Jumpstart Guide

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Kimberly Beck


© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG HELLO! Welcome to your 7-Day Mini Guide designed to Jumpstart Your Journey Toward Harmonious Well-Being. You ready to get started? Good! Because it’s time to . . . .

Ditch the Diet Mentality and Spark Your Vitality! When you Ditch the Diet Mentality and Spark Your Vitality, you nurture your capacity to THRIVE - emotionally, spiritually, and physically. The Diet Mentality represents that critical voice in your head constantly communicating a message of lack. It says that, if you don’t make yourself different/better, you won’t get the love that you need. But instead of striving to change yourself so you feel more worthy of love, you can operate from a firm foundational security in God’s Love. Then, empowered to lovingly care for yourself, you can engage in the healthy habits that nurture abundant physical and mental energy combined with a whole-hearted and joyous approach to life. Or what I call . . . .

Harmonious Well-Being! You nurture harmonious well-being by engaging your SOUL, which includes your mind (what you think), your emotions (what you feel), and your will (what you intend). When your soul is thriving, your thoughts are affirming, empowering, and in line with the truth of God’s Word, your emotions are positive and energizing, and your intentions are in alignment with your God-given values and goals.

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG So, what’s the alternative to the Diet Mentality? How about a THRIVING MENTALITY! Listen to how these two voices can impact your beliefs, emotions, and intentions. The destructive Diet Mentality can sound like this . . . Belief: I need to lose weight to feel better about myself. Emotion: I feel fear, anxiety, and shame about my body. Intention: I intend to restrict my food intake and exercise hard to reshape my body. The affirmative Thriving Mentality can sound like this . . . Belief: I am loved just as I am. Emotion: I feel peace, joy, and hope about my life. Intention: I intend to engage in acts of love for myself and others. Which voice would you rather listen to? One way to engage your SOUL is by practicing . . . .

Mindful Awareness Take every thought captive to the obedience of LOVE. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. { see 2 Corinthians 10:5 & Romans 12:2 }

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Š 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG What is Mindful Awareness? It involves tuning in to what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling. It means being willing to allow the truth in you to be lovingly confronted and transformed by the TRUTH of God. It means allowing His love to trickle down from your head and sink deeply into your heart.

Something to ponder . . . How harmonious is your well-being? In what ways would you like to thrive MORE?

Tomorrow . . . . You will learn a tool that can help you shift your mindset from the Diet Mentality to the Thriving Mentality - one thought at a time.

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com



Kimberly Beck


© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG How would you like to have the power to change how you feel at any given time? No matter who you’re with or what is going on around you. Well, I have good news for you. You already have the power!

Sadly, many people don’t practice the skill. But

MINDFUL AWARENESS, or processing your thoughts and feelings, is probably one of the most important skills you could ever learn. Why?

The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life. Here’s how: An internal or external circumstance triggers a thought. That thought evokes an emotion. That emotion motivates you to take an action (or NOT take an action). That action (or inaction) creates a result. Your life is built, in large part, upon the accumulation of all your thoughts, emotions, actions, and results. One of the biggest challenges of my life has been learning how to move away from what feels true to what IS true so that what IS true feels true. Does that make sense? In other words, I’ve been learning how to process and release my negative thoughts and feelings, tune in to the truth, and allow that truth to transform how I feel. It’s like crossing a bridge. On one side, there you are with what feels true. You may feel scared, helpless, angry, worried because you’re looking at your circumstances through the lens of fear, lack, and struggle. On the other side of the bridge awaits what IS true, based on God’s Kingdom Reality of love, abundance, and flow. Today, I’m going to share what I’ve learned. This exercise will teach you how to PAUSE, PURSUE God, and PROCESS your thoughts and feelings so you can cross over that bridge whenever you find yourself on the side of fear.

