Technology Bytes Newsletter - February 2014

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“Inspired Technology Leadership to Transform Teaching and Learning”



TECHNOLOGY BYTES Naomi Harm, CEO ◆ PO Box 188, Brownsville, MN 55918 ◆ (608) 386-2018 ◆ ◆

PO Box 188 Brownsville, MN 55919 Phone: (608) 386-2018 Email: #nharm

S TAY C O N N E C T E D ! Click on the appropriate app icon below to download our app!

February Greetings! I hope this newsletter finds you staying warm as we have been experiencing some very frigid temperatures in the Midwest. What a great opportunity to sit down and enjoy some new Technology Bytes while drinking a nice warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate! February is a month we envision and wish for an early spring, but know that mother nature and the groundhog will only keep us waiting until they are good and ready. Some highlights to this month include: ★

Digital Learning DayBack in its 3rd year

Google Goodies to delve into

Flipped Teaching tricks

Blogging Basics--Tips for Teachers and Students

Global Collaboration News

Resources to include the upcoming Winter Olympics in your classroom

app/innovative-educatorconsulting/id737480444?mt=8 apps/details? id=com.conduit.app_2318c8d33 d6845f6824c2a14923576f9.ap Conduit-Innovative-Educator-

... and much, much more. We hope these resources and links spread extra warmth and excitement to your classroom this month helping to make a lasting impact on content delivery with your students.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Professional Development Workshop Opportunities ............. 2 Must Have Apps ...................................................................................... 3 Googly About Google .............................................................................. 3 Show Me the Money: Contests and Grants ................................ 3 Flipping Over Instruction: An Education Change-Up ................ 4 Chats with Deb ......................................................................................... 4 Website Warmups to Personalize Learning .............................. 4


Game Changing Moments: Digital Learning Day ...................... 5 From the Blog Shelf .................................................................................5 Blogging Basics ........................................................................................ 5 The Digital Buzz Radio Show................................................................6 An Eye on the Globe: Global Collaboration ................................... 7 Technology Tips, Tricks and Trends ................................................ 7

I NNOVATIVE E DUCATOR C ONSULTING ’ S I NSPIRING P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT W ORKSHOP O PPORTUNITIES March 20 Getting Started with Google (Level I) Host Site: Westby School District Attendees will learn how to navigate and actively utilize the Google Apps environment through Google Drive while experiencing the Gmail interface, managing of calendars, creating and sharing folders/labels, collaborating on documents, presentations and forms.

April 8 Get Your Google On! (Level II) Host Site: Westby School District Come explore the wonderful world of Google Apps, Chrome Apps, Drive Apps and Extensions for education. Participants will be immersed in intermediate to advanced innovative techniques of how to use Google Apps and resource tools to extend mobile learning opportunities for all of their students.

COST Unless otherwise indicated, the cost is $125/person. If you register a team of three from your district, you can send a fourth person for FREE!

GRADUATE CREDIT One graduate credit is available for all workshops through Marian University for an additional $175


Western Wisconsin Education Conference Friday, February 21, 2014

at the La Crosse Center in downtown La Crosse, WI

>> Pre-Registration Ends February 12 <<

After that registration will occur on-site that day. Workshops are not guaranteed and will then be $20. The WWEC is partnering with Naomi Harm's Innovative Educator Consulting Company to bring a technology focus to our conference. This year’s theme is “Ready... Set... Mobile! Transforming Education with Technology”. Over 30 different mobile technology related breakout sessions are planned for the day. The conference is still only $15 per person to attend. Onsite/day of registrations will increase to $20 per person. To view all session offerings and register for the event starting on January 8th, go to All conference attendees must register for breakout sessions. Session availability is on a first come, first served basis. *This is a BYOD "Bring Your Own Device" conference. Please bring a fully charged device, such as an iPad/ Android tablet, Chromebook or laptop to meet your personal learning needs for the day. For questions regarding the conference and registration, please contact Stephanie Fraase at or call 608-796-0355.

For questions regarding registration, please contact Kim Berg at (608) 781-5280 or email For questions regarding workshop content, please contact Naomi Harm at (608) 386-2018 or email

REGISTRATION Click here to register. Enrollment is limited, so register early to save your spot!

