Distribution channels. 9 November 2009. Kimberley Denise Zuurbier.
When I started the research I thought It was pretty hard to find a good showroom because Dries van noten is a label really man, no logo, they have prints but not like printed t-shirts. And most of the showrooms sold a lot of rock, printed t-shirts and femim clothes for men. I found 4 showrooms that are really come close to the collections of Dries van Noten. These ones are: Jean Demavinssy, MC2 Diffusion, No Season and Paris Vestiaire.
The first showroom I found was Jean Demavinssy, the showroom has 2 that coming close to Dries van Noten, ‘Daks and Gaetano Navarra’.
The second one I found was MC2 Diffusion has Carven, Philippe Alvergne, Wintle and Wooyoungmi. These 4 are really close to Dries van Noten.
No Season was the third showroom I found. Blaak, Boris Bidjan Saberi, Gossuin, N. Hoolywood and Tillmann Lauterbach are having the same kind of style Dries van noten has.
Paris Vestiaire was the fourth showroom I found. SoPopular is a very different brand but has something from Dries van Noten. By that I chose this one.
Conclusion. I think is the best showroom for a label such as Dries van Noten. Because it has the most labels together that look like Dries van Noten and the showroom has also women so that you can checkout also stuff for your wife.
I think is also a really good showroom but it only has 1 label that looks a little bit like Dries van Noten but it’s the colourful compare to Dries van Noten, that why I think ‘No Season’ is a better showroom.