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new SPARKCOACHlNG PAUSE FOR A MOMENT Oh the blessed pause! How many times do we skip this step and just go right into full blown OVER-REACTION! Or, we reach for food, watch TV, or use some other distraction so we don’t have to deal with the pain at all. There is enough space in that moment of pause to breathe, take a step back from the stimulus that is stirring up emotional pain, and set the intention to face it with compassion.

PURSUE GOD Instead of getting sucked into a negative spin cycle (as my coach calls it), go where God is and seek His heart.


Affirm this foundational truth as you take a few slow, deep breaths:

God, because you are good,


I am safe, I am adored, and all is well, right here in this moment.

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Because you have good plans for me, you are always working everything together for my good. Because your grace abounds to me, I have everything I need for every good work.

Š 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG PROCESS YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS What am I THINKING? Identify the thoughts that are causing distress. It’s safe to be honest. Transparency leads to transformation. What am I FEELING? Name it, claim it, and clear it. Be with your feelings - compassionately. Taking full ownership of your emotions validates them. But don’t stop there! Take some action that will help you reduce the intensity of the emotion. You could breathe it out, write it out, pray it out, cry it out, talk it out, walk it out - whatever helps you process and release it. You're half-way over the bridge. Now, to cross all the way to the other side, keep working. What is the TRUTH? Ask God to speak His truth to you about the issue that is triggering pain. Then listen for what comes to your mind. Wait on God in faith, believing that He rewards those who earneastly seek Him and He gives wisdom generously to all without finding fault. (see Hebrews 11:6 and James 1:5) What will I DO to reinforce the truth? Turn up the volume on what is true. You could pray, meditate, read scripture, worship, visualize. You could also journal about the following questions. If I really believed ___________________ , how would I feel? If I really felt ________________________, what would I do? If I really did ___________________, what results would I experience? If I really experienced ___________________, how would my life be different OR how would I SEE my life differently?

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new SPARKCOACHlNG Use your imagination to visualize these things and you will put yourself into the feeling state of believing, taking action, and experiencing the good that you desire and the good that God wants for you. If you’re still feeling distressed, go back to step one and repeat the process, perhaps focusing on a different thought or feeling, until you’ve crossed that bridge from what feels true to what IS true. Emotional freedom is available to you at any time, but it does require that you invest the time. But it’s SO worth it! Be patient with yourself as you start to practice this - or - as you struggle with your resistance to practicing this. It’s human nature to want to avoid pain. But, if you really want to Spark Your Vitaity, then you gotta Ditch that ole Diet Mentality so you can release the pain of the past and experience the abundant life that is available to you now!

Tomorrow . . . You will learn how to Fire the Food Police and Honor Your Hunger!

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com



Kimberly Beck


© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG How’d it go yesterday? Did you get the opportunity to try the MINDFUL AWARENESS exercise? Keep at it! Gaining mastery over your mindset requires establishing a habit of challenging your current thinking and choosing a new thought. Now, it’s time to . . .

Fire the Food Police and Honor Your Hunger! When you Fire the Food Police and Honor Your Hunger, you position yourself to operate in the divine FLOW of the Holy Spirit. The Food Police represents that abusive voice in your head constantly communicating a message of perfectionism. It says that you have to perform in order to earn love. But instead of listening to your inner critic berate you for not measuring up to an unattainable standard of perfection, you can allow your deepest hunger to drive you into the presence of Love and there receive everything you need for life, godliness, and every good work.

Righteousness = Right Living = Right Loving! You grow in righteousness (right loving) by engaging your SPIRIT, which is that part of you that is awakened to and connected with God through Jesus Christ in whom you discover your true identity, worth, and purpose. When your spirit is thriving, your connection with God is authentic and intimate, you are in tune with the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding you through the day, and you have a vision for advancing toward your God-pleasing purpose and potential as an Ambassador of LOVE.

