New Tech High @Coppell Leadership
NTH@C LEARNER LEADERSHIP COUNCIL The purpose of the Learner Leadership Council (LLC) shall be to serve all learners of New Tech High, to voice learner opinions to the staff, to train learners in leadership and to aid in school organizations and activities. The LLC will be involved in specific activities such as Mardi Gras, parades, homecoming, monthly awareness of health/safety issues, honoring diversity on campus, senior class activities, planning junior/senior prom and other events to be determined.
NETWORKING TEAM CAPTAINS Networking Team Captains are more than just networking leaders. Our main focus is more than just planning activities for networking, but finding activities to form unity and a stronger learner body. Activities are built to give learners the opportunity to form relationships with fellow learners, as well as facilitators.
Check at least one of the following: I am applying for ___ LLC & ___NTC
CRITERIA FOR CANDIDATES: 1. Must attend NTH@C. 2. Must currently be a freshman, sophomore or junior in good academic and citizenship standing. Don’t forget to sign up on Mrs. Osterberger’s door for an interview time!!!
3. Must demonstrate potential for/interest in leadership in school activities.
Must be turned in by Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 Return completed applications to Mrs. Osterberger in Room 412.
NAME:_________John Blizzard____________________________________
CELL PHONE:_________________214-399-4777__________________
CURRENT GRADE:___________________11_________ __________
LEARNER SIGNATURE___________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE_____________________________________
1. Use a few phrases or adjectives to describe yourself.
2. In your 2011-2012 application, a question you answered, read “List two suggestions or changes that you’d like to see at NTH@C and how you would implement those changes.” Describe what you have done this year to execute these ideas. If you have not put anything into action, explain why not. (if you need help recalling your answer, please see Mrs. Osterberger)
Don’t forget to sign up on Mrs. Osterberger’s door for an interview time!!!
3. Why do you want to be a part of the LLC or the NTC again?
4. What NTH@C or LLC events have you participated in this past year?
5. What events or activities have you been a part of creating in LLC or NTC this year?
6. What activities/classes will you be involved in or the 2010-2011 school year include extracurricular activities?
Executive Officer:
Don’t forget to sign up on Mrs. Osterberger’s door for an interview time!!!
If you are interested in serving as an officer, please indicate your preference below.
______ LLC President (current returning LLC Junior) President ______Vice President (current Sophomore/Junior) Vice-President
_____ NTC Senior _____ NTC Senior
_____ NTC Junior President
______Treasurer President
_____ NTC Junior Vice-
______Historian _____ Tech King (must be good with technology)s
Don’t forget to sign up on Mrs. Osterberger’s door for an interview time!!!