1 minute read
Roomie is a unique multifunctional table. Designed for hospitals and nursing homes, with focus on ergonomics, flexibility and hygiene.
Roomie is developed in a close co-creative process with healthcare professionals. The original idea holders are Healthcare professionals Inge and Maria. They both saw a great need for a functional, cleanable and aesthetic alternative to the traditional bedside tables. Together with their leaders and colleagues they have contributed their knowledge throughout the design process.
In october 2019 a group of happy nurses were ready to welcome their brand-new Roomie.
The Uniqueness of Roomie: Good ergonomics. The height of the table is easily adjusted to a correct working position and can be easily moved
byLink, Healthcare Innovation
www.bylink.dk info@bylink.dk / mobil: 52113009 The benefits all lie in the user-driven process and Roomie is a successful example of this. Roomie is also at great example of how we work in byLink. All ideas come from health professionals, which ensuring us a critical eye on need and requirements before we develop the product. The final product is returned to the healthcare sector through resellers and make the innovation circle complete.
around. Roomie improve the work environment which is a major factor in staff efficiency and job satisfaction.
Helping hand to the citizen. The table can be used at; bed, chair and wheelchair, and supports the independence of the citizen. The large tabletop and free legroom make the citizen feels comfortable. Furthermore, is Roomie made with a light, aesthetic and homely design, and fits well both in hospitals, nursing homes or in the private homes.
Great hygiene. All surfaces are without bacterial traps, easy to clean and withstand disinfection. This health professional perspective makes roomie safe to use for multiple functions. (Dinner, Documentation, Medication handling, personal care of the citizen etc.)
For further details on the benefits of Roomie, watch this video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCbt_lniDdU)

The joy is; when co-creative products like Roomie, turn into gifts and give benefits and help back to healthcare professionals and citizens. We just love creating gifts to the healthcare.