In the future, I see perfumes becoming more enmeshed with human biology to see how we can control who is attracted to us and control what they do with different scents. Perhaps, instead of making others feel attraction, it makes people feel disgust towards others.
Since perfumes increase a sense of individuality, this can affect confidence in a positive way. Finding a signature scent and liking it can go a long way with someone’s confidence. Even changing scents can influence one’s sense of self for the better.
Memory Association
All perfumes smell different on everyone because when mixed with our personal smells, there is not one exact smell of the same perfume. In the future, perfumes can be used to increase a sense of individuality. The human nose can smell roughly 1 trillion scents and distinguish them from each other.
As perfumes increase a sense of individuality, they also increase memory association when it comes to people, places, objects. This can be used in many ways, like for trying to find or relive memories when trying to conduct an investigation or to try to remember a person or a memory vividly after its passing.