How To Turn Freelance Writing Into A Lucrative Business
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In this section I'm going to show you how to get paid on a regular basis with your writing skills. This is not hard at all and there are actually three ways to go about this. The first way is to advertise your services on a weekly basis. You would be surprised how many people are after quality freelance writers. The two main services people want online are Ebooks written and Ghost written articles These are the most in-demand services people want.
Don't go fooling around with other services, give people what they want. To get started, register a domain name and get some hosting. I'm not going into the basics of setting up a website here. Your domain name can either be your full name, or your business name or something catchy that lets people know you are a writer. Next, depending on the service or services you want to offer, you need a few examples of your work. If you want to offer both articles and ebooks in your service, then you will need 2 or 3 articles at different word lengths and one ebook fully written as an example. Ebooks do not have to be long, 30 to 35 pages, in size 14 or 16 font and people are happy. That equals to about 5000 to 7000 words in length. People want articles in all different word counts. But to start with offer the following. 150 word articles, 350 word articles and 500 word articles. Make sure you write up plenty of example works as these are what people will be going on to hire you for the week. The next step is to create the sales letter for your webpage that sells you basically. Not a product, but yourself. Remember the goal here is to sell yourself weekly or
monthly or even yearly. There is no end to how long this will work for you. Basically the sales letter needs to let people know what you are offering them when they hire you. They are basically getting a full time writer on staff without any hassles of offices or overheads.
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I would write a headline, something like this.
Full Time Article Writer For Hire Have Your Own Writer On Demand For 7 Days Straight
Every week like clockwork, get 150 articles handwritten for you and only you, delivered straight to your inbox" You get the drift. Basically it's a sales letter where people can read about what you offer, see your examples and choose whether to "buy" you for the week. You need to work out before you do this, how much you are going to charge and what work you are going to get done in that time. At the end of the sales letter you can put your paypal buy now button and even put what weeks you are free. People will hire you in advance. I've done this before. I was hired out for the whole month at $750 a week. So where do you find clients for this type of work? Forums! There are a multitude of places you can sell your services. 3 of those would be....
These 3 places allow you to sell your services to the highest bidder basically. Posting your signature in forums will also be of great benefit. Contacting marketing gurus via forums or email or anywhere and letting them know that you are for sale is a great idea. I did this recently with a well known marketer who didnt know me from a bar of soap. I just PM'd him on a forum where I was kinda of well known. Basically I had a few good posts under my sleeve, I showed him my page and he jumped at the chance to hire me. He hired me for 1 month straight. Article writing is also a great way to find clients. The second way to get a regular paycheck via freelance writing is to create a "turnkey business" around your services. I did this a few months ago, kind of by accident. I was wanting to sell my handwritten ebook service to a new bunch of customers. I had run out of marketing ideas and I wanted some new customers. Before I go any further, I will let you know the domain name. The business I sold was - (new owners own this site now, I dont run it anymore) Basically I had taken the site as far I could with my limited marketing knowledge, but I knew if I could
find the customers, I would make a killing so basically what I did was I sold the site to someone else and now they do all the marketing for the site and myself and my writers still get paid to do the writing work for the clients. Here is what happened. I put up for sale at When I sold it, it had already made a few thousands dollars in sales. I put in the ad what we did and that we were a freelance ebook writing business. I said we were looking for an experience marketer to take over. I told the prospective owners that all of our writers are willing to stay on board after the sale and that they will work on a cut of each sale. So basically, not only did I sell the business for I think it was $4000 in cash, we now also get paid every time an order comes in, without having to do any of the marketing. We still get paid well for each book we write, but basically the new owner does all the customer service and marketing for it, all we have to do is write the books now. Whereas before we had to write the books, do the customer service and do the marketing. This deal has also lead to more business. The new owners now hire 1 of my writers full time every month with a nice wage.
You could do this yourself no problem at all. People who buy these type of service related businesses do so hoping the previous owners stay on and do the work for them. We are making more money now then when we owned the site because the new owners are marketing it heavily for us and they paid us to do it!. It's win win. They get paid for every sale for doing the marketing and customer service and we get paid every sale for writing the ebooks. All you have to do is setup a service related business, make it profitable, sell it to the new owners and tell them that you will keep writing the content and take a cut of the sale for your troubles. But how did I make the business profitable? I simply posted in Internet marketing forums with a nifty signature file and I brought some advertising at for $25. The third way to get a regular income is to setup a monthly subscription site. This is nothing new. People have been setting up monthly subscription sites for PLR content for years now. The difference is, is that you are not selling PLR content, you are selling your services and getting it on a continual basis without having to go look for clients all the time. Lets say you ghost write ebooks for a living. What is
stopping you from creating a membership site where every month someone is signed up, they get 2 ebooks a month on the topic of their choice that are theirs and theirs alone. You could charge $499 a month for this service and I know 100 people right now who would want this. Every month like clockwork they get 2 ebooks written by the same writer they trust. You would only need to get 15 clients a month and thats $7500 each and every month. No going out looking for new clients constantly
How To Get Paid $70 An Hour For Each And Every Hour You Work This is my favorite cash cow. If you can write and have some basic html knowledge, this business can be a cash cow for you too. Basically it involves creating small, medium or even large content sites and selling them on to other people for a tidy profit.