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG Listen to how differently the two voices can “talk” about your identity, worth, and purpose. The destructive Diet Mentality can sound like this . . . Identity: I am fat. Worth: I will be valuable when I lose this weight. Purpose: My purpose is to get thin. The affirmative Thriving Mentality can sound like this . . . Identity: I am a Beloved Daughter of the King. Worth: I am valuable because I am HIS. Purpose: My purpose is to love. Again, which voice would you rather listen to? One way to engage your SPIRIT is by practicing . . .

Abiding Prayer Be still and know that I am LOVE. Apart from me, you can do nothing. { see Psalm 46:10 & John 15:5 }

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new SPARKCOACHlNG What is Abiding Prayer? It involves resting in the loving presence of God in stillness and silence. It means practicing the art of surrender over and over and over with each thought that interrupts the silence. It means allowing God to communicate with you at the deepest level of your spirit so that He can meet your deepest need . . . to be Loved.

Something to ponder . . . What do you experience when you meet with God? How do you feel in His presence?

Tomorrow . . . . You will learn a tool that can help you rest in Love and receive from God all that you need to be, do, and have everything that He has envisioned for your life - one moment at a time.

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Š 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com



Kimberly Beck


© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG How would you like to experience the kind of divine union with God that opens wide the gates to infinite possibility? If you’re anything like a lot of women, you may be placing restrictions on what you believe you’re able to accomplish or deserve to be, do, or have because of the way you judge your current size and shape. Here’s the reality, God sees no such limitation. One way to bust those self-imposed boundaries is to stay closely connected to the Ultimate Reality Maker by practicing ABIDING PRAYER, or resting in the presence of Love.

“This prayer is not a conversation in words, but an exchange of hearts.” That's how Thomas Keating described this discipline in his book, Open Mind, Open Heart. When I read his book, it challenged my deeply held fear that God wasn’t really with me or speaking to me or loving me if I couldn’t FEEL His presence. What I learned is that this is an exercise in opening up to the Divine Mystery which is beyond words, beyond ideas, beyond pictures, beyond understanding, beyond feeling, beyond any human faculty to perceive, and certainly, beyond any perceived limitations I had placed on myself or on God. In fact, it is an exercise in allowing God to be GOD, as He is, not as I wish Him to be, or as I wish to experience Him. You should know that this is not a practice that will necessarily produce an ecstatic or emotional experience with God. It’s purpose is to position you to receive who God is into the deepest part of who you are.

This “exchange of hearts” can be completely

imperceptible to the physical, emotional, or spiritual senses, but it doesn’t make it any less real.

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new SPARKCOACHlNG I’m going to lead you in a visualization that will help you ease into this experience of what I call ABIDING PRAYER. But before I do, I’d like to share some quotes from Keating’s book that have been especially helpful for me as I have practiced this spiritual discipline, or what he calls contemplative prayer. Honestly, I had to stop myself from copying the whole book here because there are so many nourishing nuggets! But here are some juicy bits for you to chew on:

“By His secret anointings the Spirit heals the wounds of our fragile human nature at a level beyond our psychological perception. Interior silence is the perfect seed bed for divine love to take root.”

(p. 45)

“The false self is a monumental illusion, a load of habitual thinking patterns and emotional routines that are stored in the brain and nervous system. Like programs in a computer, they tend to reactivate every time a particular life situation pushes the appropriate button. By means of contemplative prayer the Spirit heals the roots of self-centeredness and becomes the source of our conscious activity. To act spontaneously under the Spirit's infuence rather than under the infuence of the false self, the emotional programming of the past has to be erased and replaced.”

(p. 16)

“The inner dynamism of contemplative prayer leads naturally to the transformation of your whole personality. It's purpose is not limited to your moral improvement.

It brings about a change in your way of

perceiving and responding to reality. This process involves a structural change of consciousness.”

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(p. 94)

© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG “The contemplative state is established when contemplative prayer moves from being an experience or series of experiences to an abiding state of consciousness. The contemplative state enables one to rest and act at the same time because one is rooted in the source of both rest and action.”

(p. 75)

“The interior experience of God's presence activates our capacity to perceive Him in everything else - in people, in events, in nature. We may enjoy union with God in any experience of the external senses as well as in prayer.”