Stay tuned for more March/April dates coming soon. Watch your email or the Innovative Educator Consulting app for more details! 2

M UST H AVE A PPS Tell About This is a brand new free app to the App Store. It is designed to allow students to capture their thoughts by verbally responding to photo prompts that are customized in a variety of child friendly categories. The app targets the most primary levels (Age 3-7) to allow ease of use, but would also be successful for older students and students with Special Needs. Write About This is from the same developers as Tell About This, but this free app involves creative prompts for writing. The full version when purchased has 125 photos. Each photo has 3 different prompts that allow teachers and students to differentiate based on need and interest. Each category has great photos to spark students creative writing. The final digital project is a great showcase that students can truly be proud of. Things to Think About - Things to Think About provides 100 prompts to spark thinking for written responses and encourage conversations about ideas and issues for kids. Created by students and teachers in Michigan, it can be used in classrooms or with families by allowing children to explore the prompts and by using them to guide a discussion or lesson. Shake - a - Phrase is a fun language app for creative writing prompts, vocabulary, and parts of speech practice. Perfect for learning and laughing in the classroom or on-the-go, it features over 2,000 words and definitions in 5 engaging themes for ages 8+. DIY Apps to Make Your Day - DIY -- Get Skills -- Be Awesome. Share what you make and do, meet others that care about what you’re into, comment on your friends’ stuff, and get patches for the skills you earn. DIY has more than 80 skills to get including Hardware Hacker, Backyard Farmer, Gamer, Fashion Designer and Skater. How.Do: DIY Crafts Ideas and Projects - Find inspiration and discover a community for DIY, making, and upcycling. How.Do is the place where high-tech meets old-school crafts.

S HOW M E THE M ONEY : C ONTESTS AND G RANTS Google Science Fair 2014 Your students could be the next Google Science Fair Winner. The new competition launches on February 12, so stay tuned and check it out. This resource shows you what students are really capable of and highlights different projects from 2013. Be sure to check it out!

G OOGLY A BOUT G OOGLE Google has been making some great updates and features for users of all kinds. Check out a few of their newest features that will help you stay well organized and highly productive: Google Drive now has a new activity feed to show users what has changed throughout their drive. This feature can really help see when students make changes to a document so educators can review. This new productivity feature is a welcomed change! 7 Tips to Become an Advanced Google Drive User Google Sheets saw an update in December. If you missed it, check this out. Trying to avoid copyright issues in the classroom? It is a difficult task but Google Image Search may have just gotten a bit easier. Check this out for more information. Tons of Google Forms for administrators, teachers, and students

Solve For Tomorrow Contest Due Date: April 14, 2014 The Contest challenges entrants to describe how STEM can help improve the environment in their communities. Samsung will select 15 schools to receive $35,000 technology grants.

Ever wonder How Search Works? See this fun/interactive story here!

Wisconsin IDEAS Student Photo Contest Due Date: May 6, 2014 Students in grades 6 - 12 may submit images to be judged by quality of composition, elements of design, concept, color and technical quality for a chance to win an iPad Mini, iPod Touch, or iPod Nano.

The 3 Tech Ninja’s collection of Google Stuff- Great Resources to advance your Googly Knowledge!


26 Tips for teaching with Google Apps from Ask the Gooru

F LIPPING O VER I NSTRUCTION : A N E DUCATION C HANGE -U P What is eduCanon? According to the site: eduCanon is an online learning environment to build and share interactive video lessons. Teachers begin with any YouTube, Vimeo, or TeacherTube video content and transform what is traditionally passive content into an active experience for students. By embedding activities that students engage with as the video progresses the content is segmented into digestible components - increasing student engagement and, through our analysis, informing the next day’s lesson planning.

What is EDpuzzle? This educational tool allows educators to edit/crop a video and record their own audio to guide a lesson. In addition, a teacher can embed quizzes into their video which makes it perfect for the Flipped Classroom.


“Mrs. Norton’s Neighborhood” In this video, Deb Norton talks about using blogs with her students for authentic and purposeful writing. Deb shows several sites for hosting blogs as well as examples for engaging blog post topics. Click here to watch the “Chat with Deb” You Tube video! Resources shared from this video: Thinglink, Doppelme, Kidblog, Tumblr, Blogger, Google Sites, Our students' Kidblogs Sharing Technology blogpost Deb's email:

What is Ask 3? Ask3 is a free app that teachers can use to create short instructional videos that are shared directly to their students’ iPads. Students can use Ask3 to ask questions about the video, mark the video with drawing tools, and create their own audio comments about the video.