Let me give you an example. I created this site and it took me an hour to do. I created the site, wrote all the content and it took me just over an hour. $70 BAM, straight into my paypal account. This site took me a few hours to create and it sold for $110. This site took me a day to write and it sold within 12 minutes for $300. BAM BAM BAM BAM - Money straight into my account. Every time I create one of these sites, they sell within hours. The only cost associated with this is the $9 it costs to buy the domain name from I don't count hosting as I have that anyway. I don't spend a cent on designs for the site. I get all my free designs for the open source web design site at
They have thousands of templates for free with no restrictions you can use. Basically, all I am doing is packaging content in a different way to everyone else. It sells better this way and its win win. The new owners get a site that only they own for a good price, and I get paid for my services instantly via paypal. So where do I sell these sites? and It's not hard to do at all. Find a hot topic, create 10 to 12 small articles for the site, get a domain name, something that is right for the content you are creating, get some hosting if you don't have it already, get a free template from, put all the articles in it and then sell it at digitalpoint or sitepoint in a matter of hours. To get an idea of what your sales pitch should look like, have a look at other peoples auctions and see how they sell their sites. Just so you know. BIN = Buy it now.
Say No To PLR Articles Sick of writing 10 articles and trying to sell them with PLR rights constantly? Constantly looking for new clients is draining. You will never make any real money selling batches of 10 articles at once. You need to think big and you need to write big. You need to find people who want articles in lots of 100 or more at least. Where are you going to find these people? The people running the PLR sites are your customers! They order up to 500 articles month if not more. Now imagine picking up 3 or 4 PLR membership site contracts. You could easily make $10,000 a month servicing 2 or 3 clients only. It's as simple as asking them if you can write for them. Ask them who they use now and how much they pay and better the deal. Want to find a huge list of PLR membership sites but don't want to spend hours looking for them all? No worries, here is a list. Have you ever thought about starting your own PLR membership site? It's not hard. You know that you don't have to make others rich from your work all
the time right? It's easy to find customers. Create a membership site like the ones above, charge $99 a month for what ever you want to sell. Give affiliates $50 per month for each sale and voila, you have a run away hit on your hands. Be out there, go above and beyond. Offer 1000 articles a month for $99 a month. So what if you make $49 a month. Get 1000 members and that's $49,000 a month. Nicheology did it. Infact they are turning people away. Go crazy. Don't be the same as everyone else. Also while I'm on the topic of contacting people in the business, if you want to start earning big bucks and you think your writing is the real deal, start getting guru work. Guru's in any market have a reputation to uphold, so the work they buy is the best out there and they are willing to pay through the noise for it. So who writes for these guru's? Other guru's of course. You've heard of hired goons, now you have heard of hired guru's. If you are a guru in a particular field, other top name marketers who want to get into that field and want to look like guru's themselves will hire you to write
for them. This is true guru marketing at it's best. Getting guru's to fork out their money to pay you instead of the other way around. This is what you do. Go register a domain name. Let's say you know a lot about dating. Go register a domain name like What you want to do is get known in the Internet marketing field as an expert in this topic. Next, what you should do is fill the site with example content on dating. People want samples. Give them books, video's, audios, articles on the subject. You want to gear this site to people who are interested in hiring you to work for them, not those interested in dating. The site will have a lot of dating material, but the crux of the site is to show people you are a guru in this area and to sell your writing services to them for a hefty price. Let people know on your site that you are selling your services. You would know that if you are any sort of marketer, that if you target a niche, you will get paid more. Want to find clients? Post in Internet marketing forums with the following signature Specializing in ghost writing products for the hot dating market Cash in today and become an instant expert overnight There is no reason why you cannot have many different persona's online at once, all being guru's in different niches. You may specialize in many different niches, so why not become a guru for hire in all those niches. Pen names are very common and not dodgy at all. Another good way to find clients like this is to actually write a best selling ebook or course on your niche topic. This gives you street cred in the marketing crowd.
5 Profitable Business Ideas You Can Steal In The Freelance Writing Market/Business
I know I know, we freelance writers are a lazy bunch, so I've given you a few business ideas you can start now. Enjoy! Business idea #1 - Start a guru for hire business. People want products in every niche possible. What you should do is go find a bunch of gurus in every possible market, tell them that you are starting a guru for hire business and that you will pay them to write for you when a sale comes in, in that niche. Set up the business so that 10 to 15 niches are covered straight away. Give example content away to entice buyers. When a buyer buys a guru related work from you, tell the guru you cut a deal with what the client wants, give him his base salary and keep the rest for yourself. Easy peasy. Business idea #2 This is a great idea based around the bum marketing method. If you don't know what the bum marketing method is, go to What you are going to do is setup a site where you
sell articles to people in batches of 35 based around a particular product on Clickbank. Let's say an affiliate wants to promote the newest diet ebook on Clickbank and they want to write articles for promotion of that product but they are lazy. What you would do is setup a service specifically catering to people who are Clickbank affiliates. For $150, you will write 35 articles, keyword generated, like in the bum marketing method for them. All they have to do is submit them to the article directories of their choice. Business idea #3 - I'm not too sure how this business would work, but I've always wanted to try it. I wanted to create an express ebook service where I got as many orders as I possible could for say a LOW LOW price, say $49. You would write a client an ebook within 24 hours or their money back. This type of service works well in the real world with dry cleaning, etc, but with ebooks, I do not know. I don't even know if it is feasable at this price, but I do know it would sell and sell well. Obviously these books are not going to win pulitzer prizes, but cmon, the Internet is jam packed full of useless content sites that are AUTO generated.
What's wrong with having ebooks out there that deliver the information, just probably not as well done as a more expensive service. Business idea #4 - This is a high end product sale. This is something that will keep you going all year. Imagine working for just 10 clients all year. Would that make your life easier? What you do is you setup a monthly membership site where people pay you $997 a month to write them 5 ebooks. These ebooks are for them and them only. So every month they get 5 ebooks on any topic of their choice. That's $10g every month. Business idea #5 - Take what you have learnt and bloody well use it That is the best business idea I can give you. Use this information and make money from it. I implore you!. Don't let this information sit and do nothing with it. Somene is going to make a killing with this information.
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