(p. 44)

“The deeper your interior silence, the more profoundly God will work in you without your knowing it.”

(p. 83)

Now, it’s your turn to try it. Keating estimates that a minimum of 20-30 minutes is required to really still the mind. I would suggest setting a timer for an amount of time that feels comfortable to begin with, even if it’s just 5 minutes. And then, as you practice more and more, you can extend it. So, take a deep breath, and let’s dive in!

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new SPARKCOACHlNG RUN TO THE RIVER As you read these words, imagine that you are walking toward a river. In fact, you are walking toward the River of Life which represents God’s Loving Stream of Consciousness. Pause for a moment, close your eyes, and listen to the raging water flowing furiously in its course. The surface is alive, bubbling with movement and agitated energy, representing your own cluttered stream of consciousness that is flowing just above the deeper reality of God. Now see Jesus sitting on a bench beside the river, waiting for you to join Him. As you come closer, He stands up, turns around, and greets you with a warm smile and a welcoming embrace. Allow yourself to linger here with Jesus for a few moments.

REST IN THE FLOW Now imagine that Jesus takes your hand, leads you down to the river’s edge, and walks you into the water. You feel the flow and it almost pushes you over, it’s so strong. He guides you deeper until you are resting, floating, suspended beneath the surface of your own thoughts. Here there is only silence and calm, although you may hear a quiet hum as the River of Life flows not just over and around you, but through you - through your spirit, through your soul, through the very cells of your body. It’s effervescent flow is washing you, cleansing you, from the inside out.

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new SPARKCOACHlNG RELEASE EACH THOUGHT Imagine any thoughts that interrupt this silence floating away on the stream of consciousness. Thoughts will keep coming and you may become attached to them without noticing that you have been distracted. Whenever you do become aware that your mind has wandered from simply being here . . . now . . . release the thought to flow down the stream of consciousness once again without investing any emotional energy in the distraction or the thought itself.

RETURN TO PURE AWARENESS Now, imagining that you are completely immersed in Pure Love, return your attention to resting in the immediacy of God’s presence in pure faith. Let go of the need to reflect on it or “comment” on it. Simply BE there. With God. In Love. Each time a new thought attracts your attention, release it, and return to this effortless state of being until awareness itself simply dissolves in the all-consuming Presence of God.

When the timer sounds, slowly open your eyes, take a deep breath, stretch a little, and thank God for your time together, trusting that His Spirit was working at the core of your being whether or not you felt or noticed anything.

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new SPARKCOACHlNG “There are times when we can't say anything, think anything, or feel anything. The only response is to dissolve in the presence of God's incredible goodness.” This being state is the practice of ABIDING PRAYER. If you’d like to explore this further, I highly recommend reading Thomas Keating’s book. If you really want to Honor Your Hunger, then Fire the Food Police so you can taste and see how good God really is and you will delight in the richest of fare!

Tomorrow . . . . You will learn how to Banish Body Shame and Love Your Life!

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com



Kimberly Beck


© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG I really hope you were able to set aside a few minutes to experience ABIDING PRAYER yesterday. Developing the habit of resting in God is not just a stress-reducer. Thomas Keating says that “it brings about a change in your way of perceiving and responding to reality . . . a structural change of consciousness.” Deep stuff, huh? Well, the time has now come to . . .

Banish Body Shame and Love Your Life! When you Banish Body Shame and Love Your Life, you joyfully use your gifts to SERVE others with passionate purpose. Body Shame represents that punitive voice in your head constantly communicating a message of condemnation. It says that because you have failed to be good enough, you do not deserve to be loved. But instead of disqualifying yourself from Love and remaining disconnected from your self, your Source, and your neighbor, you can become a powerful channel for God to work in and through your life - for your good, for His glory, and for His gospel.

