioning the potential of lifestyle and behavioural adjustments that affect consumption, and people’s perception of materials and energy.

One of these activities has been a founding role in creating an Article 25 student branch at the university and I held the role of treasurer. Article 25 is a global NGO enabling the right to shelter by providing building solutions all around the world. To support this mission locally I have personally organised lectures by inviting specialists to the university. I have also arranged trips to sustainable sites enabling other students to widen their education areas on this topic and similar interests to support a more sustainable understanding for the students’ current projects and future ones.

The built environment is in constant transformation and the product of an ongoing, never ending design process in which the environment transforms part by part to adapt. The city’s role in this cycle is to bequeath future generations with a resource bank from within the buildings themselves.

Another ongoing project I am a part of is with the East Midlands Earth Structures Society. The society promotes sustainable earth structures as a viable material for current use and documents historic examples of earth buildings in the area. My participation in the society is with a current project to experiment with earth as a material and applying it in modern construction and architectural styles to bridge the gap in the perception of earth as a historic building material and extoll its possibilities in modern day uses.

When considering preparing for the future, Mitchell Joachim (2017) addresses issues that we are currently experiencing and approaches them looking at life cycle assessment when we reach materials and buildings in the future. He questions what the term sustainable really means, and when thinking about designing cities blends the science and social requirements of the current problems.

My aims for the future include campaigning for material use change and to promote awareness of the invisible issues by using exposed conceptual approaches to tackling issues for all to see. I also want to look into and improve accessibility of expressing different materials appropriateness and efficiency of use. By doing this I can show that there is not only one way of using architecture to address and educate in these issues. It’s how we make it relatable or personal to the community users, local and global communities and that raising awareness is only the first step to changes that are needed to reduce waste causing harm to all ecosystems.

These and many other influences have all enforced by my own beliefs on respecting materials, their embodied energy and their place in historical context with an overarching relation to their position in architecture. The Waste Palaces proposal’s main aim was to expose the whole life cycle and creation process of products of many materials to the visitors. Exposure to the fundamentals and honesty of materials lead to the respect and understanding of them and for the users to become fully aware of their consumption. Providing people with knowledge and understanding leads them to maintain products, increase their reuse and repurposing and inevitably reduce what was originally perceived as waste. All of the architectural design projects have aligned most to the RIBA criteria of GC5, “of understanding the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment, and the need to relate buildings and the space between them to human needs and scale” and GC8, “Understanding of the structural design, constructional and engineering problems associated with building design. To gain the experience and education needed to one day educate others on the issues of sustainability, I took the Sustainable Buildings & Environments modules alongside the architectural design modules. These modules have supported 9


Architectural Design Stage 5 module ARC8054: City as Platform Virtual Reality Design Centre, Rotterdam, Netherlands













1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The proposal is for an urban design and educational facility for the local community using augmented reality headsets as the main tool for design, exploration and communication.

Our experiences in the city and our choices that we make in it are affected by mobile communication, pervasive media, ambient informatives and other situated technologies, ‘The Situated Technologies Pamphlet’ series. They propose a new generation of architecture that responds to building occupants and environmental factors that have embraced distributed technical systems as a means and end for developing more mutually enriching relationships between people, the space they inhabit and the environment.

Following James Corner's 'The Agency of Space' I found new routes of interest in the area of analysing the spaces that we inhabit, in terms of considering not only the visible but the invisible layers, digital and influential. I was particularly interested in one of the methods of mapping, described as ‘game-board’ mapping introduced by Bunschoten, when exploring the Rijnhaven basin in Rotterdam. He describes a shared working surface upon which various competing constituents are invited to meet and work out their differences which are continually being reworked into a variety of urban spaces. His approach is aimed at playing out a range of urban futures by first identifying the players then potentially redirecting or ‘stirring’ the various forces as each strategy unfolds and becomes interwoven with other strategies in reaction to changing interests and situations.

How a space is interpreted and used by individuals can be different for everyone depending on the frequency of use or personal meaning to that individual. This opens up the question of how to provide a space that all can use and create a sense of shared ownership when they use that space. In Cedric Price’s 'Fun Palace' he believes that through the correct use of technology the public could have unprecedented control over their own environment, resulting in buildings that could be responsive to visitors needs and the many activities intended to take place there creating a space with the ability to enable and facilitate change in the changing world.

I have always believed in the accessibility and exposure of comprehensive information, as good communication can limit the anxiety we feel towards change in our environment and can enable the acceptance of new technology, inspiring more into taking action and to be keener to engage in their own environments. On a more material level, understanding even a little of something, creates appreciation for it rather than being ignorant to its capabilities and boundaries. This respect would in turn reduce waste in the energy used to create products and our built environment.

On the more negative side of technology being a key tool used for information extraction and communication, Baudrillard claimed that 20thC communication and information technology have produced a blur between reality and representation that they can no longer be distinguished, describing that cities in the future will exist in both a physical and digital form. To bridge the two together augmented reality can be used as a tool to allow the exchange to exist without detracting from the physical by overlaying the digital onto it.

In Jane Jacobs 'The Death and Life of Great American Cities' it describes that trust in a community can develop over time from respected everyday trivial interactions, it would create a sense of ownership and involvement.

There was a lot of group work at the beginning to define what we thought a platform was and created a scenario to create our own proposals in. The individual proposal is for an urban design space for the local community. It provides a tool that can give the public direct interactive control over their environment as well as a group communication tool expressing ideas and designs in a way that everyone in turn can interpret and respond to in the same way.The educational side of the proposal is to enable the local community in the initial stages of approach and being enabled to use the platform to raise an issue they might have or communicate a concern regarding their local environment.

However it is harder to create this environment in the technological led displaced world that Jacobs is suggesting. ‘The City as Interface’ dissects how today we live as networked individualised-city dwellers that are part of a large number of networks that only partly overlap, geographically the distance between worlds could be small or large but symbolically it can be the opposite. Moving away from urbanistic projects as authoritative parts towards practices of self-reflexive organisations. 11

MONEY=SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY Individual research undertaken towards understanding what a platform was including looking at existing similar socioeconomic community platforms.



There are continuous advances in information technology with an ever growing awareness of money not being as neutral and as fixed an element in the fabric in society. It means different things to different people and different types of people all questioning money.What is money? Where does it come from? How did it evolve? Who created it and control it? Why do we never seem to have enough?

Strengthening networks between independent businesses and individuals Enabling members to exchange with other members and professionals, providing a better understanding of local circuits and put faces to products and services that are available Organic growth which relies on adherence to a framework for expansion within which customisability exists. COUNTERING INEQUALITY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION

This realisation opens the door to many new possibilities addressing prosperity, sustainability and well being through monetary design.

• •


Time based currencies was popularised in the 1990’s by Edgar Cahn who first coined the phrase ‘time-dollar’, who pivoted values of solidarity, equality and respect around his practice and ethos. Their explicit aim is to support and build more equal, connected and sustainable societies and for their design to be used by a specific group.

Creating a network of trust, a basis of social life It will increase social inclusion and gives an incentive for people to help other members of their community Allowing all to face the challenges of the development of the local economy together ADDRESSING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS

• • •

Moving away from a physical money systems that only relies on endless economic growth Reward waste reduction, mobilise investment for renewable energy or building public support for local chains To be sustainable means to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Rijnaven will be based on a TIMEBANK SYSTEM where 1 hour* = 1 Tijd (1T)

Key Features & Understanding that could benefit Rijnhavans’ local economy by implementing a community lead currency using the four main grouping in use today broadly covering social, economic and environmental objectives. DEMOCRATISING SERVICES AND ORGANISATIONS • • •

The system explicitly values the contribution people make to their work Allows all to understand resources and services in their area Creating local bound currencies gives an unparalleled insight into how your own economy works and how the money shapes the economic power in the area

*1 hour is an hours work of any profession is equal to a unit of time. In a real scenario in this system a mediator would be necessary to quantify the worth of 1 hour worth against another in a different profession. In this scenario it will be based on a bartering system due to the hyper-local scale and geographical proximity of the area we will be realising this theory. 12


The process* of implementing the community lead currency into Rijnhavans

Stage 5: Building Once a value was agreed upon a launch of the currency would be implemented. The denomination of the time based currency is 100% exchanged on a digital system with no physical elements. This will support the ethos of the labour exchange system being an exchange of time rather than stuff. The Tijd system will be as well as a physical currency like the Euro.

Stage 1: Exploration The system would provide an alternative economy based on a local currency to stimulate spending within the area and allows the owners of the currency to regulate goods and services for trade.

Stage 6: Circulation

The Rijnhavan area would use this system to link the variety of existing businesses more efficiently, raising awareness by mapping an accessible digital and physical platform creating a recognisable community that may not currently be obvious geographically.

Once the currency was in circulation, forward data-collection and monitoring of the chosen key performance indicators is crucial. Experience and feedback from the participants need to be collected on a regular basis to understand the currencies strengths, weaknesses and developments over time.

Stage 2: Implementation

Stage 7: Evaluation

The use of a time based labour exchange has been tested in a real scenario analysing our studios working ability, efficiency and connectivity specifically looking at networking and proximity. This has corroborated our understanding on how a community based currency system would work on a hyper-local scenario but has also highlighted that the worth of the Tijd is very specific to the network of individuals in each system.

Using the results of the test scenario and the pilot run of the time based currency in the Rijnhavan area, this continually developing process can be periodically reviewed to help new businesses and individuals who are wanting to join. It will also be used to analyse how to expand and get involved with outside participants who are not necessarily geographically local to the area.

This would mean that for the system to effectively work with the potential users of the system constantly changing and also what was being offered or requested the worth of the Tijd would need to reviewed periodically to ensure trust and value were maintained. Because of this understanding the worth of the (Tijd) as an time based currency and how it would translate would need to be implemented and tested in the Rijnhavan area with the businesses and individuals wanted to use the system. Stage 3: Feasibility The Tijd currency would be used in the Rijnhavan community to alleviate some of the fees and operational costs imposed by the council for providing some of their services that we think we can manage more effectively and cost-efficiently ourselves. These examples of services would be based together in the Tijd Building, the base hub of operations the area. Stage 4: Planning The Rijnhavan Platform play an active role in creating and establishing new businesses by providing a real life incubator for ideas.


“A platform enables user-defined outcomes and encourages innovation. Platforms are indiscriminately accessible and non-perscriptive, but use parameters to facilitate and anticipate action. They evolve through feedback, resulting in connections amongst users and platform.�

Platform Definition

An outcome of our group collaboration is the definition of what a platform is.


Platform research outcome An outcome of our group research, definitions and scenario settings on platforms was to present it on another platform in the form of a newspaper.


Physical Platform Proposal Whilst creating our definitions of the digital socio-economic platform other examples of platforms were proposed into the physical realm that our own individual proposals could feed into.


The farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, mulloscs, aquatic plants & ornamental fish in a controlled environment. Empowering the local residents of the Katendrecht area to produce their own food and learn about producing food leading to respect for sourcing of foods and reducing food waste. The existing north tip of the Katendrecht lends itself to a closed in aquafarm where the water in/out lets can be controlled and has automatic access to transport to the rest of the basin and further out.


Pet- Architecture is a discipline dealing with construction on gaps between inner-city buildings. Maybe an interested builder will turn up on Tijd app, then an idea, a design and somebody can move from the street into a nice new home!




The public space we defined in our group is at the corner of the harbour area, which is also a floating platform for the public activities. By making this floating platform, we aim to enhance the connections between water and urban fabric, meanwhile, to create diverse spaces for the public.

The k inetic energy of walk ing or dancing people converts into electricity. E nergy generated can be stored in batteries to utilise at the Tijd advertisment installations. Anyone can join to generate energy and earn some T’ s!


Group Platform Connectivity Identifying each individual proposals connection to each other in the platform

The proposal in context and reflection to the basin


Group Experiment To test our proposal for the social-economic platform of sharing time worked we experimented on the group during group activities

Rijnhaven will be based on a TIMEBANK SYSTEM where 1 hour* = 1 Tijd (1T)

We all produced a skills sheet of what skills we offered to the community then during out group activities we all logged how long we spent on certain activities and the output that was produced from the time spent on it. The two graphs below show worth of currency per A4 sheet of work produced compared to total output compared to time.

*1 hour is an hours work of any profession is equal to a unit of time. In a real scenario in this system a mediator would be necessary to quantify the worth of 1 hour worth against another in a different profession. In this scenario it will be based on a bartering system due to the hyper-local scale and geographical proximity of the area we will be realising this theory.

Time per A4 X = T/H x 100

Relative Time X = R/H x 100

Where T = 1 A4 sheet of work R = relative time taken per sheet H = total amount of hours worked


Group Platform Connectivity Identifying each individual proposals connection to each other in the platform physically


Casual design stations and seating



Design Proposal Exploded axonometric for the community design and education centre. The proposal relies on virtual reality head sets (ref to visuals on the left) to manipulate virtual environments in a physical connecting setting.

Cluster of design stations

Third Floor

Cluster of design stations Public consultation room Rentable offices Meeting room Rentable offices Classroom spaces for schools

Toilets and storage

Second Floor Casual design stations and seating Cluster of design stations

Auditorium (upper level) Rentable offices Meeting room Rentable offices Classroom spaces for schools Casual design stations and seating

First Floor

Link to the existing tram station (bridge over the main arterial road)

Main public consultation room Auditorium (lower level)

Seating looking out into the basin

Accessible design stations

Ground Floor

Entranceway and advertising boards for skill sharing



Architectural Design Stage 5 module ARC8054: Hybrid Objects Art Storage Facility, Rotterdam, Netherlands













1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The aim of the studio brief is to create an architectural response to the complex space that exists between the viewer and objects in the form of an art depository in Museumpark, Rotterdam.

of human experience. The outcome of this is that upon returning from an art museum we return at a different angle, changed somewhat, resourced, and renewed. In an archives ontology, produced by the containment between artwork and documentation, the human impulse to collate is fulfilled through technology to catalogue and record everything. Susan Stuart (2007) describes how by doing this it replaces history with classification, which in turn replaces a sense of time with blurring the boundaries of space with it, a tension between private and public.