WEBSITE WARMUPS TO PERSONALIZE LEARNING Ted Clubs for Students is a brand new program aimed to get students and young learners all around the world the space and time to pursue their larding passions and to support them in presenting those ideas in the form of short ted like talks. TED-Ed Clubs is a flexible, school-based program that supports students in discussing, pursuing and presenting their big ideas in the form of short TED-style talks. Watch the video or explore the stories below to learn more. The Mission of TED-Edclubs is to celebrate the best ideas of young people around the world. Here is how it works : ✦

Visit TED-Ed Clubs and fill up the club application form

Once approved you will receive access to a set of free tools designed to help you start TED Ed Club at your school.

There are 13 suggested meetings and each meeting held club members gain discrete presentation skills and the final meeting, club members present their ideas in the form of short TED-like talks.

Teachers can nominate presentations to be featured on TED Ed or at the annual TED youth conference.

This is step-by-step guide for starting a TED-Ed Club at your local school or community organization.

Watch this video to learn more about TED-Ed Clubs.


GAME CHANGING MOMENTS: DIGITAL LEARNING DAY Digital Learning Day began 3 years ago and encourages everyone, young & old, to celebrate innovation in education through effective applications of digital learning in schools to improve learning and assist students to achieve their highest potential. Here are some resources to help you find an activity to fit your classroom needs. Getting Started Also be sure to browse through the Tip of the Day. While Digital Learning Day is celebrated on 1 day each year, please note that many schools celebrate for the entire week. Don’t feel that you are constrained to celebrate digital learning on this one day. In fact we challenge you to continue to push yourself to integrate digital learning in your classroom all year long.

FROM THE BLOG SHELF Local Wisconsin Bloggers: The Connected Educator’s Hotspot Tom Whitford

Educational Technagogy - Social Studies in a STEM setting Timothy Scholze

Principal J Jessica Johnson

Techie Teacher Melissa Emlar

National: Engage Their Minds Terri Eichholz

i Teach with Technology Karen Ogen


★ Check out the events in your state for Digital Learning Day as you may get some great ideas that were shared by others to replicate in your classroom, school, or district. ★ Check out this resource on Cell Phones in Class created by a Green Bay Educator. ★ Digital Learning Day Resources organized by subject area ★ Digital Learning Day Tools for Everyone ★ Digital Learning Day Resources on Pinterest ★ Chat with Deb - Digital Learning Day... In this episode Deb shares Digital Learning Day resources that are easy to integrate into your classroom. ★ Innovation Resources: Access lesson plans, videos & more to strengthen students’ communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking skills. ★ How-to Guide: Download this handy infographic about fostering innovation skills in your classroom. (This makes a great poster too!) ★ Google+ Hangout: 2/5 @1PM EST | For students | Bring your class and learn from top innovators at, PBS NewsHour, and EyeWire during a LIVE Google+ Hangout On Air co-hosted by PBS and Google's Connected Classrooms.

BLOGGING BASICS Digital production is an important element for all children to learn and be able to take part in. It not only gives them a more global audience and deeper purpose for writing, but it also challenges them to always publish their very best products and highlight/reflect on their classroom learning. Take a look at some resources to help support you or your students and get started: Richard Byrne provides this great comparison chart of different blogging services for teachers and here is extra support to begin the idea of blogging with your students. Help your students understand how blogs can reach around the globe and it is important to represent themselves safely and respectfully. How far do blogs reach? This resource shares advice from writers for you and your students! This resource includes sample classroom blogs to further support you and your students in this process. Blogging Challenge: This is a challenge that has been circling the web recently in order to get more educators to blog. They layout questions to help make it easier to know what to include in a post. The next challenge is sitting down to write the post. Now take this concept and think about how you could involve your students in a challenge like this. How could you repurpose this activity to get great quality writing, reflection, and content from your students in digital posts of their own? Start small and grow these new digital productions; either for yourself or your students.

THE DIGITAL BUZZ RADIO SHOW The Digital Buzz radio show for February is kicking off the month's focus with talking about Random Acts of Kindness, Digital Learning Day and Makerspaces. The Broadcast will occur on Friday, February 7th at 9:00 AM CST. Click here to tune in live. This monthly radio show is broadcasted live the first Friday of every month at 9AM CST and found on The Digital Buzz channel on Spreaker. You can also tap into the archived radio broadcasts from the past two years. In addition, join the Intel Teacher's Engage Community to continue your learning on more collaborative and shared resources from The Digital Buzz radio show and teacher learning community.




Looking for those ultimate resources to share and model random acts of kindness? Look no further to celebrate the week of February 10-16th. ★ The official Random Acts of Kindess website

So now you may be asking, how do I get started, where do I find materials to meet my students needs and if I could only see first hand classroom examples that are successful with this initiative. Look no further...we have them all right here for you.....