And you can thoroughly in-Joy the process! You in-JOY the journey of your life by engaging your BODY, which is the means by which you experience the world, carry out your intentions, and interact with others. Your body is thriving when your health is in optimal condition, your energy is steady and abundant, and you take consistent positive action toward the priorities that God has set before you.

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new SPARKCOACHlNG Listen to what the two voices have to say about how you care for your body and how you relate to others. The destructive Diet Mentality can sound like this . . . Food: To reach my goal weight, I have to give up bad food and eat only good food. Exercise: To reach my goal size, I have to work really hard to burn fat. Relationships: When I lose weight, I will earn more attention, approval, and love from others. The affirmative Thriving Mentality can sound like this . . . Food: I enjoy nourishing my body with food that gives me energy AND pleasure. Exercise: I love the way I feel in my body when I move. Relationships: When I love myself and others unconditionally, I cooperate in God’s eternal purposes. One way to engage your BODY is by practicing . . .

Joyful Movement Honor LOVE with your body. Offer the parts of your body as instruments of RIGHT-LOVING. { see 1 Corinthians 6:20 & Romans 6:13 }

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new SPARKCOACHlNG What is Joyful Movement? It involves lovingly caring for your body so that you have optimal energy to be, do, and claim everything that God designed for you to be, do, and have. It means taking inspired action toward the fulfillment of your deepest desires. It means moving forward with grace, guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Something to ponder . . . How do you feel in your body? How much energy do you have to pursue your goals?

Tomorrow . . . . You will learn a tool to help you advance toward your God-given, God-pleasing purpose and potential - one small action step at a time.

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Š 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com



Kimberly Beck


© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG How would you like to have the clarity of purpose, the abundance of confidence, and the persevering energy to whole-heartedly pursue God’s plan for your life? Success looks like many things to many people. Divine Success goes way beyond reaching a goal weight. And it goes way beyond fitting into an ideal dress size. Divine Success is partnering with God in the good work HE is doing - for your own good, for His glory, and for His gospel. JOYFUL MOVEMENT is . . .

Putting Faith into Action! I spent a lot of years as a paralyzed perfectionist, too afraid to fail to step out in faith very often or very boldly. For me, failure meant that I wasn’t worth loving. That may sound like a big leap, but isn’t that what everything always boils down to? Our deepest need is for love and, whether we are aware of it or not, everything we do in this life is designed to get that need met in a way that feels good OR to lessen the pain of not feeling loved enough. Everything that you have been learning about and practicing for the last few days has been designed to remove the obstacles to FULLY receiving ALL that God has for you including His love, His truth, His healing, the good fruit of His Spirit within you and expressing itself through you. You can only give away what you have received. In Open Heart, Open Mind, Thomas Keating says, “An important response to divine love, once it has been received, is to pass it on to our neighbor in a way that is appropriate in the present moment.” God has given you gifts to bless you AND to bless others through you. Maybe you are not yet aware of those unique strengths, talents, and gifts. Or maybe you know what they are, but you’re afraid to step out. Or maybe you know what your gifts are and you have a clear picture of what you want and what you believe God wants for you, but you’re not sure how to get there.

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG Today, I will share a tool that can help you discover, define, and consistently DO what is necessary to pursue the dreams that God deposited in you. This exercise will guide you through a process to lay some mental GROUNDWORK, define your GOAL, cultivate GRATITUDE, practice GOODWILL, and walk in GRACE toward the fulfillment of your most cherished dreams and desires. The only way to stay on God’s path for your life is to allow His Word to illuminate each next step. So, I’ve included a lot of Scriptures to meditate on as you faithfully put one foot in front of the other.

LAY THE GROUNDWORK Redefine success according to God’s Word.


What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? (Mark 8:36)

The time is short. From now on, those who . . . buy something

should live as if it were not theirs to keep, those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away. I would like you to be free from concern . . . devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit.

(1 Corinthians 7:29-34)

Command those who are

rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

(1 Timothy 6:17-19)

Seek God first, His

kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

(Matthew 6:33)

May you prosper in every way and be in good health, just

as your soul prospers.