Human beings strive to achieve grand ideas, with hope and faith in what they aim to do. But if their work falls short or fails they can spiral or plummet into pits of despair. Locking themselves away in prisons of their own creation. Like a purgatory until by their own hand or with the help of others, they can once again be raised back into the light and regain hope. These prisons we create for ourselves are dark places where we get lost, fester and decay much like in Piranesi’s art showing the tragic dreams we are all capable of being trapped in. The richness of Piranesi’s imagination and the formal qualities of his work allowed him to suggest those tragic dreams that underline human existence.

This proposal of a depository for artwork, for whatever reason the art is deemed unworthy to be displayed in the grand rooms of the museum lit and shown for all to see but instead it’s locked away in boxes and cages in dark rooms. Their only hope is that they will have a time of relevance so they can be released. This is shown like a divine hand coming to grab them and travel back into the light, released from their purgatory.

The personal aims of this studio were to understand the perspective we have of our surroundings, how we react to them and how architecture can influence that perspective. John Berger (2008) in ‘Ways of Seeing’ states that we are never just looking at one thing but always looking at the relationship between things and ourselves.

The main function of this proposal is a limited access depository facility with automated retrieval viewing rooms accessible to the public. The secondary function is the shipping, handling, and documentation facilities to distribute the art work to other locations to be exhibited. Other facilities are restoration/ conservation workshops, with the opportunity for private collectors’ storage.

There are comparisons to art work in storage to human beings in prisons throughout this proposal. This is because there are several similarities between prisons and art museums which were also taken into consideration when designing and they helped me to identify attributes used in describing the functions of spaces. Some of the similarities were their shared agendas of accumulation when assimilating the guilt and culpability of the convicted in much the same way art museums presume the value of the work they exhibit. As well as how they manage this visual hierarchy, what is seen, by whom, and in what sequence and circumstance, and their architectural attributes when communicating their function. Social interaction with the art is telling on the social expectation that is put upon art to reflect history. Art museums serve as repositories of the real, housing beautifully crafted artefacts that embody lasting values and collective memories (McClellan, 2008).Visiting these museums, we see ourselves in a larger flow


The Artefact The Drawbridge by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1761) Seventh print in a sixteen set of drawings titled Carceri (The Prisons) currently being held in the Boijmans Museum depository.


Realistic Perspective

Realistic Recreation By recreating the original drawing it created a physical space to be immersed in between the viewed and the viewer. From metaphysical to physical - A CAD model was created to mimic the viewpoint of where the original drawings was taken from. By recreating the drawing into a physical manifestation it highlighted how much the original environment is impossible, the lighting source, shadows, scale, perspective lines, levels and access routes.



Realistic Site Plan Realistic Axonometric



Pivotal circulation

The movement through and between the antechambers accessible to the public will be that of entering a prison, being aware of the security and organisation of the collection in storage but not so much of a deterrent to prevent people wanting to visit the art.

To control the limited access facility a central pivotal circulation system will be implemented which will also be visually controlling in the understanding of the access routes and extent.

Thick walls using obvious routes of access building up a sense of expectation of grandeur.

Key design considerations and how the artefact will inform the program of the depository


Levels of access and the associated lines of view

Private vs public accessibility

The inaccessible threshold between the public and private zones should still be visible to gain the sense of scale of the art in storage and the realisation of the social failure and/or immense number of public art hidden from sight.

The threshold between public and private zones will aesthetically appear different to that of the public to public thresholds, again to reinforce the control of the collection but with a gradient to show that it is accessible in other ways than physically being immersed.

Adding to this sense of inaccessibility of the aforementioned considerations floor levels, zones and access routes will be visible but unreachable, very much like that of metaphysical prison of Piranesi.


Group Five Photography & Film (4.2%)

Group Three Accessories (13.8%)

Group One Prints and Drawings ( 45.6%)

Group Two Pottery and Sculptures ( 25.7%) Group Four Paintings ( 12.6%)


Analysis - Existing Boijmans Collection

Comparison between Prison and Art Museums

The diagram represents the breakdown of all 17,000 pieces in the Boijmans collection, the information was taken from their current online catalogue.

Similarities between prisons and art museums considerations •

To collate the collection into manageable groupings to be stored in the proposed depository the collection was then put into 5 sub groupings that require the same or similar micro climates.

• •


The hierarchy of the storage chambers in the depository was taken from an OMA study of a the Koepel panopticon prison in the Netherlands staging the history of prison reform architectures. During this study they proposed that the work should be held in a Cartesian grid similar to how the inmates were held – age, term of confinement, and security risk.

Share agendas of accumulation-assimilate the guilt and culpability of the convicted in much the same way art museums presume the value of the work they exhibit Logistics of visual hierarchy How they manage this visual hierarchy- what is seen, by whom, and in what sequence and circumstance Both grapple with how to simultaneously secure their contents and showcase them Architectural attributes Sheer facades Repetition Theatricality Body-space Scopic regimentation

Differences between Prisons and Art Museums •

This dueled with the grouping of the micro-climate considerations will be how the art is ordered in the chambers.

• • • •

Object Type Security risk = delicacy

The obvious distinction between holding objects and prisoners-physically and psychologically Thickness of perimeter Requisite of lumens of light Modulating size and proximity Role of the audience to the incarcerated

Other direct comparisons during research of Newgate Prison and Kimballs Art Museum

Time period Terms of confinement = frequency of request

• • • • • •

Nationality Age = geographic displacement


Cells-art storage chambers Tap room – restoration/conservation workshops Private and public executions – private collectors exhibitions Exercise room – outside space for the sculptures Turnkeys accommodation – staff facilities Sessions house – discussions (meeting rooms) about the collections to be exhibited elsewhere Visitors room – where the art (prisoner) comes to the visitor

Programme Diagram Informing the programme and connection between the facilities in the depository based on the requirements identified during the research on what an art museum storage facility needs.

A multi-layered collection storage system and how it protects the collection Packaging/wrapping materials: Quality materials that cover and/or support the object inside of its container/housing Container/housing: Container housing the object such as a box, tray, or other fully enclosed container. Equipment/storage furniture: Storage furniture housing the object. Room/environment envelope: Walls of the room and environment immediately enclosing the collection. Building/facility envelope: Exterior (outside/external) walls of the structure housing the collection. A multi-layered collection storage system and how it protects the collection Source: NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (2012)


This page is left blank intentionally 35

Site Plan

Contextual placing of the extension from the museum was important to show growth of the collection 36

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Public Private

New Connection from the Boijmans Reception Cloakroom Viewing Rooms Group Viewing Rooms Private Collectors Viewing Rooms Public Sculpture Yard Circulation

OuterArt Storage Chambers InnerArt Storage Chambers Oversized Storage Chamber Photography & Film Storage Chamber Inspection & Data Collection Offices Restoration & Conservation Workshops Circulation

GA of Ground Floor Plan

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Intentionally differentiating from the public and private areas 37

A Selection of the Environmental Analysis Environmental Analysis of the site and external facade was important to ensure the most efficient materials were chosen to house the collection and provide a consistent internal environment.


100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

Annual exposure (%)to the direct solar gain

Environmental Analysis

The image above shows the annual analysis shows that the flat roof is exposed most of the time to direct solar gain which is to be expected.

Below is a condensation Analysis of the external wall. All of the internal environment data were set to 19 degrees and 55 RH. The results showed that the proposed external wall of the depository will be prone to condensation forming when the external temperature is below 0 degrees which only occurs 2.4% of the year. However this is where a vapour barrier has been placed to prevent further development or damage to the collection.

But due to the nature of the facility the roof will have a light extensive green roof to act as a thermal mass buffer. The wetting of the roof if even more likely to deflect the solar gain so sprinklers will be installed to make sure that even during the warmer summer months the internal micro climates can be protected against the worst of the external environment.


Lighting Strategy The storage chamber lighting will be off most of the time only switched on to a low level when human access is required for maintenance purposes. The low level lighting in the art circulation corridors will be on a gradient from lightest towards the central public zone and darker towards the storage chambers doors. This is to prevent the art nearest the doors from being constantly being exposed to light. It is also to give the illusion that the art is coming out of the dark depths of purgatory into the light of hope.

Heating and Ventilation Strategy Due to the nature of the proposed building a more in depth analysis was undertaken into the micro climate of storage chambers to ensure the safety of the collection. Primary Plant room

An air conditioning HVAC system will be used solely provided by boilers to control the temperature of the storage chambers. The strict requirements of the storage chambers means that by having one system instead of two (heating and ventilation separate) that the temperature can be provided without finding the inbetween that may be hard to maintain if one factor if affected externally. Air heat exchange units will be used (on the roof) to reduce the demand on the finite energy supply. All of the storage chambers will be monitored and reported back to the monitoring station.

Decentralised plant room


Art retrieval system Overhead conveyor track system, a detailed breakdown of the components and overall strategy below.


1 - Structural steel frame 2 - Straight rail, available in different lengths 3 - Corner joints 4 -Turntable 5 - Automatic open/lock snap connector crossing fire door thresholds 6 - Change in level rail 7 - connector bracket to structural steel frame 8 - Art retrieval pulley 9 - Art retrieval pulley - lowered


1 7 9 8



5 3

Art viewing room states State one - drawbridge up

State two - drawbridge has been lowered

The art is lowered into the room by the retractable pulley via the overhead conveyor track system whilst the barrier is up to prevent access into the drop zone. There is no light provided to the half of the room that the art is being lowered into to at this time only the light coming through from the main public zone.

The art is now in position and the retractable pulley has retreated to allow the hatch to close behind it. At the same time the barrier is lowered to allow closer and 360 degree access to the art whilst it is still in the cage. Once the art is in position the set of track lightings above will adjust to the type of art work that is being displayed for the best atmosphere.


Overhead conveyor track system in main public zone strategy The art retrieval system operates at ground floor level in the public zone passing over head to the public routes at the lower ground level all of which is segregated from the main public circulation routes.

1 - Track system from storage chambers 2 - Junctions and passing points 3 - Inner track is for general circulation 4 - Outer ring is for being lowered into the viewing rooms and art waiting to be viewed 5 - Drawbridge mechanism that raises the hatches for the art work to be lowered into the viewing rooms 6 - Hatches 7 - Routes for the art work to ascend to the private viewing room in the tower


5 6


4 3




Perspective Visuals Right: Lower ground floor looking up into the dome housing the central penopticon surveyor the circulating art.

Top left: Approaching the external architecture terrible facade of the storage facility. Bottom left: Ground floor level overlooking the central viewing rooms observing the art circulate on the overhead conveyor track system.



Shelving Detail 1:20 1 - 300 x 300 x 20mm steel frame coated in fire retardant 2 - Vertical columns for shelving bolted into steel frame 3 - Cross bracing for short ends of shelving 4 - Bolted on bracket to support extractable shelf 5 - Extractable automated roller shelf - side 6 - Extractable automated roller shelf - back support

The shelving dimensions were fundamental in the development and creation of the rest of the building, influencing the grid in which the structure is sat on and in how the storage units connected with the structural framing to house all the different types of art storage criteria.





3 5


Storage Chamber Dimensions 1:50 Layout specification and features of a standard storage chamber within the art storage facility.

Distance all art is at least away from the external wall in the storage chambers

Steel frame dimensions

Internal wall

Access door for maintenance

Automated sliding fire door between the storage chambers and circulation routes


Shelving Chamber Section Section showing the distance and fabric of the external wall to ensure continual control and monitoring of a consistent internal micro climate


Shelving Chamber Section Section showing how the overhead conveyor track system retrieves the art from storage with the aide of the automated retractable shelfs.



Art Storage Chambers Axonometric of the storage facility’s shelving integrated with the HVAC system and overhead conveyor track Right: Internal Perspective Visual of the art storage chambers



Viewing rooms - 1 Private collectors room - 2 Circulation - 3



4 - Outer art storage chambers 5 - Inner art storage chambers 6 - Private circulation 7 - Art circulation



Accelerated route for Sustainable Buildings & Environments modules Stage 5 module: Building Performance Simulation Building Analysis & Performance of the Refurbishment Report













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The aims of this project was to improve the building performances energy efficiency and operative temperature percentages through the year of the Banqueting Hall in Jesmond Dene, Newcastle. This included refurbishing the fabric of the existing structure as I saw fit within the guidance of historic building amendment publications and building regulations for existing buildings.

of operative temperature hours provided. These modification where then weighed against how it would modify the fabric and also how it would change the fabric aesthetically in regards to altering the historic value of the listed building. I focused on using sustainable materials which I had researched and selected for the appropriateness and delicacy of conservation which would still allow for the historic building to breathe and allow easy access to be modified and removed again if and when a new method of conservation was recommended.

A part of this project was to understand and appreciate the necessity of building performance simulations at the same time as learning IESVE. Building performance simulations do not give absolute answers (Jankovic, 2012) but has value as a comparative tool to analyse which design option is better when comparing them for the same simulation. This method can have relative significance on design parameters which then can enable the results to be used as a decision making tool between these various design options.

Researching methods of conservation and fabric alteration recommendations has been beneficial in providing me with knowledge and resources that I can refer to and continually develop through my own passion of maintaining the existing urban and building stock for future generations to benefit and value.

To reach my proposal I completed a thorough analysis of the materials of the existing building and the environmental context of the site. This gave a base case from which to compare all further alternations made.

The representation of this proposal at the time was a written report of the data collected and compared to of my own proposals with a integrated simulation of all individual alterations and how they would work together and effect one another.

Towards understanding how the alterations I would propose would effect the existing building I researched alternative materials and their methods of integration into the existing structure, how it would improve both the energy efficiency and conservation and the improvements to the percentages

Below is a selection of writing, graphs and charts to show a range of the work that was undertaken with a conclusion of the findings.