★ Random acts of kindness activities all year long

★ Makerspace and Free Guide Book

★ Kindness project ideas for each grade level

★ Designing Classroom Makerspaces:

★ Elementary focus of a four week planing guide of activities

★ Maker Education Initiative and Student Examples

★ Good Deed Doer’s--Projects By Jen (Feb-April)

★ 3D Printers and Makerspaces in Education

MAKERSPACES GALORE! Makerspaces (also known as Hackerspaces, Creative Spaces, Fab Labs, Makelabs and in California Makerhoods), according to Wikipedia, are open community labs where members with common interests (e.g., engineering, computer programming, inventing, graphic design, etc.) gather to share resources, knowledge, career networking and build new devices. Generally, makerspaces are designed to meet the following needs:

★ Makerspaces Education Livebinders of Ideas

★ Making a Makerspace: Peek Inside My Plans ★ Make Magazine ★ Instructables ★ DIY ★ Make It ★ Thingiverse

★ Provide access to a wide variety of tools and technology; ★ Facilitate group interaction, knowledge, and resource sharing; ★ Supply access to physical space for individual project development; ★ Provide an open environment for expression of creativity and innovation; ★ Access to equipment for prototyping project ideas for companies. Here are some great resources to get you started.


A N E YE ON THE G LOBE : G LOBAL C OLLABORATION Membership just got better at ISTE! Join us online Feb. 13 for a new learning opportunity focused on the hottest topics from ISTE 2013 and a sneak peek at what's in store for ISTE 2014. This new event will also include a live discussion with ISTE 2013 keynoter Adam Bellow. Registration is free for ISTE members, but space is limited, so register early! Not a member? Join now to participate.

MEET MAKULU The IEC team has been traveling with a very special companion this past week. Makulu has joined our team briefly in the midwest from South Africa. We are taking part in this global project- outlined here, very similar to Flat Stanley. Makulu is a part of 5 traveling rhino’s making their mark all over the globe to share a major concern for the endangered Rhinos as there are approximately 16,000 left in the world and poachers continue to kill these animals. At this rate the 5 unique rhino species will be completely extinct from the world by 2020 (only 6 short years away.) Makulu and our team traveled to the FETC conference in Orlando, Florida and will also be visiting several Wisconsin schools throughout the first week of February to share this global problem with educators and students like. A Call to Action. Stay tuned or check out the wiki to follow the 5 rhinos as they venture around the globe to raise awareness.

MAKING SCIENCE CONNECTIONS THROUGH THE WINTER OLYMPICS Working in the classroom we know the importance of connecting real life events into our everyday teaching. It helps to build a global awareness and understanding in our students. Not only does it create a relevance to learning, it also sparks an interest level in our students and makes the learning fun! Why not maintain work on your curriculum standards, but step away from the textbook and enjoy the real-life events. Local WI story connection to share the excitement of Olympic sports with your students and a family tradition.

Share My Lesson for Teachers National Geographic’s Olympics Resource

Science of Winter Olympics Sochi Olympics Pinterest Board Lessonopoly Grades 5-8 Lessonopoly Grades 9-12

Cybraryman’s Olympic Resource Page

TECHNOLOGY TIPS, TRICKS AND TRENDS USA Hooray! Teaching Students Using Choice Boards and Workstations For 10 years, Jennifer Kimbrell taught first grade students. She learned the importance of modeling for her students early on. Now in her current position as an instructional technology specialist, she continues this practice, but while working with one of her 5th grade groups, she realized very quickly that some of her students were getting a little put out. They didn't want her to tell them which app to use and to provide them with step-by-step instructions. They had their own ideas and their own unique perspectives. She taught in this classroom several times, each time feeling as though something was missing from her lesson. The kids weren't buying what she was selling. When it was time to start their new unit, she decided to talk to the teacher about a different approach. Rather than telling them what to do and how to do it, why not let them choose the activities on their own? Let them show what they know about the topic in their own way. At first, their teacher was a little concerned. How much freedom should we provide? Would their behavior get worse? She decided it was worth a try. Tap into the provided link above to learn about the rest of story and access her free choice boards to download. Thanks Jennifer Kimbrell for all your great collaborative shares!


We hope February provides for you a wealth of opportunities of inspiration, happiness and gratitude! #TogetherWeAreBetter from the Innovative Educator Consulting Team!

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