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(3 John 1:2)

© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG What mindsets, values, priorities, or habits need to be adjusted in order for you to be in alignment with God’s view of success? Become aware of how your current worldview may be sabotaging your ability to either discover your gifts or move forward in them. Ask God to show you His priorities, give you His vision for your life, and reveal or strengthen your deeper passions.

What do you want to be, do, and have in your life? How could God be using these desires to whisper to you His plans and purposes for your life? By giving God access to your heart, you allow Him to work in you and to work with you to refine and fulfill your deepest God-given, God-pleasing desires, goals, aspirations, hopes and dreams. Ask Him to show you how He would have you invest your time, talents, and treasure in pursuit of His highest good in and through your life.

DEFINE THE GOAL Set your intention clearly and specifically.


Jesus asks, what do you want me to do for you? have because you do not ask God.

(James 4:2)

(Matthew 20:32)

You do not

When you ask, you do not

receive because you ask with wrong motives. (James 4:3) Receive . . . your faith has healed you.

(Matthew 20:32)

If you remain in me and my words remain in

you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you.

(John 15:7)

you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.

Seek and

(Matthew 7:7)

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)


In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his

(Proverbs 16:9)

Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By

this power He can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

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new SPARKCOACHlNG What is your desire? What is your compelling WHY? Envision the end result that God has placed within you, then ignite it with ENTHUSIASM, charge it with PASSION by remembering WHY it is you want what it is you want! Affirm the following as if you already have your desire: I am so happy and grateful now that . . . I choose to co-create all this - or something even better - for the good of all concerned. I have everything I need to realize my vision. I move closer to my vision everyday. I entrust this vision to God.

CULTIVATE GRATITUDE Develop a deep appreciation for the good you already have.


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever. . . Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men.

(Psalm 107:1, 8)

Do not be anxious about anything; but in everything

by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Phillippians 4:6)

For everything that God created is good, and nothing is to be

rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.

(1 Timothy 4:4)

Be joyful always; pray

continually; give thanks in all circumstances. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him. 8:28)


You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the

person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. (Colossians 3:13)

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new SPARKCOACHlNG What are the limiting beliefs, negative feelings, or other internal resistances that could hold you back from pursuing your goal wholeheartedly? Explore these limiting thoughts/beliefs/feelings without judgment and replace them with affirming, empowering attitudes.

Release the perception of fear, lack, and struggle and

embrace the reality of love, abundance, and flow.

What good can you harvest from the frustrations, failures, and offenses? Take responsibility for your past choices, your present attitudes, and your next response. Harvest the good, forgive the rest, and move on with gratitude for the lesson(s) learned.

What is the good you already have? Write out everything you are grateful for relating to this goal.

PRACTICE GOODWILL Give generously, expecting nothing in return.


Love your neighbor as yourself.

(Matthew 22:39)

Each of you should look not

only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

(Phillippians 2:4)

Don't push your way to the front. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead.

(Phillippians 2:3 MSG)

Command those who are rich in this present

world. . . to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way, they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

(1 Timothy 6:17-19)

Give and it will be given to you. A good measure,

pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

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(Luke 6:38)

Š 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG How will the achievement of your goal benefit others? How can you make a meaningful contribution on behalf of another's highest good? Set your goal on the shelf, still keeping your vision fixed clearly and firmly in your mind, then focus on others by loving wholeheartedly, serving selflessly, and giving generously as the opportunity arises.

WALK IN GRACE Take the next step with unwavering faith.


If anyone of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt. God.

(Hebrews 11:6)

(James 1:5-6)

Without faith, it is impossible to please

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing will

be impossible for you.

(Matthew 17:20)

Faith without deeds is dead.

If you love me, you will obey what I command.

(John 14:15)

I will remain in you - apart from me you can do nothing.