Site and building History The Banqueting Hall was designed by John Dobson in the 1860’s for William George Armstrong and is part of Jesmond Dene which is a collection of land and building Armstrong acquired in the 1850’s. In 1869 the hall was extended by R Norman Shaw including provisions for a gatehouse (that was never built) a reception hall, arts display room and a water powered pipe organ on the gallery (now removed)(Historic England, 2014). The building is currently let as an artist’s studio.

Historic value & considerations when making alterations Historic Scotland (2012) advices there are two key principles that should always be considered when improving the thermal performance of traditional buildings which will be contemplated throughout the decisions made when researching products for this hypothetical study. The two key principles are: “Firstly that the materials used should be appropriate for the building, and in most cases water vapour permeable, and secondly that adequate ventilation should be maintained to ensure the health of the building and its occupants.” pg 5. English Heritage (2012) explains that before contemplating modifications to be made to improve the thermal performance of a historic building it is important to assess the building and it users. This is so the heritage values of the building, construction & condition of the fabric and services, the existing hydrothermal behaviour are understood. In addition to these points the technical risk associated with the measure will help to identify the measure best suited to the individual building.

The use of building performance simulation programs Building performance simulations do not give absolute answers (Jankovic, 2012) but has value as a comparative tool to analyse which design option is better when comparing them for the same simulation. This method can have relative significance on design parameters which then can enable the results to be used as a decision making tool between these various design options. Woloszyn (2008) explains that modeling is a valuable tool to better understand the problems and to be able to provide the correct solution; therefore building performance simulation modeling should be used in conjunction with extensive field measurements as the results will only be as good as the imputed data. This collected field data would be used to give some validation to the model and provide a reliable database of results to be worked with and to also highlight anomalies if information was incorrectly entered into the program etc. For the results to have verification in the simulation a whole building analysis must be completed first based on a quantified analysis of the performance of the existing building (Historic England, 2012) in order to understand the behaviour of the results and proposed modifications where there are several design options being compared. 56

Walls The existing walls of the Banqueting Hall and Gatehouse are solid wall constructed with an outer leaf of rock-faced yellow sandstone on a rubble plinth and an inner leaf of buff brick with red brick and yellow sandstone detailing (British Listed Buildings, 2015). Historic England’s insulating solid walls (2012) document provides methods in which damage to the existing building can be avoided, putting emphasis on understanding the existing material properties and their associated breathing performance before any alterations are made to improve the energy efficiency including making additions of insulation to the external walls. Most traditional buildings allow moisture to pass through the structure and if this was prevented by using non permeable materials or barriers they can trap moisture and cause decay and damage to the building; therefore barriers should be avoided in traditional buildings. The correct addition of permeable materials to either the external or internal side of the wall can be used though as a buffer for the environmental moisture; absorbing it from the air when there is high humidity and releasing it when the air is dry. Any alterations made must be well maintained, otherwise energy efficiency improvements may be canceled out by problems associated with water ingress and/ or excessive draughts. External fabric of existing walls risen by Building Conservation whilst crediting BRE (2012) is that the increased depth of an external wall will require adaptations made to the roof and wall junctions, movement of rainwater goods and amendments to the doors and window openings. Decorative detailing such as quoins and string courses will also be affected; not only covering them up and significantly changing the character and language of the building but it may make irreversible damage to key features. With all the above research taken into consideration, in regards to maintaining the historic value of the building, this report is a hypothetical study for the purpose of comparing the results of the indoor thermal performance with and without insulation added to the existing external walls of the banqueting hall. Considerations will be made into the breathability of the building by using appropriate permeable materials and by using materials that are most suited to apply onto the existing finish. The 2014 England and Wales Part L recommendation for the U-Value for the refurbishment of an existing buildings external wall is 0.3W/m²K for internal or external wall insulation finishes. For the addition of insulation to be applied to the outside of the existing external walls an ecocork render will be used. An insulating render would be more sympathetic by preventing the additional alterations to the roof and openings that would be needed if a thicker board system was put in place and would also allow for the contours of any larger detailing to still be visible. For the addition of insulation being applied to the inside of the existing external walls a fibreboard system will be used with a lime plaster. This system can be applied onto an existing stone or brick wall and is permeable to allow the existing walls to still breathe as required. 57

A selection of different methods of analysis and there presentational outcome when comparing Operative Temperature Percentages

Comparison of the different wall modifications which were the addition of ecocork render to the external facade and fibreboard and line insulation system in the internal facade. The graph shows that the internal addition of insulation provides more hours within the operative temperate for the year. This is just one of the changes made and compared to the existing buildings performance. Condensation Prediction for Roof (modification)

Above is a graph showing possible formations of condensation in the proposed modification to the roof. From this, the use of a cavity and geotextile membrane where the condensation is appearing will help disperse and drain away the moisture that is collecting here to prevent damage to either the insulation or rafter that could cause damage to the existing structure or reduce the efficiency of the proposed insulation. Below are 3 day graphs for the dry resultant temperature for the peak winter and summer periods for the whole building, showing heat retention from the day during the night with two different types of modifications to the roof.


Integrated Strategy One

Whole Building

An integrated strategy will now be compiled using a combination of all the options from each element that was modified which performed thermally more efficiently. This will hopefully create a building simulation model to show how the building would perform if it was insulated to its full potential. This will be completed by analysing how it would perform in the operative temperature percentages and the heating energy consumption compared to the base case with heating model.

Below is a graph and chart showing the whole building's annual dry resultant temperature for the base case model compared to the integrated strategy. It shows the hours during occupancy, that are now within the operative temperatures, has increased by 57.2% (from 23.9% to 81.1%). It increases by 73.6% (from 0% to 73.6%) in the peak winter period, and 10.5% (from 49.5% to 60%) in the summer period during the hours of occupancy.

Other factors that have also been changed for the integrated strategy is that the air infiltration rate has been changed from 0.5 to 0.25 (appendix‌) as all of the applied modifications will perform better to a modern standard so a modern standard will be applied for this study.

The unoccupied hours in the winter period are still performing thermally better even if they are still radically changed from the base case. This means the integrated strategy is retaining the temperature better so in return is reducing the heating energy consumption as the building doesn’t need to be heated up by a greater differentiation.

The heating profile and occupancy will remain the same for this study to show a more direct comparison to the base case model.

However the increased thermal performance of the whole building is now producing 11% of occupied hours to be 59

Annual Operative Temperature Percentages

Annual Heating Energy Consumption (MWh)

Therefore there will be a second integrated strategy simulation undertaken where natural ventilation will be introduced via the external glazing and skylights throughout the whole building to attempt to reduce the occupied hours from overheating. The thermostat monitor for the heating has been changed from 19°C to 20°C to attempt to reduce the amount of hours that are below the operative temperature.

overheating in the peak summer; this is caused by the building retaining temperature better produced by the solar gains, internal gains and heating and not currently having a method of natural or mechanical ventilation to cool the building down in this scenario. The heating energy consumption has decreased in correlation with the above findings. The annual heating consumption for the whole building has decreased by 100.3MWh which is a 72% improvement on the base cases consumption. There is similar decrease during the peak winter period as well with a 60% improvement from the winter base case consumption.

Integrated Strategy Two The results from the second integrated strategy show an improvement to the annual operative temperature; it increases to 87.8% (from 81.1% for the integrated strategy one) and eliminates the overheating issue during the peak summer period.

The results above have much improved giving a better percentage of occupied hours within the operative temperatures however, there is an issue with overheating in the summer period during the hours of occupancy that needs to be addressed further. 60


Selected References

By completing an individual simulation of each modification against the base case model has allowed the results of the integrated simulation become more comprehensive when analysing the results in either how to improve the operative temperature percentages and how depending on which area of the building was not performing as well or the time of day was showing weaknesses.

British Listed Buildings (2015) Banqueting Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne [online]. Available from: http://www.britishlistedbuildings. [Accessed: 27 December 2015]. Building Conservation (2012) Solid-wall conservation: Measuring and Improving Thermal Performance [online]. Available from: solid-wall-construction/solid-wall-construction.htm [Accessed 31 Dec 2015].

For the integrated strategy two the overall percentage of hours during occupancy that were in the operative temperatures increased to 87.8% from the original 23% heated base case, this is a 64% improvement and even a 7% improvement from the integrated strategy at 81.1%. This has however come with a compromise and dilemma between trying to improve the percentage of hours with the operative temperatures for the occupants and decreasing the heating energy consumption.

Changeworks (2010) Double Glazing in Listed Buildings [online]. Available from: Double_Glazing_in_Listed_Building.pdf [Accessed 7 Jan 2016]. CIBSE (2006) Guide A: Environmental design. 7th edition. London: The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers London.

The integrated strategy one has a lower percentage of hours during occupancy for being at the operative temperatures as stated above but the annual heating energy consumption is less at 39MWh than the 44.4MWh for the integrated strategy two as it does not create as many hours in the operative temperatures. Both results are still a vast improvement on the base case where the annual heating energy consumption for the whole building was at 139.3MWh therefore the saving on this figure are 72% for integrated strategy one and still a 68% improvement for the integrated strategy two.

Clark, J.A., Henson, J.L.M. (2015) Integrated building performance simulation: Progress, prospects and requirement, Building and Environment. 91, pp. 294-306. DOI:10.1016/j. buildenv.2015.04.002. Historic England (2014) Banqueting House with added gatehouse and other extensions [online]. Available from: [Accessed 27 December 2015]. Historic England (2012) Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Application of Part L of the Building Regulations to historic and traditionally constructed buildings [online]. Available from: energy-efficiency-historic-buildings-ptl/eehb-partl.pdf/ [Accessed 30 Dec 2015].

Throughout this report materials have been chosen with the emphasis of improving the indoor thermal temperature hypothetically proposing the potential of the building could achieve. All of this was undertaken with considerations and awareness to the impact on the historic value however if modifications were made to the Banqueting Hall in the future it would be a further benefit to complete more research into the impact the chosen materials in regards to altering the aesthetic and historical character and value.

Historic England (2012) Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Solid Walls [online]. Available from: https://content. [Accessed 30 Dec 2015].

During this simulation I have tried to maintain as many constants as possible to create a more reliable set of results to be analysed against the base case but further modification could be made to still increase both the percentage of hours in the operative temperature and decrease the heating energy consumption. These could be to reduce the level of heating being used in the rooms that are not as occupied such as the corridors, kitchen and banqueting hall, this would require further investigation into the activities and frequency of the current occupancy to create a more suited heating profile.

Historic Scotland (2012) Fabric Improvements for Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings [online]. Available from: [Accessed 29 Dec 2015]. Jankovic, L. (2012) Designing Zero Carbon Buildings: Using Dynamic Simulation Methods. Oxon: Routledge. Souza, C.B., Tucker, S. (2014) Thermal simulation software outputs: a framework to produce meaningful information for design decision-making, Journal of Building Performance Simulation. 8(2), pp. 57-78. DOI:10.1080/19401493.2013.872191.

An issue that became obvious when analysing the summer period between June and August where there are some days that are not reaching the operative temperature which is in the period when the heating is turned off continuously in the annual heating profile (appendix 2). To amend this another heating profile could be applied to the summer period for those slightly colder days when the building is not receiving as much solar gain due to be shaded in the valley, to create a more consistent temperature in the building with a lower thermostat monitor set point as the temperature difference outside isn’t as large the indoor temperature could reach the operative temperatures less arduously.

The Society for the protection of Ancient Buildings (2014) SPAB Briefing, Energy efficiency in old buildings [online]. Available from: Energy%20efficiency.pdf [Accessed 29 Dec 2015]. Wolosyzn, M. & Rode, C. (2008) Tools for Performance Simulation of Heat, Air and Moisture Conditions of Whole Buildings, Building Simulation. 1(1), pp. 5-24. DOI.10.1007/ s12273-008-8106-z.



Accelerated route for Sustainable Buildings & Environments Stage 5 module: Contrasting Theories in Sustainability Building Analysis & Performance of the Refurbishment Presentation













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All of the research from the earlier presentations assisted me in recognising the restrictions in altering the existing building including the environmental issues and the ways to improve these to meet modern requirements, both to energy distribution and creation and the integration of these into the existing infrastructure.

This proposal focused on improving the space requirements of the hospital to better serve the existing function whilst improving the internal environment of the patients and staff. To fulfill a thorough understanding of the requirements of the hospital I took part in two presentations of group research providing a wider array of research from NHS standards, refurbishing working buildings, a more in depth set of data of the existing buildings performance and studies of similar proposals.

Below is a selection of work from the individual proposal for the hospital refurbishment including analysis of the existing buildings floor layout and structural fabric against justifying these alterations in the proposal. There is also a selection of different types of analysis undertaken using the program IESVE and a conclusion of all the simulations undertaken.

My individual proposal included retrofitting of the internal layout and alternations to the external fabric of the structure. This was to improve the standards of the patient facilities and space provided per bed and to improve the standard of the internal environment per patient room all whilst consideration of how these alterations would be made to the working hospital.

Main Issues The main issues that were highlighted in the environmental and existing building analysis and below are the key aims for the hospital refurbishment.

Lack of open space

Insufficient daylight to the east facade

Convert space for carpark into green spaces

Provide alternative sources of natural light

Overheating on the west facade

Reduce the quantity of direct solar gain and provide control methods 63

Thermal loss

Improve insulation

Visual analysis of heat gain to the west facade


Amendments to the Existing Building floor layouts and dimensions. This has caused most of the internal walls to be removed as the new layouts did not fit in the existing rooms. This have effected the bed schedule, going down to 32 from 59 but the area per bed has doubled from 6.2sqm to 12sqm.

