46 Things about Life I have Learned in 46 Years by Kimberly Young Mason WOW. Turning 46 this year. So I started thinking about what I’ve learned so far in life and then began putting together a mental list of those things. And since I’ve lived 46 years, I thought I’d make a list of 46 things. There’s no great wisdom here and this list doesn’t constitute everything I’ve learned (I hope), and I’m sure I’ve left out some important life lessons. . So here, not in order of importance, 46 things I’ve learned in 46 years of life: 1. Write even when no one will read it. 2. Wear what makes you feel great, sexy, and beautiful. 3. Eventually, grief and loss touch all of us. Don’t run from it or avoid it. Don’t pretend it isn’t happening. Step into the darkness. Be broken , Open. Treasures await on the other side.
4. Kisses are not promises: If I meet a great guy, make out with him wildly, and then get 5. 6.
dumped, I can get bitter or I can maturely accept that not everyone will love me. Don’t settle…. Don’t marry the “good enough” person. Do make plans to leave the OK job. Aspire to live in a situation that serves your highest need. There is no shame is having what brings you joy and satisfaction. I can’t make anyone love me…. I have a few hard and fast dating rules: 1) I put no energy into explaining to someone why they should love me; 2) If he pulls away or isn’t calling, I let him go with love; 3) I do not chase men. I don’t need to. Once I decided these things, dating became remarkably easy, fun, and available. Regrets are useless. There are no mistakes. There is no wrong path. Your life is simply your life. It starts. It will end. What you do in the middle is totally up to you, and there’s no way to screw it up. Worry is a choice. I know, because I’ve chosen it far too many times.
8. 9. Make eye contact with random strangers on the street, smile, and say hello. These small connections can change the world.
10. In time, everything comes back into balance. Nature is brilliant, and we are a part of nature. Follow Natural Law.
11. Be True to your Family. I am so blessed to have my daughter and two grandchildren. And was a fuck tard for not disclosing who I am all these years. 12. Learn to say NO without apology. Practice often. Learning to say, “let me think about it for a couple of days,” has been really helpful, too 13. Don’t be a diva. I’m not entitled to anything.
14. Fall in love with your own company. 15. Do things that make no sense to the mind. Sit up all night and watch the sun rise. Life isn’t logical, and we bastardize it when we pretend it is.
16. Friends are family you choose. 17. Don't use doctrine to justify hate. Hate is hate. Period. 18. Dream big. Then work your ass off.
19. Be useful. 20. Shouting doesn't necessarily mean you'll be heard .But it sure helps. 21. It’s okay to pass up a good deal if you don’t need anything 22.
It’s okay to believe you are beautiful
There’s no shame in being yourself
24. Listen to your Intuition. Sometimes if you really don’t feel like doing something, don’t. Some call it gut, others intuition, but whatever it is, it’s dead on.
Money really can’t buy happiness, but not having it can significantly contribute to sadness. 26. I hate paying bills...and laundry. 27. Rock, paper, scissors is a fine way to make decisions. 28. Your job is not your mission. 29. It’s OK to wait. 30. You never know what’s going on in other people’s worlds. Don’t judge. 31. A little mascara goes a long way. 32. Sometimes, it’s okay to go to bed angry. 33. Music, wine, and chocolate are good for the soul . 34. Watch old movies and don’t be afraid to admit that you never really liked Star Wars. 35. Give therapy a try. 36. If you don’t think anyone understands you, trust me, there’s a song out there that knows exactly what you’re going through. 37. Spaghetti Ohs are the best Comfort food. 38. A smile doesn’t always mean a person is happy. 39. You shouldn’t be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever. 40. Never be afraid to Create :) 25.
41. If a cat’s ears are laid back and she is rapidly switching her tail, don’t try
to pet her. 42. Just because you are related to someone doesn’t mean you have to spend
time with them. 43. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. 44. There’s always something new to learn. 45. You don’t have to answer your cell phone just because it rings. 46. Find the balm for your soul, whether it’s music, prayer, poetry, whatever —and keep it close. Happy Birthday to ME Love Kim :)