(James 2:26)

Remain in me and (John 15:4-6)

God is

able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

(2 Corinthians 9:8)


we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

(Ephesians 2:10)

Let your light

shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

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(Matthew 5:16)

Š 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG If you truly believed that this goal was NOT impossible, what would you do NEXT? What are the actions that God is leading you to take in faith for your own good and the good of others? You don't have to know exactly HOW your vision will be manifested. Just move forward, taking the VERY NEXT STEP, believing that it WILL unfold according to God's BEST, in HIS time, in HIS way. With unwavering faith, believe that God’s favor rests on you, providing everything you need for the journey toward your goal. Believe that God’s energy fills you, empowering you to take each and every action step. Believe that God’s grace covers you, guiding you with gentle course corrections. If you start feeling discouraged or doubtful because your current circumstances may not be changing the way you like or as quickly as you would like, go through the exercise again until you can return to a state of gratitude, goodwill, and grace. In the meantime, do what you can with the inspiration and resources that you have. Continue to seek divine guidance. Allow your vision to evolve as you take inspired action. Seize the opportunities that come your way and entrust the outcome to God. Most importantly, in-JOY the journey! If you really want to Banish Body Shame and Love Your Life, then look beyond yourself long enough to see (and seize!) the opportunities that are all around you to connect and contribute.

Tomorrow . . . You will learn about an opportunity to receive ongoing support to fan the spark of this Jumpstart into a brilliant blaze of passionate purpose AND to keep the flame alive and strong!

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com



Kimberly Beck


© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG Today is the final installment of this e-mail series, but it’s just the JUMPSTART to what can be a whole new level of passionately purposeful living. When you nurture Harmonious Well-being, you are ultimately nurturing your capacity to be more fully connected to God in loving relationship and more fully available to God in loving service. The highest service that God has called His followers to is this: being an Ambassador of Love. God has been speaking to me about this Gospel of Love that He has called me to dedicate my life to. Here’s the Good News that God has been shedding some new light on . . .

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God IS. God is Love. God’s Love is perfect. God loves us perfectly. Our love is corrupted. Our corrupted love causes pain and devastation. God values love so highly that, when we cause pain to someone that He dearly loves, we deserve to die according to God’s justice system because we have broken His Highest Law of Love. Jesus, the exact representation of God’s perfect Love, died in our place AND fulfilled all of the requirements of God’s Law, which is His Perfect Standard of Love. Then Jesus came back to life so that we could live forever with Him in God’s Community of Love! Through Jesus, God has invited us into a personal, intimate, transforming relationship where He is the Highest Loving Authority in our life and we are the Dearly Beloved, unconditionally accepted, gently guided, fiercely protected, and abundantly supplied by His Holy Spirit living within us.

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com


new SPARKCOACHlNG God has also, very graciously and very generously, given His Beloved the choice to decline His invitation while still freely enjoying unlimited access to all the blessings of this life that He has so richly provided and enjoy it all without Him. But those who reject God, the Only Source of Perfect Love, are also choosing to endure a Love-less eternity outside of His Community of Love, not because they have been excluded, but because they have declined the invitation. Because God desires that “none should perish,” He has commissioned us, His Faithful Followers, to keep extending this loving invitation to whoever crosses our path, in everything we say, everything we do, wherever we are, in an infinite number of creative and personalized ways as the Holy Spirit leads. So, when I say my mission as a coach is to spark your vitality into a brilliant blaze of passionate purpose, what I’m really saying is this: I’m here to help you overcome the self-sabotaging habit of compulsive overeating, the energy-sucking experience of excessive weight gain, and the debilitating mindset of body shame so that you can be who God created you to be and do what He created you to do in service to Love.

Tomorrow and beyond . . . Has this Jumpstart Guide sparked something in you? If you’d like to explore the opportunity to receive ongoing support that can help you keep the flame alive and strong, then please visit NewSparkCoaching.com to schedule your Free Spark Session and let’s advance together!

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© 2012 Kimberly Beck LLC | All Rights Reserved | www.NewSparkCoaching.com

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