Analysing the existing building layout, use and construction allowed for the most appropriate amendments to be made with consideration to the working hospital. All wards, 4 bed and 1 bed, had to be replaced with wards that now comply as close as possible to the NHS recommended

Existing & Demolition Floor Layout 6 bed wards converted into 4 bed wards Isolated 1 bed ward are rearranged to conform to NHS regualtions

Dayrooms increased in size - storage integrated into centralised services

Proposed Floor Layout West rooms increase in size to create a more uniform central corridor

Removal of bathrooms - not as appropriate in modern ward nursing

Removal of the existing linen cupboard centralised services Removal of patient toilets off corridor en suite bathrooms now provided

4 bed rooms increased in floor area to meet regulations removal of existing 1 bed internal walls

Removal of the existing linen cupboard centralised services Sharp corners in the corridors are removed

Rooms without an external window have remained the same All of the existing routes of circulation through and out of the building have been maintained

1 bed rooms increased in floor area to meet regulations removal of existing 1 bed internal walls


Proposed alterations to the existing fabric Roof

External Walls

The existing roof is in very poor condition and is to be replaced, but the existing structure is unable to take any additional load of extra insulation or the potential extra load of fibre optic solar panels and decentralised plant rooms therefore a new secondary skin structure will be implemented.

The existing external wall does have a cavity in the brick/block construction, however to minimise the intrusion to the existing building and interruption to the working hospital the insulation will be introduced to the outside of the external wall.

An extensive lightweight sedum roof is proposed to increase the roofs insulation which is also reducing the future risk of flood of climate change by retaining the water for longer.

Strategy Diagram This digram shows how the fibre optic light wells will affect the rear of the rooms from the external walls and also how the single sided natural ventilation would circulate within these spaces


Illuminance Analysis The existing lux levels of a selection of rooms was analysed then fibre optic lighting has been introduced via the roof top which has been proven to receive constant direct solar exposure that can then be transferred to the areas otherwise absent of enough natural daylight.

The fibre optic lighting has provided the rooms affected with a more consistent level of light and in doing so by providing natural daylight to both sides of the rooms it has reduced glare spots. The glare that still occurs can be dealt with by the addition of solar shading devices.

Peak Winter 14:00 Peak Winter with fibre optic light well 14:00

Peak Summer14:00 Peak Summer with the fibre optic light well 14:00

950 850 750 650 550 450 350 250 150 50 Internal visual in how the fibre optic light wells have affected a four bed ward on the west facade mid afternoon in the spring.

With fibre optic lighting

Without fibre optic lighting


Annual Energy Consumption(Mwh) Annual Energy Consumption (Mwh)



Room ONE (4 bed) 5.3 3.11


Room TWO (1 bed) 1.8




Room THREE (1 bed) 1.95


3.66 3.8



Room FOUR (treatment)

Base Case

2 Simulation ONE

4 Simulation TWO



3.78 0



6 Integrated without solar thermal

Thermal Comfort Zone Percentages - Room One



10 integrated with solar thermal


Conclusion The base case was overheating a significant amount on the west facade due to the percentage of direct solar gain. The introduction of solar shading was the most effective in improving the micro climate of these rooms as it has decreased the amount of inconsistent heat fluctuation that was effecting the thermal comfort zone and energy consumption alike. By adding the insulation to the roof it has significantly improved the heat being retained on the top floor where previously it was escaping through the existing poorly insulated structure. This in turn has reduced the energy consumption evening it more in line with those of the other floors. The east facade has not been effected as much from these simulations but the addition of the refurbishment features has provided more control in the rooms. By introducing the fibre optic lighting it has provided a more consistent light level throughout the year, that does not differentiate as prominently as in the larger rooms on the west facade. BREEAM considerations during the construction period and their detrimental effects on the working hospital during the refurbishment have been reduced by attempting less invasive strategies that was still justifiable that provided the desired out come from the internal micro climate and healing environment. Overall the results of these refurbishment proposals have shown an improvement to the buildings percentage in the thermal comfort zone to be now at an average of 95% from the base cases 65%. It has also reduced the energy consumption by 35% which will save the hospital money and increase the longevity on the existing materials and CHP unit. Further data that could be analysed would be the replacement of the existing windows to improve the efficiency of the natural ventilation. The windows were not replaced for these simulations to retain as much of the existing building as possible. Also because this set of results show that the issues that were still occurring after the addition of natural ventilation were greatly improved with solar shading. This would still have been the case even if the windows were replaced as the rooms would still have been suffering from the exposure of the direct solar gain.



Accelerated route for Sustainable Buildings & Environments Stage 6 module: Urban Performance Simulation Principles and Practice of Urban Design Essay













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Applying good principles and practice of urban design into university campuses Introduction Urban design should be for the local people, where local and traditional elements are woven into spaces. These spaces should feel like stages for the informal everyday activities whether this is a cul-de-sac residential street, dense urban square, or a university campus (Houban, 2015). A university campus is classed as land and buildings, used for university or university related functions, either rented or owned by the university, not necessarily on one. Where a university is an academic institute for higher education and research location (Heijer, 2011).

Figure a) Campus Sustainability Plan Cycle (University of Saskatchewan, 2017)

Any one place can at any one time, in the urban environment, be considered unique as it is inhabited by a diverse animated community including multi-layered human social interactions and this creates a distinctive local culture (Carmona et al. 2010). Lang (1994) on this subject describes how the consequence of such a distinctive and complex urban context, allowing these urban spaces to be read and understood, revealing the culture that created and maintains them.

“It is vital that academic institutions continue to facilitate the development of sustainable societies by ensuring the continued up-skilling and re-skilling of the current and future workforces to meet the ever changing challenges.� (Webb & Holmes, 2014)

healthcare, housing and education. It addresses the importance of how these issues will affect the urban landscape and how professionals can respond to these changing conditions on a local and global scale (Wing, 2013).

Globalisation has made consumers powerful participants in the world economy and our daily choices, as consumers, affect the lives of people in near and distant places (Chiles, 2016). Houban (2015) also expresses that as human activities are shaping and being shaped by great political currents, so must higher education to be able to absorb these inevitable changes in technology and patterns of use.

The benefits to individuals enrolled in higher education has been well accepted. But it is now broadly acknowledged that higher education also contributes to development at the macro-level, by helping to fuel economic growth and strengthen crucial public services (Schendel & McCowan, 2016).

One of these topics on change is putting emphasis on the university campus becoming sustainable. To adapt and reflect todays issues and challenges, by adopting a movement towards sustainability, should be in various stages of organisation and implementation across many curricular agendas (Ford, 2016).

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for all modernday activities and is a vital weapon against climate change (Webb & Holmes, 2014). They describe how dynamic business engagement and skills enhancement in educational facilities will be instrumental in supporting a sustainable future. By representing a lasting commitment to inspire, transform and enrich the lives of people thus reducing the adverse impacts of

Emphasis on Urban Design in Universities Recent reports by the UN on projected population growth and population trends have raised a few issues from access to 71

climate change, safeguarding and sustaining people, place and planet.

The specialist technology university campus has a lightning bolt shaped promenade of criss-crossed pathways that physically connects the buildings together. Houban (2015) explains that they wanted to emphasise the multidisciplinary nature of the technical university where architects, engineers and many other specialties work together.

After academic institutions have considered their existing capacity and needs, then they can explore how to leverage those resources by addressing and implementing environmental sustainability concerns on campus. This can influence and support cultural and behavioural perception of environmental sustainable on its local community (Brett & Marans, 2012). What the Urban Design in Universities Reflects Upon using a university, a CABE study (2005) found that student and staff performance and positive attitudes were attributed to the quality of the campus design amongst other features such as the quality of teaching & research facilities. The study also highlights how some design features on campus can affect the users’ performance, feelings and levels of happiness in these spaces. Open, less crowded spaces reduces levels of stress and many staff members preferred an external view preferably with a well-designed external surrounding to their working environment. Students and staff responded well to good levels in quality of decorations and furnishing with a potential individual ‘wow’ factor to the campus. The university campus should be implementing sustainable landscaping for the education of the students, employees, and the local community (aashe, 2013). It should represent a leadership that the local community and society expect of institutes of higher education.

Left: Figure b) birds eye view of Mekel Park (Mecanoo, 2017) Above: figure c) Detail of treatment to pathways (Mecanoo, 2017) Below: Figure d) Mekel Park: concept diagram for connecting the multi-disciplinary buildings (archinect, 2016)

“Serving as a testing ground for innovative practices and a demonstration area for the public; fostering responsible natural resource management; cost savings, in many cases; or simply because it is the right thing to do.” (aashe, 2013 pp.84)

Sustainable campus landscaping means incorporating the efficiency and complexity of nature into the landscape to restore damaged ecologies, increase biodiversity and promote human health. There are many benefits of implementing sustainable campus landscaping, for example; economic, health & social, to improve air quality and micro-climates, water conservation and provide better habitats for wildlife. Case Study I: Delft University of Technology Library and Campus, Netherlands

The park provides the university with enjoyable meeting places for the international community of teachers and students (Mecanoo, 2017). The space is made up of green lawns and a complimentary band of trees of various species where students can walk, sit, eat, meditate and celebrate. Each faculty building has its own entrance square off the park and there are cafes and shops with terraces facing into it enhancing a lively campus feeling. There is a hierarchy of pathways through the park using different palettes of materials to denote the primary and secondary routes. These smaller secondary paths intersect at different levels of landscaping to make out semi permeable boundaries between the commuting routes and relaxing space. 72

Implementing Sustainability into University Campuses


To achieve a sustainable campus Ford (2016) suggests that a successful transition requires the involvement of the university’s community, administration, academic departments (students and faculty) and the university’s research effort. The headings in figure e, community, operations, education, and research have been elaborated upon to discuss how effective they are in integrating the above principles to create a sustainable campus.

The higher education sectors performance of staff and students is based on levels of happiness in the quality of their surroundings and facilities. For this to continue sustainable urban design needs to be flexible and robust allowing for the choice and change of its future users and also with the changing technological advances that effect the use of the university facilities (Carmona et al. 2010).


To maintain this level of adaption the universities requires substantial capital investment to modernise and upgrade buildings, equipment and urban context (SCOP, 2002). Karol (2006) explains how by implementing sustainable projects on campus there may be a greater chance for positive publicity, financial support for further projects and research potential.

Gehl (2011) discusses the importance of the location and the relationship between the campus to the nearest city, as it can provide innumerable possibilities for using the city and participating in its life and vice-versa. By opening up the facilities and skills to a wider community and creating partnerships this will improve the lives of others as well as the opportunities and learning experiences of the students (Plymouth, 2016).

However, in addition to this, the quality of the design will not be enough. It will also need the appropriate level of funding to see a high quality project built and public participation will ensure the appropriateness of the design to make the urban spaces feel local for the local people (Chiles, 2016). Research Urban design can provide environments that create meeting opportunities which is crucial for the development of research and cross disciplinary interaction in a university context. Comparing the levels of interaction between a close knit residential street and a street in a city show quite different possibilities for meeting and subsequent opportunities (Gehl, 2011). A residential street can be quite intimate as there is a limited amount of people and they tend to have similar interests and backgrounds. On the other hand, in a city street, interactions tend to be more superficial as there is a greater number of people. But the presence of people and activities in a more public environment can be inspirational and maybe trigger stimulating thought processes.

One of these values is for the awareness and importance of sustainable development to occur, not just on campus, but in the wider society. Universities should act as examples of sustainability for their neighbouring communities (MullerChrist et al. 2014). They need to opt for a more collaborative development of knowledge and initiate a society-wide dialogue with their neighbouring communities and other key players that also reflect their visions and ethical considerations.

Research contributes “towards defining the problems, and creating solutions, to the world’s most pressing environmental, economic and social challenges” (Plymouth, 2016 pp 11)


Case Study II: Plymouth University Central Campus, UK

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) poses new challenges to teaching and learning for Higher Education. Suggesting that for ESD to be effectively implemented, universities need to adopt sustainability as an institution wide agenda linking curriculum and the appearance of the campus with the culture and community of the university (University of Plymouth, 2010).

The university campus of Plymouth is a densely occupied urban environment and because of this biodiversity must be carefully considered to provide maximum potential of social, environmental, and economic benefits (Plymouth, 2016). It is also important for providing a positive learning and working environment for the staff and students, their wellbeing and understanding the value of nature.

“Ensuring issues and principles of sustainability permeate and inform our programmes and modules, learning from existing best practice so that students engage positively with sustainable issues” (Plymouth, 2016 pp.11)


“We’re creating a sustainable campus that reduces our impact on the environment, giving you a live sustainability learning experience”

“Learners must also experience interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary perspectives…In doing so they will experience that knowledge not only flows from the disciplinary domain where it is generated in fundamental research to the complex societal context of application, but that the knowledge to meet societal challenges must also be developed within the societal context itself.”

(University of Plymouth, 2017)

(Muller-Christ et al. 2014 pp 136)

As society turns to academic institutions for knowledge and the example a university sets, the urban context in which the institutions sit has a responsibility as well. This is not only to teach but also demonstrate practices and principles of sustainability to the users of the campus, to the wider community and the rest of the world. This will ensure a lasting commitment to inspire, transform and enrich future generations to reduce adverse impacts of climate change. Encouraging the continuing enjoyment of sustainable environments for people, place, and the planet.

Figure f) Plymouth campus social green space (Plymouth, 2017) Figure g) Plymouth campus aerial advertising the online sustainability trail through the campus (Plymouth, 2017) Each of the buildings on campus has some element of sustainable initiative to either reduce energy consumption or make existing systems more efficient. They also provide many ways that the students can get involved with the sustainable agendas of the university such as workshops & events or become partners in the sustainable education which can influence the content of extra-curricular opportunities. Conclusion Important elements that need to be considered when either designing or redesigning the urban environment of a university campus is openness, participation, cooperation, and dialogue for the continual development of a sustainable university. The campus must also allow for a flexible urban environment that can adapt to the changing socio-political demands made on the universities, in terms of sustainable representation, whilst at the same time provide culturally sensitive and diverse settings. This is to ensure that on a local scale the urban and architectural design of the built environment gives identity to the community and local cultures and does not discourage appropriate local responding innovation. The campus should be open to interactions, with the local and global circles of communities, representing its continuing efforts on sustainable practice. A good example of this would be to work on real life problems in some of the relevant surrounding communities. The diversity of people that use the university campus and the urban environment allows for multi-layered social interactions. The campus should provide the users with a sense of identity and an environment that the users can relate to and dispel any sense of rootlessness to empower the users of the site, giving them happiness. A part of creating this local sense of space and identity is also diversifying within. Promoting cross discipline learning within the campus can be a catalyst for research, that in turn, would develop the representation of the university.


