Recycled Threads

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RecyClEd ThReadS

whO Are WE Recycled Threads© specializes in handcrafted clothing products. All of are products are made with 95 percent postconsumer materials. We create out own patterns to satisfy, Dicks & Janes everywhere! At Recycled Threads© we derive satisfaction knowing that each of our products are one-of-a-kind. We would like to thank all of our customers for donating items and making Recycled Threads© successful.

onCe The thREadS HAvE beEN cHAnGed ClotHing is NevEr The Same

LetTer fRom The FoUndeR Hello, All Recycled Threads© is a project I have been working on for sometime. The time has come for the company to bloom, I have planted the seed and I’m counting on my loyal customers to help it grow. The products we create are made from your donations. Although we design and create our one-of-a-kind products, Recycled Threads© would be nothing without our customers input. I would like to thank you again for making Recycled Threads the unique company that it is. Kimbra Craddock

GrEeN deSigNs Recycled ThreadsŠ takes pride in being environmentally friendly. We produce goods out of used materials to insure that we are helping the environment in every possible way. Clothing recycling is an efficient recycling business, 99 percent of textiles can be recycled. From our products, to our packaging even our clothing tags, Recycled ThreadsŠ takes time to make sure everything we use is enviromentally friendly.

CusToMer OpPorTuNitIes Recycled Threads© is highly dependent on customer donations. Participating with Recycled Threads© gives our customers many opportunities. Customers can help the envirnoment by donating items to us so we can keep recyclable textiles out of landfills. Customers have an opportunity to influence the look of Recycled Threads© by donating unique items. The best benefit of all is that our customers can purchase handcrafted clothing products at a discounted retail price. We are able to sell our products at a lower cost, due to our customers generous donations that greatly decreases production costs.

RecyClEd ThReadS

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