References Value of Good Design in Higher Education. Available at: http:// (Accessed: 2 January 2017)

aashe (2014) Promoting Sustainable Campus Landscapes: HowTo Guide. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. 8(1) pp. 84. Brett, L.M.L. Marans, R.W. (2012) Towards a campus culture of environmental sustainability. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 13(4), pp. 365-377.

University of Plymouth (2016) Sustainability Report 2016: Sustainability with Plymouth University. Available at: https://www. WR_607408_245806_5930_Ply_SustainabilityReport2016_ A8_141116_V11_1_.pdf (Accessed: 4 January 2017)

CABE (2004) Design with Distinction: The Value of Good Design in Higher Education. Available at: http://webarchive. files/design-with-distinction.pdf (Accessed: 2 January 2017)

University of Plymouth (2010) 7 Steps to: Using the campus for learning about sustainability. Available at: http://www6. sustainability.pdf (Accessed: 4 January 2017) University of Plymouth (2017) Our Sustainable Campus. Available at: sustainability/our-sustainable-campus (Accessed: 4 January 2017)

Carmona, M. Tiesdell, S. Heath, T. Oc, T. (2010) Public Places Urban Spaces: The Dimension of Urban Design. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elservier. Chiles, P. (2016) Building a Sustainable Community or Neighbourhood. [PowerPoint] TCP8091: Principles and Practice of Urban Design 2016/17. Newcastle University. 17 October.

Webb, K. Holmes, M. (2014) Towards a Sustainable Society through Business Engagement and Skills Enhancement. Journal of Ecotechnology Research. 17 (2), pp. 63-70. Wing, S. (2013) AD Architecture School Guide: Delft University of Technology. Available at: ad-architecture-school-guide-delft-university-of-technology (Accessed: 2 January 2017)

Heijer, A.C. (2011) Managing the University Campus: Information to Support Real Estate Decisions. Netherlands: Eburon Academic Publishers. Ford, R. (2016) The Sustainable Campus. Available at: http://www. (Accessed: 28 December 2016) Gehl, J. (2011) Life between buildings: Using Public Spaces. Washington: Island Press. Department for Communities and Local Government (2012) National Planning Policy Framework. Available at: https://www. file/6077/2116950.pd (Accessed: 3 Jan 2017) Cited in: Madanipour, A. (2016) Neighbourhood Design. [PowerPoint] TCP8091: Principles and Practice of Urban Design 2016/17. Newcastle University. 10 October. Houban, F. (2015) Mecanoo Architecten: People Place Purpose. London: Artifice on Architecture. Karol, E. (2006) Using campus concerns about sustainability as an educational opportunity: a case study in architectural design. Journal of Cleaner Production. 14(9-11), pp. 780-786. Mecanoo (2017) Mekel Park - Campus Delft University of Technology. Available at: project/44/Mekel-Park-Campus-Delft-University-ofTechnology?t=18 (Accessed: 1 January 2017) Muller-Christ, G. Sterling, S. Dam-Mieras, R. Adomssent, M. Fischer, D. Rieckmann, M. (2014) The role of campus, curriculum, and community in higher education for sustainable development – a conference report. Journal of Cleaner Production. 62, pp. 134-137 Schendal, R. McCowan, T. (2016) Expanding higher education systems in low- and middle-income countries: the challenges of equity and quality. Higher Education. 72(4), pp. 407–411. SCOP (2002) A creative step-change – Maximising Participation in Higher Education. Submission.doc. In. CABE (2004) Design with Distinction: The 75


Accelerated route for Sustainable Buildings & Environments Stage 6 module: Urban Performance Simulation Urban Performance Presentation













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I first completed a literature review essay on the importance of applying good principles and practice of urban design into university campuses that was used and implemented into a research based approach to the campus design for the engineering quarter at Newcastle University.

data from the real world and then using the results to inform the design decision making process. Other site concerns when addressing the massing quantity on the site was how this was going to effect the use of the spaces between the massing including proposals of altering existing access routes through the site and open spaces.

The proposal included a massing sensitive approach to an existing built environment. I had to understand phasing for the client’s benefit, both financially and also to match the demand and growth of the campus.

Below is a selection of the work undertaking showing a range of outputs created to visually communicate and highlight the location of the issues. As well as a range of analysis taken of the existing site and an example of the type of information produced when considering a massing increase phase applied to the whole site.

To do this I analysed the environmental concerns the site presented using a the environmental simulation program ENVI-met and how they were effected over the changes in the surrounding building masses through the phasing strategy. Using this software has given me an understanding of not just how the building will perform but also how it effects the local micro climate in varying scenarios put forward. Inputting the


Introduction to the site and scale of proposal

Key Issues Highlighted from the Site Analysis

Newcastle University’s master plan scenario is to create a modern, vibrant and dynamic Science & Engineering Quarter. This would include remodeling the site boundary by Kensington Terrace, the site of the Stephenson Building, and the Cassie Building, linking via the Devonshire Building to the Drummond Building along Devonshire Terrace.

Cassie Building, inefficient use of space, creating unnecessary patches of shadow. Large open spaces need to address when analysing and designing for wind control and distribution. Analyse overshadowing of the proposal in further detail to ensure adequate amounts of natural daylight can be achieved.

In addition to this creating an integrating physical link to Mertz Court, thus circumventing the physical and psychological barrier of Claremont Road. Essentially therefore, generating complete connectivity for staff and student, with a ‘continuous campus’ feel, throughout the Engineering Quarter in order to maximise collaboration and synergy in both teaching & research and maximise the opportunities for human interaction and serendipity.

Issues from access Claremont road divides the site for pedestrian and cyclist roads across this road - Provide an alternative that is safer and visually less imposing to open space. Devonshire terrace divides and imposes restrictions to through routes and entrance ways to buildings - provide this area with a pedestrian priority hierarchy. Visible links need to be improved coming into the site behind Stephenson Building.


Wind study with trees & landscaping Landscaping placement at strategic places. 1 - Reducing impact of wind to exposed north west facade, softening the corner aesthetically and also reduces wind speed coming into tunnel between the two buildings. 2 - Exposed edge to the submerging road, planting to reduce air and noise pollution, also softens wind exiting from between the buildings. 1

3 - Large open space, planting to give human scale, pockets of shadow and light. Reduces wind speed across the open space.



4 - Tree lining the vista where one space leads on to the other, gives boundaries and nodes to journeys. 5 - Enclosed courtyard, planting to green the grey space, gives an end point or node to a journey and reduces wind speed entering into the pend of Drummond Building II.


Vehicular access routes using Claremont Road Currently the pavement that runs parallel along Claremont road on either side is at the same level

+52.3 Access to the south entrance of the Hancock Museum Road access required to reach services +50.8 Access to the staff carpark to the north of the Hancock Museum Road access required to reach carpark





+50.5 Access road to serve rear of campus buildings Road access required to allow for large vehicles to the rear of the Northern Stage and delivery trucks to campus buildings




Queen Victoria Road Route used to access through Claremont Road including ambulances and buses (public and tourist) Closing Claremont Road would cause ambulance times to increase if there is not a replacement route provided that is just as quick


Great North Road Main exit route to the north of the city from the center and to the motorway

Vehicular access routes using Claremont Road Claremont Road has been proposed to go underneath the now open area at street level. Please ref to the sections for further information.

There is now a primary route linking the Students Union Building and Robinson Library as requested in the universitys masterplan with secondary routes integrating and utilising the primary route.


Brief Description of the existing Drummond Building The Drummond Building is home to the School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences. The workshops in the lower half of the building has vehicular access for deliveries along a narrow single lane road running down the side. Reasons for demolition within this exercise: inefficient use of site, could be using the site more for expressing the university’s location and stance on sustainability. Total Floor area: 6,050 m² Of which is workshops: 825m²

Proposed Massing for the Drummond Buildings 1 - There is now an enclosed space with two of the main entrances of the Drummond Building I & II off of it. The space is protected from westerly wind with a large tree in the center, this also provides greenery that would otherwise be quite a grey visually. The courtyard has four entrances into it, using Lynch as reference, it suggests where and how to pass through the space. 2 - Where as the courtyard, in 1, is the main and front facade of the two buildings, there is a back facade that runs parallel to the rear facade of the Hancock museum. Opening up a second entrance of Drummond II creates a social pocket to encourage cross circulation and populates a quieter area.


3 - The green square is enclosed on all sides by the Drummond Building, offices and residential that all use this space. The Drummond Building has been widened on the east facing leg to accommodate the ground area more efficiently. It now opens up at ground level to allow use of the green space rather than it turning its back on it.


4 - The original bridge linking to Robinson Library has been replaced by a covered walkway. It now links both the primary and secondary routes running along the Devonshire Building to meet and emerge at the same place the original bridge did, directly opposite the main entrance of the library as this is this most suitable place.





Drummond Building

Stephenson Building

Drummond Building II




Proposed Site Plan Claremont Road (part submerged)

A Proposed Stephenson Building

Kensington Terrace

Kensington Terrace Offices

Park Terrace Residential

Proposed Drummond Building

Proposed Section A - A Devonshire Building

Proposed Drummond Building

Claremont Bridge

Proposed Pavilion Hancock Museum



Proposed Section B - B 82

Main Road

Massing Increase Study This separate study is to analyse the possible stages of expansion to the engineering quarter. This study will start with the analysis after complete demolition and redistribution of the existing massing into the proposed massing. Then onto 20% and 30% massing increase of the proposed redistributed massing. (Refer to table on the right for the figures. The figures are based on gross floor area and the height in floor is the same as the others apart from the ground floor in Stephenson Building, it is slightly higher to accommodate machinery.) The 40% increase of the redistributed massing is the proposal that features in the rest of this presentation.

30% Increase in Massing Example The first half of the 3rd leg to the Stephenson Building has now been built. Temporary carparking on this space will have been effectively distributed else where or more sustainable methods of commuting to the area will have been promoted such as cycling. The temporary workshop adjacent to the pavilion is still required, representing the transition from temporary to permanent connecting the two together, the function can now house an addition exhibition space as a workshop wouldn’t be as appropriate in the public exposed space. The open space for the wind is now enclosed more reducing the potential maximum wind speed in this area. Daylighting of this stage is detrimental to other buildings, only leaving the east end of Kensington Terrace to receive more daylight, however it no more or less that the current development.



Building addition

Existing Redistributed 20% increase


D r um m ond I I & P av ilion 30% increase ½ 3r d le g of Ste phe ns on 40% increase O the r ½ of 3r d le g (proposal) of Ste phe ns on

Floor Area in m² 20, 380 22, 615 27, 105 31, 450 34, 815

Material Finishes and Landscaping Looking Back across from Robinson Library

The east facades of the Drummond buildings have a grided paneling system incorporating green trellis’ and timber grills over the windows. This is to reduce the air pollution from the main below and also presents Newcastle Universitys stance and actions on sustainability in design and development of their research.

Drummond Square

Trees chosen for site are - The deciduous common ash for the large open squares as they act as shading and wind protection during the summer. Then as they shed their leaves earlier than most trees allows for more light to enter the open spaces. - The deciduous silver birch for street lining and edges of buildings as they are tall but thin, less chance of growing into the buildings and provide noise and emission pollution from traffic whilst greening pedestrian routes.

The Deciduous Common Ash


The Deciduous Silver Birch

Conclusion Over all the proposed massing has afforded the site an increase massing of up to 50% of the existing massing.The efficiency of the ground is being utilised more effectively benefiting the university in using what the university has access to instead of expanding to other sites that might not be as suitable or as close. Daylighting of all the buildings have been analysed to ensure they are not effecting contextual buildings for the worse, and the courtyards have been enhanced by the new enclosures rather than hindered. Wind speed has been controlled to ensure there is not a central peak in the center of the open spaces. The grain of the proposal does control the direction but is dispersed through angles, edges and strategically placed landscaping. By diverting the road underground the areas at ground level have benefited greatly from them. Pedestrian access through the site flows better and psychologically feels safer and purposeful in visual links. The pavilion is the key nodal point to the site, expressing the engineering quarters ambitions and a hub for sparking potential research that will in turn develop the university further. There has been sustainable implementations made on site, visibly and invisibly to reflect the beliefs and research of the campus to the wider community.



Architectural Design Thesis

Stage 6 module ARC 8060: Experimental Architecture Waste Palaces,Venice, Italy













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“The Experimental Architecture studio will address ‘garbage’, its impact on communities and how architects may specifically work with the idea of spent materials.”

having the knowledge in how to maintain or repair anything and eventually being responsible for its disposal. Instead consumers buy performance or a service, become aware of the value of quality over quantity and respect stuff enough to maintain, repair and responsibly cycle it when it has reached its end of use for that function.

Throughout this thesis project there are themes of perception to materiality use particularly to the sourcing and end use of materials for products, food, and services consumption but also in regards to the building industry.

Products at the end of use for a function does not mean it has an end of life. The materials used within a product can be seen as materials that can be cycled into another function and life. A part of the architectural design proposal is to integrate and create a living web of connected material processes and flows throughout the city where the architectural design proposal will just be the hub in which the cycles pivot around.

The approach to how the built environment is designed and constructed will need to change and look elsewhere as resources are becoming more limited and the carbon footprint is growing to continually produce buildings and products to match the need of the world’s growing population. This process will fall to the architects to incorporate early stage design integrations of sustainability and responsible sourcing of materials considering the whole life-cycle and become the inspiration and influence on how to use and maintain these spaces now and for future generations to keep enjoying.

Buckminster Fuller suggests that in order to change an existing paradigm, do not struggle to try and change the problematic model, instead create a new model and make the old one redundant.

The socially expected indoctrination of previous everyday consumption and inevitable death of everything is irreversible and unsustainable. There needs to be cohesion and respect of the environments we inhabit and the ecosystems it impacts upon on a much wider scale.

Once the new model has been implemented, there will be two stages for this new model to be effective. First, the processing of the waste left over from the linear economy will need to be dealt with as well as the approach of the new model to the consumers. Then, secondly, the future design and use of how to use a city in a circular economy is implemented.

The architectural design proposal for the thesis will attempt to reverse the etherealness of a very solid issue, which is the unsustainable cycles of waste and the indoctrinated perception of disposing the ‘dead’, organic or non-organic, and this relationship between death and consumption.

For each of these two stages a different outline for a programme of the proposal will act in the city of Venice for the present day and then for the year 2050. The thesis project is split into two sections, the first for research and experimentation exploration and the second is the architectural design proposal.

This can only happen if respect occurs for material matter and their cycles of production and disposal. These cycles are currently invisible and out of mind where everyday consumption exists. The whole cycle needs to be exposed to increase understanding and develop this respect. There should be a shift in consuming where stewardship replaces ownership. The idea that consumers move away from owning stuff with its built-in obsolescence dueled with not 87

Primer Quote by John Scanlan from ‘On Garbage’ (2005)

This series of panels is to present a reverse of the etherealness of a very solid issue and dissect our perception of death and disposal by analysing the objective, influences and results of accumulation, the path of separation and captivation.

“Garbage provides a shadow history of modern life where the conditions for its production and how it is rendered invisible cast it as an unwelcome double of the person. The uncanny and spectral presence that only in death recombines with the body to realise fully the modern hope of self-identity - an identity that fingers us as merely matter”

A parallel is drawn between laziness, neglect and waste where laziness is characterised as a void or pit into which one may sink, and where things (relationships, lives) also waste away or deteriorate.

As the body moves through time stuff is chosen to be accepted whilst rejecting something else the act of separation, swimming through space, indoctrinated. People have always taken, trained to take, the traditional linear cradle to grave approach and this is my result by appreciating every single item of waste to break from this cycle.

In here is the relationship between death and consumption where the human also returns to matter in a poetic garaging of the body.



Study of Accumulaton in Venice Observing intentional and accidental forms of accumulation of materials naturally and with man made materials. Below:Venice manmade intentional forms of accumulation Right:Venice accidental forms of accumulation



Left:Venice Architecture Biennale intentional forms of accumulation of waste This page:Venices accidental turned intentional forms of accumulation



European Context for Waste Management There are three main EU directives guiding policies on waste.

EU landfill directive requests that countries will reduce the amount of MSW landfilled to 75% of the total amount of MSW generated in 1995 by 2006; 50% by 2009; and to 35% by 2016.

The European Waste Framework Directive, The Directive on Hazardous Waste and, The Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste.

Italy has traditionally landfilled most of its MSW, however the landfill rates have constantly decreased between 2001 and 2010, there has been a reduction from 67% to 48% related to MSW generated (from 19.7 to 15.4 million tonnes in absolute terms).

The key target to reach from the above for sorting waste to be recycled have been the 2008 target of 45% of all municipal solid waste. This target was not reached by Italy as a whole which only reached 35%. However 7 out of 20 regions in Italy did reach this target. These figures are analysed further below.

In 2010, the 2008 target was met by 10 out of 20 regions, and the 2011 target by 5 regions.

The next key target to reach for sorting waste to be recycled is the 2020 target if 50% of all municipal solid waste.

EEA: Municipal Waste Management in Italy, 2013

Europe’s waste generation by economic activities and Household

Waste generation by economic activities and households, EU-28, 2014 (%) Eurostat, 2014


Context to the City of Venice, Italy The Adriatic Sea basin is said to have the highest water pollution due to being full of waste. The waste feeds into and comes from Venice’s Lagoon but, out at sea, the waste has been found to occur along the main boat routes through the basin used by tourist cruise ships and fishing boats.Venice receives a high number of tourists each day, continually throughout the year, which brings with it the associated waste and consumption. At certain times in the year the quantity of waste overflows, strewing the streets and eventually becoming a part of the canal system and washing up on the beaches.

expected waste. Their imports range from vegetables & fish to wooden window shutters & beds, but it then exports all of its non-human waste back to the mainland. Its human waste (the dead) go to the island of San Michele where they are treated the same as the non-human waste, to be either buried or incinerated, but the rest of the human waste is filtered back into the lagoon. Making the island of Venice a vessel for consumption.

The city of Venice has become accustomed to this quantity of waste but does not accept it, even though the city imports nearly of all its goods, which brings with it the inevitable

Italy’s Current Regional Separated Waste Italy 35%

Municipal waste landfilled, incinerated, recycled and composted in Italy 19951995-2015

59% Recycling

17% Disposal

10% Incineration

9% Energy Recovery

5% Backfilling Waste_treatment%2C_2014_%28%25_of_total%29_V2.png


Venice 531 kg/habitant per year x 55,000 29.205,000 kg 32,193 ton total 313.3 kg/inhabitant 17,231,500 kg sorted waste 217.7 kg/inhabitant 11,973,500 kg landfilled or incinerated

The island of Venice has 55,000 of the 4,915,123 inhabitants in the region of Veneto. Separate waste collection in Italian homes has become part of the everyday activities, a small yet big contribution that can help the environment.

175.2 kg/habitant of sorted waste is material recycling (33%) 138 kg/inhabitant of sorted waste is organic recycling (26%)

By separating out waste, the aim is to re-address, upstream the various types of waste that are present in the home to optimize management and ensure the waste chances of being repurposed.

Of the 313.3 kg/inhabitant of material waste: 66.3 kg is paper 41.4 kg is glass 10.2 kg is plastic 14.8 kg is wood

The waste that is addressed in this document are combined figures of domestic residences and commercial/office premises? Domestic sorted waste, 36.5% organic fraction, 25.7 paper, 15.5 glass, 6 wood, 5.6 plastic, 2.7 metals. 2.2 WEEE, 4.5

Italy’s Regional Separated Waste


Key Figures and Dates for Italy The generation of MSW topped in Italy in 2007, with 32.5 million tonnes and has since then decreased to 32 million tonnes in 2010 (Eurostat, 2012).

Organic recycling has gone up from 5% to 13% from 2001 to 2010. Materials recycling has gone up from 12% to 23% from 2001 to 2010.

516kg/inhabitant in 2000 552kg/inhabitant in 2006 531kg/inhabitant in 2010

67% 2001 into landfill 19.7 tonnes 48% 2010 into landfill 15.4 tonnes

69% of the total was is biodegradable waste made up of organic waste, paper, wood, and textiles.

59.5 59




550 540 535


58 57.5 57




540 531


530 520



56.5 56















kg/habitant 80%

59.5 59





70% 58%






60% 49%





















Landill of total MSW





Existing Palaces of Venice Studies A couple of the palaces in a study in understanding the splendor and meaning behind a small selection of some of Venices’ most amazing palaces. The study will be looking at facade , major details of importance, historic lineage.

Ca’ d’Oro (1428) Known as the Golden house due to a former golden gilt and polychrome external decoration, that has long faded now. Completed in the Venetian Floral Gothic Style was built for one of the 12 founding families of the Venetian Republic. It is now open to the public as an art gallery housing the collections of Giorgio Granchetti (1856-1927).

(left to right) The recessed colonnaded loggia, detailed flooring on the first floor, stair detail in the central courtyard


Ca’ Rezzonico (1750’s) Originally designed in the 17th century in the Venetian Baroque style the palace was not actually built until 1756. There are a number of frescoes remaining today which are some of the finest preserved in Venice along with a magnificent ballroom reached by a vast staircase. It is currently one of the finest museums in Venice largely due to it’s unique character.


Venice & Santa Croce Tourist Distribution This diagram and the one on the right both highlight the routes of distributing tourists into the city of Venice at different scale, Venice scale

Venice & Santa Croce Material Import & Export Routes The import and export routes in the city are shared however there is a portion of that that escapes refuse collection and seeps into the surrounding lagoon 100

Venice & Santa Croce Tourist Distribution This diagram and the one top left both highlight the routes of distributing tourists into the city of Venice at different scale, Santa Croce scale 101

Pedestrian Routes Through the Site

To encourage walking into the city, there is two proposed new bridge links across the canal to the west of the site, the southern one for the main stream of tourists to and from the cruise ships and a secondary smaller on to the north for locals wanting to visit the site. The existing monorail is still completely accessible to those who require it and is integrated into the proposed routes through the site.

Material Routes Through the Site

The materials will flow from the centre outwards infusing in a new form or function back into the city. They will either return immediately or will be stored in their segment as a materials bank to be used at a later time or the material will be reprocessed again when new technology becomes available. 102

Site Distribution

The site is distributed based on the main types of waste materials that get sorted in the area of Venice and the associated percentage has been allocated. The central voids site allocation is the rest of the waste that goes into landfill at 41% of all waste that is produced in the area. The sorted wastes are: Green fraction (38.1%), Paper (27.7%), Glass (16.5%), Wood (6%), Plastic (5.8%), Metals (2.7%), , WEEE (electrical good) (2.3%) and textiles (0.9%).

Central Void

The void represent the catalyst for change in perception of waste and its uses

Waste’s Journey

From the void, the waste gets processed and recycled before being released back into the city 103

The site is organised into organic and non organic wastes, highlighting waste and time it takes to decompose or not in some cases

The Existing Site The site is brownfield currently being used as a carpark for staff of the surrounding businesses and some unplanned landscaping in the south corner. There is an existing monorail that divides the site into two at an elevated height. There are no existing buildings on site apart from the monorail station that will remain.

Seafood market

Transport hub for cruise ships

Central marina Taxi and bus stop to ferry cruise ship passengers to the bus station


Monorail stop

Carpark Police Station Train station Book publishers Carpark


Bus station

Ecological Design Principles

Circular Economy Principle

Below are the principles to encourage change away from the linear to the cyclical economy and their environmental impact:

Below are the principles of the circular economy to instill onto the visitors of the site.

1. Environmental appreciation and education of process and change of ecological issues to form a wider understanding on the basis that natural changes are inevitable and not always for the worse.

Building in layers There needs to be a clear delineation of elements and their different life spans. Site, Structure, Skin, Services, Space Plan, and Stuff so all can be can be repaired or changed, as when needed, without detrimentally impairing the other layers.

2. Management of the existing circumstances and results of previous cycles or linear processes

Designing out waste

3. Realign perspective of requirements producing an economy of means. This in turn will convert the dopamine and opioid loop into something beneficial for both the ecological metabolism in that urban context and its society

Designing out the concept of waste. Implement design decisions regarding the whole life of the building or product at an early stage. Design for adaptability

4. Reduce or control the effects of inefficient influences that prevent the transitioning to the new system

Can be easily altered to prolong life to suit a new use or patterns of use. Allow for constant transformation as part of an ongoing, never-ending design process, in which environments or objects transform part by part.

5. Implementation of the new cyclical economy 6. Provide diversity as the basis for environmental and social healthiness

Design for disassembly & reuse Efficient and cost effective deconstruction rather than demolition, making sure components are not jeopardised once in place allowing for the buildings and objects to become material banks. Selection of materials Do not mix materials that cannot be broken down again or disassembled and always make a clear distinction between biological and technical materials.

Linear metabolism organic waste

food energy


Human Habitat


emissions inorganic waste


Cyclical metabolism organic waste


Renewable inputs


Human Habitat


inorganic waste



reduced pollution and waste

The Architectural Design Proposal The proposal is for a series of palaces dedicated to the cycle of matter and to create a cyclical resource network/cente and materials bank. The purpose of the site is to promote respect and awareness to the cycle of matter and expose the historical effects of landfilling waste.

The Void Structure represents the quantity of waste that has been landfilled and the bones that are left once all other possibly used materials have decomposed or been taken out. The concept of bones in this analogy reflect the bones of organic matter and back to ones self and mortality.

The architecture will express an appreciation of and extoll the possibilities for the materials and their uses upon being recycled. This spotlight is aimed to get attention to the materials that are already in circulation and to respect these materials that will be ‘mined’ in the urban context in the future once actual mining of materials from the land starts to diminish.

To expose the consequences of the continuation of uncontrollable growth and creation of waste. By observing this impending ruin first-hand, the required changes needed for the preservation of the city of Venice will be more readily accepted and implemented.


Venice Materials Study Model

Section of initial composite

Bricks are the bones of Venice. reusing this recyclable material as the conceptual bones of the site in a new form highlights the use of the city using these materials. Below is a concept model understanding the materials and the stages of degradation and methods of conservation they may go through.

Taking a section cut through the initial experiments showed density and aggregate ratio, colour determined drying time and quantity of brick dust in the mix. Below are the extents of the experiments.

Initial Brick Composite Experiments Initial round of experiments included a mix ratios studies using brick dust, brick aggregate and hydraulic lime where strength, porosity and friability was tested. Above: image of different sizes of brick aggregate that was used in these tests. Below: the 6 lots of initial experiments that were undertaken, varying with a weaker mix of lime and a small amount of dust to a higher quantity of lime and introduction of brick aggregate.

One had too little brick aggregate in, two had two much brick dust and three had a good proportion of small brick aggregate to small brick aggregate, which worked better than a lot of one or the other.

Porosity experiments All of the initial brick composites were soaked and dried in the sun like a brick in Venice to test for absorption rate and fryability after being soaked. The composites were tested against a Victorian baked clay brick to have something to gage against,


Secondary Brick Composite Experiments Different grades of brick aggregates was tested and non recyclable glass cullets and glass foam was introduced to the mix. This is a finish on the core bone structure to identify which of the segments the visitor is passing through. Top: glass cullets, bottom: crushed glass foam. Left bottom images: brick dust and glass cullets. Left right image: Brick dust and glass foam, Brick dust, brick aggregate and glass cullets.


Void Structure Prototype Below is a void structure prototype: a partial model of the void structure to show finish and construction layers. Large scale 3d printers would print the composite in situ in which this composite is to be created in the proposal when the future technology becomes available.


Void Structure Development Rhino 5.0 and Grasshopper was used to develop the form of the void structure. This was used to give an organic naturally and randomly created appearance that was then manipulated in the shape of the surface representing landfilling statistics (please see below) Voronoi and Weaverbird plug ins for the finish. Visuals of the code in action manipulating the size of the holes and also the thickness of the mess with a set number of points. Editing the shape of the surface in the model space that the code will applied to. This process even allows for localised longer holes or even after the mesh has been applied.


Void Structure Structural Analysis

Development of the Shape of the Void

Structural analysis was undertaken to test the integrity of the loads using an add on called SnSPro and applying material properties that was similar to the composite.

The section of the void structure is based on landfilling figures for the area of Veneto. The base is 2010 at 80% landfilling to three quarters of the way up at 2015 when landfilling is at 41% with the top third being a prediction that landfilling figures will drop to nearly 0% creating a circular appearance of creating a circular economy for the materials form now on.

Left images from top to bottom: large holes and thin flat edges compromised the middle section on the inside face. Thicker faces of the same sizes holes works well but the holes are too big for the appearance. Much smaller holes with the same thickness of the one above works well but are now to small. Below: the desirable thickness of edges and size of hows highlights a weakness in the middle section, for this additional support columns will be placed at the most horizontal point in the curved surface.



Architectural Design Thesis

Stage 6 module ARC 8060: Experimental Architecture Waste Palaces,Venice, Italy













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And by observing the potential of impending ruin first-hand, the required changes needed for the preservation of the city of Venice will be more readily accepted and implemented.

For the city of Venice where it is continually decaying from water damage and weathering it is also currently having major problems handling the levels of waste produced by the city which is exacerbated by its tourists.

The proposals objective is to express an appreciation of and extoll the possibilities of waste materials and their uses upon being recycled and transformed on site whilst acting as a commuting route for the tourists into the city.

The circular economy would create and enable new industries to be set up, providing jobs for the locals that isn’t in the tourist trade, but instead in the remanufacturing and reprocessing of products that otherwise would have been treated as waste. This is causing waste to get into the canal systems and accumulate on to the surrounding beaches for most of the year.

In turn this will influence the tourists to reduce their waste accumulating in the city and encourage the locals to gain the relevant understanding and skills to effectively increase the reduction, reuse and repurpose of existing materials in the city.

However,Venice is within the region with the highest percentage for sorting and recycling of their solid waste in Italy, currently 59% compared to the national average of 35%,

The site is chosen due to its pivotal position within the industrial estate of Venice - Imports and exports of materials but also for the circulation of tourists coming into the city via the coaches, cars and cruise ships.

To reverse the etherealness of a very solid issue, the objective is to expose the consequences of the continuation of uncontrollable growth and creation of waste.

The site itself is distributed based on current statistical percentages of the different types of waste that is recycled but also what still ends up in landfill or incinerated.

Site Distribution (Next pages) The site is distributed based on the main types of waste materials that get sorted in the area of Venice and the associated percentage has been allocated. The central voids site allocation is the rest of the waste that goes into landfill at 41% of all waste that is produced in the area. The sorted wastes are: Green fraction (38.1%), Paper (27.7%), Glass (16.5%), Wood (6%), Plastic (5.8%), Metals (2.7%), , WEEE (electrical good) (2.3%) and textiles (0.9%). The flow of visitors through the site is highlighted also as they divert through the glass palace.








Influences of the Void on the Material Transformation

The Facades

The centre of the void is the catalyst for the change in perception and as it emanates out through the site and into the city it takes form at that stage in transformation in the guise of that material.

Void Structure Partial Elevation - The source of influence emanating outwards through the site and on to the facades below in different strengths.

Below: Photo of models of all three facades in the final crit presentation influencing each other using lights and shadows.

Organic Venetian Facade - The result of the void structure’s influence, physical and metaphoric, on to a venetian facading using glass Expected Venetian Elevation - An expected Venetian facade using moulded glass and glass brick

The Journey The journey that the materials take through their transformation of form and use parallels that to the journey that the visitors take in their own cycle of understanding and redirection in perspective of the materials.

Glass Crusher

Bridge between void and glass palace

The void

Main circulation route through the site plus donation points

Storage of donated ‘raw’ material


Glass sieve

Looking towards the heart of the glass palace through the influence from the void

Glass cullet storage

Change in direction during the transformation of the material shown in physical representation of the building itself

Glass moulding workshop

Looking towards the city of Venice through the influence of the glass palace Annealing and glass working Workshops

Mould storage and cooling Central furnace and the heart of the palace


Reflective viewing platform

The Void Structure in the centre represents the quantity of waste that ends up in landfill (41%). The appearance takes on this form mimicking that of bone structure, bones that are left once all other possibly used materials have decomposed or been taken out. The concept of bones in this analogy also reflect the bones of organic matter and back to oneself and mortality. The centre of the void is the catalyst for the change in perception and as it emanates out through the site and into the city it takes form at that stage in transformation in the guise of that material. The material of the void structure is using the bones of Venice, bricks, creating a brick based composite, below is series of models showing the transformation of the material in different uses.

Looking out from the monorail inside the void structure

Walking through the voids elevated walkways 123

Leading off from this, the rest of the site is distributed into the main materials that are sorted during solid waste collection to be recycled in the area of Veneto. Each of the material segments has a representational ‘palace’ that will take the visitors on a journey through the segment parallel to that of the materials being transformed. Each palace will be made from the collected materials that each of the palaces represent, for example, the glass palace will be constructed from collected and donated glass bottles and other glass products from the tourists and the locals. These will be processed into glass bricks on site and used to construct the palace that house the glass recycling facilities. The journey through the glass palace comparing the visitor to the recycling processes. All of the machinery is on ground floor with the public elevated viewing platforms on the first floor. As you complete your cycle of transformation return back the main walkway.

Walking across from the void to the glass palace




12a 5 12b





Ground Floor Plan

Highlighting material flows through the site and the associated processes of recycling glass 1:200





11 4





Material Processing Facilities

1. Glass crusher/sieve 2. Prepping and mixing of raw material 3. Raw material storage 4. Furnace 5. Moulding workbenches 6. Mould storage 7. Mould cooling 8. Annealing and inspection 9. Workshop benches 10. Workshop glass working machines 11. Internal storage 12a. External storage of raw material 12b. External storage of glass cullets 12c. External storage of glass bricks

Human & Auxiliary Facilities

13.Visiting Viewing walkway/platform 14. Tiered seating to view furnace area and demonstrations 15.Viewing platform into the workshops 16. Exhibition area for material and environmental issues 17. Exhibition for the potential of the material 18. Shop 19. Public toilets 20. Staff Entrance 21. Staff area 22. Plant/services 23. Public entrance 24. Public exit


24 18



19 19

First Floor Plan

Highlighting pedestrian routes whilst observing the flows and recycling processing of glass 1:200 130




9 10





Grid Strategy The main grid circulates away from centre of the void, referencing the influence the void has on the materials being processed within and expanding on into the city. The glass palace has a secondary grid to pick up on the change of direction in the transformation of the materials being processed and picks up on the surrounding context and streetscape.


External Storage Strategy Material flow is monitored and controlled with extensive external storage areas to be used for all iterations of the glass closed to the facility it has come from. The external storage areas is also used as the cities materials bank to be mined at a much later date.

glass bricks

crushed glass

glass in its original form

Internal Storage Strategy Internal storage is used for moulds, the workshops art pieces and raw materials that have been brought on site. Mould cooling and mould storage

Internal storage for art work Internal storage for raw materials


Glass Recycling Processes Diagram Processes of how to recycle glass, their characteristics and potentials for reuse infinite 100% materials are saved when



ENERGY 25-30% energy is saved when recycling glass compared to making new glass



Potentials of the material

40% decrease in CO2 eq emissions when recycling glass compared the creation of new glass products

cooled moulded and transformed

manually sifted to remove any further contaminants


mixed melted


the glass is melted at 1500’C, recycled scrap glass requires a lower temperature which in turn releases less atmospheric emissions

transparency, heat resistance, pressure and breakage resistance chemical resistance


the glass making process is started with these materials then the glass cullet is added of which is 90% of this total make up

Programme Diagram Facilities provided on site for the recycling of glass


glass bottles windows displays glass bricks art

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Glass brick production All the glass bricks will be moulded on site made from recycled glass donated to the palace from the tourists and locals. The glass bricks will be reused after being stored on site so no mortar is required as they will be slid on steel rods through holes in the glass and capped at the top and bottom as shown in a series of photos of existing project using the same system.


Glass Palace Details A selection of glass palace details are below including the expected facade, organic facade and the storage steel frame structure for the glass bricks

Storage Frames for glass brick Glass bricks use the same steel rods to slide onto as the facades. When a panel has filled the maximum height of 3,6m a capping rod holds them in place, a beam with a hap of 0.5m above the wall below (to allow access to remove bricks if needed) and a new wall is built using the same system.


Expected Facade Axonometric Different layers of elements make up the expected glass facade, including the columns made from glass bricks, moulded glass window details and glass brick and steel lintel floor divides.


Expected Facade Axonometric Exploded axonomtric showing the glass brick system on the steel rods holding them in place with a bottom and top cap


Organic Facade Glazing Detail 1:10 Above: All glazing is fully framed and set into and supported by the steel frame set directly behind it.

Expected Facade Section 1:20 Right: Floor divide detail sitting on two lots of lintels to take the load from the floor above. All of which is supported from the supporting steel frame sat just behind it.


Walkway Detail through the Organic Facade 1:20 All walkways throughout the glass palaces are temporary supported underneath by secondary steel beans off of the main steel frame.


The Journey Continued

Looking through to the glass melting furnace

Observation tiered seating for the furnace and demonstrations

Passing through the workshops

Viewing platform for the expected Venetian facade

Awareness raising and educational programmes Almost all best-practice cases are accompanied by awareness raising and educational programmes. Topics of these programmes are waste prevention (e.g. change of behaviour and lifestyles), including promotion of home composting, improvement of separate collection and information about the importance of recycling and biological waste treatment.

The most elaborate means for distributing information about proper waste management is the employment of waste experts. Such experts may be located at the municipalities themselves or in separate “education centres�

The means of awareness raising are very broad. Beneath the conventional distribution ways in media (newspapers, radio, TV) and with information material (flyers), the internet gains more and more importance. Website contain recommendations for better waste management of the citizens and can even include databases for collection points or best-practice cases. Specific education programmes are often targeted to schools and organisations. Some municipalities offer SMEs support to achieve better waste management.


The Future of Material Processing The site is designed to be metabolic, changing with the current perception of waste and the levels of waste on the island. The proposal will be the centre of processing the waste to eventually become a materials bank, to be cycled as and when needed, enabling the city of Venice to follow suit with its existing building stock and all that is within. Initially the site will be set up with the facilities it needs to process the materials and will only be visible to the public from the void whilst donating materials. As the piles grow so does the infrastructure and inspiration, workshops are inhabited by peoples initiative and artists. The site is open to the public and can hold demonstrations and have exhibitions on environmental issues and material possibilities. Eventually raw material mining will have peaked and the new material will be urbanely mined within the city and the site will be used a materials bank of the new ‘raw’ material waiting to be transformed again as and when needed.

The impact of this proposal must be contextually sensitive to Venice and that of the image it holds to the world as a UNESCO world heritage city. However, the supporting infrastructure the proposal will give to the city may well just be a catalyst to begin the processes needed to save the city which could then continue through its own momentum and the centre itself could then be reused in echo of its original function. The main aim for the site is to redirect the idea of waste, treating waste as a resource is the fundamental principle from moving away from a linear to a circular economy. The built environment is in constant transformation and the product of an ongoing, never ending design process, in which the environment transforms part by part to adapt. The city’s role in this cycle is to bequeath future generations with a resource bank from within the buildings themselves.


Present - 5 Years

The first infusion of donated/ locally sourced materials will be used to construct the two facades, stating the intention and direction of the message the site distills. This will require the furnace and limited moulding and annealing facilities with mainly external storage as the glass bricks. At this phase there will be no public access and will only be visible from the central void structure.

5 - 10 Years

As the influx of materials increases over this period of time, donated in support of the message, there is need for an increase of infrastructure given by the steel frame to house the recycled material in the form of the glass bricks. Staff has also increase and varied glass working practices have created workshop spaces. The site is now open to the public via an elevated walkway. 148

10 - 50 Years

Understanding of and responsible use of the materials has been implemented in the production and disposal of new glass products. This means fewer glass donations that are regarded as waste and affects the construction of the glass palace by slowing production of glass bricks. An exhibition and information displays of the materials potential, its life cycle and related environmental issues is introduced.

50 - 100Years

The peak of single serving glass products has long passed and fewer glass products are recycled on site. Eventually glass bricks becomes a commodity and is urbanly mined from the site when raw materials can no longer be mined and sourced from their origins. The site becomes an empty shell as a reminder of what has been but is also ready to be used again to store a new iteration of the material. 149

Stage 6 module: Architecture and Construction: Process and Management ARC8061 - Extract from Assignment Two













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B – Professional Practice Report 1.

If your thesis project became a “real” (i.e. fee paying) project you were responsible for (as a member of an architectural firm) what professional practice/project management issues would arise? Consider:

the site. This will ensure that there a constant supply of raw material to be processed on the site and the building construction is continual causing no disruption to labour demand and machinery running. •

The main cost of the site will be the labour as the majority of the materials will be donated or sourced from the islands waste. This can be managed efficiently with the correct placement of a project manager acting as the contract administrator on site foreseeing demands of works.

Ensuring quality control of the materials being used in the palaces will be through thorough testing in the design stages with the aid of specialist consultants and continual testing through the construction and completion stages by the contractors under the supervision of the contract administrator.

i. Your responsibilities under your client appointment for this specific project •

As part of the RIBA code of conduct it states that the member should be aware of the environmental impact of their work. The design process for this project incorporates early stage design integrations of sustainability and the responsible sourcing of materials which also considers the whole life cycle of these materials. Not only is the project considerate to these issues but it will also become the inspiration and influence to the visitors. Explaining how to use and maintain these spaces and materials now and for the future generations to keep enjoying.

Due to the public nature of the project there will be a responsibility when spending public money ensuring that there is a high standard of skill and knowledge. Any decisions made should be informed and with impartial judgment for everyone else’s interest including the community with the projects capital cost and overall performance being reasonable.

Because this is a public project there should be public consultation meeting expressing the proposal openly to the local community to allow for any opinions to be considered or incorporated. This will also show respect for the beliefs and opinions of other people and recognise social diversity thereby treating everyone fairly.

iii. Site constraints •

Due to the nature of the project, accumulating, sorting, and processing certain wastes on site could have their problems, these may be the creation of certain odours or attracting certain fauna. The site is not in proximity to any residential or densely built up areas however the site is adjacent to the main marina building, port for the tourist cruise ships, and nearby some smaller commercial properties. To reduce hazards and/or pollution of any kind materials handling will be set a certain appropriate distance away from the site boundary and a resident hawk would be put in place to scare scavenging birds away.

From this accumulation of materials, mentioned above, space and routes of movement must be provided and maintained in case of too much growth that the site could potentially not accommodate. In these circumstances, each of the sectors will have a collection point from the road that the local waste collection could still collect from.

Venice as a city is often flooded, due to a mixture of water levels rising in the Adriatic Sea and because the islands are sinking between 2-5mm a year (Fletcher & Spencer, 2005). Consideration will need to be taken for the future of this project and the site. The project embraces this fact as part

ii. Likely client priorities and constraints (time, cost, quality) •

The project is a long term live project and it will depend on how much material are donated to the site. The way in which the project will ensure fluid movement is to liaise with the local waste collection department, in this case Veritas, to redirect some of the cities sorted waste on to


of the design intention in creating awareness of impending issues caused by climate change. The long-term intention of this project ensures that all materials used in the lower sections of the buildings are adequately waterproofed ready to be constantly under water and still maintain access to the buildings at a higher level. All services and drainage will be contained and appropriately accessible if maintenance and upgrades are needed.

and other local recycling & environmental organisations will be consulted throughout the sites development. This will be to liaise with for controlling and removing the quantity of waste produced by the city but also to ensure safe handling and processing of the materials. •

iv. Statutory approvals and other legal hurdles •

The impact of the proposal must be contextually sensitive to Venice and that of the image it holds to the world as an UNESCO world heritage city. However, the supporting infrastructure the proposal will give to the city may well just be the catalyst needed to begin the processes to save the city. This could then continue through its own momentum and the site itself could then be reused in echo of its original function when the materials bank of the palaces is needed back for the city. As the site is a long-term live building site, part of the appeal will be that it is still allowing the public through it as a tourist destination. To control and reduce the potential risks appropriate construction design and management regulations will be set in place for this specific project. It will require excellent communication by all parties involved with the project, on-site and off-site, and that health and safety concerns and complaints are taken seriously and dealt with swiftly. To control the development of such a large project a complex projects contract will be used where the procurement method will be build only of a design prepared under the direction of the employer. This will be used to moderate the unusual terms, some of which are pertaining to, quality control of specification of materials from a range of subcontractors & consulted specialists and to the complicated access & possession stages.

v. Inputs from other (design, construction, etc.) professional disciplines •

With such a potentially important project which may even impact on other worldwide projects, of similar intention such as this one, it is worth considering involving ICOMOS, UNESCO and other national Italian heritage organisations. On a smaller scale, smaller local organisations should also be consulted with, like the public consultation meetings, to see how this project could enrich awareness to these organisations, businesses and skill traders when setting up the exhibition spaces for the materials, e.g. Murano glass makers.

The Venice city council waste management policy makers 152

A quantity surveyor is necessary as they will take responsibility to predict the quantity of materials that would be needed for each of the palaces and foresee any excess accumulations of materials that could be avoided at any one time. They will also be at the lead regarding costing and the controlling of finances for the whole project working closely with the project manager.


Discuss in detail two issues that arise from the specifics of your project, which are important to achieving “value” (success in the client’s terms) and controlling “risk” (potential obstacles to achieving value) on this project.This discussion should make reference to relevant literature (i.e. published sources) on the topics covered:

a named subcontractor at this point in the specification and the contractor may not sub contract any part of these works without the prior approval of the contract administrator (CIOB, 2013). However, the appointment of the subcontractor is still under the responsibility of the main contractor on site when completing works.

i. Ensuring value through contractual obligations

ii. Reducing risks of using invented materials and their associated methods of construction

Due to the uniqueness of this large and potentially long-term project a ‘Complex Projects Contract’ will be used where the procurement method will be build only of a design prepared under the direction of the employer, as stated in part 1iv. There are several reasons for this, there are several buildings all of which are using different materials and their associated construction techniques housing various complex mechanical machinery. Also, because the project will exceed 12 months in construction time, it is estimated that there will be more than 20 subcontractors, and some elements will be completed and handed over whilst other elements are still in construction meaning there will be multiple access and possession dates.

As mentioned above there is potential risk to the visitors of the opened sections of the site. There is a duty of care in tort to third parties, personal injury, or other property. CDM regulations state that the safety of the contractor’s employees is principally a matter for the contractor and is not ordinarily the architects job (Speaight,2010). However, where personal injury is suffered because of a design defect it is the architect’s responsibility and duty of care in tort to all because of their professional negligence to take reasonable steps to avoid causing personal injury or death through the design stages.

By using this contract, it is consolidating all the foreseen complexities and effectively organise the time lines that will run parallel to each other under one method of communications and comprehensive understanding in terms of language of any documentations used reducing any misunderstandings that may cause disputes or mistakes. When all of the detail drawings and documents are drawn up for the specification by the original contract administrator, in this case the architect, the named role of contract administrator will be passed onto a project manager on the contract (Chappel & Willis, 2010). The project manager’s role from this point on will be located on site managing the day to day activities. This will benefit and ensure value to the client and the project by having someone monitoring and managing contractors, quality control, value engineering, cost control, risk management and be available for dispute resolution on the ground. Because each of the materials need to go through experimentation and testing with guidance from a specialist consultant it is highly advised that the subcontractor to carry out the work should be the same consultant or someone with similar knowledge. Working with these materials need the special understanding of the materials properties to be effective at reaching the desired objective outcome to meet the requirements of the specification. This can be achieved by the initial contract administrator appointing named subcontractors in the contract. So where in the specification it states any part of the works that is specialist and is to be completed by a specialist it should have

There are two main risks identified on site that may cause personal injury. The first would be the architects responsibility, being that this project has many newly invented methods of construction and use of materials and there will be no building control or standards for the use of these materials used on site. This means that there is a significant weighting on risk through design. The materials specified for the five main sectors which do not have a standardisation provided by the National Building Specification (NBS) and neither do the construction methods that will be used. For these materials to be safely used as specified they will have to be tested with UKAS accreditation during Stage two of the RIBA plan of works to ensure quality and time management in the later stage. This is stated by Building Regulations 7: Materials & Workmanship (2013) making the materials comply with BS EN1090-1 standardisation. To reduce this risk in the early stages of design would be to take consultation from independent specialists in each area of expertise to assist in creating supporting evidence to the objective standards for the material, their uses and properties. Primary experiments and tests using the materials as intended, should be completed to ensure the obligations in the design is one of reasonable care and skill (RIBA, 2005). Also during the initial testing of these new materials knowledge should be gained as to how susceptible to change in properties these materials are. The same Building Regulation document also states that the materials should be shown to be adequate for the building to perform the function for which it is intended for the life span of the building. If this cannot be gained an estimated


time in which they will change would be required to ensure effective maintenance or replacement for the safety of the users and the capability of the overall structure.

creating a construction phase plan before construction begins. This will help set up an outline in the health and safety arrangements, site rules and specific measurements and boundaries (HSE, 2015). A construction phase plan will also influence other types of information during a construction project, ensuring concise relatable communication to all sectors of the site.

Part of the projects function is to praise the materials and the possible uses of them. So, it would be in the best interest of the client as well as the construction of the project in that more time was spent on thorough testing at the earlier stages. Achieving a set of standards and creating an NBS for them would allow the material use to be used by others thus accomplishing a primary goal of the project. Throughout the construction, the contractor should undertake inspections of the materials being used, testing for quality and consistency of the on-site produced materials, carried out in the presence of the contract administrator. The results from these tests should be recorded and endorse a test certificate for the contractor. This is to ensure that the final completion testing’s and other testing’s required by the specification are good (CIOB, 2013) as forecasted and expected to be. The second main risk of personal injury is the accessibility of the site to the public and is the main contractor’s responsibility. As stated above, there will be multiple access and possession dates where some elements of the site will be completed and handed over, these will be the elements that will be accessible to the public, whilst other elements are still in construction. There are several ways to reduce risk of personal injury on-site, for the staff or any visitors working on site, there should be a health and safety file on site that anyone who is working on the site has access to and that all the information and procedures put in place are to at least comply with standards set by the local, national and even European regulations. Other methods of managing health and safety on site, per to the CDM regulations (2015) is to ensure that any person who has information or instruction on the project provides it comprehensibly and provide it as soon as practical to maintain up to date records. Also, that any person on site knows that they have a duty to report potential hazards immediately, the person in charge should then stop work until the area is safe to work in again. When the contract administrator, in agreement with the contractor, has identified that a section is fit to be accessed by the public the contract administrator issues a Certificate of Partial Possession to the contractor and employer clearly identifying and outlining the works or section taken in partial possession (CIOB, 2013). This will not mean that this section has received substantial completion, this will be issued when the full set of works has been completed. This type as access across the site can be aided by the client


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design charrette organised by Masters integrating active learning with play and of Architecture students at Newcastle architecture that teaches through the University, through the student ran design. The learning spaces spill out into Extra Curricular Article 25 Student Student Chapter society, ArticleActivities: 25: Newcastle the outdoor play areas of the courtyard Competition Entry Chapter. The society operates as part of with the younger and older children the wider charity Article 25 whose work separated spatially by the library building focuses on international development and set in the middle of the plan. The library production of sustainable architecture. The becomes the focal point of the cluster of process of designing the school was both buildings being the only one with extra a learning opportunity for us, as well as, a levels and a higher roof. The internal chance to apply all the skills we have been space has movable elements that together accumulating during our architectural form a flexible space. Book shelves act as education and practice. seating areas and as climbing frames, thus

The structure and sustainable elements include rain water collection and living walls which are visible and tactile so the children can start to appreciate the importance of working with the environment, both using and respecting nature and natural processes. A growing garden is also included within the design and connects with the eating area. This way children can learn from an early age the importance of a good nutrition and how their food grows.













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The proposal for the KenCada International Academy in Mombasa came together as part of a design charrette organised by Masters of Architecture students at Newcastle University, through the student ran society, Article 25: Newcastle Student Chapter. The society operates as part of the wider charity Article 25 whose work focuses on international development and production of sustainable architecture. The process of designing the school was both a learning opportunity for us, as

well as, a chance to apply all the skills we have been accumulating during our architectural education and practice. The design principles follow the Steiner Waldorf school philosophy, integrating active learning with play and architecture that teaches through the design. The learning spaces spill out into the outdoor play areas of the courtyard with the younger and older children separated spatially by the library building set


in the middle of the plan. The library becomes the focal point of the cluster of buildings being the only one with extra levels and a higher roof. The internal space has movable elements that together form a flexible space. Book shelves act as seating areas and as climbing frames, thus the learning aspects become intertwined with elements of spatial play. The structure and sustainable elements include rain water collection and living walls which are visible and tactile so the children can start to appreciate the importance of working with the environment, both using and respecting nature and natural processes. A growing garden is also included within the design and connects with the eating area. This way children can learn from an early age the importance of a good nutrition and how their food grows.

the back of the courtyard. The workshops and maker spaces are located at the back of the courtyard also, this separation then leaves the formal teaching areas and library as a quieter space. The pool and sports pitches are left for the back of the site and Site Plan these can be flexible. These are mainly accessed through the changing rooms to create a more formal separation between sporting activities and learning spaces. Privacy for site against the surrounding houses is created by a row of trees set against the boundary wall. These trees also create a welcoming environment on the inside of the site. The main access is provided at the front of the site and delivery access for the kitchen is made through a side gate at the back of the building cluster to avoid disrupting classes.

Spatially, the front block is assigned to the teacher spaces so visitors and students would have to pass through these more formal and controlled spaces before entering the courtyard and the spaces designated for play and learning. The two age groups are separated in two blocks to the left and right of the entrance and the covered dining area rounds up the cluster of spaces at



The structural timber frame is lifted off the ground to prevent flooding by concrete pillars which also prevent termite damage. The exterior walls of the classrooms are concrete block structure providing support for the whole building as well as thermal mass. Rain water would be collected in troughs behind the classrooms and would be shaded by trees. This system combined with the thermal mass walls creates a cooling effect inside the classrooms. The living walls are triangular frames constructed out of bamboo and act as a shading devise for classroom circulation creating visual and sound separation between the classrooms and the internal play courtyards.


Selected Bibliography City as Platform Corner, J. (1999) The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention. London: Reaktion Books Jacobs, J. (2000) Death and Life of Great American Cities. London: Pimlico. McCarter, R.M. (1996) Building Machines (Pamphlet Architecture). Princton: Princton Architectural Press. Price, C. (2017) Projects. Available from: http://cedricpriceworks. com/. Accessed: November 2015.

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Hybrid Objects

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Sustainable Buildings & Environments (Accelerated route)

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